Beach Babe | The Outsiders |...

By help280

23K 375 330

Stacy Greene has just moved to town from California to get away from her past. She meets a gang of 'greasers'... More

| New | 1 |
| Introductions | 3 |
| Night | 4 |
| Live | 5 |
| Preparations | 6 |
| Party | 7 |
| Mystery | 8 |
| Job | 9 |
| Call | 10 |
| Meeting | 11 |
| Confusion | 12 |
| Goodbye | 13 |
| Box | 14 |
| Shopping | 15 |
| Yell | 16 |
| Sleep | 17 |
| Ready | 18|
| Classes | 19 |
| Parking Lot | 20 |
| Faint | 21 |
| Laced | 22 |
| Date | 23 |
| Break | 24 |
| Stupid | 25 |
| Dumb fun | 26 |
| Explain | 27 |
| Dinner | 28 |
| Nights | 29 |
| Reading | 30 |
| Finally | 31 |
| Punch | 32 |
| Round Two | 33 |
| Jumped | 34 |
| Job | 35 |
| Long | 36 |
| Seriously?! | 37 |
| Terrible | 38 |
| Delicate | 39 |
| Love | 40 |
| Dream | 41 |
| Odd | 42 |
| Answered | 43 |
| Oh | 44 |
| Window | 45 |
| No | 46 |
| Lord. | 47 |
| Future | 48 |
| Princess | 49 |
| Corvair | 50 |
| Movie | 51 |
| Backseat | 52 |
| Fountain | 53 |
| Missing | 54 |
| Voice | 55 |
| Plastered | 56 |
| Council | 57 |
| Spy | 58 |
| Dumbfounded | 59 |
| Sick | 60 |

| Fun | 2 |

997 12 12
By help280

"Sooo. . . Who was that?" August said coming up behind Theo who still had me on his shoulder.

"These guys I met, they were really nice."

"What're their names?"

"Get this: the oldest one is Darrel, normal right? The middle brother is Sodapop." August stares at me weird "I'm not kidding. And finally the youngest is named Ponyboy." August starts laughing, I tell him I'm 100% serious and he just laughs more

"Are you really going to hang out with them tomorrow?" Theo asks turning his head to me

"Yup! It sounds fun, plus they are my friends." I nudge Theo. "You should take some notes."

"Shut up. I can get friends."

"That doesn't include me dipshit." Theo has always had trouble getting friends.

"I didn't mean you!" He puts me down, I fall back and start talking to August.

"So did you two meet anyone on your walk?"

"Yeah we met this guy named Bob, he was alright. His girlfriend on the other hand-" he whistles "She was so pretty."

"Well it seems like she's taken so find someone else."

"I'm not going to do anything. I was just saying that she is very pretty." He said looking at the clouds

"You think the moving truck is here yet?" I asked both of them.

"I dunno." Theo said shortly.

"Very helpful. Thank you Theodore." I said sarcastically

"I'll race you back to the house!" August started running and me and Theo did too after a couple seconds, I caught up to August and I almost beat him to the front door but he got there first. We all fell down on the entrance floor, huffing and trying to breath.

"What did you do?" My Mom asks coming down the stairs, we all were sweating and panting, I'm sure it looked like we had gotten in to something .

"Aussie raced us," I huffed out. "He won."

"Damn right I did," He said trying to stand up "My legs feel like jello." He sat back down.

"Hey ma, when does the moving truck get here?" Theo asked getting his breathing under control.

"Any minute now, sweetie." She leaned on the wall and looked out the window.

"Mom? Can we go out to eat after the moving truck leaves?" I walked over to her.

"Sure. We'll just have to see if there is anything good around." There was a couple moments of silence. "The trucks here!" She opened the door and the next thing we knew these guys were all over our house putting boxes and furniture everywhere. My mom looked stressed while she was trying to tell them where all the boxes and furniture went, we all looked at each other. We started helping mom out, we moved the boxes that were in the wrong rooms, we helped move the furniture, and we pulled several muscles in the process.

     By the time the movers had left we were too tired to go out, instead we just went to bed. It was nice to have my bed again, I had been sleeping in a car for two days, oh and that one hotel. Even though I didn't have anything on the bed except a blanket it still felt nice.

    I woke up before everyone else so I started unpacking some of my stuff. I got most of my clothes put away, made my bed, and unrolled some of my posters. "You've been busy." I jumped, I turned around to see my mom.

"Hi mom, I just thought I would get a head start on unpacking." She smiles at me.

"You are just like your father, always on top of things, social, and a wiseass." She chuckled and I hugged her. I loved my dad, he was my favorite parent so hearing that I was just like him made my heart jump.

"Oh hey, I met some friends yesterday and they want to hang out with me today, can I go?" I pull away and ask her.

"Of course, but be careful." She thinks for a second "Stay here." She goes to her room and I hear her rummaging through boxes, She comes back a minute later. "Here, your father left you this, it was his when he was teenager. He wanted me to give it to you sooner but you never had a use for it, but you do now. So use it carefully okay?" I look down and see 5 inch silver blade with a navy blue marbled handle.

"Oh wow! This was really dad's?" I take the switchblade and examine it, it was so pretty, sure it had a little bit of wear and tear on it, but I didn't care. I was so happy she gave it to me.

"It's all yours now." She gave me a sad smile, I knew it hurt whenever mom was reminded of dad. "I love you Stacy."

"I love you too mom."

"I'm going to wake up your brothers, we are going out for breakfast since we don't have any food here yet." She walks off.

