MHA: Hero's and God's

By KadenA9

53.5K 694 380

Leonidas and his little brother Atreus were both destined for greatness, after the two return home from a jou... More

Chp 1 : "We must be better"
Chp 2 : "Your first test"
Info: Leonidas
Chp 3: "What I am"
Chp 4: "Always a part of you"
Chp 5: "The funeral/And preparations"
Chp 6: "Return/The city"
Chp 7: "Entrance exam"
Chp 8: "Valkyrie: Gunnr"
Chp 9: "The first day at ua"
Chp 10: "The witch of the woods"
Chp 11: "Combat training"
"Leonidas's hero costume"
Chp 12: "Meltdown"
Chp 13: "Valkyrie: Kara"
Chp 14: "Rescue training"
Chp 15: "The USJ incident"
(S1 Finale) Chp 16: "The stranger"
Chp 17: "Moving in"
Chp 18: "UA sports festival"
Chp 19: "Valkryie: Rota"
Chp 20: "Starting line"
Chp 21: "Valkyrie: Geirdriful/More"
Chp 22: "Dragon encounter"
Chp 23: "Calvary battle"
Chp 24: "Confrontation/A pleasant suprise"
Chp 25: "First round of the finale"
Chp 26: "Battle on challenger's"
Chp 27: "Leonidas vs Todoroki"
Chp 28: "Leonidas vs Bakugou"
Chp 29: "Leonidas vs Kendo"
Chp 30: "The award ceremony/Seeking help"
Chp 31: "Valkryie: EIR"
Chp 32: "Time to pick some names"
Chp 33: "First day of Internships"
Chp 34: "Hosu city attack/Magni and Modi"
Chp 35: "Hero killer stain"
Chp 36: "Aftermath"
Chp 37: "Back on track"
Chp 38: "Gear up for final exams"
Chp 39: "Final exams"
Chp 40: "Encounter"
Chp 41: "Digging up the past"
(S2 Finale) Chp 42: "Helheim/The truth"
๐ŸŽฅTwo hero's: Part 1๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅTwo hero's: Part 2๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅTwo hero's: Part 3๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅTwo hero's: Part 4๐ŸŽฅ
Chp 43: "Wolf rescue/ control"
Chp 44: "Valkyrie: Olrun/Shocking truth"
Chp 45: "Game start"
Chp 46: "Training camp"
Chp 47: "Kota"
Chp 48: "My hero's"
Chp 49: "Deliverance/What a twist"
Chp 50: "Let's go get them"
Chp 51: "All for one/ shocking suprise"
Chp 52: "A God's return/escape"
Chp 53: "The cycle ends here"
Chp 54: "the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end"
Chp 55: "moving into dorms/secrets revealed"
Chp 56: "Create those ultimate moves"
Chp 57: "The test"
Chp 58: "Lurking"
Chp 59: "Rush"
Chp 60: "Rescue exercises"
Chp 61: "We need to talk"
(S3 Finale) Chp 62: "Rivaled"
Chp 63: "Valkyries: Hilder/Gondul"
Chp 64: "The scoop on UA, class 1-A"
Chp 65: "Meet who....?"
Chp 66: "Breaking fate"
Chp 67: "An unpleasant talk"
Chp 68: "GO!!"
Chp 69: "Breach"
Chp 70: "Lemellion"
Chp 71: "Hope"
Chp 72: "Bright future"
Chp 73: "School festival"
Chp 74: "Prepping for the school festival is the fun part"
Chp 75: "Gold tips imperial"
Chp 76: "Old freinds to new enemies"
Chp 77: "Let it flow school festival/At long last"
(S4 Finale) Chp 79: "Valkyrie queen sigrun"
๐ŸŽฅHero's rising: Part 1๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅ Hero's rising: Part 2๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅHero's rising: Part 3๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅHero's rising: part 4๐ŸŽฅ
๐ŸŽฅ Hero's rising: part 5๐ŸŽฅ
Chp 80: "Clash!, class A vs class B"
Chp 81: "Explosive teamwork"
Chp 82: "A new awakening"
Chp 83: "Back to square one"
Chp 84: "Have a merry Christmas"
Chp 85: "Off to the endeavor agency"
Chp 86: "Rise to perfection"
Chp 87: "The hellish todoroki family"
Chp 88: "A moment of peace"
MHA: Hero's and God's: the Ragnarok arc trailer
(S5 Finale) Chp 89: "The prison break"
Chp 90: "Surviving fimbulwinter"
Chp 91: "Blood payment"
Chp 92: "The giants secret"
Chp 93: "Svartalfheim"
Chp 94: "To the mines"
Chp 95: "Tyr"
Chp 96: "Old friend"
Chp 97: "The means of war"
Chp 98: "Groa's secret"
Chp 99: "Ironwood"
Chp 100: "Gryla"
Chp 101: "The Lovely Assassin"
Chp 102: "Vaneheim"
Chp 103: "Claiming what's been taken/Divide"
Chp 104: "Asgard"
Chp 105: "Into the fire"
Chp 106: "The Norns/ defying fate"
Chp 107: "Draupnier/ Champion"
Chp 108: "A new weapon/ Confrontation"
Chp 109: "Unleashing Hel/Reunion"
Chp 110: "Garm/ Let's Be better"
Chp 111: "Binding/ Skoll and Hati"
Chp 112: "Heimdall/For Vanaheim"
Chp 113: "Thunder and mead"
Chp 114: "Unlocking the mask/ Shocking Twists"
Chp 115: "Surtr/ The coming of Ragnarok"
Chp 116: "A moment of peace/ The beginning of the end"
Chp 117: "Ragnarok"
Finale: "Rebuild"

