Classroom of the Elite: Ichin...

By karlqn

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What would happen if Ichinose Honami instead began in Class-D? What will change and how will things proceed... More

Chapter I - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter II - The Defective Products That is Class-D
SS - The Enigmatic Encounter: Ichinose Honami's Curiosity Awakens
Chapter III - Education Is The Foundation Upon Which We Build Our Future
Chapter IV - Friendship Is A Single Soul Dwelling In Two Bodies
Chapter V - The Strongest Bonds Are Forged In The Fires Of Adversity
Chapter VI - The Worst Form Of Inequality Is To Try To Make Unequal Things Equal
Chapter VII - Love Is The Art Of Blending Two Souls Into One Harmonious Melody
Chapter VIII - The Roots Of Education Are Bitter, But The Fruit Is Sweet
Chapter IX - When Tyranny Becomes Law, Revolution Becomes Order
Chapter X - Deception Is The Dark Alley Where Ignorance And Education Collide
Chapter XI - Where There Is No Vision, There Is No Hope
Chapter XII - All Warfare Is Based On Deception
SS - A Heart's Symphony: Ichinose Honami's Melody of Love
Chapter XIII - Fortune Favors The Bold, And We Are The Embodiment Of Fortune
Chapter XIV - Judging Others Makes Us Blind, Whereas Love Is Illuminating
Chapter XV - Whoever Has Faith In The Beauty Of Their Dreams Has The Future
Chapter XVI - The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Create It
Chapter XVII - In The Middle Of Every Difficulty Lies Opportunity
Chapter XVIII - Falling Is Inevitable, But Glory Lies In Rising Again
Chapter XIX - To Enforce, Then One Must Have Force
Chapter XX - Ambition Is The First Step Towards Turning A Dream Into Reality
Chapter XXII - The Greatest Battles Are Often Fought Within Oneself
Chapter XXIII - She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not
Chapter XXIV - I Could Make You Care
SS - Unveiling Visions: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's Dreams
SS - Unveiling Visions: Ichinose Honami's Dreams
Chapter XXV - And Then There Were Two
Chapter XXVI - Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter XXVII - Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Chapter XXVIII - All's Fair In Love And NTR

Chapter XXI - Life Is A Balance Between Holding On And Letting Go

1.4K 86 27
By karlqn

okay so uh, here's the thing. as the executive, i must constitute an executive order

im discontinuing this fic

nah im jokin but what i am gonna do is skip the special exam. it just sucks tbh and i lost motivation to even continue it but, at the very least, i will explain what was supposed to happen back on the island in this chapter so u get a good idea of it all. in the end, it was a good idea but poor execution. sowwy.

this isnt the last mind game tho, there will be more down the line but i cant do it man



Class-A = 890 + 60 = 950

Class-B = 670 + 120 = 790

Class-C = 369 + 20 = 389

Class-D = 217 + 200 = 417


The island exam is finally over and it ended with Class-D's victory. Standing on top of the deck, I looked out at the pool area where everyone in my class was celebrating. Ever since then, no one in the other classes even dared to bother us. Though that doesn't necessarily mean there wasn't anyone from other classes at the public pool either, there was other students but they all stood by and glanced back at our class occasionally every now and then. Unbothered by it, Class-D simply enjoyed their time.

Back on the island, a surplus of things happened. First and foremost, Kushida ended up being a turncoat and teamed up with Class-C temporarily, though I didn't rat her out, Kushida most definitely is wary of me though. Furthermore, there was the fact that Ichinose had to drop out of the special exam and ended up taking her place as the leader and started to claim the outposts to gain more event points. But anyways, none of that should matter now, in the end, Class-D won with an astonishing two-hundred points, making us the new Class-C.

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun, I've been looking for you," a voice called out to me.

This voice belonged to none other than Ichinose Honami, back on the island, they had suffered an injury that had caused her to blackout, which in turn, caused their watch to blink and medical services to locate her. This had forced Ichinose to drop out and me taking her place. It wasn't the most favorable situation but it was convenient for me to take advantage of one of the rules.

"Ichinose," I said, "Are you feeling any better now?"

"Haha, yeah, I think I need to apologize for not being a good enough leader," she replied.

Though it may be true that Ichinose isn't the most fit to be a leader, there's no denying the fact that she, as they are, are to underdeveloped to be one. After all, she didn't think far enough to understand the type of person Ryuuen is, to have to resort to absurd tactics in events, backing her into a corner. That of which is one of the few reasons we've had a streak of losing in events in the second week.

