Just A Heartbeat Away [One Di...

By horvns

28.7K 758 73

She was just an average girl. He was just an average boy. They were friends; correction. Best friends. But th... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two - Emma's POV
Chapter Three - Zayn's and Emma's POV
Chapter Four - Emma's POV
Chapter Five - Emma's POV
Chapter Six - Emma's POV
Chapter Seven - Emma's and Zayn's POV
Chapter Eight - Emma's and Zayn's POV
Chapter Nine - Emma's POV
Chapter Ten - Emma's POV
Chapter Eleven - Emma's POV
Chapter Twelve - Zayn's POV
Chapter Thirteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Fourteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Fifteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Sixteen - Emma's POV
Chapter Seventeen - Emma's POV
PLEASE READ (part two)

Chapter Eighteen - Emma's POV

932 35 2
By horvns

Emma's POV

About half an hour later, I found myself walking into a loud and obnoxious club with the five boys following closely behind me. I could feel and hear the deep bass coming from the building even when we were a block away. The club was playing upbeat music and was crowded with sweaty bodies. We all had our not-so-suspicious fake I.Ds (except for Louis) that we handed to one of the guards. He quickly scanned them over and narrowed his eyes a bit at us, but eventually grunted and let us through.

I wobbled in with my heels and headed straight for the drinks. "One beer please" I said, holding up my pointer finger to gesture towards the bartender over the loudness of the club.

"Me too." Zayn's voice sounded behind me. I quickly pulled money out of my wallet and paid for Zayn and mine's drinks, before he could even open his mouth to protest.

The other boys got in line and ordered drinks too - Louis and Harry got a few shots, Niall got a small glass of flavored vodka, and Liam a small beer that he was probably going to give the rest to Zayn later after finishing half.

I chugged some of my beer before taking it with me to the dance floor. I hadn't wanted to risk going back home to change, so I was still in my fancy lace dress from the dinner, but I didn't care. Tonight was about having the time of my life with the boys.

Zayn followed shortly after, ducking his head. I was scared that the boys were going to be recognized and get in trouble because they were underage and basically every female knew when their birthdays were. But like I said, nobody really thought twice about it at the moment.

I glanced back at the bar. Louis and Harry were already getting drunk, Niall was chatting with a pretty blonde girl, and Liam was drinking his beer and observing the club.

I let the blasting music take control of my body. High on alcohol, i bobbed my head and swayed my hips to the beat of the music. Zayn was dancing next to me, and I smirked at him. He was awkwardly trying to mimic my actions, but it wasn't working to well.

"Come on Zayn," I challenged with raised eyebrows. "It's easy, just dance. I thought you were good at music, since you're a singer you know." I said, starting to really get into it and raised both of my arms in the air, linking them together over my head.

He didn't respond, merely glancing at my face and looking back at the ground. He finally started to let the music take control too, and it was sexy.

Across the club, Niall was talking animatedly to three girls while Liam was talking to the DJ. Louis was talking really loudly to Harry while thrusting in big motions. Harry's eyes were darting between Louis and this really pretty and tall girl who kept on throwing him suggestive glances. Harry was holding a bottle of beer in one hand and I watched as he motioned to Lou and mouthed 'be right back' apologetically. Louis winked at Harry subtly before turning around and catching my eye. He looked at Zayn, then back at me, and smirked. 

Louis was quick to bound over to me and Zayn and start dancing. Us three danced together for a bit, before Louis started walking towards the bar and wiping some sweat off his forehead.

As soon as he left, Zayn and I moved closer together. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

My head whipped around when the music changed, into a more inappropriate song, "Give Me Everything" by  Ne-Yo. I looked around the dance floor, seeing that most everyone had a partner and started to dirty dance. I looked to my right at Harry who was already grinding with a different girl and my confidence wavered. I could literally feel the awkwardness in the air as I looked back at Zayn. I then shrugged. Who honestly gave a single fuck anymore? I didn't need to be afraid or embarrassed about anything, unless Zayn rejected me of course.

Taking a final swig of my fizzy beer, I set the empty bottle down on a nearby table and walked straight towards Zayn. I put on my sexiest smirk as I approached. His eyes widened a little, but then he smirked back at me.

