Trackstar Antelope

By FinFin_AUS

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Delve into the world of Jamel! A fifteen-year-old Blackbuck Antelope who has big aspirations to become a star... More

Trackstar Antelope Volume 1
Trackstar Antelope Volume 2
Trackstar Antelope Volume 3
Trackstar Antelope Volume 5
Trackstar Antelope Volume 6
Trackstar Antelope Volume 7
Trackstar Antelope Volume 8
Trackstar Antelope Volume 9
Trackstar Antelope Volume 10
Trackstar Antelope Volume 11
Trackstar Antelope Volume 12
Trackstar Antelope Volume 13
Trackstar Antelope Volume 14
Trackstar Antelope Volume 15
Trackstar Antelope Volume 16
Trackstar Antelope Volume 17
Trackstar Antelope Volume 18
Trackstar Antelope Volume 19
Trackstar Antelope Volume 20
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 21
Trackstar Antelope Volume 22
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 23
Trackstar Antelope Volume 24
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 25
Trackstar Antelope Volume 26
Trackstar Antelope Volume 27
Trackstar Antelope Volume 28
Trackstar Antelope Volume 29
Trackstar Antelope Volume 30
Trackstar Antelope Volume 31
Trackstar Antelope Volume 32
Trackstar Antelope Volume 33
Trackstar Antelope Volume 34
Trackstar Antelope Volume 35
Trackstar Antelope Volume 36
Trackstar Antelope Volume 37
Trackstar Antelope Volume 38
Trackstar Antelope: Volume 39
Trackstar Antelope Volume 40
Trackstar Antelope Volume 41
Trackstar Antelope Volume 42
Trackstar Antelope Volume 43

Trackstar Antelope Volume 4

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By FinFin_AUS

Chapter 22: The Questions Pile Up

All qualifying students are to report to the gym during recess for a quick debriefing today. Regional Finals will be held at the Whigata Aerodrome Fields on Wednesday, 3rd of June. Permission slips will be handed out on Thursday. If you have any questions, queries or concerns, don't hesitate to contact Coach Harris in the Gym Office. Congratulations again to all students who competed, and best of luck to those who qualified.

I read the bottom of the qualification sheet several times. I'm still shaken with surprise and happiness that I qualified, even if I didn't come in second or first. Recess only just begun, so I'll need to go to the gym now. I follow some other students into the gym and make my way to the bleachers. Erica enters shortly after me and sits with me. I notice Sam and his friends just down below. He notices me and then looks away quickly. Maybe he's intimidated or embarrassed that I qualified.

I hope he doesn't act like this on the day... Once everyone fills in the seats, Coach Harris makes his way onto the gym floor and gets our attention.

"Alright everyone, listen up" he says. We all stop talking and listen attentively. "First of all, congratulations again to everyone who qualified. We had a record amount of students trying out this year, and it seems like it just keeps getting better and better. Second of all, I'd just like to also congratulate Jamel, in Year 10. Jamel is the first Herbivore to represent our school in 15 years, very impressive"

All eyes are landing on me. I've heard that some herbivores who don't know carnivores well get very nervous when a carnivore even glances at them. Well, I think I know how they feel. About 200 pairs of eyes on me, what am I supposed to do? Thank him? Greet myself?

"Anyway... the sports day is on Wednesday the 3rd, as you all know." Coach Harris begins again. Everyone's now focused on him. "You are to either meet up at school at 8:30AM for the bus out to the Aerodrome, or you can arrive there at 8:45. We will be facing off against Tangouri College and Jarijari P-12 Rural Education Centre. Once you finish your event, the bus will go back and forth between the Aerodrome and school. Final events will be at 3PM, and the events schedule will be released tomorrow." He adds

The rest of the meeting was about equipment being used on the day. Because Whigata is a small, rural town, we don't have an athletics track, so we do the Regional Events at the Aerodrome, which has a very large field which can hold every event. I heard that the High Jumpers landed on a bed of freshly mowed lawn, so all the students who competed in that went home smelling like cut grass (a smell that I adore, as an herbivore). The meeting continued until the bell rang.

"And if anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or the front office. I want to see Jamel and Sam now, the rest of you can go to your classes." Coach Harris asks. And with that, everyone shuffles out of their seats, talking excitedly amongst themselves, while Sam and I moved over to Coach Harris. I must thank him for the books he passed onto Riley; they're proving to be pretty interesting reads.

"Ahh, Jamel. You must be pleased that you qualified." Coach Harris says. "I believe that you can do a bit better between now and the race".

"Well, yeah... I did alright, I suppose" I say. I may have embellished what I said.

"No, Jamel. There is big room for improvement." Coach Harris says bluntly. Gee, I really did that bad? "But we can fix that. One of the books I gave you had an insert on hyenas. And Jarijari School wanted me to inform you that a spotted hyena will be running in your race." Coach Harris paused. Sam looked at me, a bit concerned. "You can do a bit of research on that later. Otherwise, I'll let you know when we can work on your training. Do you have any questions?"

