The mechanic (Old Version)

By WolfSama8

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This is the old version of my story the new and rewriting versions are separated into 4 books with book numbe... More

chapter 1 the mistake
chapter 2 training
chapter 3 the decision
chapter 4 a hate filled reunion
chapter 5 the underdog's first fight
chapter 6 the underdog's first fight part 2
chapter 7 bittersweet izumomo moment
chapter 8 a wall broken
chapter 9 giants problem
chapter 10 giant solution
chapter 11 a memory that can't be erased
chapter 12 musical?!
chapter 13 AFO
chapter 14 hair of steel
chapter 15 the gem or the foundation
chapter 16 in the end he's still just a quirkless
chapter 17 fuck izumomo kero
announcement and good news... I hope
chapter 18 promises of children
chapter 19 a broken promise
chapter 20 aftermath
chapter 21 surprise visit
chapter 22 izumomo battle
chapter 23 a bitter victory
chapter 24 rule the world
chapter 25 cycle
chapter 26 Momo vs Tsuyu
chapter 27 something there that wasn't there before
chapter 28 a broken man taking a deal
chapter 29 a hollow victory
chapter 30 this is not the end this is not the beginning
Chapter 31 the others 1461 days
chapter 32 the trial
chapter 33 the verdict
chapter 34 epilogue of the first arc
chapter 35 tying lose ends in a nice little bow
chapter 36 izuku's brand new day
chapter 37 Momo's brand new day
chapter 38 eri's brand new day
chapter 39 what you've all been waiting for
chapter 40 a start
chapter 41 ain't no love for the heart of the City
chapter 42 out of love
chapter 43 a message
chapter 44 silent night/ sneak peek
chapter 45 under hatred fatherhood still stands
chapter 46 the visit
chapter 47 for the longest time
chapter 48 covering your tracks
chapter 49 a long day finally finished
chapter 50 a little girl no longer
chapter 51 get back up again
chapter 52 I'm a mechanic not a pro hero
chapter 53 the letter
chapter 54 so you had a bad Day
chapter 55 doing what's right for some V
chapter 56 S doing what's right for you
chapter 57 tsuyu's past
chapter 58 the world doesn't care if your not ready
chapter 59 sleep i hardly knew her
chapter 60 welcome home
chapter 61 breakfast drama
chapter 62 a bootyful morning
chapter 63 hardships for most fluff for some
chapter 64 momo is gonna kill somebody
chapter 65 a visit from a hero
chapter 66 Eri new mentor
chapter 67 madam Quackadoo strikes again
chapter 68 a duty
chapter 69 a visit
chapter 70 a long overdue explanation
chapter 71 plans in motion
chapter 72 a saint visit a black sheep
chapter 73 la bohemia
chapter 74 Mitsuki is gonna kill somebody
chapter 75 grandma inko
chapter 76 a not so welcomed visit
chapter 77 viejo amor
chapter 78 secrets on top of secrets
chapter 79 what is love
chapter 80 love is 3 things
chapter 81 pocket of air in the drowning sea
chapter 82 let's give each other the world one last time
chapter 83 izutsuyu fight 💔
chapter 84 a true saint walking amongst sinners
chapter 85 the day that changed everything part 1
chapter 86 the day that changed everything part 2
chapter 87 start of the 3rd arc trouble in paradise
chapter 88 what did you do in napoli
chapter 89 old habits Don't die for a reason
chapter 90 the night we met
chapter 91 revenge for an old friend
chapter 92 a case of the Mondays
chapter 93 a moment to celebrate
chapter 94 wake up to reality
chapter 95 things get worse before they get better
chapter 96 she is way too young to be this hurt
chapter 97 izuku and Melissa the idiotic duo
chapter 98 a slow day is a good day/ explanation
chapter 99 cozy
chapter 100 lost it all
chapter 101 a true hero
chapter 102 the generic beach episode
chapter 103 the generic beach episode part 2
chapter 104 father vs child /a thank you
chapter 105 scars that don't leave
chapter 106 bang bang shots are fired
chapter 107 the 10 commandments of being a best friend
chapter 108 the protector meets the protected
chapter 109 the missing one piece
chapter 110 the past is what makes us
chapter 111 starting the day right
chapter 112 and so it begins
chapter 113 you can't see the truth in a sea of hatred
chapter 114 a daughter always comes first
chapter 115 Ochako's past
chapter 116 snowman
chapter 117 the world doesn't give a damn if your not ready
chapter 118 finding the truth + new story sneak peek
chapter 119 like daughter like father
chapter 120 ugly end of the night
chapter 121 the start of withdrawal
chapter 122 the path to embarrassment is paved with good intentions
chapter 123 The asui punishment
chapter 124 car experience
chapter 125 izumomo? no momojirou
chapter 126 unfaithful
chapter 127 meanwhile with eri
chapter 128 what's a king do a god? what's a god to a parent
chapter 129 therapy for a hero
chapter 130 therapy for the child
chapter 131 the apology song
chapter 132 an accident no longer
chapter 133 the drama continues
chapter 135 making new friends
chapter 136 adults acting like children + sneak peek
chapter 137 Le Festín
chapter 138 can't we stay like this forever ?
chapter 139 no. no we can't
chapter 140 the end of fluff+ new story
chapter 141 coming back home
chapter 142 the vows
chapter 143 the fluff before the storm
chapter 144 first trial
chapter 145 oh Khuda
chapter 146 distance doesn't wake the heart up
chapter 147 the trial begins
chapter 148 always aim for the head
chapter 149 the dream is dead
chapter 150 a simple morning
chapter 151 a great story
chapter 152 the sacrifices of parenthood
chapter 153 end of the trial arc
chapter 154 domestic needs, + explanation on hiatus
I'm back and the Mechanic's back

