Waves of Destiny (Twisted Won...

By PedePaulie

11.1K 404 15

Ona had the perfect life. She lived on the beautiful island of Kaui with the perfect temperature and where sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 33

160 5 0
By PedePaulie

Chapter 33

"Azul!" I said happily. "It's good to see you."

Azul gave me a polite smile. "It's good to see you too, Ona. Getting in a workout?"

"My friends and I are auditioning for the Song & Dance Championship audition. Jamil is helping us."

"Oh, really?" Azul looked at Jamil. "That is surprising."

"I know, right?" said Grim.

Jamil narrowed his eyes at Azul. "What do YOU want, Azul?"

"Why, what EVER could I have done to earn your ire?" said Azul. "And here I thought we were the closest of classmates! More to the point: you're on class duty, correct? Our afternoon Magic History period is going to be a study hall today. Professor Trein wants you to come and get the classwork printouts from the faculty office."

"Fine. I'll be right there."

"Say, didn't Azul stream Jamil's whole diabolical plan to the world?" Grim whispered to me.

"Nope," I said. "He did no such thing."

"Myah?! How do you know?"

"He told me, but I figured it out before then. Why would he stream Jamil's speech to the world when all he needed to do was get Jamil to believe he had done so?"

"Exactly, Ona," said Azul. "It's like you've never heard of a bluff before, Grim. That was obviously a ploy to convince him there was no talking his way out of it. I can't believe you thought that I, the very soul of benevolence, would willingly destroy a classmate's reputation and social standing!"

"...You absolutely would," said Jamil.

"A real nice guy wouldn't tell such a nasty lie in the first place," Grim grumbled. "Anyway, Ona, how did you figure it out?"

"Azul doesn't do anything more than is necessary," I said. "He just wanted to stop Jamil. He had no reason to destroy his reputation."

"Yes, unlike Leona, I don't torment others for sport," said Azul. "All I did that day was put my smartphone on a speaker call with Jade. I obtained some perfectly good intel from the experience. I would never dream of devaluing my own assets!"

 Jamil sighed. "Whatever you say. But you know what? I'll grudgingly admit that thanks to Azul's benevolence...' My parents and the Asim family still don't know the real reason I overblotted. As for the students... We've been more or less treading water ever since. Scarabia emphasizes mindfulness and forethought. Our students are trying to avoid jumping to conclusions. They're watching and waiting to see who's more beneficial to side with. Myself and Kalim included."

"Heh. Classic Scarabia. Astoundingly shameless, one and all. I'm impressed the two of you would even dance together after everything that transpired."

"Hmph. Say what you will. In my case, the overblot incident has caused my reputation at school to plummet. It makes sense for me to fall in line with Kalim for a while, in the interest of improving my position both within Scarabia and without."

I sighed and shook my head. "You haven't learned much, have you?"

"I am doing what I want and not what others think I have to do. Is that not enough?"

"It's something, I guess."

"Heh. The students must be circling you like sharks, waiting for the first sign of blood so they can challenge you for your seat," said Azul. "If not for your clashing idiosyncrasies, it would be hard to imagine a more appealing person to serve than Kalim. He's eventually going to inherit an entire trove of treasure. In our modern society, that wealth represents a power magnitudes greater than any magic. Why, it borders on omnipotence."

"Look," said Jamil. "My holiday plot was a once-in-a-lifetime gambit. I thought that if I failed, my life would effectively be over. But in the end, things aren't all that different now... Thankfully. As long as Kalim doesn't dismiss me, I'll continue to be his aid. I'll continue to prove myself to those around me. That includes Kalim, my dormmates, my parents, the Asim family... and all of you." He looked right at me. "Is that understood?"

"Yes," I said. "It's all water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. You don't have to prove anything to me. Just keep being honest and open. This is a start."

"Man, Jamil," said Grim. "You've gone from one person before the holidays to a whole other person after 'em. It's nuts."

"Heh. I much prefer it this way," said Azul. "If Kalim ever does sack you, Octavinelle's doors are always open to you. We would gladly welcome someone with your pedigree."

"Thank you, but not in a million years," said Jamil. "Octavinelle is the last dorm I would ever transfer to."

"Why not?" I said, though I knew perfectly well what he was thinking. "Octavinelle is a pretty great place if you give it a chance."

"Thank you, Ona," Azul said with a smirk.

