Chapter 6

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I really don't know what I was hoping for when I asked him if he was attracted to Huiying. I think I was trying to test if he was really straight.

His response really really annoyed me. I sat and stared at my books for hours, and still never got anything done. Also, what's with him offering me a hug and asking for one back. Didn't he just say he does not like unnecessary touching from others?

The mixed signs from that guy will be troublesome one of these days.

I woke up super tired, and it doesn't help that my first class is at 8 am. I need to hurry up and get ready so that I can have enough time to make us breakfast.

I will just fix something quick. I have never gone to school without eating breakfast first, and the way I am rushing to cook everything, it now makes sense why my mom wakes up at 6 am even though work doesn't start until 9.

I will leave Yibo's on the table and eat mine on the way. My mother is not here to scold me anyway, I will do better tomorrow, mom, I promise.

I grabbed my books and food and ran out the door.

I made it just in time, but as soon as I sat down, I realized I had left my assignment at the apartment. I can't leave because by the time I come back, the professor would have already collected the assignments.

I decided to text Yibo, I know he said his first class is at 12. I really hope he is up.

[Good morning, Yibo. I really hope you are awake, because if not, I am screwed. I left my assignment on my desk in my room, I really need you to bring it to me. I don't really have another option.  I hope you can help me out. I will owe you one. Please. I will cook you my best dish tonight, I promise. Pretty please.]

I really hope he sees the message in time.


The reason I hate drinking water before I fall asleep is waking up because my bladder is about to burst. I avoid water at night for this reason, but last night I had to study so I had no choice.

A message came into my phone when I walked back into the bedroom.

I was debating whether to read it or ignore it because I really wanted to go back to sleep. It's too early for me to be awake.

The house also smells like nice food, I will read this while I go investigate the smell.

I did not even get to the kitchen after I saw the urgency in the message that I received from Zhan. 

I went to his bedroom, got the assignment, put running shoes on and out the door.

I texted him to meet me by the bathrooms so that I don't cause trouble for him by coming all the way to class. He can ask to be excused.

I ran like a mad man, because I did not want to see Zhan in trouble or getting failed for something he worked so hard on. I got to the bathroom at the same time as him.

"Here, I hope I did take too long."

" No, not all. Thank you so much. You are a life saver, I owe you one. Remember, dinner is on me tonight."

His smile was really worth it, as I was enjoying this moment, I had to meet Huiying's gaze.

Ag, what now. More blabbering, complaining, and whining.

"Hi darling, isn't it too early for you to be on campus?"

"Since when did we start addressing each other with pet names. I know I am early, and I came to drop off something Zhan needed. I am going back now."

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