I sift through my clothes and put on a oversized white button up that has dusty pink stripes, I button it most of the way although I leave a couple unbuttoned on the top and bottom, and I put on some jean shorts. I dig around in one of the boxes till I find my sunglasses, I put them on top of my head. I do a couple of braids in my hair on each side of my hair and I put a couple of matching beads in them.

"You ready to go?" My mom peeks her in the doorway "Oh you look great!" She looks at my outfit.

"Are the boys ready?" I ask putting my shoes on

"Yep, although they didn't do much but put on a shirt and walk to the front." Yeah that sounds about right. I walk downstairs to see Theo wearing a similar outfit to me, unbuttoned button up, and shorts. August is wearing some jeans and a old faded band shirt.

"You both look like shit." I say to them.

"You looked like you just stepped off the set of that new beach movie." Theo says groggily.

"So do you idiot." August says, I open my mouth to reply but our mom cuts in.

"Alright! Let's go, we are walking because it isn't too far from here and we can see the town. Plus I'm sick and tired of driving." She makes her way to the front door.

"Do we have to walk?" August whines. I hit the back of his head "Fine." He grumbles. I put my arm around him as we walk, he's still waking up so he's swaying a lot.

"Dude, walk in a straight line would you? It's not that hard. You look drunk." I laugh a little and lightly push him.

"You're a jerk you know that right?" He shoves me to the side and I almost fall over. So I push him back, and then he pushes me and we keep going like that till our mom turns around, then we act like we love each other.

      After about a 10 minute walk we make it to the restaurant, it's this little place called 'Rosies diner' we walk in and get a booth near the front. "Why is everyone dressed like they're going to church?" I say quietly while I look around.

"I don't know but I noticed that too, You stick out like a sore thumb." My mom says, I guess people are more conservative out here.

We make small talk while we look at the menu when the waitress comes over we order and continue talking, I'm getting 'Apple Pie Pancakes' it sounds delicious. My brothers ordered the 'ultimate breakfast' it's basically just most of the menu discounted, my mom was just getting an omelet.

      When the food came out we barely had any room left on the table, I tried the first bite of my pancakes and then devoured them. My brothers were shoving food in their faces which was causing people to look at us from other tables.

     When we finished eating we payed and left. We didn't feel like going back yet so we decided to just walk around for a little while.

"Oh hey that's the place I'm meeting my friend at later." I pointed at the gas station 'The DX'

"You think they work there?" My mom said

August looks at me then gives me a evil grin "Why don't we find out?" That little shit.

"That sounds like a great idea to me." Theo says grinning at me. I am so gonna kill them later.

"Yeah let's go, I'd love to meet her."

"It's uhh. . It's a guy actually," My mom never liked it when I had male friends, she said she 'doesn't trust them' "but he's really nice!" She narrows her eyes at me

"Well now I really want to meet him." And she starts  walking. Shit shit shit. My brothers are laughing behind me so I punch both of them repeatedly and call them many names.

    I catch up to my mom and start trying to reason with her, she stops and looks at me "I'm not gonna do anything, I just want to see how he treats you. And what he looks like in case I need to beat his ass." The last bit makes me laugh, my mom was tiny and there was no way she could beat someone up.

I let out a sigh of relief "Okay good." August and Theo catch up to us and we continue walking.

   I step into the gas station and the bell on the door rings, the guy behind the counter looks up and greets us. Okay it's not Soda. Me and my brothers all grab drinks off the back wall and we go to pay.

"Okay that'll be. . . $1.25" our eyes go wide, $1.25? For three drinks? In Cali it's way more expensive. I hand him two dollars and I get 75 cents back. We're picking up our drinks from the counter when someone walks in from the garage part of the building, it's Soda, he's sweaty and covered in dirt and grime.

"Hey Steve have you seen that- oh hey Stacy!" He waves at me

"Hey Soda!" My mom hears us talking and she 'inconspicuously' try's to watch us and listen. My brothers are death glaring him. "These are my brothers, you met them already just not formally."

"August and Theo, Soda. Soda, Theo and August." They shake his hands and go to browsing the isles.

"So what're you doing here?" He takes a rag off the counter and wipes his face off.

"Oh we were just around and thought we might get some drinks."

"Well it's nice seeing you, but what's with the outfit?" He looks me up and down

"Everyone in California wore stuff like this, ok? I didn't realize that I needed to cover every inch of my body." I say defensively

"I'm not saying you look bad quite the opposite, you look good." I blush a little

"Are you going to introduce me or what?" The cashier says

"Oh yeah- Stacy this my best friend Steve, Steve this is Stacy." I shake his hand

"Nice to meet you. How'd you meet Soda?"

"I just moved into his neighborhood and I saw him walking around so I said hello." I will say Steve is pretty easy on the eyes, he's good lookin.

"Oh so you haven't met the gang yet, have you?"

"Nope." Was he in it?

"We should change that." I stare at him

"What do you mean by that?" Is this guy a creep? Should I be worried or is he just being friendly?

"I was actually planning on taking her to meet them after work, if she wanted to." What.

"Uh. . . Sure? How many people will I be meeting?" They both start to count on their fingers while talking to themselves.

"Well you know me, Steve, and my brothers so three more people," he pauses "if we can find em'."

I think about for a second "Okay that's manageable."

"Come on Stacy stop flirting, moms outside." Theo says coming up behind me. I turn red and wave to them and leave.

"See you later!" I yell

"See you Stacy!"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Second chapter done! This was a long one but I like it, I use fanfics to improve my writing skill so if it's bad sorry, believe me I'm trying.
Thanks for reading!!

Word count : 2088

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