Chp 78: "Hero billboard chart"

195 4 1
By KadenA9

As November neared it's end, things started to get Interesting, Leonidas explained to the class everything they needed to know about fimbulwinter, they thought it was scary at first but Leonidas reassured them that if they all stick toghther, then things would be fine,currently over at the teachers dorms the work study students entered to see the big three and Eri sitting on kratos's lap with a smile on her face

Aizawa: kratos is going to be taking custody of Eri

Leonidas: really?!

Leonidas asked with a big smile on his face

Kirishima: hey

Kendo: it's so good to see you again

Asui: welcome home, you remind me of my little sister, you're cute like her too

Eri: gee, thank you so much

Leonidas: how did this happen?

Aizawa: she couldn't stay at the hospital forever

Aizawa said as he told the work study students to meet him outside as mirio followed them

Aizawa: it looks like Eri was abandoned by her parents, and the head of the shie hasaiki who's related to her by blood has been in a coma for quite some time now, she has nowhere to go, until kratos stepped in and decided to take up the role as her legal guardian, the adoption papers were filled out a week ago, he said she reminded him of his first born

Leonidas: (calliope)

Mirio: and you might've already heard from Mr aizawa, but Eri's horn has changed over the past few days

Tetsutetsu: yeah, we heard it has gotten smaller

Mirio: it's slowly starting to get bigger again

Kendo: so then to prevent that from happening...

Leonidas: father's gonna train her to control her power

Leonidas said as he thought of the idea, it seemed like a good one but the risks were still high

Aizawa: yes, kratos will be watching her very often, we'll see how her progress increases as time passes, I'm sure kratos will do a fine job in teaching her, there are a few things we need to go over, so we'll take things slow, step by step

Tokage: that sounds like a lot of work for you sir

Mirio: that's where I come in, I'm on temporary leave from school and I'll make sure our little Eri doesn't get into any trouble, but I'm sure you guys are busy, but stop by and visit sometime

Everyone: of course

Amajiki puts his hand on mirio's shoulder as he speaks

Amajiki: if Mr kratos succeeds in training Eri, then the resurrection of lemillion won't be far

Mirio: we can hope it comes to that

Aizawa: sorry to be asking you this already, but can you assist kratos in watching Eri?

Mirio: of course sir

Leonidas: can we help him out sir?

Aizawa: all of you need to head back to the dorms, you have guests arriving soon

Currently over at the dorms, all of class A was relaxing in the common room as they waited for the guests that would be visiting them

Tokoyami: "sneezes"

Tokage: oh, I hope your not sick

Tokoyami: I'm quite well, my mucus membrane was just doing what it was made for

Tokage: huh?

Kaminari: could be someone's talking about you, like all those fanboys at the school festival that kept cheering on yaomomo

Yaoyorozu: don't make fun of them kaminari, I'm very grateful to have such supportive people cheering me on

Atreus: he's probably had fans for a while

Mimir: aye, since you did work with that bird hero after all

Tokoyami: no, I don't think so sir, everything was too fast for me when I first arrived

Leonidas and kendo were both sitting on the couch as they were cuddling under a blanket while watching thyre performance that was uploaded to YouTube

Leonidas: I'd say we did a pretty good job

Kendo: I'd call it unbelievable

Leonidas: sucks you were barely in the dance team tho, since you had to carry aoyama through out the stadium

Kendo: awe, are you upset I didn't get enough screen time, and you just wanna focus on me, is that it?

Kendo says with a teasing grin on her face

Leonidas: n-no, if I wanted to do that then I would've just looked up the beauty pageant performance

Kendo: yeah yeah, keep making up excuses tiger

Leonidas chuckles as they heard a knock at the door, they get up as they join the group and open the door to see, the wild wild pussycats

Mandalay: lock on with these sparkling gazes...