chapter 134 progress is slow but it can be beautiful

1.4K 30 43
By WolfSama8

Last time

Tsuyu;fine we should have our wedding after the trials kero


Izuku: surprised that the vultures didn't pick it up already. I'm suing UA and Mirio for what they did to Eri they harmed our baby I'm gonna take everything from them

*Izuku said darkly, momo glanced at tsuyu who was on her phone with no intentions of calming izuku down. Not this time nothing was stopping the demon they awaken*


The day before they're going to paris

Lee:i see so your going to Paris France to visit your daughter?

Izuku;yup hopefully she's... calmed down a bit about us being firm on her going out of this magneto forsaken country

Lee:you know i have this friend she's a terrific therapist that might help her if she's still feeling anxious about being in a whole different country

Izuku:thanks for that but she already has a therapist

Lee: fantastic I'm sure her power of youth will be strong

Izuku;power of youth?

Lee:oh just an old family saying it goes back all the way back to the Edo period now let's get back in to talking about that tsuyu asui


*Izuku got up and started backpedaling to the door with a smile on his face*

Izuku:.  .  .now that you mention it Eri could use another thera....

Lee:nice try sit down

*Izuku whined and laid down on the couch while lee got his pen and paper*

Izuku:why do we have to talk about Tsu? She's about the only good thing that came out of the lie

Lee: because your fears stems from losing her that's why, now why don't you start with when you two met again in jail

Izuku:not a lot to talk about know i know i lived it but after so long it feels like my time there was a lifetime ago back when my life was just a betrayed boy who wanted revenge but....

*Izuku liked his lips as he remembered meeting tsuyu from so long ago how she cried for him for what they did do his body remembering how she cared*

Izuku:i... I think it was with tsuyu when the story of my life became so much more then just a betrayed story, making the betrayal look like an afterthought... Heh i still remember how she got bold and kissed me

Lee:hm, I've read some of the prison files it said here she was injured?

*Izuku frowned remembering that day just as much as he remembered that kiss*

Izuku:yes... She's a very blunt person and has told me numerous time that she was an idiot for fighting, and for coming down there like that

Lee:i can imagine how did you feel when she was injured?

Izuku:scared is the closest word to describe what i was feeling since that man Julius was stronger then me in every sense of the word it made me feel so...well....

Lee:useless, futile, pointless, purposeless...

Izuku:ok ok. Yes it made me feel completely useless tsuyu was going to get r*ped and then killed and i couldn't do anything about it. I was completely out of it at that point my body going on adrenaline and my sense to protect people. But more importantly to protect the woman that believed in me 

Lee:even if it meant death

Izuku;even if it meant my death i was a dead man anyway at that point in my life didn't actually think i could win that tournament it was just pure luck

Lee:yes but that's the problem Mr. Midoriya you did win, you won and now your out, you have no reason to feel like you need to put your life on the line

Izuku:tell that to the people that hate my guts

Lee: irrelevant

Izuku:very relevant

Lee:no, you paranoia makes it relevant. Yes a large portion of the population dislike you, a smaller portion hates you and a even smaller portion would act on there hate we are talking about about a bunch of moronic incels that spend all there time on there computers and don't go outside to enjoy the sun the chances of them finding you is smaller now then it was before so again you have no reason to believe that something will happen

Izuku;....fine your right

Izuku"i owe buck and the others an apology those guns in my shop are necessary"

Lee:you don't believe that but that's fine I'll make you believe it over time

Izuku:yeah and charging me am arm and a leg

Lee:oh please my prices are fair


Lee:alright that enough banter let's get back in to it

*Izuku sighed as he still had 2 hours to go before he was freed*

Meanwhile with momo

*We see her doing paperwork her foot was jumping up and down as she looked at the clock*

Momo:just a few more hours just a few more hours and I'll get to see my little girl just...