Spotted Hyenas? Jarijari? Training? The fact I qualified is still going to boggle my mind for ages.

"Uhh... No" I stutter. "I should probably get to class now" I say before I walk towards the gym doors. Sam stays back to talk to Coach Harris for a bit more. I don't know how I'm expected to finish my day at school without wondering what Coach Harris meant on that "hyena comment".

Chapter 23: Haywire Instincts

"Spotted Hyenas are a species of Hyena which have been documented to be more aggressive than the average carnivore. They are known to attack herbivores as well as carnivores, and claim that they cannot help their assaults. Their jaw strength is immeasurable, and their bite is powerful enough to crush bone. If a hyena is "blood-driven" or "meat-shocked" is present, refer to Pg. 215 for advice against aggressive and vicious carnivores. It is advised that young, female and small herbivores try to stay away from Spotted Hyenas, as their scent may send off their..."

Riley squinted at the page. "I don't know what that's supposed to say, it's been scratched out.

"I want to try and find out what it says. I found a few websites that say Spotted Hyenas usually undergo therapy to correct their disorderliness" I say while reading the computer screen. We're at Riley's house, trying to find out more on hyenas.

"That sounds promising" Riley says excitedly

"But... living in the country and all, there isn't much help around for hundreds of kilometres. Anyway, I'm confused on what "blood-driven" and "meat-shocked" mean." I say

"Oh... well... they're terms that are used to describe when carnivores are... stimulated by blood and meat... we learnt about it in an incursion on Carnivore Safety, they described it as a drug. You feel amazing when you do it, but you feel anguish and guilt afterwards. Then you try to swear it off, but the body can't go without it, so the carnivore is left "yo-yoing" through emotions of anxiety, depression and—OH. I'm sorry! I shouldn't have told you that, I forgot that you don't like to hear about that stuff!!" Riley said.

But I wasn't offended or annoyed by Riley's information. It was actually kind of interesting. Being a carnivore must be so hard, knowing that no matter how kind you act to herbivores, some may still be deep down afraid of you. I'll admit, a tiny, ever-so miniscule portion of me is slightly afraid of Riley, but that must be my ancestral instincts talking. If the roles were reversed, and it was a small amount of carnivores in an herbivore-based school, the carnivores would be almost completely shunned as "dangerous and untrustworthy".

"That's fine. I need to learn more about hyenas. It could have something to do with my instinct power, but I'm not sure what I need to know. Do I need to scare myself into being better, or maybe I need to know more about how they run?" I say. I look at the clock, 8:24PM. I'd better get home. I'm still thinking about that race from yesterday. Sam is going to be tough competition for anyone this year.

"I'll see you later, Jamel. I can do a bit more research if you want and maybe ask around at school. Make sure you stay close to the streetlight, because it's dark outside." He cautions me.

"Will do. Thanks for your help, don't stay up too late for it." I reply back.

As I step out onto the footpath from Riley's house, my body is immediately assaulted by a large wave of senses and instincts, as if I was racing. But I see no one around. The street is well lit between my house and Riley's so I should be able to see anyone on the streets.

"He's getting closer, Jamel"

I hastily move off; in case I am being followed. I still feel as if I'm being pushed along, trying to escape the area. If I run, some might look out onto the street and think I'm being chased by something.

"He's got you in your sights!"

I keep pushing my instincts down until I get to my house. I run down the pathway, open the door and quickly shut it again, extinguishing all of my sensory overloads.

Silence... at last

"Hi Jamel, did you get up to much at Riley's?" I hear Dad call from the kitchen.

"Yeah, just did a bit of schoolwork." I said. Well, that's somewhat true.

"Don't think that you'll get any less schoolwork now, because you're a qualifier for the Regional Finals. It definitely is exciting, but don't let it go to your head." Mum says as I enter the living room.

"Yeah, I might finish off tonight with some schoolwork and try to get some rest. Today was pretty overwhelming." I say as I carry my bag into my room. Maybe I should finish that Biology report soon...

Chapter 24: The Bloodied Athlete

I finish my report off at 10:17 and make my way to bed. Sometimes after a long day at school, your best friend really is your bed. I change into my pyjamas, and fall right onto my bed. I'm still thinking about today, with Sam and me qualifying for the Regionals. Of course, I doubt I'd be able to get further than that. I lie in bed, awake trying to figure out how I can learn more about hyenas. If Jarijari High had to mention they had a hyena, and based on the research we've already done, it must be important that I know as much as possible about them. I slowly drift off to sleep, as my eyelids get heavy...


I dream that I'm at school. The hallways are bare, and it looks like no one's around inside the classrooms either. It's kind of eerie. Then, I hear some shuffling and heavy footsteps from down the hallway, and out from the corner come Liam and Tye. They both look kind of tense and aggressive, yet somewhat relieved to see me.