"I still don't understand this," Jamil said, motioning between us. His eyes fell on me. "Why would you willingly associate with someone like him?"

"Someone like what?" I said. "People are not always as they appear to be on the outside. You should know that better than anyone else."

"Ona has a talent for acquiring mutually beneficial relationships," said Azul. "Her loyalty to them is her sticky point. And the others respond in kind." He paused. "She did make one error in her assessment of me. There is one reason why I might have wanted to cause you harm beyond the bounds of pressuring you to concede. But Jade and Floyd already took care of that part for me, so there was no need for me to step in." He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave Jamil a look that could only be taken as a warning.

Jamil's expression appeared unchanged as he met Azul's gaze. "As I said, I have no intention of causing trouble for anyone, including her."

"Good. Then we understand each other." Azul removed his hand.

"That's the closest he's come to admitting he cares," Grim whispered to me, and I nodded.

"Hey, guys!" Kalim said, running up to us. "We're gonna be late to class if we don't hustle!"

"Look at Kalim keeping US on track, instead of the other way around!" said Azul. "Heh. I never thought I'd see the day. He's right, of course."

"I shouldn't have stood around chatting with you anyway," said Jamil. "I'd better go get those printouts."

"Gah!" said Ace. "Our next period is in the west building! That's a long walk."

"C'mon, Ona!" said Deuce. "Grim! Let's beat feet!"

"Myah!" Grim cried. "Wait for meee!" And so, we ran all the way to our next class.

We hurried to the classroom, making it just in time. The competition was on my mind the whole day. During my break at the Mostro Lounge that night, Floyd (who was not on break) sat down across from me and asked me what was on my mind. So, I told him.

"The Song & Dance Championship, huh?" he said. "Sounds like fun!"

"Maybe you could give it a try," I suggested.

"Maybe if I'm feeling up to it on audition day. But I want to hear you practice the song!"

I shifted uncomfortably. "I don't know. I'm not very confident in it yet..."

"That's why you need to practice! Come on!" Floyd grabbed my hand, but I pulled back in a panic. I did not know he meant now.

"That's okay, Floyd." Fortunately, I noticed Azul passing by, so I raised my voice. "I really don't think Azul will like it if I start singing and dancing in the middle of the Lounge."

"Certainly not," Azul said in a disapproving tone. "Floyd, get back to work."

"But I want to see you dance," Floyd whined.

"Why don't you wait until closing time?" Jade suggested as he walked by. "We can push a few tables aside to make room for dancing."

Floyd brightened. "Great idea, Jade!"

I held in a sigh. "That's fine, I guess." I still did not feel completely comfortable performing when I was ready, but at least all the customers would be gone. I needed not to have worried. By time closing came around, Floyd had a different idea in mind.

"Let's dance together!" he said enthusiastically.

I looked at him in surprise. "Oh, okay." I pulled out my phone and searched for the song. "Do you want to look over the video first?"

"Nah, we don't have to follow the video. Let's do whatever we want!"

"Floyd, Ona," Azul said sternly. "You should be cleaning up."

"Jade said we could dance after closing time!"

"Let them be," said Jade, who kept his eyes on us while we cleaned. Azul did not look happy, but he stopped complaining.

"Ready?" said Floyd.

I gave him a small smile. "Yeah." I pushed play on the song. Floyd immediately started moving to the music. I did so as well, trying to choose what came natural to me. Then he grabbed my hands and pulled me to him. I laughed when he spun me around. My anxiousness around the competition disappeared as I had fun living in the moment with Floyd.


"I've been seeing a lotta dudes rehearsing the audition number in the gym over lunch break," Ace commented on Friday as we all gathered in the gym. We had been practicing there all week, and it was paying off.

"Those chumps better not be after the prize," said Grim. "Nobody takes my tuna!"

"I suspect more of them are after a potential pro debut than prize money," said Jamil.

"Now that you mention it, they do all seem like they're in their element," said Deuce.

"Don't let them intimidate you. You've also made great strides with your singing ability. It's a far cry from when you started out sounding like a panicked elephant."

"Mm-hm! You've also gotten better at holding a note," said Kalim. "Vocal training isn't easy, and you put in the work. You all deserve a pat on the back!"

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"Now, let's get back to it. Today we'll focus on doing the whole song from start to finish!"

"Yes, sir!" we all said.