Ragdoll: we've come to land a paw and help...

Tiger: showing up out of nowhere...

Pixiebob: stingily cute and catlike...

Pussycats: we are, the wild wild pussycats!

They all say in unison as they do a group pose, Leonidas smiles widely as he runs up to Mandalay

Leonidas: Mandalay!

Leonidas shouts as he hugs Mandalay as he picks her and waves her around in a hug

Leonidas: I'm so sorry I never kept you posted, alot has been going on lately and I've been preparing for a concert

Leonidas says as he lets her go, she chuckles as speaks to him

Mandalay: it's okay, you've been busy, were gonna go see kratos later and he'll tell me all about it

Tiger: I'm sorry I couldn't protect you and bakugou before you were both captured

Leonidas: what?, i-it wasnt you're fault tiger

Bakugou: don't keep bringing up old stuff

Jiro: were all fine though

Atreus: you wanna come inside?

Mandalay: oh don't worry about us, like I said we gotta go visit other dorm like class B and then we'll go talk to your dad

Leonidas noticed kota in the back wearing a grey and gold mini fur coat, Leonidas smiles as he runs up to him and kneels to his level as he shakes his hands

Leonidas: hey buddy it's been so long, how have you been doing?!

Kota: f-fine I guess

Mandalay: and if you look closely, you can see that his coat matches your coat Leo

Kota: wh-wha no no, it doesn't match, it looks nothing like his

Kota says with a mild embarrassed blush on his face

Leonidas: well I'm glad you took insperation at least

Leonidas says with a smile as kota mildly looks away

Leonidas: oh, Mandalay I want you to meet my lady, we just got toghter a few weeks ago

Leonidas says as he grabs kendos hand and leads her over to the conversation

Kendo: hi miss Mandalay

Leonidas says as Mandalay widens her eyes and squeals a bit

Mandalay: oh I've seen you two toghter all the time since the training camp, I'm so happy for you two

Mandalay says as she hugs them both tightly

Mimir: but why are y'all here now of any time to visit?

Pixiebob: we came to let you know were back in business again

lida: you are?!

Yaoyorozu: congratulations!

Kendo: so you can work again miss ragdoll, I thought you're quirk was stolen so you couldn't do much hero work anymore

Ragdoll: oh I never got it back, I'll be doing office work to support the others, office lady cat

Pixiebob: we received a report from tarterus though, the negotiations with the man at kamino isn't going so well, thyre still trying to pin down, just how many and what kind of quirks he's hiding, currently not letting him do anything is the only way we can contain him

Yaoyorozu: then why are you starting up again this time?

Mandalay: this will be announced later but for the hero billboard chart, we were ranked 411 for the second half of the year

Leonidas: what?!, But you guys were ranked 32 last time

Kirishima: you guys dropped in the rankings, now you gotta work your way back up

Ragdoll: no, how are we still in three digits even though we haven't done any hero work?

Leonidas and kirishima look at each other after she asked that

Tiger: the approval rating component gave us a boost

Pixiebob: there are people waiting for us

Ragdoll: we can't just stand still

Tetsutetsu: that's crazy, you're all so manly

Tokage: you're being loud tetsutetsu

Mina: oh yeah, they haven't announced results for the second half of the year huh?

Tokoyami: a lots been going on

Kendo: a billboard chart without all might sounds interesting

Leonidas: guess we gotta see what the future for the hero society is until it goes live

Mandalay: oh yeah, one more thing Leo, your father was invited to the rankings, since he was involved in the kamino incident and helped all might

Leonidas: really?, Huh id doubt he'd ever go though, but who knows

A week has passed as all of class A except for Leonidas and Atreus and Mimir were in the common room waiting for the chart to go live, kendo looks around to see they were missing

Kendo: hey, has anyone seen Leo and Atreus?

Kaminari: he said something about them going to the store

Tokage: you know now that I take a look, Mimir isn't here either

Kirishima: Leo must've taken him with him

Tetsutetsu: kinda weird, why would he need Mimir if he's just going to the store?

Kendo started to worry a little bit for him, but figured he would be fine

Currently we see kratos sitting in the vip section of the crowd where the hero billboard chart was going live, heros were being ranked as the show went on, the former number three hero now ranked number two hero hawks gave off a speech as he stole the spotlight pretty much, it was endeavors turn as he declared that he would prove to the people why he was ranked the next number 1, the show has ended as kratos was making his way out of the building until he stopped when someone called out his name

Hawks: hey, you're kratos right?

Kratos turns around to see hawks and endeavor walking beside him

Kratos: I do not know you

Hawks: well, yeah you don't, that's why I'm introducing myself

Kratos: what do you want?