"Jamel..." Liam calls while breathing heavily. I'm still a little startled to see him. "Sam is looking for you... he wants to see you." Whenever carnivores want to show dominance, or create fear, they usually tilt their head forward and stare down the other animal. Liam and Tye are doing this now, and it's really freaking me out. I hesitate to move...

"Come on, Horns. It shouldn't be too bad; whatever he wants you for..." Tye says encouragingly as he walks towards me. I decide to trust them, and walk towards the gym, with the two of them trailing behind. As we make our way to the end of the hallway, the door opens in front of us. It's Mr. Jarman.

"Oh hi Mr. Jarman" Liam says with a smile on his face.

"Hi boys, were you going somewhere?" Mr. Jarman says while looking at me worryingly.

"Oh, we were just going to the gym. Getting some practice in before our events" Tye says while staring at Mr. Jarman. For the first time ever, even in my dreams, I saw Mr. Jarman afraid. Tye and Liam both look as almost as tall as him, but in reality, they're both a bit taller than me

"Uh... Right. I-I'm sure Coach Harris will be happy to see you p-practice for your events. G-good luck Jamel" he says while shivering in fear. He moves past us, hastily, and we don't start walking until he's out of sight.

"Uh... what does Sam wa—" I say before Tye hits me over the head and grabs me by my shirt collar. He's now dragging me by my shirt, while Liam follows.

For a Golden Jackal, Tye is pretty strong

We make our way over to the gym. Liam opens the door, while Tye slings me inside and follows, I look ahead and see Sam, cowering in the corner, unable to take his eyes off Abe...

The bear's pants are tattered, and he has no shirt, revealing large cuts and scars. His face is covered in blood and his fur is sticking out in all different directions. His eyes look bloodshot, and his mouth hangs open, revealing a long line of flesh-carving sharp teeth, also covered in blood.

No way, not like this.

"I guess you can see why I called you here, Jamel." Abe says. His voice sounds hoarse and aggressive. "You actually thought Coach Harris chose you to be in the Regionals? There can be only winner, and there's no chance of anyone getting in my way; especially with our "secret power", hey Sam?". Abe looks over to Sam, he's covered in blood too, but he looks very distressed... I guess he's feeling regret from his action.

Liam comes up from behind me, and pushes me to Abe, who catches me. I'm now face to face with the Bloodstained King. Actually, come to think of it, Abe is taller here as well. Usually I come up just below his chest, but now I'm below his waist. I look up at him from below and he looks down at me, grinning in delight. He quickly puts his hands on my shoulders to restrain me.

"Thanks boys. I'll use this one effectively" he says as he licks his lips in anticipation. He must be too excited, as his grip tightens to the point where his claws dug right into my shoulders. I scream and collapse in pain, which caused the large bear to let go of me. Whilst in bad pain, I pick myself up, while Abe licks his bloody fingers. I rush over to the back door, hoping Coach Harris would be in his office. I bust through his door at full speed, and find him sitting in his desk chair. I run over to him, blood coming out of my shoulders, and tears beginning to form.

"Jamel, what's going on!?" He calls in fear and anger. Just then, Abe entered the room. Coach Harris stood up, and I hid behind him for protection. "Abe!" he said in a thunderous voice. He looks back at my shoulders, which are starting to bleed badly. "Haven't we been through this?" he said while grabbing me by the back of my collar. "You can't get too excited; otherwise you'll damage the meat. Try it again." He said before slinging me around towards Sam a second time.

"Got it" He replies to Coach Harris. He looks at me, "Don't worry meat... I'll make sure I don't hurt you anymore" Abe says as he raises his fist. It quickly comes back down before--- blackness. He's got me.


I wake up, panting heavily in a pool of sweat. Did I really dream all of that up? But it seemed so real to me. Maybe it's a sign, or a warning. There's no way a student could... I mean, I doubt Coach Harris would actually... I better talk to him about this.

Chapter 25: Troubles with Training

"That definitely seems concerning Jamel." Riley says "Do you think it might have something to do with what I said last night? Y'know, about the carnivores and..."

"No, Riley. That had nothing to do with it. Otherwise, I would have dreamt up something more violent. Besides, I don't even know how the hyena is going to behave anyway. Maybe I just need a third opinion. Levi?" I call out. Levi isn't here

"Have you seen Levi?" I ask Riley.

"No idea. Today is the 28th of May... I guess he chose to have his birthday off from school, and he rarely cuts class" Riley says, a bit puzzled. "Come to think of it, a fair amount of students I know have had their birthdays off this year..."

Soon after Riley mentioned that, Coach Harris comes right up to Riley and me. Despite telling myself over and over that it was just a dream, I'm still a bit cautious around carnivores, except Riley of course.

"Hi boys. I would like to see you in the gym now, Jamel." Coach Harris says. Training right now? But I didn't bring my PE Uniform. Just before I tell him, he speaks again.