"Now, let's see how far you've come," said Jamil. "Try to follow me and Kalim as much as you can."

"Don't you dare mess up today, Deucey-boy," said Ace.

 "I know," said Deuce. "I'll show them everything I've learned!"

"There you go getting all serious again," said Kalim. "You gotta loosen up and have fun!"

"I feel you," I said. I put my best into signing and dancing, and I could tell the others did as well. Kalim was right; it was a lot of fun!

"Yes!" Deuce said at the end. "I pulled off the whole dance without missing a step! And I didn't blank out on any song lyrics, either."

"Myah ha! Same," said Grim. "I didn't step on my own tail once."

"I have to hand it to you, Jamil," said Ace. "It's no small feat to teach guys with such awful memories how to boogie. And in such a short time frame!"

"What he said!" said Kalim. "Jamil makes everything super easy to understand. It's helped me a ton over the years."

"Ahem! Let's not make this about me," Jamil said, clearly uncomfortable.

"But you did well," I said.

"Anyway, you've got all the basics under your belt now. From here on out, you're on your own. Keep practicing for the audition."

"Guess we'll be rivals on audition day, huh?" said Kalim. "I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you guys!"

"Naturally, I don't plan to lose either," said Jamil.

"Cocky much?" said Ace. "Then again, I've got the same idea."

"My dulcet tones and smooth moves are gonna leave the judges spellbound!" Grim said with a smirk.

"Jamil, Kalim, thank you both for your generous help!" said Deuce.

"Oh, yes," said Jamil, "have you applied for the audition yet?" We exchanged looks.

"Wait, what?" said Grim.

Jamil sighed, shaking his head. "Good grief... I had a feeling. You're not exactly fastidious. I'm glad I double-checked."

"Aha ha! You're always on top of this stuff, Jamil," Kalim said, grinning.

"Yes, well, some habits are ingrained in me from dealing with a certain someone on a regular basis. You need to apply in advance to take part in the SDC audition. Rook Hunt in Class 3-A is handling applications."

"Oh yeah, I remember reading that on the poster," said Ace.

"The deadline to apply is the day before the audition. Don't forget to take care of that."

"Yes, sir!" said Deuce. "Thank you, sir!"

"No need to be that formal," I said. "It's just Jamil."

Jamil ignored my comment. "Rook's easy to identify by his hat and blond bob. But I'm sure you'll know him when you see him."

We immediately set off to find Rook while we had the chance. Hopefully it would not take too long. "So this is 3-A..." Deuce said as we entered the room. "Hunt's haunt, as it were. It's kind of intimidating going into one of the upperclassmen's classrooms."

"We barely ever interact with upperclassmen from other dorms as it is," said Ace. "Maybe we should flag down one of the Heartslabyul juniors for this?"

"Ooh, I spy with my little eye..." Grim said, looking around the classroom. "HEYYY! LEONA! C'mere for a sec!"

"...Hnh?" Leona said, turning his head.

Ace and Deuce appeared horrified. "Gah! Grim!" Ace said. "Why'd you have to call out to HIM?!"

"He's the Savanaclaw housewarden, too!" said Deuce.

"So?" said Grim. "He's the only guy I recognize in this classroom."

"He's not that bad..." I said. Then I remembered they had not gotten to know him like Grim and I had. "Although, I can feel everyone in the room staring at us."

"You've got nerve trying to order me around," Leona growled. "If you want something, YOU come to ME."

"We ain't even ten meters apart!" said Grim. "Geez, some people." He led the way over to Leona.

"You know, sometimes, Grim leaves me awestruck," said Deuce.

"Same..." said Ace.

"So, what do you want, herbivores?" Leona said. "This had better be good."

"We're lookin' for a guy named Rook Hunt," said Grim. "Could you introduce us?"

"Why? What do you want with THAT weirdo?"

"We wanna apply for the Song & Dance Championship!"

"C'est vrai?!" said a new voice from right behind us. "Magnifique! I welcome all new challengers with open arms!"

"WHOA!" my friends and I exclaimed. Was this guy related to Crowley?!

"I just about had a heart attack!" said Ace.

"Who jumps out from behind people like that?!" said Deuce.

"I can think of one other person," I mumbled.

