Classroom of the Elite: Ichin...

By karlqn

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What would happen if Ichinose Honami instead began in Class-D? What will change and how will things proceed... More

Chapter I - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter II - The Defective Products That is Class-D
SS - The Enigmatic Encounter: Ichinose Honami's Curiosity Awakens
Chapter III - Education Is The Foundation Upon Which We Build Our Future
Chapter IV - Friendship Is A Single Soul Dwelling In Two Bodies
Chapter V - The Strongest Bonds Are Forged In The Fires Of Adversity
Chapter VI - The Worst Form Of Inequality Is To Try To Make Unequal Things Equal
Chapter VII - Love Is The Art Of Blending Two Souls Into One Harmonious Melody
Chapter VIII - The Roots Of Education Are Bitter, But The Fruit Is Sweet
Chapter IX - When Tyranny Becomes Law, Revolution Becomes Order
Chapter X - Deception Is The Dark Alley Where Ignorance And Education Collide
Chapter XI - Where There Is No Vision, There Is No Hope
Chapter XII - All Warfare Is Based On Deception
SS - A Heart's Symphony: Ichinose Honami's Melody of Love
Chapter XIII - Fortune Favors The Bold, And We Are The Embodiment Of Fortune
Chapter XIV - Judging Others Makes Us Blind, Whereas Love Is Illuminating
Chapter XV - Whoever Has Faith In The Beauty Of Their Dreams Has The Future
Chapter XVI - The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It
Chapter XVII - In The Middle Of Every Difficulty Lies Opportunity
Chapter XVIII - Falling Is Inevitable, But Glory Lies In Rising Again
Chapter XIX - To Enforce, Then One Must Have Force
Chapter XX - Ambition Is The First Step Towards Turning A Dream Into Reality
Chapter XXI - Life Is A Balance Between Holding On And Letting Go
Chapter XXIII - She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Chapter XXIV - I Could Make You Care
SS - Unveiling Visions: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's Dreams
SS - Unveiling Visions: Ichinose Honami's Dreams
Chapter XXV - And Then There Were Two
Chapter XXVI - Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter XXVII - Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Chapter XXVIII - All's Fair In Love And NTR

Chapter XXII - The Greatest Battles Are Often Fought Within Oneself

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By karlqn

It has been two days since the special exam on the island. So far, nothing unusual has occurred other than the occasional bickering between other classes but, there has been one change. That change is the fact that people are starting to become more wary of Class-D, more specifically those people being the ones at the helm of the ships. Ryuuen, of which, has already launched an investigation on the supposed mastermind behind the Class-D's recent success. This became apparent to me when I noticed people from Class-C stalking not just me, but everyone else in my class. Of course, they didn't get anywhere.

Apart from that, there was also my talk with Ichinose a while back. From my understanding, she's since changed from the person she was originally at the start of school, they had since change their ever so hopeful ideals.

In any case, with that aside, we return to present with me currently indulging myself in my free time. Inside my room, I lay atop my bed with no plans in particular. Then there was the people I was staying with, Miyake Akito, Kouenji Rokusuke, and Hirata Yousuke. Both Miyake and Kouenji went off on their own while Hirata, he stayed in the room, same as me, silently doing his own thing. Whether or not we talked to each other will solely depend on Hirata as I have nothing to talk about myself.

Anyhow, a few hours passed and to kill time, I scrolling idly through my own watching videos online. Though the school had certain restrictions that prevented me from commenting and such, there was no filter on.. questionable content. If there was, then it was a weak filter at that. As I was doing so, I felt a gaze come upon me, that gaze, of course, belonged to Hirata. For whatever reason he has for staring at me is unknown and I wouldn't call him out on it. As I said before, there will be no conversation unless he instigates it first.

Waiting a few more minutes, Hirata spoke to me.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun, you're not doing anything later today, are you?"

If I responded to him honestly, then there's an eighty percent chance that he would invite me to something. If I lied, then that is the end of the story. However if I did lie, there's also the chance that if he found out in some way and will be hurt by my answer. Therefore, the most optimal solution is to decline any invitation after answering truthfully, but then again, I learned that even if I did decline, there's a strong possibility that I might be forced to reconsider my choice until I agree.

"No, I don't have anything to do," I told him.

"I see, then how about we have lunch? There's a café in the atrium."

"Would it be alright if I declined?"

"If you don't want to, I wont force you, but, can I ask why?"

"Ah, I guess I wont fit in is all."

"Oh, you're concerned about other people joining us."

