My Friend Taylor

By smelly-lelly

14.8K 538 184

It all started with a letter. A 10 year old girl had no idea what she would be getting herself in to by sendi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

1.2K 47 8
By smelly-lelly

                Luna woke to the sound of Taylor and Karlie, cooing at the way Luna and Olivia had fallen asleep.

                "Good morning sleepy head!" Karlie said, walking over to the bed as Luna looked at her phone to check the time, 10:30, and she'd also had 10 missed calls from her mom.

                "Good morning!" Luna smiled, then quickly turned to Taylor, "has my mom tried calling?" she asked Taylor.

                "No, why?" She walked over to the bed and sitting next to Luna, she glanced at the screen, "10 missed calls. Did you speak to her yesterday?"

                "Yeah, I called her yesterday morning while I was getting ready." She scrolled through her contacts and found her mom's name. "I should probably call her, two minutes." Luna was extremely worried, especially after the horrendous dream she'd had the night before. She took the phone from her ear, "no answer." She said as she dialled the number again, still no answer. She tried the home phone and her mobile, but there was no answer on either.

                "Want to try my phone?" Taylor asked, opening her contacts and finding Luna's mom's profile, dialling the number and putting it on speakerphone.

                "Hello?" Luna's mom answered, sounding confused.

                "Mom! Okay this makes me feel very loved. You'll answer the phone if Taylor calls but not your own daughter?" Luna laughed, she was relieved, she thought something had happened.

                "I only learnt from the best. No, seriously, I was just calling you back when Taylor called. You're probably wondering why I called you so much?"

                "Well yeah, I was so worried." Luna rolled her eyes. Taylor and Karlie looked on at the conversation with big smiles on their faces, seeing Luna this happy to speak to her mom was contagious.

                "The hospital called, they told me you had an ambulance sent out to you, what happened honey?" Terror struck Luna's face; she had to come up with a good enough lie, just for now, she didn't want to tell her mom what had been going on over the phone. Karlie and Taylor watched on as they waited for the young girl to answer.

                "Oh, I'm okay, I cut myself shaving pretty bad, everything's okay though, I've got some steri-strips over it and it'll all be healed in a week or so." Luna lied to her mother for the first time since they'd been back together.

                "As long as you're okay now. I have to go, was about to hop into the bath. I'll speak to you soon Luna, I love you loads."

                "I love you too mom." Luna replied, her voice quieter than it was before. She handed the phone back to Taylor who closed the app and locked it. A tear fell from Luna's eye.

                "Hey, don't cry. She's okay, you're okay, everything's okay." Taylor said, wiping at Luna's cheek.

                Luna shook her head. "It's not that, I just lied to my mom for the first time." She paused and took a deep breath, "I've never lied to her before. None of this was a lie before, just a secret I'd kept from her. I feel so bad but I couldn't tell her on the phone."

                "I was wondering why you didn't tell her." Taylor said, consoling the crying girl, "you tell her when you're ready. You hardly lied anyway, the only thing you lied about was how you got the injury in the first place." Taylor pulled Luna in for a hug.

                "How is the leg today anyway?" Karlie asked, trying to change the subject.

                "It's okay, it hurts a bit but I'll live." Luna smiled, her chin was resting on Taylor's shoulder as the blond girl held her tightly.

                Taylor leant out of the hug, "you hungry?" Luna just shook her head.

                "I don't think I could eat again after everything you fed me last night." Luna smiled as Olivia finally woke up and came and sat on Taylor's lap.

                "I know you are. Little guard cat, looking after Luna last night. You're such a good girl!" Taylor cooed to her cat. "Well Meredith's had hers, if you weren't a lazy young lady you wouldn't be this hungry. C'mon." She stood up from the bed with the kitten in her arms, "come and join us when you're ready, we'll plan this party some more." She smiled as she walked out of the room to feed Olivia.

                "You okay?" Karlie asked, still sitting on the end of the bed. Luna had nuzzled her head into the neck of Baxter.

                Luna nodded, "I didn't sleep very well last night, that's all."

                "Well if you need to talk, let us know." Karlie knew something was up but Luna wasn't talking. She started to get up off of the bed when Luna started speaking.