"Hah hah hah!" the student laughed. "Did I startle you? Pardonne-moi. I'm simply too accustomed to concealing my presence as I make my approach. I am Rook Hunt, le Chasseur d'Amour. My life's work is to seek out beauty and support it. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Tch. Speak of the weirdo and he shall appear," said Leona.

"Good day, Roi des Lions. But what is this? Monsieur Dent-de-Lion does not appear to be accompanying you for your lunch break."

"He ain't with me twenty-four seven. Now get lost, and take these herbivores with you."

"Who's Monsieur, uhhh... Dandelion?" said Deuce.

"Heh heh heh. That would of course refer to the Roi des Lions' confidante, Ruggie," said Rook.

"Why do you call him that?" said Grim. "'Cause he's got a poofy head of yellow hair?"

"Non, non. It's for another reason. It happened last spring... Just as the first beautiful signs of the season began blooming around campus." Rook told the story of how he happened upon Ruggie picking dandelions to save money on food. "And there you have it. I was struck by his willingness to sustain himself on roadside weeds, and I've respected him more ever since. Thus, I call him Monsieur Dent-de-Lion."

"Dude, Ruggie eats DANDELIONS?!" said Ace. "How is that respectable?!"

"He really will eat anything as long as it's not rotten, huh?" said Leona. "He better not have fed me those things..."

"Non, non," said Rook. "They're not poisonous. And one must never be a picky eater, Roi des Lions."

"Dandelions actually have a lot of health benefits," I said. "At least, that's what they've discovered in my world. They're not the weed everyone assumes."

"Okay, but how do they taste?" said Grim. "I gotta try me some later!"

"How many times do we have to tell you not to eat off the ground?" said Deuce.

"Lots of food comes from the ground," I said. "Like potatoes."

"Derp. You almost distracted us from what we came to talk about," said Ace. "Can we get back to the audition now?"

"Oh, right!" said Deuce. "Hunt, we'd like to apply for the SDC."

"Ah! Forgive me," said Rook. "I have a troublesome penchant for derailing conversations. I believe the two of you belong to Heartslabyul? Ace Trappola, #25 in Class 1-A, human, 172 centimeters tall... Deuce Spade, #24 in Class 1-A, human, 173 centimeters tall... And here we have Ramshackle Dorm members Ona, human, 165 centimeters tall, and Grim, monster, 70 centimeters tall."

Deuce's eyes widened. "H-how do you know our class and student numbers?!"

"For that matter, how do you know our exact heights down to the flippin' centimeter?!" Ace said, appalled.

"Heh heh heh. As a hunter, I make it a point to memorize the species and height of every student on campus," said Rook. "It wouldn't do to be underprepared, would it?"

"Underprepared for WHAT?" I said.

"Since you have informed me of your intent, you will not need to fill out any paperwork. The audition will be held in the Pomefiore ballroom after school, three days hence. Do be sure to save the date."

"Yes, sir," we said.

"Hey, are you guys done crowdin' around my seat yet?" said Leona. "Get outta my hair already."

"Say, Leona!" said Rook. "How would you like to put in an appearance at the SDC auditions? You have ample athletic ability, and your physique would add extra flair to your dancing. Not to mention your wonderful, resounding voice. I've never seen a lion sing in the Sunset Savanna, but I've no doubt it would be an incredible sight to behold."

"I wouldn't be caught dead in that kids' show. Besides, isn't that nag Vil gonna be there? You can count me a hundred and ten percent out."

"But picture this: Vil with his cosmopolitan appeal and Leona with his rugged charisma... If you two danced and sang together, it would be a feast for the senses! Twould be a battle of flavors most disparate! Ahhh, how very trés bien!"

"Tch. You don't care one iota what other people have to say, do you?"

"So many interesting people in this school," I said under my breath. It sure made everything lively.


My friends and I continued to practice throughout the weekend. It all went as well as we could hope for. Still, I felt restless on Sunday night. Grim was already in bed, so I decided to contact someone else. I thought for a little bit before sending a text to Jade.

Ona: Hey, Mushroom Eel. This is Ona. Are you still awake?

Mushroom Eel: Yes. May I ask the reason for the nickname?

Ona: That's what Floyd put you as in my phone.

Mushroom Eel: That explains it. What can I do for you, Ona?

Ona: Do you want to take a walk with me?

Mushroom Eel: You want to go for a walk at this hour? You realize it will be freezing outside.

Ona: Since when does the cold bother you? I'll be fine.

