Our Little Miracle (LeoxRaph...

By betheyes

8.4K 154 34

Summary: Although raised as brothers, they are not related whatsoever or so they think? One turtle is keeping... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Final Chapter

Chapter 30

74 0 0
By betheyes


The sound of the gong alerted the two warriors to start the battle of a lifetime. Rito grinned nodding at Colt who smiled, the crocodile had a trick up his sleeve and he certainly wasn't sharing. 

Two warriors of very different skills clashed with one another. Colt took a violent attack while Dantzer continued on the defence. Colt was using his swords while Dantzer used what looked like daggers. He was even throwing them to make sure they had distance between them. 

The fox knew one thing compared to his reptile opponent, it was going to rain heavily and he needed the energy which was why he was using defensive techniques. Dantzer wasn't stupid so when he saw the foot clan putting up portable tents, he tugged his jacket on tighter and over his head, the hood hiding his face, Colt gave him a weird look until the heavens rained down from above. 

"What's got you scared? It's just a little rain! Ditch the cloak!" Colt shouted warning laughs while Dantzer only rolled his eyes, he was studying his opponent which meant he never missed a detail and neither did his ally hidden in the shadows. 

Saki almost dropped his composure when Dantzer took a nasty hit to the neck, the younger man had stumbled almost falling from the roof but had caught it at the last minute. Rito smirked at Yoshi who remained silent. 


Saki turned slightly to see Raphael had moved to be beside him, the darkness protecting him. 

"Something isn't right, something feels off" Raph whispered, Leo was beside him watching him with concern while keeping an eye on the battle below which had intensified throughout their conversation. 

"Ah! Stand still!" Colt growled out just as Dantzer flipped his body, he put away his weapons and soon the battle turned into a fist fight. 

"Are you sure?" Tigerclaw's voice was a near whisper as it floated over to their conversation.

"Yes, something is wrong" Raph muttered, Saki and Tigerclaw shared a 'look' over their son's head. They both knew not to doubt Raph especially his feelings which could lead into visions.

"They are planning something, there is no way that he will not attack. If he has been after Chase, what's to say, he does sign a treaty and then kills Raphael behind your back. Saki, you must be careful. The Razor Clan are deadly" Apricot said, she used the heavy sound of the rain to her advantage. 

"Keep him in your sight at all times, Leonardo" Saki ordered, Leo could only nod pulling Raph back into the shadows just as Dantzer hit the ground hard. He had underestimated his opponent.

Seeing the fox hit the ground hard had many of them inching forward. Colt smirked, he shared a look with his leader who nodded, it was time to end this. Dantzer made no sound as Colt stalked towards him, the fox had his own plan, he pretended he had a head injury and didn't move. Colt smirked, he moved to end it quickly as the four clans above watched in shock while Rito smirked, he was ready for this. 

Colt reached for Dantzer only to be kicked violently backwards, the reptile gasped climbing back to their feet only for Dantzer to fling his body upwards and ready himself for battle. He ditched his cloak which was thrown to the side revealing his famous assassin jacket, one that Raphael had worn a few times. His uncle always had comfortable clothes, on the back of the jacket was an unknown symbol to them all which Ikkou raised an eyebrow at not being able to work out what it is. 

"Well played" 

"I would say the same but this was a fight to the death, not who can poison each other first" Dantzer teased, Colt glared as he took notice of the dagger he had coated in case his ring didn't work but then again, it would seem the fox had underestimated him. 

"Well you caught me, want to fight for real this time?" Colt said with a grin, Dantzer only rolled his eyes as he and Colt threw their daggers aside and pulled out their swords. Dantzer grinned using his katanas, he knew which way this fight was going and only hoped his family forgave him. 

"I will give you the count to forty before you are in the next coffin to…" 

Dantzer didn't even finish as he avoided an attack to his side, he used the momentum of his adrenaline and shoved the bigger reptile back, Colt glared at him until he smirked. Dantzer flipped out of the way onto the opposite rooftop, Colt grinned as the weather got more heavier. Thunder booked from above and a flash of lighting had Dantzer disappearing, he used the weather to his advantage as he vanished into the rain only frustrating his opponent some more.

"Come out you coward!" Colt yelled only to be slashed across the chest, Rito glared as his second in command was tricked into many attacks. He shared a look with Saki who nodded, it had been three hours. This fight had to end soon, so the two shots flared up and two gongs went off signalling death was right around the corner. 