Hawks: come on, no need for such a tone, everyones talking about you, the walking dead man who helped all might, I'm taking endeavor out for a bite and was wondering if you wanted to come with

Kratos: no, I must return home

Hawks: ah, come one why don't you live a little, I'll even pay

Hawks says as he trys to convince kratos to join them, kratos kept refusing but somehow we cut to the three eating at a restaurant, somehow hawks got kratos to come with but he wouldn't be staying for long

Hawks: if you're not gonna eat then can I have some

Endeavor: do what you want

Hawks: I just have no self control when it comes to the things i want, you know after the sports festival I scouted both you're sons, I mean teaching two strong heros in the makings a good look right?, But I'm glad I scouted tsukuyomi, since shoto failed the provisional license exam and left a mark on his brand

Endeavor: you know a lot for someone who didn't go to ua

Hawks: so I hear

Endeavor: enough foolishness, I didn't come all this way so you could talk to me about foolish stuff while you drag other people along with your pointless talks

Kratos: why are we here?

Hawks: just, trying to mshe some freinds

Kratos: name your point, boy!

Hawks: well, mostly about the rumours, endeavor

Endeavor: remodeled nomus?

Hawks: yes, the few dozen stores in kamino were captured along with all for one, and since then, the league has been busy but no more nomu has appeared as of late, either that was all of them of afo was the only one who knows where the rest are

Endeavor: since you asked me to join you that means you have some definitive proof, right?

Hawks: no, I don't, thyre just rumors after all

Kratos gets irritated as he stands from his seat

Kratos: I do not have time for this

Endeavor gets up from his seat as well as he calls for a waiter

Endeavor: someone bring the check, I'm done here

Hawks: hold on you guys, just listen for a second

The two stand still as they give him one more chance

Hawks: this isn't the only place nomus have been sighted, you two don't know huh?, They were seen across the country, not so much that they were gathered into a news article, but among housewives while they gossip, or between elementary and middle school kids as they walk home

Kratos: what is you're point?

Hawks: I heard something about it on a business trip from the locals, at the time I worked with the police and investigated quietly, to not raise any unesicary panic, but I got nothing, so it made me curios, I flew around the country and investigated on my own

Endeavor: investigating?

Hawks: there were some differences, but similar rumors were popping up in places that were completely unconnected, in the end they were all just rumors, now this is an unsubstantiated opinion, but after ua, hosu and kamino, everyone knows how creepy these remodeled villians are, right?, So I think some moron is just telling story's to stir up the uneasiness, and they spread across the country

Kratos was just listening since he was never involved in these kind of investigations, but endeavor was almost intrigued

Hawks: I want you to become a dependable leader now that you're number one, I want you to verify the veracity of those rumors if you two can, and tell everyone proudly to stop worrying so much, I'm not gonna do anything special, I said the same thing yesterday, but basically, I'm being the producer behind the number one hero

Endeavor: no

Hawks: ah come on, I just wanna take it easy really, that's why I brought kratos along for this, I think he'd be a perfect hero by the way, just wanna make new friends and go on leisurely patrols, complain that nothing happened today and then go to bed, that's the life, I want to make it a world where heros have too much time on thyre hands

Endeavor and kratos state at him blankly until kratos looked out the window to see something in the distance, hawks looked out the window too to see something as well

Hawks: something's coming, huh?

Kratos: yes

Waitress: sorry for the wait, here are your drinks

Hawks: miss, back away!

Hawks shouts as something crashes through the window, causing someone to slam against the wall

Leonidas: ow, why is it always my back?!

Kratos: Leonidas!

Leonidas looks to see his father with endeavor and hawks

Mimir: you should've left me at home brother

Leonidas: hey fathe-

Leonidas was cut off when a large woman in gold valkryie armor grabs Leonidas by the throat and slams him against the wall

Leonidas: sigrun,could you have given me a minute?, I was talking to family

Leonidas gets out as kratos calls his axe and stabs the Valkyrie queen in the stomach as he pushes her out of the building

Endeavor: hawks, evacuate everyone!

Hawks: Roger

Kratos: what have you done leonidas?

Leonidas: I'll explain everything later but right now we have to stop her before she hurts someone

Atreus: you okay up there Leo?!

Leonidas and kratos peak out the hole in the wall to see Atreus standing in the roof of a nearby building

Leonidas: I'm okay bud, do you see sigrun?!

Atreus: she flew west!

Mimir: well, she certainly has gotten faster

Leonidas: well let's hurry!

Leonidas says as he summons his wings and flys into sigrun direction, kratos follows as he jumps out of the hole in the building while endeavor uses his flames to fly and catch up

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