"Ah, there's no need. Our class did fine in the end, didn't we?"

"I guess so.. but.."


"There's still something I'm not satisfied with. That thing is you, Ayanokouji-kun," she said with a stern look on her face.

"Not satisfied with me?"

Whether Ichinose understood the plans I had in motion during the special exam or not were inconsequential. I figured that this topic would come up sooner or later so there's no point in hiding from her. But either way, I'd like to see how she'd respond if I played dumb.

"Yes, at the end of the exam, Class-D won, but that shouldn't be possible. So you must have done something, Ayanokouji-kun, I'm positive of it," stated Ichinose.

"Does it really matter anymore?"

"Maybe but I'd still like to know what Ayanokouji-kun has been up to behind my back," Ichinose told me.

Any normal person wouldn't have cared about how it's done as along as they get the result they want. But Ichinose, who doesn't know what's been happening after she dropped out of the exam, there's no doubt she would be curious.

"Yeah, I could've guessed you would have asked me sooner or later," I responded.

"In that case.. Will you tell me?"

"Maybe, but not here. Let's go somewhere else."

With that, Ichinose simply nodded and followed me. Going down the stairs and the pool area, we made our way to the small open bar at the side of the ship. It wasn't a particularly popular area because it had mostly alcohol and students aren't allowed to have it so everyone usually goes to the restaurants or buy something from one of the stores in the atrium. That makes it the perfect place to have a private conversation.

Getting there, I turned around and faced Ichinose but before I was able to speak, Ichinose spoke up first.

"Actually, Ayanokouji-kun, I changed my mind. I'm not interested anymore," she smiled.


"This is pure conjecture but Ayanokouji-kun probably took the leader position after I had dropped out, yes?"

Her intuition is sharp.

"Ah, yeah, that's something I did."

"Yes, after that, I'm guessing Ayanokouji-kun must've resorted to capturing outposts. I've noticed you haven't been around the main camp as much lately, before I dropped out I mean."

Ichinose has been correct so far. In the second week of the special exam, I've been out venturing by myself. That led me to discovering the eight different outposts locations. Just two days before the exam ended, I stayed up for an entire night to capture those eight outposts just after the other class's claim on them expired. Staying up an entire night can be detrimental to my mental state, but, I made sure not to expend myself anymore than necessary which is why I haven't participated in any events. This alone earned the class eighty events points.

"Then Ayanokouji-kun found out, in some way, about who the class's leaders were. Costing the other three classes thirty points."

"I'm started to think this isn't just conjecture, Ichinose," I joked.

"I guess not, haha!"

Though Ichinose's bubbly personality started to show a bit more, that faded away quickly as she returned with a more serious look on her face.

"I mean, that's the only answer I can think of. After the exam ended, Mako-chan was the first person to come and see me, she told me about the series of losses our class has had in the events."

That's true, after Ichinose dropped out, our class went into an uproar. I was off doing my own thing and with Hirata and Horikita, left without any proper guidance, they to resort to using their own train of thought to lead our class. Against normal opponents, they could've won but their foes were much more clever. That foe in specific is Ryuuen, who started using using underhanded means in the second half of the special exam, according to Horikita anyways.

"That's about it," I told her.

"I thought so. After all, there's no possible way we could've gotten those points from events."

Ichinose, looking down, paused a little bit but eventually recovered and spoke up once more.

"By the time I had to forfeit unwillingly, I was discovered as the leader, wasn't I?"

"Yeah, it was made public even."

"But since I wasn't the leader anymore, when Ryuuen-kun, Katsuragi-kun, and the temporary leaders of Class-A wrote my name down, they had thirty-five more points deducted from them."

So far, Ryuuen has carefully thought of everything, even making sure the leader in his class wouldn't get found out, but, he simply got to cocky in the end. Thirty-five event points for guessing the leader of Class-D wrong and another thirty-five by having their leader found out by not just Class-D, but by the other classes to. Soon after I found Class-C's forward operating base, a transmitter that was bought from the catalogue was buried underneath next to their base at a nearby tree, it was a transmitter that communicated to Class-A. It was just a pure stroke of luck that I found it out. Though it wasn't necessary, I wanted as much insurance as possible and started to talk with Class-A and brokered a false deal with someone from the other end of the line. Posing as a student of Class-C, I gave up the name of the leader Class-C had, this person was a student named Nishino Takeko. If any sensible person was on the other end, they would have thought that this deal is absurd and without hesitation, declined. But no, instead, another student named Yahiko accepted. I gave it a fifty-fifty chance that they would fall for the bait and that's exactly how it played out, they fell for it hook, line, and sinker. In the end, this deal costed Ryuuen another thirty-five event points.