                "Where were you last night Karlie? I went to have a glass of water and you were nowhere to be seen." I shouldn't have asked that. It was none of my business. Shit.

                "I was with Taylor, she was worried about you and asked me to sit with her until she fell asleep, but I fell asleep first." Karlie asked, having 3 sisters she was very good at making stories up on the spot like this.

                "Okay, as long as you were alright." Luna smiled as the tall blonde stood up to step out of the room. "I'll be out in a minute."

                Luna heard quiet muttering coming from down the stairs, "she's on to us." One voice said when another replied, "I know."


                The three girls were all sat around a table, planning Luna's birthday party.

                "So it's Tuesday, and the party is Friday. We've not even got  3 days to plan a birthday party for a 17 year old. Taylor, you do like to make yourself work now don't you." Karlie said, looking at the list of people to invite.

                "Completely doable Karlie." Taylor smiled, throwing a ball of paper at the model's head. "Have you told the squad about the party yet Luna?" Luna was doodling on a piece of paper, and quickly looked up to answer the question.

                "Not yet, I didn't know if you wanted Taylor Nation to talk to them first." Luna covered her doodles with another piece of paper, but Taylor noticed and moved the piece of paper. Luna had been drawing a picture of Taylor, the singer smiled.

                "You could tell them you're having a party and for them to private message you their numbers and I'll send them over to Taylor Nation. They'll sort the rest out." Taylor said, still admiring the unfinished doodle. Luna picked up her phone and started typing a message to her Swiftie Squad. "This is amazing by the way, why'd you hide it?"

                "I don't know, you might have thought I was weird, drawing a still life of you while sitting next to you." She smiled, finishing the message but not sending it.

                "No, I like it. It's like I'm having my portrait drawn, I've had plenty of photos taken but never been drawn from life. It's cool!" Taylor smiled, "so what have you said to them then?" she asked, gesturing to the text.

                "I have written, 'Hey guys, I'm having a party Friday for my 17th, Taylor asked me who I wanted to invite, and you're my best friends so obviously I said you guys. If you're free and want to come, private message me your numbers and someone will contact you with the details shortly' finishing off with the dancing emoji." Luna read from her phone.

                "Send it, I want to see the freak out storm!" Taylor said, excitedly huddling over Luna's phone, meanwhile Karlie had been admiring Luna's doodling.

                "You've got real talent here Luna, this is amazing." Karlie smiled.

                "Thank you both, I was just mindlessly doodling, I didn't even realise I was doing it." Luna smiled as her phone exploded. All 10 girls in the chat had immediately sent their numbers over to Luna with all sorts of messages going along with them, and one by one Luna wrote them down in a list with their URL's and names next to the number.

                "I'll type this list up later and email it over. Now we just need to sort out the details." Taylor said, taking the list from Luna and putting it in a pile. "So when, Friday at 5pm. Where, here obviously. What, well obviously there's going to be a photo booth, we can do karaoke, what do you think?"

                "Well it's my life goal, after meeting you of course, to get a photo taken in an infamous Taylor Swift photo booth." All three girls laughed. "Karaoke sounds fun, I just like the idea of having a party." Luna smiled.

                "Well this is going to be the best party you'll ever experience. Taylor's parties are always the best." Karlie said. "So who's coming? Read the List Tay."

                "Okay, so definitely coming we have; Me; Karlie; Cara; Gigi; Martha; Ed; Danielle, Este, and Alana; Jaime; Hailee; Lily; Ellie; and Zendaya. I've invited Selena, but I don't know if she's coming yet, the 10 girls from the squad are invited, and of course, Luna's celebrity crush, Jennifer Lawrence."

                "Jennifer Lawrence, good choice." Karlie winked at the younger girl. "I'll be sure to tell her."

                "Karlie no! Please don't!" Luna pleaded

                "Oh hey Jennifer Lawrence. You know, you're invited because you're Luna's celebrity crush right?" Karlie and Taylor both laughed.

                "Karlieeeeeeeeeeee! Taylorrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Luna did her pterodactyl screech once again, sending Taylor into more fits of laughter, but Karlie stopped.

                "What even was that? That was terrifying, but brilliant!" Karlie said, a little bit shocked of the noise that came out of Luna's mouth.