Dantzer looked caught off guard by the loud noise and his body was thrown aside by Colt with his pure strength. His inner fox growled as he was slashed across the neck and punched across the face, he was being hammered on. He gasped in pain as his vision blurred but not just any blur, no it turned hazy. He shoved Colt away from him as he struggled to his feet, he felt blood slipping down his face as he shook his vision. 

Thudding footsteps to the left alerted him to move but he wasn't quick enough as something with a big force knocked him sideways into a wall. The clans above watched as his body crumbled to the ground, Dantzer didn't move only further worrying the clans, the fox inside soon found itself fighting a deadly poison that was killing him. He was having a deadly allergic reaction to the substance, of course his fox was dying because of it. 

Someone grabbed him and he could feel them holding him in a way that he would be dangling off the edge. 

"It would seem your warrior has lost. Any last words Saki before I take your son from you and…" 

Rito was interrupted by Colts scream, the reptile held his neck in agony as Dantzer had managed to stab him straight through the neck. He used adrenaline in his features only to slice the head off and kick the body backwards. Dantzer gasped in pain as he threw it over his body, he knew from the gasps that it had fallen down into an alleyway. 

Rito was furious, he looked back to see the man whom he hoped was dead was still alive. His second in command was dead and his head was beside the man who had destroyed most of his life, so it was only fair he did the same. 

"It would seem the fight is over and the decision has been made for us all…" Saki was cut off by Rito stalking in the direction of the half-kneeling Dantzer, the younger man was shaking his head and rubbing his eyes almost like he had been…no, he couldn't have been…Saki turned to look at Tigerclaw who nodded, the man still had predator eyes and could see the infected wound on Dantzers neck. A darkness spread around the infection. 

"So, it would seem you have won. I do hope we can see each other in the future, maybe show each other possible tips in our fighting" Rito said with a smug smile, Dantzer didn't even acknowledge him which only infuriated the reptile. 

With the rain coming down much harder, they moved the discussion inside quickly where Dantzer most certainly vanished for a minute only to reappear to stand beside Rito but in front of Raphael who was within the arms of the Hamato Clan. 

Oroku Saki made sure the book of the treaty was placed in front of the clan leaders, his sole focus was making sure the treaty stayed unaware of the broken law that had happened in between the Razor clan and Dantzer who wasn't aware of it.


Hearing the sharp cry of his son, Dantzer blinked through his blurry vision only to see Rito grinning at him behind Saki's head. 

"Dad! Help!" 

Dantzer turned to catch Leonardo's eye, the blue bandana looked at him in confusion until Dantzer looked to the side. 

"Dad! Please help! They killed her, they killed Storey! She's dead! Please dad!" 

Dantzer frowned, he looked back at Ikkou who tilted his head in confusion.

"Dad please! Answer me!"

"Who is it? Where from?" 

"Dad! It's attached to my head. Some weird crown! I'm stuck in the back of a black van! Some reptiles! I think crocodiles! Please dad, I have Joey in my lap! He's 2, they are going to kill him!" 

"Chase, calm down. I know what to do" 

"Please dad, there's a timer. It's says 7:39"

"I know, now remember what your mother taught you" 

Dantzer couldn't help himself, he watched the way the leaders laughed and joked about almost like a treaty hadn't even happened. He stalked forward weaving in between the bodies as he listened to his only surviving child over his bond. He knew what he had to do and knew it would throw all his family ties out of the window but it was worth it. 

Dantzer could only grin as he moved swiftly in between the bodies, he was aware that he blended in perfectly. A hidden blade hidden by his wrist was all he turned his attention to, he had set his watch to his son's timer knowing he only had a limited amount of time. 

Shinigami and Karai sat above in the rafters with Mikey as they watched the bodies below. The three of them gasped seeing Dantzer move in between the many bodies, he didn't even acknowledge many of them. Karai knew the fox was planning something as she watched the man move like a shadow in the sun. 

Mikey managed to get a signal to Donnie who nudged his own father. Yoshi looked up only to gasp, he turned to Ikkou who frowned and nudged Saki, the older brother moved swiftly ready to catch his brother when Rito stepped to gain attention. 

"I would like to say in thanks to our acceptance into this treaty that we leave a gift in your blessing…a way of the Razor Clan is a way to all…" 

Rito said with a gentle smile as he gestured for the doors to open and a young man with the whitest hair was dragged into the room while a toddler was crying in the man's arms. 