"Oh, and you won't need your running gear. This will be a theory lesson." He says while walking away. I don't really know if I'll be up to it. I mean this nightmare I had felt so real, maybe it really meant something, to stay away. I follow Coach Harris across the schoolyard to the gym. Perhaps I should talk to him about it.

We step into the gym, and he pulls out two chairs and a whiteboard. "So, I recorded your performance on Tuesday and was not impressed at your strategy, sorry to say." He says, disappointed. I kind of understand what he means though. I shouldn't have to use Sam or other carnivores to give me a boost; I need to run my own race.

"Mr. Jarman was telling me about a little talk you two had. I was pleased to hear about this, although displeased at how you used it" he tells me. It seems there's more to competition than I though...

"You purposely ran harder, because you wanted to be pushed by Sam, but too hard to finish the race effectively. You need to run your own race, not rely off the competition to push you further" I noticed Coach Harris's voice got louder and more aggressive as he spoke. Maybe this is his first time working with an herbivore, because I'm a bit startled now. He quickly realised what he was doing, then retreated back from me.

"Ahem... Sam usually has good starts, and then runs the rest of his race. Judging by how you run though, I believe you would be good at finishing the race." He says more softly. I'm a bit puzzled by what he means. "Basically, you shouldn't be pushing yourself from the start; try giving it your all in the last 100 metres, and you should finish strong. We'll try some running later on. Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" he asks.

"Actually... I did have a concern. I know it sounds silly, but..."

And I told the entire dream to him.

"...and then he struck me with his paw, I blacked out, and the dream was over" I conclude. The entire time, Coach Harris was intrigued and a bit shocked. I notice that when carnivores open their mouth in surprise or shock, they're always cautious not to show too many teeth, especially in front of herbivores. But when they do something, such as laugh or yawn, they usually apologise afterwards.

"Jamel... that sounds so... I'm so sorry." Coach Harris says. I feel as if he thinks that he's responsible for thinking this. "I, uh... I recently read that herbivores who work to shut out their instincts from carnivores like you are doing sometimes get nightmares like that. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, and just know this though..." he tells me. I look up to watch him.

"When I started teaching here 10 years ago, I took a vow that I would do everything in my power to prevent the harm of students... and your friends at school, I know that they'd protect you from harm by all costs" Coach Harris says. He's very good for reminding me of my safety. I've never come across a carnivore who tried to hurt me. Even Abe, Liam and Tye would never want to hurt me, despite how mean they seem.

I should shut them up by working to make the District Finals.

"Thanks Coach." I say.

"Don't mention it. Another thing, do you know why I told you there was a hyena in your race?" he replies. Hmm, looking back to the research Riley and I did, it was to caution me against their aggressive behaviours. I told Coach Harris about the research we did, but he said that wasn't the reason behind informing me.

"I didn't do it just to scare you into running better, but rather warning you of their... behaviour. Hyenas are known to threaten and discourage weaker and smaller athletes while competing too. While you are running, he may stay close to you and make you feel uncomfortable. It's wrong of us to assume that this is what he will do, though we can't be sure. As you know, carnivores are hard to predict. I'll keep a close eye on you both on the day; in case he tries to trip you up or push you down."

Gee, racing seems more serious than I first thought, especially when racing against others who can attack you at any time. The bell rings shortly after. Time to think things over; I don't have much time left to train for the race.

"Oh, and one more thing; I'd like to see you tomorrow after school. I understand that it's a Friday Afternoon and everything, but it's the only time I can do." He says as I walk towards the gym doors. I turn and nod eagerly as I make my way to the next class. I must have spent a bit too much time talking to Coach Harris, because the schoolyard is completely empty. I guess everyone's already in class. Well almost everyone, as I see Sam making his way to the gym. Perhaps he got a class off to see Coach Harris.

"Hey Jamel." He says in a good mood. I think this is the first time he's ever been happy or confident to see me. Just my luck, I'm still a bit scared about him. If I heard his voice while my eyes were shut, I'd only see his bloody face and devious eyes like in the dream. I have to reply to him though. Say something, speak you fool!

"Uh... H-Hi Seth" I stutter. Hang on a minute... Seth? I've never known a Seth in my life, why would I say that?

"Good luck with the race on Wednesday" he turns around and calls out. I guess he might not have noticed my little slip

"Thanks, you too." I stutter.


" you see, you need to start off and run the first two and a half laps calmly without tiring yourself too much, but try and sprint the last 100m if you can, to finish off strong." Coach Harris says. It's Friday afternoon and the two of us are going through strategies for the race on Wednesday.

"Thanks Coach Harris. It's pretty nice being able to train by myself" I say while I do my stretches.

"Oh, did I say you were training by yourself, Jamel?" he replied. Just then, the gym door swung open, and Sam came entered carrying his PE gear.

"Sorry I'm late; I thought we were on the oval" Sam said to Coach Harris.