                "She does it in public too!" Taylor said, trying to catch her breath from laughing. "It's the best noise I've heard!" Taylor calmed down a bit, "it's okay Luna, Karlie won't say anything, I won't say anything, you're secret's safe!"



                It had gotten to 5pm and all three girls were still in their pyjamas, planning this party. They'd got the majority of it done, they just needed to sort out decorations.

                "What happened to your planning you did with my mom?" Luna asked, realising they had planned the whole party in that day.

                "Ah, now that's a surprise." Taylor replied, "and you're going to love it."

                Luna loved surprises, but she couldn't help but wonder what Taylor and her mom had been planning. She didn't want to ruin the surprise, but she also really wanted to know.

                "Shall we cook some dinner?" Taylor asked, standing up to go to the kitchen. "Karlie, are you staying again tonight?"

                "Sure, why not." Karlie replied, smiling at the thought. All three girls made their way to the kitchen to prepare and cook dinner.


                The three girls all got showered, Luna having a wash in the sink due to her butterfly stitches,  and in fresh pyjamas and sat on the sofa, all cosy for the quiet night in.

                "So  Luna, if you was at home right now what would you be doing?" Karlie asked, curious as to what the young girl is interested in.

                "I'd probably be on Tumblr." Luna smiled.

                "That's it. No more Tumblr tonight. I've had enough of Taylor talking about it. New rule, no Tumblr while I'm here." Luna and Taylor both gave Karlie a look of disgust. "What do you do when you're not on Tumblr or looking after your mom?" Karlie asked.

                "I like to paint, write, do nail art, and I enjoy doing special FX makeup." Luna smiled.

                "Yeah, Luna writes music!" Taylor butted in.

                "Really? What type of music do you write?" Karlie asked.

                "Silly little songs. When I'm sad or alone I like to sit with my guitar and write." Luna started, "I'm not very good though."

                "Taylor has a guitar." Karlie smiled as Luna shook her head, "play something for us pleaseeeeee?"

                "Oh go on Luna, pleaseeeeee?" Taylor added, standing up to get one of her guitars from the other side of the room.

                "Fine!" Luna grunted, taking the guitar, "but I'm warning you, the songs aren't very good and I'm not very good at singing them either." Luna started to play one of her songs, she played her favourite one she's ever written. It was a song about the day she was allowed to live with her mom again. That day was the best day of Luna's life and she didn't want to forget it, so she wrote a song about it. As she sung the two older girls watched in awe and applauded when she finished.

                "That was beautiful." Taylor said as she watched Luna out the guitar down, "your voice, that song, everything about that was amazing."

                "Why did you say you wasn't very good? That was amazing." Karlie added to Taylor's statement.

                Luna shrugged, "it's just a hobby, I've never really thought anything of them."

                "You have some serious talent Luna." Taylor said, "your drawings are amazing, your song writing is amazing, your voice is amazing, is there anything you can't do?" she joked.

                "Sports." Luna laughed, making the other girls laugh. There is so much I can't do. What is Taylor talking about?

                "Same." Taylor replied. "I would like you to do my nails one day too. I've seen your nail art, I would love to be able to do that!"

                "Yeah, me too! Taylor showed me some of what you've done. You'll have to do my nails before you go home." Karlie said.

                "I haven't got anything with me to do it, otherwise I'd be more than happy." Luna started, but was interrupted by Taylor.

                "Well we're going to have to go shopping then aren't we?" Taylor said. "We're party shopping tomorrow, we can see what we can get. You coming Karls?"

                "Obviously. What a silly question." Karlie replied, "I'm so pumped for this party you don't understand."


                The clock on Luna's phone turned to 10pm, they were watching some random show on TLC that all three girls had been mindlessly watching for the past hour or so. Luna tried to contain it but she let out a huge yawn.

                "I think I might get an early night." Luna said, stretching her arms out. "Goodnight!" She said, standing up and walking up to bed, Olivia following her.

                "Goodnight Luna." Both of the older girls said as they waited to hear Luna's door close. Taylor shuffled over and got closer to Karlie, cuddling her.

                "So last night was," Karlie paused, "different." The model winked at Taylor.

                "We can't do it again tonight Karlie. I wish we could but Luna." Taylor started.