*Setsuna with the biggest most smug smile she could give place another pile of papers for momo to read and sign*

Momo:....i hate you....soo so much....

Setsuna;Uhu i love you too. Now I'm going to Starbucks and get your usual, what does jirou drink?

Momo:kyoka? Why would you get her a drink?

*Momo said looking at Setsuna confused, setsuna was looking at momo with am unamused expression*

Setsuna:you didn't dismantle all the cámaras in your office i know she's hiding in the bathroom and comes out every half hour so you two can make out so I'll ask again. What does she want?

Kyoka;.....a chai latte and a banana muffin....

*Kyoka said embarrassed through the bathroom door. Setsuna raised her eye at momo who was sinking down on her seat wishing the world would eat her alive*

Setsuna:also there's the fact that i can see kyoka's cheap Walgreens lipstick on your neck


*Setsuna turned around and walked away with kyoka coming out of the bathroom looking just as embarrassed as momo*

Momo:she's never gonna let me live this down is she?

Kyoka:nope and can you tell her to stop making stupid ass innuendos when denki's here? It's bad enough that I'm doing this to him i don't need her making me feel worse then i already am

Momo:if you feel so bad why do you keep coming back?

Kyoka;if i knew that don't you think i would fix that?

*Kyoka said with a frustrated whine covering her face with her hands. What should've been a one time thing mistake soon became an almost daily occurrence*

Momo:are...are you planning on leaving him?

Kyoka;are you planning on making us public?

*Kyoka said harshly making momo wince since that as a huge problem momo was having with this new feelings for her best friend. She looked down ashamed of herself rubbing her arms*

Momo: it's....uh...

Kyoka: complicated. Look i have to go anyways call me maybe we can have a normal time together like we used to before...all of this

*Kyoka said her tone was normal but momo could tell she was hurting this whole situation was hurting then both but at the same time the can't just be together*

Momo:yeah...i think it's best you go...

*Kyoka got up with momo walking with her she opened the door and they looked at each other's eyes. It didn't take long for kyoka to jump in to Momo's arm and make there situation worse. It was wrong, it was unfaithful, it was filthy but magneto help them it was a stress relief they both desperately needed*

Meanwhile with tsuyu

*Unlike the other adults protagonists she was the only one not consumed with problems at the moment quite the opposite*

Tsuyu:how's this one Kero?

*Tsuyu walked out and did a little spin, with her was inko, Mitsuki,Ryuko, kaina, Melissa. And virtually Marinette and Chloe through a laptop, they were just having a girls day picking out tsuyu's wedding dress. Inko was crying making her way through the 5th box of tissues*

Inko:oh it's so beautiful!!

Kaina: you've said that about every dress she's tried on. Thank god I'm here or you would've gone with the one inko picked out

Inko;hey there was nothing wrong with the one i picked out!

Kaina:she looked like Tiana from princess and the frog

Mitsuki; that's what she looked like it was driving me crazy!

*Inko huffed crossing her arms as Ryuko rubbed her back*

Ryuko:it didn't look that bad love

Chloe: while true it just wasn't wedding material but that one that one has promise

Tsuyu:you think Kero?

*Tsuyu twirled around in it looking herself in the mirror*

Melissa;oh yeah, nice simple, it's adorable especially the cyan color it works perfectly with your hair

Tsuyu:i....i think this is it guys

Kaina:you sure you don't want to try out another one?

Ryuko:your only telling her that so you can keep killing your liver with all the champagne they've been giving us

Kaina:no, also the finger foods!

*While they over 50 woman kept squabbling like middle schoolers inko got up and walked behind tsuyu putting her hands on tsuyu's shoulders*

Inko:you really do look amazing in that, izuku will love it when she see you coming down the red carpet

*Tsuyu sighed with a shaky breath smiling at the reflection her wedding was getting closer and she couldn't wait*

Tsuyu: thanks mom i can't wait for him to see me in it Kero

Melissa:and of course the honeymoon~

Tsuyu: Melissa one more remark on that and you will be uninvited to the honeymoon Kero

*Melissa flinched and shut up with a nervous smile while tsuyu just kept looking at herself, her heart was racing looking at the dress her mind just kept picturing her and izuku at the altar*

Tsuyu:yes...this is my wedding dress

To be continued or read 5 chapters ahead on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




William Washington



True V Munoz-Bennett


Thank you again for the donation

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