That was one of the reasons. You see, not too long ago, there was a change in relationships between two people in Class-1-D. Both Hirata and Karuizawa was confirmed to be in a romantic relationship, just a day after the special exam ended. The details of which are still not clear to me but, if they are in a relationship, then I wouldn't be surprised if Karuizawa will be joining us. Of course, that's not the main problem but rather, the problem is that I don't really feel like leaving the bed at this point in time.

"If that's the case then you won't have to worry, it'll be just us," he smiled.

Getting up from my laying position, I stared at Hirata silently. It wasn't before long that as I was about to respond, an announcement played on the intercom.

Attention all students. A special event will be taking place on the fifth floor. This is optional and people may participate freely. For further information, please review the details that will be sent to your mobile devices shortly.

The contents of this announcement was one I thought would be anything relating to a special exam but that wasn't it, it was different in a sense. If it were a special exam, they would use the word exam, but no, the word used was event, indicating it was something else entirely. Furthermore, it was optional, something that the special exams weren't. So by deduction, this is something the school chooses to institute for some odd reason.

After the announcement played, I opened my phone and saw an email that was sent by the school. Opening it up, it was a straight forward message that entailed the aforementioned event.


Students will showcase and perform unique skills and talents in front of an audience (other students & staff), whether they are related to singing, dancing, acting, playing musical instruments, magic tricks, comedy, acrobatics, or any other performance art. For more information, please come to the fifth floor.

REQUIREMENTS: Students must pay the entry fee of 2,000 Private Points to enter. Group entries are permitted for the same price for all participating students.

DATE: August 9th, 2015.


First Place, 200,000 Private Points & 30 Class Points
Second Place, 100,000 Private Points & 10 Class Points
Third Place, 50,000 Private Points
Fourth & Fifth Place, 20,000 Private Points

Sixth through tenth place will be remunerated their entry fee along with an additional 2,000 Private Points. Group participants will be rewarded each individually.

A talent show that is free for anyone to join for the low cost of a 2,000 Private Point entry fee. Never mind that, there was also a prize for anyone who can make it to the top five and as a consolation gift, anyone who didn't make it will just be given what they payed for to participate along with extra. Private points aside, there was also a chance to potentially earn Class Points too, that is what most people were probably interested in, even if the amount you could earn was low. I, for one, had no interest in joining a talent show but the prizes are making this event more appealing so, at the very least, I'll check it out.

"Are you planning on joining the talent show, Ayanokouji-kun?" Hirata asked me.

"Haven't decided, I figured I'll see what it even has to offer."

"I guess that means you'll be passing on my invitation then?"

"Sorry," I replied.

With that, Hirata simply smiled and carried on with his business. As for me, I got up and got dressed, wearing the issued clothing I was given by the school. The standard summer uniform with a nice blue tie. Leaving the room, I noticed that a handful of people were also exiting their own rooms, for the same purpose I presume. Walking down the halls, I made it towards the elevators and, as I imagined, there was a long line outside the two. Since the standard capacity for one lift is around six or so people and there was perhaps twenty or more students in line, I didn't want to wait, so instead, I took the stairs. Currently, I was on the tenth floor so I didn't need to travel too far anyways.

Making it to the fifth, I entered the large centrum of the cruise liner, packed with students. From my estimation, there must've been maybe eighty people here. Looking around a little more, I looked towards the center of the theatre, no one was there other than a few adults with a microphone at the front. Apparently, there was more people here than I had imagined so my view was somewhat obstructed.

As I continued to observe the surroundings around me, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with a light citrusy smell, one that belonged to the only person I know that has a fragrance like that. It was Ichinose, who waved at me.

- XXII.I -

It wasn't before long I received a message on my phone. It was the one that talked about a special event coming up. I didn't think it was another special exam based off the wording of the message but nevertheless, I was still curious. As I arrived at the theatre on the fifth floor, there was already plenty of students there waiting, but there was only one student in particular that caught my attention. Among the masses was Ayanokouji-kun, who quietly stood by, staring up at the stage.

It was only by chance that I saw him. Even if it wasn't expected, in my heart I still thought that he would be here. At first, he doesn't strike me to be someone to participate in a talent show so curiosity got the better of me and I approached him from behind. Tapping his shoulder, he turned around with the all so never changing expression of his.

"Hello, Ayanokouji-kun," I greeted.


"Are you going to be joining the talent show?" I inquired.

"Oh, probably not. I suppose I was just wanted to see what this talent show was about."

Ah, so just like me, Ayanokouji-kun was also curious about this special event the school was hosting. I guess it will make anyone interested especially since there's a large sum of private points at stake.

"What about you? Are you joining?" Ayanokouji-kun asked me.

"Nope, we're in the same boat, haha~!" I laughed.

"I see."