"Okay, Ayanokouji-kun, I think I get the gist of it now. Thank you," she said.

"Thank you for what exactly..?"

"For doing the things I couldn't. I mean, I don't appreciate the fact that you've been going behind my back, but, still, Ayanokouji-kun has done everything for the sake of our class."

Pausing once more, Ichinose looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"That makes me wonder what sort of person Ayanokouji-kun truly is."

As I was about to respond, she interrupted me.

"Um, I probably shouldn't take anymore of your time. Later, Ayanokouji-kun."

Leaving it at that, Ichinose waved to me and left the scene. Based off this interaction, I didn't get the impression that Ichinose happy about everything she's understood. Although she guessed much of my plan since she's been observing me as of late, she didn't seem too impressed by my actions but rather, she had gave off a neutral feel.

In any case, the conversation has ended and I made my way back to my assigned room.

- XXI.I -

Shortly after parting ways with Ayanokouji-kun, I went back to the top deck, where the rest of Class-D was hanging out. There has been a few thoughts I've been having ever since I heard the results of the special exam. First of all, Ayanokouji-kun isn't a normal person. I mean it sounds stupid when I think about it again, I mean he's always been different compared to everyone else. I suppose aloof is the right word? Yeah, that sounds about right. Above all else, there's also the fact that my feelings about him changed too, for better or for worse. I don't even know what to think of Ayanokouji-kun anymore, whether or not I want to see him as a lover, friends, or just classmates, I can't decide.

I've also been just frustrated with the fact that he doesn't trust me enough to start talking about his plans for things. Ah, what am I saying. I should be happy about the fact that our class is being promoted to Class-C next month, but still, Ayanokouji-kun is just.. I can't understand him. I never was able to.

As I was in the middle of thinking such things, someone interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Oh, hello there, Honami-chan~!"

The person who came up to me was Mako-chan, a person I consider to be a close friend of mind even though we're in different classes.

"Oh, hey," I responded.

When I replied to Mako-chan, she started closing in my face, with her hand on her chin.

"Um, Mako-chan..?"

"Hmm... Is Honami-chan perhaps thinking about Ayanokouji-kun?"

"W-What? Wait, um, no! Not at all!" I said nervously.

Her teasing caught me off guard but at this point in time, I should be use to it by now but either way, I'm not in the mood for it at moment.

"Are you sure?" she questioned.

"Y-yes, I've just... Ah, never mind!"

"Well, if Honami-chan says so. Anyways, I heard Class-D is about to become the new Class-C?"

"Oh, yeah, everyone in our class is celebrating out in the pool," I replied.

"You're not going to join them?

Shaking my head, I responded to Mako-chan's question.

"No, I'm not in the mood at the moment. Everyone is having fun so I figured I let them.

Mako-chan tilted her head and gave me a concerned look. "Is something bothering you, Honami-chan?"

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether or not to confide in her. Mako-chan had always been a good listener and a supportive friend, so perhaps talking to her could help me sort through my thoughts.

"Nope, nothing, I'm fine. I've been thinking about our class moving forward is all."

"Must be hard, huh? Having to support everyone's needs."

Yes, it has been putting a strain on my health. Even though with Hirata-kun and Horikita-san's helped, to simply do everything else all on your lonesome is damaging. There's still the constant fear of expulsion looming over people and as the leader of Class-D, I have to give my very best for everyone.

"It gets easier when I get use to be," I told her.

"Oh, okay. If Honami-chan ever needs any help, you can always count on me," Mako-chan smiled.

And so, Mako-chan, checking her phone, left me. Now at this point, I had two options. The first option is to go see everyone at the pool, something that I haven't done ever since the exam ended. I'm sure there's quite a few people worried about me still, but then again, I haven't yet fully recovered since the island exam. As much as I wanted to, I decided against going to the public pool and made my way back to my room. I'll probably get to see everyone tomorrow so it shouldn't be any problem.

Walking along the hallways, the same earlier thoughts came back at me. Putting intimate feelings aside, I've admired Ayanokouji-kun's talents from afar. My opinions have changed since the first ever special exam we took, where he was the one to bring me back to reality after I had failed to keep my promise.