We started grinding to the music, my body pressed tightly against his. I laughed airily and enjoyed the moment thoroughly.

All too soon, the music ended and a different song came on. I pulled away from Zayn, feeling a tinge of pink rush to my cheeks.

I took a step back, trying to organize my murky thoughts. 

Zayn just smirked at me. "That was fun," He whispered huskily, stepping closer to me.

I felt my mouth form a small 'o'. I could tell Zayn was already drunk - I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

I stood still for a beat, having a major internal conflict. I could feel the dizzying affect of the beer taking over my senses, urging me to just lose control and do whatever my subconscious mind wanted to do. But the tiny sober part of me demanded answers. And that's what I did.

"Zayn, can I talk to you outside?" I asked him, staring him down.

He scrunched his eyebrows together and then drunkenly grinned. "Sure babe. Anything for you."

I calmly walked out of the club with Zayn stumbling after me. 

He caught my arm to balance himself when I stopped near a bright lamppost a few steps in front of the club. 

"What is it that you wanted to talk about, beautiful?" He slurred, leaning his arm over my shoulder and onto the lamp, with my face trapped just centimeters in front of his own. I could feel his warm breath gently fan across my face.

"Zayn." I scolded with a thudding heart. "This is serious. Try to be sober okay?" I said sternly. He stayed quiet.

I took a deep breath before shyly continuing. "Before we do... this. Whatever this is, I want to know something." 

He still didn't respond just kept looking at me in silence. I picked up one of my hands which was leaning limply onto my side, and gently nudged him back away from me.

"Where do you and Perrie stand?" I asked in a small voice.

At the mention of her name, I saw Zayn's eyes defog almost and snap back into reality. He was suddenly very sober when he answered.

"We got in a fight before I left for tour..." He said, looking everywhere but me. After a few seconds, he took his hand off the lamp and backed away from me. "I'm sorry Emma. I was really out of control. We... we can't do this." 

"But, why ?" I asked, my voice cracking in desperation. Why couldn't he just have told me that him and Perrie were over, so I could call him mine?

"I - I love her Emma. I really think I do. And she loves me. I don't want to be that irresponsible boyfriend that cheats just because he was drunk and was mad at his girlfriend. You wouldn't want someone to do that to you, right?"

I nodded slowly, still unable to speak.

"I'm really sorry Emma. I really wasn't thinking. You're beautiful and nice and to be honest, I really wanted to kiss you." The words stumbled out of his mouth. "It was my fault. I'm sorry." He said one last time before meeting my eyes for a split second, then turning around and slowly walking back into the club.

I watched him until I saw him disappear, and I leaned on the lamppost and slid until my butt touched the cold grass. The music from the club was loud but faded, and the heavy beat of the music made the ground shake, even from out here. 

I buried my head in my hands. The part of me ached for Zayn, and wanted so badly to just have let him kiss me. But the sane part of me argued that what I did was the right thing to do. If I were in Perrie's place, I certainly would not have wanted Zayn to kiss another girl at a club, even one that I didn't even know. I would've felt destroyed, depressed, angry. All the things I was feeling now.

But Zayn had said he wanted to kiss me. That had brought a hint of a smile to my face. Is it totally possible that he has feelings for me? Zayn, just thinking about him made my whole body melt. I had wanted to kiss him too, and that was a promise. But he had also told me he loved Perrie. He had a girlfriend. He was taken. I should find someone else, not try to steal someone's man. That's something a whore would do.

I checked my phone. It was really late - 12 AM already. I pushed myself off the ground and called a taxi. I didn't want to leave the boys on this note, but frankly I could not bring myself to face them all right now. With one final look back at the club, I climbed into the taxi and shut the door behind me.

"Take me back to my home, please."


thank you for the 7 votes and 2 comments! (: here's your expected chapter.

-please read- before I publish the next chapter, I'd really like to go back through this whole story and heavily edit everything, starting from the first chapter. *please be patient with me!* i probably wont be able to work on chapter nineteen until my spring break (in around two weeks). Before then, I will be going back and editing to making my writing better. thanks for understanding xxx

my instagrams to follow - directionerig & somedaybucketlist

thanks for reading, loves. 


youre beautiful - rachel


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