Ayanokouji-kun, turning away from, faced the stage area and not too long after, one of the adults on there spoke something into the microphone, getting the attention of everyone.

"Welcome, everybody," greeted the man, "We will no longer be accepting any more arrivals beyond those who have gathered here today."

A teacher, standing at the entrance, slowly closed both of the doors, locking them both. Even though this was a game wherein participation was optional, there was still some rules in place regardless. No one was allowed to enter even if they were late by a second.

"As you already know, this talent show will be a display of student's unique talents. If you wish to join, then registry will be open after my explanation," he announced, "Furthermore, we will only be accepting fifty students into this event. Anyone else will be denied."

With the number of students the school will be accepting as participants, people will not only be more discourage to join, but they'll also start to reconsider whether they want to join in or not because I'm certain of the fact that plenty of the people in this room right now will have stage fright or don't think they could measure up to the competition.

"Also, the school will provide the equipment for students to perform their arts free of charge. Whether it be musical instruments, props, et cetera."

This explanation would go on for about three more minutes before it was over. Once it was, registry was open and looking at the crowd, some people already started to leave while the more confident students, went in line.

"On second thought, I changed my mind," Ayanokouji-kun said, turning his attention towards me.


"I'll sign up," he stated.

"Wait, you're going to join?"

"I don't see why not."

"Do you have a talent you want to show off..?"

"Ah, I'll leave it to your imagination to figure out."

It seemed like he had initially dismissed the idea, but now he had changed his mind. His response about leaving his talent to my imagination only added to the intrigue. I couldn't help but wonder what he had up his sleeve. But anyways, leaving it at that, he left me and joined the line to participate. As for me, I left the centrum with the plan of watching how Ayanokouji-kun will perform on the day of the show.


After I signed up, I left the area with a certain target in mind. I fled into the hallways, hoping I would find this person before they were gone. You see, during the explanation, it was said that the school would provide the necessary equipment for the student's acts. When I signed up, there was already one piece of equipment I wanted to get my hands on before anyone else claimed it. In the past, I had the special opportunity to play with it once, but that was during the unprecedented meeting I had.

But anyways, I was wandering the halls a little more until.. I found them, my target.

"Chabashira-sensei," I called out.

"Ayanokouji, is there something you need?"

"Yes, I signed up for the event. There's an item I want as along as it's still available that is."

"What is it?"

"The grand piano, if it's on the ship anyways."

Back during the first ever special exam we took, I was contacted by an unexpected individual, that person was Sakayanagi. When I got to the meeting place, there was a grand piano that laid at the stage of the multipurpose room and even though was able to use it once, it was only for a short moment. Now this is the chance for me to play once again.

"I see, then if that's the case then yes, it's on this ship as we speak. I take it you want to use it then?"

"Yes, if that's possible."

"It certainly is but I'm sure you understand that you'll have to be supervised by me every time you use it."

"Yeah, I understand."

After that, Chabashira-sensei motioned me to follow her to which I did so accordingly. We followed her over to the thirteenth floor and entered a storage room that had neatly stacked boxes and more importantly, the object of my fascination was in the corner of the room. The grand piano in all of its glory. Though I didn't really need to practice all that much but it doesn't help to try. Looking at Chabashira-sensei, she gestured as if saying it was fine for me to use it so placing my fingers over a few of the keys, it was finely tuned and ready to be played.

Yes, this was perfect. It's everything I could want and more. For the past two days or so, I spent a decent sum of hours on the piano until it was finally time.

Fast forwarding a little, there I was in the back room of the main stage, already thirty people had gone up and since I was the last act of the event. I took this opportunity to gauge out some of my classmates in the meantime. None of them really caught my attention though, nor did their conversations either. People mainly talked about their nervousness and how they spent countless hours perfecting their skills. Making up my mind that any further eavesdropping is pointless, I spent my time tuning the piano once last time.

In any event, good two hours or so had passed until they made it to the final course.

The staff took away the piano and moved it to the center of the theatre. Before getting up from my seat, I took one last sip of water and made my way there.

As I stepped onto the stage, I was greeted by the several hundred eyes of not only teachers, but other students as well. With the ambiance wrapping itself around me, a grand piano stood majestically in the center of the stage, its polished surface reflecting the soft glow of the evening sun. Aware of the impending performance, I took a moment to center myself, preparing to witness a captivating display of musical prowess.

Seated at the piano, my hands poised above the ivory keys, I inhaled deeply, grounding myself in the present moment. As my fingers made contact with the cool surface, the room fell silent, attuned to the imminent melody. With a calculated touch, I struck the first note, allowing it to resonate with a refined elegance.