"These two have committed crimes against the Razor Clan by turning my daughter human and teaching her the ways of a forbidden clan. Turning my daughter away from my clan's traditions. With this, I lost my daughter and this meant a life for a life, so in truth the child is free to live amongst the treaty while this man must pay for the crimes he has committed. My daughter was killed by his hand and now he must suffer, you can't stop this as it must be done to seal the treaty" Rito explained, all those who had read the treaty knew they couldn't step in and it only made the crocodile leader smile as he pulled out a weapon. 

"Excuse me, may I ask the man a question first?" Apricot asked, Rito could do nothing but nod. 

"What Clan do you hail from?" 

The young man looked up with pure fear in his eyes as he spoke the words that no one had ever believed, "I come from the Celestial Clan, I was born into it" his words only met laughs from all around bar very few. 

"You do know that is not a clan, instead it's a myth that turned into a story amongst the young. Since you lied to me, we can't help you" Apricot said, Yoshi and Tigerclaw nodded in sync as much as they wanted to help, they couldn't risk the real reason why the man 

"No! Please I didn't lie! I come from the clan! I can prove it" 

"Prove it then" Oroku Saki's powerful voice broke through the conversation. 

The young man nodded, he placed his son down in front of him as he tried to call on his powers but nothing worked. Soon he found laughter echoing around him, he gasped as fresh tears slipped down his vision. 

"Ha! Anything to get out of this. Tell your son to go to our Crux Clan leader over there" Rito ordered, he watched the man kiss his son's head before his toddler ran to the woman only to run past her and hug Raphael's legs. The young teen was in shock but passed Leah to Leo who took her while he scooped the little boy up as he hid his face from the blade in Ritos hand. 

"Any last words?" Rito turned to the young man who could barely be in his early twenties. 

"Only that my dad will kill you when he finds out what you have done" the young man said with a grin only making Rito chuckle as he brought the blade down. 

The leaders had to watch while those who couldn't handle it, turned away. Leo had to wrap Raph up and move his body in the way, they waited for the cry of pain or at least some noise but none of them expected for Rito to shout in agony as all attention turned to see Dantzer had his body in the way of the blade and had kicked Rito away from him. 

"Stay the fuck away from my son!" Dantzer rose from the floor, he glared at them all while the young man shivered behind him. 

"Dantzer! We couldn't step in, what were you thinking!" Ikkou yelled at his brother who glared. 

"You couldn't but I could as last time I checked, I wasn't part of the clan and if I was I never signed a treaty. I wouldn't ever sign one to murders so fuck off, Chase grab Joey. We are leaving. Raphael, I am here if you ever need me but good luck ever trying to get the Celestial Clan on your side" Dantzer glared at them all, unaware of the piercing pink eyes in the shadows. 

"Dantzer, you walk out that door. You become an enemy to all clans" Oroku warned, he knew he was speaking as clan leader and not as family. 

"Wouldn't be any different. I do suggest you make sure you invite all clans next time especially when you use a celestial guard to protect your son. I'm sorry Oroku Saki but if any of you ever pull that stunt again, Rito won't be the only one losing his life" Dantzer glared at them all, his eyes red as he spoke, he pressed for his son to leave before him. Rito glared at the man only for a blade to slice his neck and several firecrackers to go off making many of them dive to the floor. 

Once the smoke cleared, the razor clan had left while a known individual stood in front of them all with his arms crossed tightly over his chest and he was holding a dark grenade in his hand. 

"Akio?" Ikkou was in shock seeing his twin who held up a hand stopping his brother from coming anywhere near him. Instead Akio threw the object at Yoshi who caught it. 

'Do look into your enemies next time. I found this in the ventilation system, it would seem Dantzer did you all a favour. I do hope we can refix our bonds again since there is a celestial living amongst you all. Isn't there Raphael?' 

All attention whipped to the red hooded teenager who smiled at his uncle while holding Leah tightly. 

"Akio, we are…" 

'Save it…now let's do this properly. Clan Del Diablo would like to make a treaty on the purpose that each member signs but only if Oroku apologies to his brother' Akio signed, Oroku could only sigh, he knew he had screwed up majorly. 

"Where is he?" 

'He will appear' 

Those were the last three words signed by Akio before the man vanished into the dark nights.

Stay Tuned for the possible final chapters on the way very soon! Thank you to all the reads! I never realised how popular this book had become!
Next update should be in a week's time (Don't quote me - but I will try and get the next chapter out sooner rather than later)!

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