                "It's okay. I understand." Karlie planted a kiss on the top of Taylors head. "I'll sleep out here tonight. I told her I only slept with you because you was worried about her and you asked me to." She smiled, unfolding the blanket that was on the end of the sofa and laying it over them both.

                "I wish things could be different. I wish we could tell people." Taylor said, burying her head in Karlie's shoulder.

                "Me too Taylor, but we can't, not yet." Karlie held the older girl close to her in a tight hug. Taylor yawned, "why don't you go to bed? You're exhausted." Karlie said to Taylor as she nodded and walked up to her room. "Goodnight princess."

                "Goodnight sunshine." Taylor replied as she stepped onto the last step and into her room.


                Luna was rudely awoken from her peaceful sleep at 4am by Taylor running into her room and shaking her awake.

                "Oh god. You're okay, good. I'm sorry." Taylor said, out of breath and rushed.

                "Taylor, what's wrong? It's 4am." Luna said, rubbing her eyes and sitting up on her elbows.

                "I had the worst dream ever, I had to make sure you were okay. I stood and watched you for a minute but you didn't move so I panicked. I'm sorry for waking you." She said, sitting on the end of Luna's bed.

                "Wanna get in?" Luna asked, moving Olivia out of the way and lifting up the blankets of the bed. Taylor crawled up and lay next to her. "What happened?"

                "It was horrible." Taylor shook her head. "I don't want to upset you, so I won't say unless you want me to."

                "You can tell me, it's okay." Luna replied, unsure of what Taylor could be talking about.

                "Well. You did something stupid, and we couldn't save you." Taylor said, Luna understood what Taylor was saying immediately, "it was horrible. Please promise me you'll try to be careful. Please don't do anything stupid. I've watched you grow up, ever since you were 10 years old. You're like a sister to me." Taylor pleaded, moving the young girls ginger hair from her face.

                "I promise." Luna said, a tear rolling down her cheek, "I love you Taylor." She said as Taylor wiped the tear from her face.

                "I love you too Luna. Always remember that." Taylor said, slowly closing her eyes. "Try and get back to sleep, we've got a lot to do tomorrow. I'm sorry I woke you." She said as both of the girls slowly drifted off to sleep.


                "Wakey wakey Taylor!" Luna said, rocking the singer. "It's 8am."

                "Good morning." Taylor mumbled as she rolled over and opened her eyes. "I'm sorry for waking you last night."

                "It's okay, you were worried. I understand." Luna smiled, getting out of bed. "Should I wake Karlie or do you want to do it?" Luna smiled as she made her way to the bedroom door.

                "You can do it." Taylor said, rubbing her eyes as Luna made her to the front room after using the bathroom.

                "Karlie, time to get up." Luna said softly stroking the models arm.

                "5 more minutes." The model moodily replied. Luna left the model to get a drink from the kitchen. As she walked back into the front room Taylor was there, cuddling into Karlie. "Join us." Karlie said as she lifted up the blanket. Luna climbed under on the other side of Karlie and cuddled her like Taylor was.

                Taylor was checking her emails on her phone. "Good news! All of the squad can come. We're flying them out tomorrow and they're staying in a hotel around the corner for a couple of nights. Under 18's have a guardian with them yada yada yada." Taylor went on. "And they all have parental permission to drink if they wish. It's going to be a good night!" Taylor smiled.

                "I'm so glad they can come! I've not met them before, this is going to be such a good night!" Luna smiled.

                "Oooh Luna, your celebrity crush is coming." Taylor cooed and Karlie joint in. Luna covered her face in embarrassment.

                "I should never have said anything." Luna smiled, her cheeks going as red as her hair. Luna pulled out her phone and started catching up on the squad conversation. "The squad are actually freaking out. This is hilarious!" Luna laughed "Listen to some of these 'I can't believe we're going to meet at an infamous Taylor Swift party, and it's a party for a squad member.' Oh, Abi fell out of bed when she got the call. She shares a bunk bed with her sister and is top bunk. Rosie was cleaning the bathroom and fell in the bath. Oh my this is hilarious." All three girls were laughing really hard. "We have pictures! Abi had bruises from how she landed." She said, showing the picture off.