My body remained composed, my face expressionless as I delved into the piece. My fingers glided effortlessly across the keyboard, navigating the intricate composition with precision and finesse. Each note was executed with utmost control, producing a cascade of harmonious sounds that filled the room.

Though my eyes remained closed, my ears keenly absorbed the interplay of melody and rhythm. The conversation between the instrument and my soul unfolded, each note carrying its own significance and as the final note lingered, I released the keys, allowing the sound to dissipate into the air. The room erupted in applause, a testament to the mastery and precision displayed in my playing. I acknowledged the praise I was getting, offering a subtle nod of gratitude before returning to the quiet stillness that had enveloped me throughout the performance.

With that, I left the stage and returned to the back stage.


Getting out of the theatre, I looked to my left to which I saw a crowd of people, namely they were mostly female students. I got the impression that I was about to be surrounded ever since I won the competition so I tried to leave, but of course, I didn't get the luxury to as they were slowly closing in on me. However, there was still one person among them that stood out, someone who walked at a faster pace than the rest of the crowd, that person was Ichinose. She, of which, steadily ran up to me but not before switching her gaze to the mass of people, stopping them in their tracks.

"Ah, Ayanokouji-kun~! It's a bit too noisy here, huh?" she smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Ichinose, still smiling, turned back to the crowd and waived. In a way, she saved me from having to deal with the audience but, I can't help but feel there's an ulterior motive Ichinose has. Though I wouldn't call her out on it since that probably would have been a bad idea.

"Any who, do you have anything you're doing after this?" Ichinose asked.

"Huh? Nah, after this I didn't really have anything else planned.."

Saying so, Ichinose lightly nodded and as we were in the middle of talking, someone had come up to us. The person in specific, is someone from our class, it was Mori Nene who had come up to both me and Ichinose.

"Um, Ayanokouji-kun, can I talk to you?" asked Mori.

"Hm? Yeah, can I help you?"

Just as Mori was about respond, Ichinose had quickly intervened and stopped her from continuing her sentence.

"Oh, sorry, can you excuse me for a minute, Ayanokouji-kun? There's something I need to talk to Nene-chan about."

"Uh, sure."

With that, Ichinose grabbed Mori by the arm and dragged her a substantial distance away, but still far enough for me to still be able to hear into their conversation. Mori had a startled expression on her face while Ichinose, on the other hand, had this somewhat menacing look to her; completely different from what she usually has.

"Nene-chan, me and Ayanokouji-kun are in the middle of a conversation at the moment. Do you think you can leave us alone~?" Ichinose said.

Once Ichinose asked that, Mori looked taken aback by her sudden change in demeanor. Mori, hesitating a bit, spoke up.

"O-oh, okay, but.. I wanted to say something to Ayanokouji-kun.."

Her expression slightly softening, Ichinose stared directly into Mori's eyes. "I understand Nene-chan, but unfortunately, we're discussing something that's way more important than what you might have to say.

Up to this point, Mori was flustered and confused with Ichinose's constant denial of allowing her to speak with me, it's become even more confusing with the fact that the rest of the crowd, has been quietly discussing among themselves while looking at the three of us. Whatever Ichinose is doing, she's being rather direct and forceful today.

"Um, o-okay, Honami-chan, I'll g-go."

Mori, looking disappointed, left the scene. I would've thought that after that conversation, Ichinose would return to me but instead, she stared into horde that was still in the vicinity. Even though I couldn't see her expression, I got the feeling that she was striking fear into the hearts of the people in the audience because soon after, they left. Some even looking somewhat scared of what Ichinose could've done if they didn't leave.

"Haha, sorry about that, Ayanokouji-kun. Where were we~?"

"You asked me what I had planned."

"Oh, yes, I remember now. So.. Do you?" Ichinose questioned.

"Nope, nothing in particular."

"Then in that case.."

Ichinose, who of now is blushing to some extent, put forward their thoughts in a way that was both unclear and sterile in a sense.

"Well, if Ayanokouji-kun doesn't have any plans.." she began, "Then how about we go to that small café on the third floor? My treat, after Ayanokouji-kun's amazing performance back there, haha!"

Not saying a word, I followed Ichinose to the elevators. With my mind was still occupied with the previous conversation, I tried to decipher the true intentions behind Ichinose's invitation. Nevertheless, in the end, I decided not to think too much about it as we ascended to the third floor.


relationship arc starts next chapter bc im assuming that's what everyone wants. its probably gonna drag out for a bit tho

possessive honami? yeah, that's hot

new character morishita from arisu's class is hot too

wrote this at night where i am before i was about to sleep and i was in a hurry so expect some uhhh mistakes yeah

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