"Oh, that's not a problem. I had some of the long jumpers do some training... they were lacking a bit last year, so they can use the extra training. Sam, we can go through our plans together, Jamel, you can start doing laps, and I'll monitor your times" Coach Harris called out. It sounds bad of me to shoo Sam away, but I kind of wanted to go solo today.

As I started my running, I tried taking all of what Coach Harris said on board, by focusing on my own running, and not on anyone else. He told me about various athletes and how they focused on themselves and not the pressure of the competition. And before I knew it, Sam was up and running too. Although I noticed that whenever Sam came up behind me, I never felt pressured or scared. Maybe I've gotten so used to running with carnivores that I don't feel scared by them anymore. That means I can truly focus on my running now, and not have to worry about carnivores behind me.

Chapter 26: The Great Whigata Race

"Jamel... Jamel! Wake up, today's the day."

I open my eyes and turn my head, 7:45AM. Mum shook my arm to wake me, and she bought in a cup of tea, and some porridge to help me start the day.

"I got the oats, because they're a good source of protein and carbohydrates. Dad is already at work, and I have a client out near the Aerodrome, so I can take you directly there. Does that sound good?" she says.

Dad works as a tech assistant on a milk pasteuriser. He helps calibrate machinery to produce milk, cheese, butter etc. Mum works on multiple grain and fruit farms, marketing to other companies, but sometimes to help with the harvest during the high season. Most of the time, they're gone before I wake up, so it's nice to know they're helping me out with getting ready.

With the training I did with Coach Harris, practice runs on the weekend, and after school on Monday and Tuesday, I should have a better chance at running. Despite trying to use it again, I wasn't able to use my instincts as a boost. Maybe it's gone for good this time.

I step out onto the driveway to see the street covered in a nice, thin layer of white frost. It isn't cold enough to snow in Whigata, nor most parts of Australia. I feel bad for Liam and the other reptiles who would have a hard time performing in the cold today. Maybe they'll go later in the afternoon, once they warm up. While I wait for Mum, I run my hands through the cold, frosty grass, and shiver. It's only about 3 degrees, and I'm only wearing shorts, a shirt, and my trusty new runners.

"Hey Jamel, come in here. I wanted to give you something" Mum says from the front door. I follow her inside and she gives me a pair of neatly folded clothes. I unravel them and see a pair of sporty tracksuits, in school colours.

"Thanks Mum!" I call out. "These will be perfect for warm-up runs."

"No problem, Jamel. Are we ready to go now?" she says. Yep. I'm more than ready.

We drive out to the Aerodrome Ovals, and I notice that the herbivore school is just next to it. It's the only other high school in town, and herbivore school for about a hundred kilometres, so it acts as a boarding college for those who live on rural farms or towns. I look outside the car window, and see many young herbivores meeting outside the school gates; it just looks so calm and peaceful. I love my school, and think that it's a good idea to have co-ed schools, but... I somehow feel as if I missed out, and didn't get to experience being a true herbivore.

We turn into the Aerodrome Car Park, and see school colours, but not just ours. Whigata uses maroon, a dark red, for our school colour. Tangouri uses a deep, ocean blue, which leaves Jarijari, sporting bright yellow. There are buses, ready to transport competitors to and from the Aerodrome. I check the time, 8:36. I seem to be a bit early. No matter, I can just sit with my school for the time being and train. I don't know what time my race is, though.

"I'd love to watch you compete, but I have an important meeting today with an orange farm. After your race, catch the bus back to school and head off to classes. Win or lose, you'll be at Riley's to celebrate his birthday afterwards, right?" Mum says. "Just be back by dinnertime, or you can call if you're staying later"

"Yeah. Thank you Mum, for helping me out this morning. I'll text you my result once I'm finished" I say. Deep down, Mum probably doesn't expect me to win. And that's OK, neither do I. But still, it couldn't hurt to try.

I make my way over to our school's marquee, on the side of the closest oval, and put my bag down.

"Ah, Jamel. Today's the day, isn't it?" I hear Erica call out in a good tone. She has a few maroon lines painted on her face, to show her school pride

"Yeah. I'm pretty nervous about today though." I reply.

"Oh, that's just a normal thing; some say it makes you compete better. Coach Harris is back on campus, directing the transport to and from the Aerodrome. And, while I remember, here's the map and schedule for races." She says as she passes me some sheets. I read the timetable first, and scan for my race:

Year 10 1200m Track Race: 10:00AM

"Track Runs will be done Oval 1, which is here, and field events are on Oval 2 on the other side. It looks like they are doing the long distance races first this year. At 9:50, you and the other racers will be called to the signup desk over there" Erica says while pointing to a desk on the oval, filled with papers and a timer. "Once you finish, you can head to the change rooms and get back to school." She adds while pointing to the clubroom next to the marquee. I look to the ovals again; a bit more organised than at school. There's a rope fence that circles around Oval 1, and the field events have high jump mats and a sand pit for the long and triple jump. I look around towards the group of Jarijari students to look for the hyena I'm supposedly racing against.