Mushroom Eel: Perhaps I could ask Floyd if he is interested.

I frowned. If he did not want to do it, he could have just said so. I had talked to Floyd earlier in the day, and he had done all he could for me. I saw no reason to disturb him.

Ona: No, that's alright. You're the one I wanted to talk to, Jade. Forget about it. I'll just stay inside.

Mushroom Eel: I'll be there in five minutes.

I wondered at his sudden change of heart. But if I found it difficult to figure him out in person, it was even harder through text. I put my phone away and headed out into the lounge. Exactly five minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.

"Good evening, Ona," Jade said when I opened it.

I smiled at him. "Hi, Jade. Thank you for coming."

"It is not a problem. Shall we be off?"

"Yes." I followed him outside. We walked together in silence for about a minute, getting used to the cold temperature. Finally, I cast my gaze up to the sky. "Look. The stars are beautiful tonight."

Jade lifted his head. "Indeed, they are. I quite enjoy watching them."

"I know. Floyd told me a long time ago."

"And you remembered?"

"Of course. I haven't met anyone else who is much of a stargazer. I don't really consider myself one, but it's nice every once in awhile. My brother and I used to watch the starts together."

"I did not know you had a brother, Ona."

I hooked my hands behind my back. We stopped walking to continue gazing at the stars. "Yeah. I have a little sister too, but she's still too young for me to be really close to. My brother and I did everything together. I didn't really have any close friends, but it was alright because I had him."

"You had trouble making friends? I find that hard to believe."

I smiled wryly. "Things are different here. The people are different. On my island, everyone was perfectly pleasant to me, but their relationships with me never went beyond the surface. I suppose they only seemed perfect because I didn't really know them. If people are only ever nice to you, how can you become close?"

"That is an interesting way of putting it, but... it makes sense."

"Sorry. I don't know why I'm telling you all of this." I glanced at Jade to find him watching me instead of the stars. "You're easy to talk to."

Jade gave me a mischievous smile. "While I do try to come off that way, most people are wary around me."

"Yeah, well, I'd like to think you have a different relationship with me than most people. I know you won't use any of this information against me. I trust you, Jade."

I thought I saw something flicker in his eyes, but the darkness made it hard to tell. "I am honored. And I am willing to listen to anything you have to say."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Are you now feeling better about the audition tomorrow?"

The implication of his question surprised me. "How did you know I was nervous?"

"I had a feeling."

I shook my head. "It's not fair. You seem to read my mind, but I hardly know what's going on in yours."

"That's not true. You understand more than you think. You quickly deduced that, out of the two of us, I am more dangerous than Floyd. It takes most people considerable time, if they ever figure it out at all."

"Well, sure, I can figure out how your mind works but not what is in it."

Jade smirked. "You would not be able to handle it."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Maybe not."

"You never answered my question."

I took a deep breath and looked back at the stars. "I'm alright, I guess. It's not like I'm that into the competition. It's fine if I don't get it. I just had a lot of fun practicing with my friends, and it's important to them. It would be nice if we could do it together."

"If some of you make it and others don't, those who don't make it can support the ones who did."

"Yes, that's true. We'll be fine no matter what happens."

"If you do make it as a singer, we can have you perform at the Mostro Lounge. I understand singing waitresses are popular in some parts of the world."

I gave him a horrified look. "No way!"

Jade appeared amused. "If you make it to the Song & Dance Competition, thousands, perhaps millions, will be watching you."

"Yeah, well, that's different."

"I'm sure the idea will grow on you. Perhaps I'll suggest it to Azul."

I mustered up my best glare. "You better not!"

Jade chuckled lightly. "You're cute when you're mad."

Completely taken back, my eyes widened, and my mouth fell open. "Wh-what?"

"It is getting late. You will need your rest for the audition tomorrow. Shall I walk you back to your dorm?"

"O-Okay. Thanks." We walked in a comfortable silence. I realized he had been teasing me, and I did not mind all that much. It was nice to have company. I stopped in front of Ramshackle and turned to face Jade. "You know, if you ever want to talk to someone, I'm good at listening too."

"You simply want me to divulge all of my secrets."

"Well, yeah, isn't that what friendship is all about?"

Jade smiled. "Good night, Ona."

"Good night Jade." I returned to my room, feeling much better than earlier. My mind clear, I was able to fall asleep and get the rest I needed.

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