Made for me

By popsicle_1985

11.2K 1.2K 153

What happens when you finally meet the person who completes you, and you believe they were made for you, but... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

301 41 5
By popsicle_1985

After that, I couldn't eat anything because it was hard to swallow with the lump in my throat.

I just sat there frozen in my chair. I couldn't get up and leave because it would be rude. So I just listened to the rest of the conversation until I heard my name called.

"Zhan, what do you want to do after graduation?"

Yibo's dad was the one asking. I had to clear my throat before answering.

"I have a great passion for old Chinese structure and learning how to preserve them. So I want to paint them on canvases and build little models of them."

"Oh, really, that sounds good. Now that I think about it, one of my employees also has a great love for old Chinese buildings. No matter how much I have offered him over the years in housing allowance, he has always chosen to live in the countryside. He also has a son your age. Wait, what did you say your surname was?"

"Xiao, sir."

"Oh, what a coincidence that's his surname too. Do you know Mr Xiao Feng by any chance?"

"I do. He is my dad, sir."

"Oh, what a small world. Your father is a real hard worker and a very loyal and trustworthy man. A man with a gentle spirit indeed. I should have known when I met you that you are his son, because you are very similar. How did you end up friends with this crazy son on mine?"

"I changed schools a couple of months ago, and commuting in and out was taking a long time. When I was looking for a place to stay closer to the University Yibo offered."

Of course, Yibo was not going to let the conversation continue without jumping in.

"You guys cut my allowance. What was I supposed to do?"

"We were not going to fund your night life, getting drunk and frolicking with girls."

"I knew you guys had someone watching me. How did you know all that?"

"You are our son. We wanted to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble, that's all. "

"If you say so, I am over that anyway. It's not like you will catch me doing anymore of that. I have changed my ways, and there is more at stake now if I do that."

"What are you talking about? I will believe it when I see it. A leopard does not just change its stripes, son. Maybe while you have so much conviction about the new matured you, you should help your brother."

Xian, who was seemingly uninterested in the conversation, decided that now he is. This whole time, he was bothering Yubin, who has not had a moment to himself since we got here.

"You guys need to stop tying Yibo down to the next thing in your plans for his life. He just got out of one thing, and now you are already planning the next thing for him. You have enough compassion to ask Zhan about his plans for his future, but you are not giving your son the same treatment.  Have you ever asked Yibo what he wants to do with his life? Should he also wait for other parents to ask him? I don't need Yibo to be told that he needs help me, I need him to ask if he can help me in that way it would be entirely his decision."

I felt a bit of tension release from Yibo's hand from where he was touching my thigh.

"We are not planning his life at all. We wanted you to have help because you are still not 100% fit to work. Wouldn't it be better to have Yibo help you out for a bit?"

"My brother and I are every different, and I am certain even the way we do things would be different, and i would benefit greatly working with him. I wouldn't mind having him come help me, but like I said, he must be the one asking me. My mind is working just fine and has been for a while. I was just enjoying you guys taking care of me and being parents for once, not so focused on building your empire. I am very clear in my head and heart. Yes, I am still hurt and disappointed with all that has happened and causing myself and  everyone so much pain. I have spent way too much time dwelling and grieving for someone who never for a moment loved me. I found someone who at my weakest and neediest time encouraged me and built me back up."

He turned his face to say the rest of that statement, looking at Yubin, who also kept eye contact with him. I don't think any of us, including Yubin, expected this.

"I thought something was suspicious with the two of you. As soon as he got here, your demeanor changed. So is this your new boyfriend?"

"No, he is not. I would like him to be, though. We are just getting to know each other at the moment. If it wasn't for the two of you trying to force Yibo to do things your way, I could have continued with my act and enjoyed Yubin's attention a bit longer."

His parents were at a loss for words, and his mom just turned to look at Yibo and I as if she expected us to say something too. We didn't say anything.

Soon, Xian and Yubin excused themselves from the table. We were left with the parents. We spoke a bit about my parents and a bit about what Yibo wants to do. I excused myself from the table after I realized that his parents wanted to talk to him in private. I went to my room and got on the bed.

I guess I did not realize how tired I was because I don't even remember falling asleep.


My parents spoke and spoke, and spoke. It was a lot of apologizing and explaining. It was way too much. By the time they were done, Zhan was fast asleep when I snuck into his room.

I could not fall asleep at all. I am used to having Zhan close to me. I decided to get a drink from the kitchen.

I heard movement, and I was wondering who it could be in the middle of the night.

"Whose there?"

"Hey, it's me. I woke up thirsty, so I was getting water."

"Oh my word, you scared the crap out of me. Why didn't you turn the lights on?"

"I couldn't find the light switch, so I was using my phone for light. Sorry."

"It's cool, other than being thirsty. Are you ok? How is your body feeling? We had a rather busy morning."

"I am ok, I guess this morning was just about enough for me."

"But you know it wasn't enough for me. So can I at least get a little kiss or hug? You have been keeping your distance since we got here."

"I just don't want to get caught before telling your parents."

"Everyone is sleeping Zhan, my folks go to bed at 9. I know for a fact no one will come here."

"I am willing to entertain you back at our place, not at your parents' home. It doesn't feel right."

"You keep saying that, is my parents' opinion that important to you, really? You are refusing everything from me. I had to force you to let me sit next to you at dinner. Now I am having to beg for something as simple as a kiss?"

I was going to walk away when he grabbed my hand.

"Don't get mad, I am just scared. That would really be my worst nightmare if we get caught."

"How can I not be mad? You won't let me tell them. You won't let me touch you. I just don't know what you want me to do."

I was actually feeling rejected by Zhan. I do understand that he is afraid, but even in private, he won't let me even give him a hug. My heart is having a hard time dealing with all the "nos."

"OK, just a hug and a kiss, and you promise not to make a big deal out of it, right?"


I was already holding his hand, so all I did was pull him closer to me first. I gave him a kiss on the forehead, then his cheeks, and lastly, his lips. Even when i used my tongue, he didn't refuse me. He opened his mouth. My mistake was letting myself be so invested in the kiss that I did not hear the footsteps headed towards us.

Next thing I knew, the lights were turned on, and my mom was standing right there, with a horrified look on her face.

When the light came on, I felt Zhan freeze and firmly squeeze my arm. I was regretting pushing him into doing this. Now I believe he is living his worst nightmare. To be honest, we both are, because never in a million years would I have wanted my parents to find out about us this way.

"What are you two doing? Yibo, what is this?"

Zhan started trembling when he heard the voice behind him. He had not turned to look at the person ever since the light came on. Hearing my mom's voice sent him into a silent panic. I knew it was all my fault.

How do I even start explaining all this? I really should have listened to Zhan.

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