Suddenly, a pair of hands land on my shoulders. I notice that they are canine-like, and quickly assume I'm being attacked by the hyena. I spring around to react in a panic, and see that it's Tye, the jackal.

"TYE!!, what the hell are you doing?!" I yell, in a panicked daze.

"Heh... guess you really are competing. I thought Coach just put your name down as a joke!" he replied, barely concerned of his actions. I realise that I may have over-reacted, but he still can't do that to an herbivore.

"Come on, man. Just let me run my own race. It's not like I'm gonna actually beat Sam, you know."

"Yeah, you and I both know that..." he says, deviously. "Win or lose, he's gonna need all the strength he can get to be the State Champion" W-what does that mean!?! I doubt that the rumour about him devouring someone and hiding in Whigata is true, but there has to be some explanation behind his behaviour. I also doubt that it would be a good idea to pull too much attention to myself.

"Sh-shut up! Sam wouldn't hurt anyone, and neither would you. You don't have the guts to do it anyway" I tell him. Tye looks up at me in shock. He raises his fist slowly, and I'm slowly backing away.

Just then, the school bus arrived, and Sam was at the marquee, alongside the rest of the athletes from our school. I turn to face Tye, so I can see what he's gonna do, but he disappears behind some other students... that was a close one

Sam puts his bag down and immediately goes to the Tangouri tents, where he meets up with a lion. They both seem like really good friends, maybe he's in the race as well. They start walking up to our school's marquee, and Sam is looking for me.

"Hey Jamel!" he calls. That's the loudest I've ever heard him speak. "Come over here and meet a friend of mine." He seems to feel a bit more comfortable around carnivores, especially felines, which is weird because felines are usually territorial and prefer to be by themselves. I walk over and realise that Sam's friend is taller than he first seemed. It seems like Don from school would be amazed by his height.

"Uh... hi." I say nervously "I'm Jamel..." I say as I begin to look beside him (herbivores usually do this when they're nervous, we rarely make eye contact with strangers... especially if they're double our height).

"Sam, you weren't kidding. There really is an herbivore here today" the lion says in amazement.

"Uh, Jamel, this is Kevin. He's in our race today." He says, also a bit shyly. "He actually beat me last year, but I doubt it's going to happen again!" He says before playfully punching Kevin in the chest.

"Oh hey, Sam. Who's this?" Someone calls out. We turn around to see a grey wolf and a border collie, also wearing Tangouri colours.

Chapter 27: The Regional Race with the Hyena

The four carnivores continue speaking, while I stand there taking in the conversation. Am I supposed to speak, do they accept me as the group, are they choosing to ignore me? Suddenly, Kevin turns around, and spots a few carnivores in yellow shirts walking towards us. Let's see, a blue tongue lizard, a husky and—a hyena. That's him.

"G'day! Nervous for the race?" Kevin says to them jokingly. I guess they're all good friends, making me even a bit less comfortable.

"Nah, we'll crush you." The hyena says. He turns to me "You too, runt. Who's this?" Was that a threat or was he just joking around?

"Calm down, Ricky. This is Jamel. He's gonna be racing with us today" Kevin tells him. I already feel a bit safer with a big guy like him around

"What, this herbivore? A turtle with a sore leg could have done better than this runt." Ok, now he's just being mean. I look to the others, and they seem a bit worried about this, so am I. Tangouri and Jarijari are carnivore-schools, so Kevin, Ricky and the others wouldn't know how to talk to me. That's probably why I was ignored in the first place.

The conversation continues and I don't have anywhere else to be, so why not stand and listen. The entire time, I'm trying not to make eye contact with Ricky, the hyena, but I know he's staring at me. In an instance when I glanced over at him, I saw him licking his front teeth. If only I knew what he was thinking of... about me? About devouring me? I have to make sure that I'm never left alone for a second with him, even if he doesn't want to hurt me. He's just... really scary. Before I know it, 9:45 rolls around, and our school coaches ask us to return and prepare for our race. As Sam and I are walking back, I ask him a few questions.

"Hey Sam, why do the other schools have three runners each, but Whigata just has us two?" I say while looking up at him.

"It's because we're a mixed school, of both carnivores and herbivores. Most mixed schools have roughly even populations, but less carnivore athletes to send along, so less competition in these stages." He explained. Seems fair, but what about a school like ours? There's one herbivore to twenty carnivores, so surely that rule could be omitted for us.

"And what about Ricky? He seems really scary, like he wants to do something more than run better than me" I warn him.

"...well... He explained last year that spotted hyenas can get pretty pent up and... crazy around herbivores as they get older. He'd never hurt you, though he might seem a bit scary. I wouldn't worry about it" he replied. This is the most Sam has ever spoken to me. Maybe carnivore interaction really does help him out. "Do you want to do a few stretches together before we go to the start line?" he asks.