"This is too much, I can't." Taylor wiped the tears laughing had given her from her eyes

"Let's take a group selfie and freak them out a bit more!" Karlie said, as Luna handed her the phone to take the picture and send it to the group. All 10 of the girls completely lost their minds. All of the girls were reading the messages as they were coming and they ended up with stitches from laughing.

"Who needs a morning coffee when you can wake up to these conversations?" Taylor laughed. "But seriously, coffee and breakfast anyone?" Taylor asked, standing up and moving to the kitchen as the other girls followed.

Taylor turned on the coffee machine and looked in the cupboards to see what the girls could have for breakfast.

                "We have, cereal, porridge, we can make toast or pancakes." She moved over to the fridge, "or there's natural yoghurt and fruit." She said, getting the yoghurt out of the fridge. "I'm going to have this, anyone else?"

                "Sounds good!" Karlie said.

                "Yes please!" Luna added. Taylor got some berries out of the fridge to accompany the yoghurt and all three girls ate at the breakfast bar.


                After they'd finished eating they loaded the dishwasher and all helped tidy up the kitchen. They all sat on the sofa for one last read of the group conversation.

                "Luna, do you want the first shower?" Karlie asked, Taylor had a shower in the en suite of the master bedroom that she would use.

                "Sure, unless you would like it?" Karlie shook her head and Luna started standing up. "Umm, how am I going to shower without getting my leg wet?" Luna had just remembered that she couldn't get the steri strips on her leg wet. Karlie stood up and walked into the kitchen.

                "Taylor, where do you keep your plastic wrap?" Karlie shouted into the living room.

                "Middle drawer, next to the oven." Taylor replied as Karlie walked back in, plastic wrap in her hand.

                "You need to wrap this really tightly round the wound. You want me to help?" Karlie asked, seeing the worried look on Luna's face as the young girl nodded.

                "Please." Both of the girls walked up to the shower, Karlie wrapped the plastic wrap around Luna's leg in order to protect it. "Thank you." Luna smiled as Karlie stepped out of the bathroom allowing Luna to shower.


                All three girls had gotten read for their shopping trip, Karlie borrowing some of Taylor's clothes. Luna had put on one of her longer dresses as to hide her bandaged leg more. The dress was all black with white polka dots all over it. She was also wearing the new lipstick Taylor had bought her just the other day. She sat on the sofa waiting for the other girls to finish getting ready, talking in the group chat;

                Luna: guys, you know you have to try and act a bit chill on Friday right?

                Aimee: we try Luna, it's not every day you talk to Taylor Swift

                Gaby: well it is for Luna XD

                Abi: Yeah, Luna the favourite Swiftie

Hannah: she can't help it, her and Taylor have been writing back and forth since she was 10, she's not had the best lifetime, leave her alone! Luna: thanks Hannah <3 why are you guys being so mean? Since I've shown her this chat all Taylor's said is nice things about you all. I'm not the favourite at all, that isn't fair. I didn't even know I was coming here, cut me some slack, you're all coming over Friday why are you moaning? Maisie: they're jealous Luna, you guys better be nice on Friday, don't spoil Luna's birthday for her.

Natalia: well I'm happy for you Luna! (extremely jealous but happy for you!)

Luna: thank you guys!

Rosie: What are you up to today then?

Luna: we're off party shopping. I'm just waiting for Taylor and Karlie to finish getting ready then we'll be off.

Olivia: ooh very nice! Have fun!

Kayley: I'm very excited for Friday you don't understand. Have fun today Luna!

Alyssa: Agh I just can't wait to meet you all! Have fun!

Luna: Thank you all. I can't wait to meet you either. Speak to you in a bit, they've just come down.

Luna put her phone in her lap as Karlie and Taylor walked over. Aimee, Gaby and Abi had made her feel really bad about spending these next two weeks with Taylor that the smile she'd constantly had on her face had been wiped away. Taylor came and landed on the sofa next to Luna.

"What's up loony Luna?" Taylor asked, noticing the upset in Luna's face.

"Nothing, just the squad." Luna replied.

"What have they done?" Karlie asked, sitting on Luna's other side.