I wanted to understand the person behind the mask, the thoughts and emotions that he kept hidden from the world.

However even then, I still couldn't ignore the fact that my feelings bordered on obsession. It felt wrong to harbor such intense emotions for someone I barely knew. I questioned myself, wondering if I was crossing the line into stalkerish behavior. But at the same time, I couldn't deny the significance Ayanokouji-kun held in my life. He had become my inspiration, my motivation to strive for excellence.

- XXI.II -

It was now night, it was somewhat cold and the sleep deprivation I had to endure back during the special exam is finally catching up to me so it messed with my sleep schedule a little bit. But anyways, there was another reason why I was out so late, not too long ago I received a text from Matsushita, how she got my number exactly is unknown to me but I didn't have time to think about that now given the message she sent. The message was short and simple, if it was anything I would have ignored it and went back to sleep but, it was something important.

The text Matsushita sent me is as follows,

[Hey, Ayanokouji-kun! It's Matsushita-san. There's something going on.. Honami-san is missing and I wonder if you know where she went..? Anyways, text me back.. Bye!]

If Ichinose went missing, the first people who would know about it is her roommates. More specifically, Wang, Mori, and Matsushita shared a room with her. Why they think I would know is confusing to me, the more appropriate option is to contact the school. I suppose there's no reason to think too much about it but for whatever reason Ichinose has for suddenly disappearing, that's what I mostly need to understand.

But anyhow, I have no reason to respond to Matsushita at the moment so therefore, I ignored her last request to text her back and left my room while making sure not to wake anyone up, and hence why I'm out so late.

Walking a little more on the top side, there was no sign of Ichinose. Walking a bit further down instead just below the deck, I found her. Pink hair, fluttering in the wind, looking out at the dark ocean in the middle of the night. Just outside my peripheral vision, was Ichinose leaning against the railings.

"Ichinose," I said, calling out to her.

"Ayanokouji-kun.." she replied.

The tone in her voice has shifted. She hasn't been the same ever since the special exam. Her voice carried a hint of melancholy, and I could sense that she had been lost in her thoughts. I approached her slowly, being careful not to startle her.

"Aren't you cold out here all by yourself?" I asked, taking my place next her against the railing.


"Then why don't we head back?"

"Oh, if you're worried about me Ayanokouji-kun, then you don't need to be. I just wanted to admire the ocean is all, haha," she laughed.

Her laughter sounded forced, lacking the usual warmth that accompanied it. I glanced at her, noticing the distant look in her eyes. Something was clearly bothering her, and I couldn't help but feel concerned.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's just.."

Ichinose stammered a little bit, but she finally worked up the courage to speak to me once again.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything Ayanokouji-kun has done for me, I really do. But I can't help but feel that I've been relying on Ayanokouji-kun a bit too much as of late," Ichinose expressed.

Though Ichinose has been always strong and independent person, even if her abilities itself are still far from being developed. In the past, I understood she wasn't the type of person who would show vulnerability or ask for help. As an individual, they alone want to accomplish things to ensure the survival of the class. That's what makes everyone rely on her so much, the fact that they can be this trusting of others and the fact the people can trust her so much.

"I don't see why that's necessarily a bad thing," I explained to her," Your nature to be a self-reliant person isn't bad in any way however.."


"There's nothing wrong with relying on your classmates as well, whether it be me or someone else in our class. In a way, your ideology is contradictory. Make it to Class-A as a whole but endure the hardships yourself? No point in calling us a 'team' if you think this way," I explained.

"Ahaha, you might be right about that, Ayanokouji-kun. I guess I've had my sights on seeing everyone's happiness at the cost of my own that I failed to think about my own well-being."

After saying so, Ichinose giggled and went quiet, she stood still, gazing at the midnight sky. It wasn't until after a few seconds of silence passed, Ichinose spoke to me again.

"What do you think will happen once we get back to school?"

"Who knows."

Going quiet again, Ichinose looked out into the sky once more.

"Say, Ayanokouji-kun.."


"The moon is quite beautiful this night, don't you think?

Following Ichinose's gaze upward, my eyes landing on the radiant moon hanging in the darkening sky. Its gentle glow illuminated the surroundings, casting a serene ambiance over the ocean. It was a magnificent sight to see.

"There's no denying that."


and now the waiting game, for the next four months, we wait for y2v10

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