As we do our stretches, I see a few athletes from the other school trying not to stare at us. Picture it, an herbivore getting ready for sport. I knew I'd gain some sort of unwanted attention. Sam and I ignore the groups walking by and looking at us, and walk over to the start of the race on the oval, where a race official is giving us instructions on the race.

"You will be timed, to determine your positions in the District Finals. Physical contact of any kind, and stepping outside of the marked track will result in disqualification. Of the eight racers today, there will be three finalists that will move on to the District Finals in Lavalla. Any questions?"

Ok. Just run the race, and try your best, despite not being able to use my instincts to push me further. Don't trail Sam and run a constant pace.

We all line up along a piece of ribbon laid out on the ground. As I move into position, Ricky comes from behind and whispers into my ear:

"Don't trip over, we hyenas usually hunt for unwanted scraps like you"

OK, now he's crossed the line.

"Take your marks." We all get into starting positions

"Set." My heart is pounding, from the race, from Ricky, from everything

*BANG* goes the starting pistol, and we're all off. Sam and Kevin have shot off, as they normally do. Then it's the Border collie, the gray wolf, me, Ricky, the husky, then the lizard. Sam and Kevin seem to be getting further and further away, and the two canines ahead of us are beginning to move ahead from us. What Ricky said was still ringing in my mind. Unwanted Scraps, me? He really wants to devour me? What if it was a threat and he wanted to push me over? No time to think about it, I need to focus on the race. I begin to pick up a pace, and get into a rhythm of running, as if my legs were pushing a beat to a song. Halfway around the first lap, the other four are still a long way ahead. I better keep on moving, preferably away from Ricky, who's hot on my heels. Running straight towards the second lap, and I feel myself running faster. But... it doesn't feel as if it's an instinct. It feels more... stronger. Maybe Ricky's threat and him being right behind me has created a new instinct; a very real feeling of danger and fear. We pass the line to the second lap, and I see Tye on the sidelines, probably about to go to his event. He yells out: "Come on, Horns. You got this!" I'm sure he's just teasing. But then, other students from Whigata cheer me on.

"You got this, Horns"

"Keep pushing, Jamel!"

Suddenly, the nickname "Horns" doesn't seem so bad anymore. As I approach the halfway point in the second lap, I notice two runners slowing down. It looks like the Border collie and gray wolf, maybe they're tired from trying to keep up with Sam and Kevin. As Ricky and I slowly gain on them, I notice that the two canines are slowing down. The border collie is only about a metre behind the wold, and I notice Ricky is uncomfortably close on me as well. At that exact moment, they both began to slip behind us. It's as if we breezed past them, because they fell back quickly.

Once we pass them, I quickly check the positions. It's Sam and Kevin, neck and neck just starting their third lap, while Ricky and I are also neck and neck, coming up on the final straight, close to starting the final lap. My blood is racing as much as I am. Despite my newfound feelings of fear and danger, Ricky is still holding on. We both pass the lap line and enter the last lap. This is it; I need to keep one step ahead of Ricky. At this time, I'm focused so hard on the race. Ricky is trying to shake me off, he's growling loudly. If I weren't racing, I would have stopped where I was and told an adult or large carnivore, and maybe even called the police on him. But not when I'm racing. I want to beat him, personally

300 meters to go, and I hear more students cheering for me:

"Go Horns! You can do it!"

"Well done, Horns, keep going!"

But I notice that it's not just students from Whigata. Even some from Tangouri and Jarijari are cheering me on. I'm determined to keep on running, and make sure I get to the end. 200 meters left. Ricky is still right behind me, growling in my ear. You'd think he was a loud truck. Sam and Kevin have already finished, it doesn't look like the winner has been determined. Final stretch, 100 meters. My instincts are still pushing me, but Ricky is beginning to overtake me. Time to use my secret weapon...

Coach Harris told me to give it my all in the last 100 meters last week. I need to keep pushing, have to, must. I break into what feels like a sprint, powered by the look on Ricky's face when he sees me beat him

60 meters to go, I begin to overtake Ricky again, if only I could see the look on his face.

30 meters, my legs hurt so badly, but I have to keep going.

20, 10, 5... GOT IT!

I finished third, I'm going to the District Finals! A loud roar of celebration erupted from the marquee tents. Sam and Kevin congratulated me, as my legs began to tremble from pain. Wow... I can barely stand from all this emotion.

Chapter 28: Ricky's Retaliation.

"So, without further ado, I congratulate Kevin, Sam and Jamel on their race, and wish them the best of luck in the District Finals in Lavalla." The Wedge Tailed Eagle announces.

A small applause amongst the other racers played. As happy as I am to have qualified, I almost feel a bit sad for the hyena. He might have tried to stop me, but he didn't know that he fuelled me even more.

"Congratulations to all runners, you did very well. You can all go on and hit the showers now." The eagle adds.

The showers?

Herbivores are very cautious not to show too much skin to carnivores, otherwise it gives them ideas. Even in summer, unless it's really hot, I try to wear long sleeved clothes when I can around carnivores. Suddenly, Sam leans in. "Don't worry; I don't think they have showers here. It's just an expression; all we can really do is change clothes."