"They're being really mean about me being here." Luna replied, more messages coming through on her phone. "Look at this, 'Taylor's pet' 'let's just hope she doesn't turn out like Meredith and all of this doesn't go to her head'." Luna read out some more messages and Taylor took the phone away. "It's only three of the girls though. The others are being really nice." Taylor was typing as quick as she could on the phone before pressing send on the message, which read 'Hey guys, Taylor here, I'm reading all of this that you're sending to Luna and it really hurts that you'd think that I have a favourite fan, and it really hurts me to see Luna being hurt like this. All of this is really getting to Luna, I'd appreciate it if you didn't write mean comments about her. I personally don't see Luna as a fan, I've watched her grow up through letters. She started writing to me at 10 years old, nearly 7 years of writing I think it's fair to say that she's more my friend than she is my fan. You all know what Luna goes through on a daily basis when she's at home, don't you think it's her turn to have something nice done for her? I contacted Luna's mom and I was the one who asked if she could stay with me for 2 weeks because I feel like she deserved a break, and she wouldn't have gotten one otherwise as she'd be in the city on her own. I'd appreciate it if you apologised to her for all of these mean things you've been saying to her. Love, Taylor'

                "That should do it." Taylor smiled handing the phone back to Luna. "And look, apologies are already flooding in."

                "Thank you Taylor." Luna smiled, if she was on her own she wouldn't be able to cope, she'd break her promise to Taylor.

                "It's not a problem. You shouldn't have to deal with that from your friends." Luna rested her head on Taylor's shoulder as she muted the chat. "So, shopping?"


                The girls returned from their shopping trip with everything they needed for the party, the only thing left to get was food, drink, and a cake.

                "Leave everything on the table, we'll need it soon anyway." Taylor said, piling all of the bags onto the dining room table and then falling onto the sofa. "You staying again tonight Karls?"

                "I should probably get going really. I've got work in the morning." Karlie replied, slightly down heartened that she couldn't spend another night with the pair.

                "Okay then. I'll see you out." Taylor said as her and Karlie walked to the door.

                "Bye Luna, I'll see you Friday if not before!" Karlie waved goodbye to the young girl.

                "See you later Karlie!" Luna called back waving and sitting, her back to the door on the sofa.

                "I'll see you later then." Taylor said, planting a small kiss on Karlie's lips. Karlie returned the kiss, but quickly pulled away.

                "See you soon Taylor." Karlie said, "I love you" she whispered in the shorter girl's ear as she walked out of Taylor's apartment.

                When Karlie had gone, Taylor walked back over to the sofa and lay down.

                "I could go to sleep right here. It's only 8pm!" Taylor yawned. "I think I might get an early night. You know where everything is right?"

                "I think I'm with you there. An early night sounds good to me!" Luna said, stretching her arms above her head. "Thank you Taylor, for everything." She smiled.

                "No need to thank me. I'm always here." Taylor smiled. "How are you feeling now anyway?"

                "I'm okay. I did feel a bit crap this morning with all that went on in the group chat, but I'll be okay." She smiled, "it's hard though. Everyday I've made a mark on my body every day for the past 3 or 4 years. I've stopped cold turkey and I feel like my body's going into breakdown mode."

                "Nobody said this would be easy. I am so proud of you, you've gone, what, 3 days without cutting?" Luna nodded. "You're doing so well already. It's going to be hard, it's going to suck, but you can do this, I know you can." Taylor sat up and squeezed Luna. "Remember, if things get hard I'm going to be there for you, if you want to just shout your feelings at me, do it. If you want advice, open up. I don't judge." Taylor smiled at the young girl. "You're okay now though?"

                "I'm okay. Are you okay?"

                "I'm okay." Taylor smiled. "I think I'm going to bed though." Taylor yawned, standing up from the sofa.

                "Good idea!" Luna stood next to the tall girl and she rested her elbow on her hear. "Very funny." She rolled her eyes.

                "You've still got time to grow." Taylor laughed as they both walked up the steps and went their different ways. "Goodnight Loony Luna!"

                "Goodnight Shifty Swiftie." Luna smiled. She went into the bathroom, got ready for bed, and sat on her laptop for a little while. She noticed Taylor was on Tumblr too. 'So much for going to sleep taylorswift' she typed. Taylor liked and replied, 'I could say the same to you' Luna rolled her eyes as she closed her laptop down and slowly drifted off to sleep.


This is a bit of a filler chapter tbh. I'm really excited to write the party chapter. I have so much planned ahhh. 

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