Well that's a relief... somewhat. Sam, Kevin and I walk back together.

"Hey Jamel, that was amazing!" Kevin says, baring a few too many teeth (Just something you notice as an herbivore).

"Kev, what did I tell you about your teeth?" Sam hushes him. Don't worry; I'm kind of used to it at this point.

"Ah, sorry. I forgot" he said while covering his mouth with his hand. "You did incredibly well today. You should be very proud of yourself." He's got a point. I don't think an herbivore has ever made it to the District Finals.

Sam and Kevin continue talking amongst themselves, but I notice Ricky, whispering something into the husky from his school. I sure hope it's not about me. We all grab our bags and head for the change rooms. I immediately move towards the back, and try to stay away from everyone, but this change room has no corners, or blocks or anything. It's just a square room, with a couple of hooks on the wall.

I quickly take off my shorts and put on my school pants, and begin to button up my school shirt, when all of a sudden; another group of carnivores enter the change room. Tye is amongst them, he must have finished the Javelin or Shot Put or something.

"G'day Tye, how'd the javelin go?" Sam said as he was putting on his pants.

"Man... that guy over there could throw a javelin right over Whigata if he keeps his training up" Tye says while pointing at a hippopotamus. With all this commotion, I don't even notice Ricky moving back towards me. I got to tie up my shoelace, and he presses his foot down on my shoe.

I'm scared to look up, but I do. I'm squatting down to tie up my shoes, and he's grinning as if he owns me. I stand up and back off from him slightly. He's about 10 centimetres taller than me, but it feels like metres.

"Uh... nice race today, R-Ricky" I say. Darn it, he's gonna think I was making fun of him. The change room goes silent, everyone is looking at us, but I don't think Ricky notices.

"I'll be going to the Districts Finals..." he says, I react a bit confused, but let him finish

He growls fiercely and flashes his teeth again. "...I'm not gonna let some runty deer get the better of ME!" he says, just as he pushed me onto the ground, he raises his hand, and I notice large, pointy, sharp claws. A few of the others gasp in surprise. He's going to claw me, just like Sam did in the dream...

I yelp in surprise, but not even a second later; Tye, Kevin and a few others tackle him and restrain him on the ground.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING HIM!!!" I hear them yell. Sam comes up to me, slowly and cautiously. He sticks out his large hand and offers to pull me up.

"Jamel, are you OK?! Get behind me!" he says while protecting me. Suddenly, Coach Harris and the other school coaches quickly run in "What is all this commotion?" he growls. I'm sure it would look pretty weird from his point of view; several half-naked, sweaty carnivores tackling each other, and a Blackbuck Antelope cowering behind a Sumatran Tiger.

A large bear and an otter, sports teachers from Tangouri and Jarijari, walk over to Tye and Kevin, pulling them away. Coach Harris walks up to Sam and me, quickly realising what must have happened. "Can I talk to you two outside for a second?"

We're escorted outside of the changing rooms, and we explain the story, including the threats and growling during the race.

"I knew this was a bad idea to begin with" Coach Harris said, disappointed in himself. "Look, you two should go back to school. The bus just left, but a cool down walk should do you good" He added "Jamel... I'm so sorry for this. I should have kept you and Ricky away from each other as much as possible, I..."

"...Coach, it's fine. We kept Jamel safe, and Ricky won't ever hurt him, or hopefully anyone else ever again." Sam says. He's really getting a lot more confident now. Maybe he'll be alright, but I still have a feeling he's hiding something, which is fine, as long as it doesn't consume him in emotion. "Are you ready to go, Jamel?" Sam says as he slings his bag over his shoulder.

"Oh, I just need to get my bag" I say. I'm still a bit nervous around him, but I'm sure soon we'll be okay. I get my bag and we head for the gates, onward to school.

"Make sure you go straight to school; don't take any long routes or detours" Coach Harris calls out. Even after being attacked, Coach Harris must really trust Sam to be taking me back to school. I guess a tiger is about as scary as it comes nowadays if you try to attack an herbivore. But still, like last time... I'm nervous, am I supposed to say something?

"Hey Jamel... There's something I need to tell you..." He says, a little worried.

._./|\._. Dreamtime Story 4: Feline Affection ._./|\._.

Levi: Hey, how do you guys think felines show their love?

Riley: Don't know... why, do you have a girlfriend, Levi?

Levi: Well, yeah, but she ain't feline... I mean that, they seem to be so solitary and introverted. I wonder how they deal with each other...

Jamel: I guess they might have their own solitary group of friends who they trust.

Levi: Yeah, but how do they build that trust with them?

Jamel: I don't know... maybe they know how to be nice to felines.

Levi: But how though?

Jamel: Well, to build trust, be friendly... they aren't that different to canines, you know...

Riley: Easy for you to say...

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