Taste (BangChan) 18+

By ChansFlow3r

156K 3.9K 3.9K

Being high up in the Mafia world was no joke to someone like Alicia Morelli. Forever putting business before... More

Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli
Chapter 2 - Sleeping with the enemy
Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion
Chapter 4 - Promises can't be broken
Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games
Chapter 6 - Oops
Chapter 7 - Heated Mess
Chapter 8 - Secret Secret
Chapter 9 - Old Flames
Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War
Chapter 11 - New Beginnings
Chapter 12 - Red, White or Black?
Chapter 13 - You're Mine
Chapter 14 - Connected
Chapter 15 - Why?
Chapter 16 - Memory Lane
Chapter 17 - Pick a Fight
Chapter 18 - No more secrets
Chapter 19 - New Plan
Chapter 20 - Action Time
Chapter 21 - Take Down
Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well
Chapter 23 - My Knight in Satin Armour
Chapter 24 - Time for a Vacation
Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 - Sight See
Chapter 26 - First Dates
Chapter 27 - I'm all yours
Chapter 28 - SURPRISE
5- Star โ˜†
Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck
Chapter 30 - No Labels?
Chapter 31 - I Love You
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Kiss me like you mean it
Chapter 34 - Wait, What?
Chapter 35 - Now or Never
Chapter 36 - Traitor
Chapter 37 - I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.
Chapter 39 - Oh no you didn't
Chapter 40 - She's back
Chapter 41 - Let it burn
Chapter 42 - Torn between Two worlds
Chapter 43 - The Final Stance
Chapter 44 - A Greater Sacrifice
โ˜†one year laterโ˜†

Chapter 38 - ๐Ÿ’”

1.8K 58 107
By ChansFlow3r

A/N; ⚠️ Trigger Warning, this chapter mentions scenes of miscarriage/child loss ⚠️

S Class appreciation!!! Honestly this come back has been everything and more. 5☆ is an incredible album and every song is individually incredible.

Once again thank you to our inspirational and dedicated leader Bang Chan and his 7 children for creating yet another masterpiece🎉



Alicia's P.O.V

"You gotta let me in to see her"

"Look I'm sorry Chris but you're gonna have to wait out here with the rest of them. I'll bring you updates whenever I get them alright?"

I laid in the hospital bed, in extreme agony. The pain almost unbearable as I listened to the commotion going on outside the room.

Since being here I had undergone several tests. Multiple scans, blood tests, samples. And still I was left with no answer as to what was going on in my body.

Although in my heart I had known it all along.

I was losing our baby.

"Are you comfortable? Is there anything I can get you??" The nurse asked as I shook my head. I couldn't think straight. I was an emotional mess.

"Please just hurry and give myself or them the answers. We really shouldn't stay here long" I managed to get out. Regardless of the injury I had suffered, I knew every second we spent here was a huge risk to anyone else finding out we were here too.

"Miss Morelli, I really want to encourage you to sit tight for as long as possible. Given your condition we want to make sure you're given the best possible care until we can rule everything else out. Luckily for you, you didn't break anything when you fell down the stairs. But internally we have to check that too, and by the sound of it, you're in a lot of pain which indicates something's not right" the nurse tried to explain in an attempt to make me calm down but honestly it was just words going in one ear and out of the other.

I knew what was happening, I knew there was no fixing the damage. Of course I was okay, apart from a few minor cuts and bruises. But my stupid idea hurt something so precious to me...and to him.

My eyes began to well up at the thought. As heartbreaking as it was for me, how was he going to take the news?

I killed our baby.


Chan's P.O.V

I was beginning to grow more and more frustrated as I paced up and down the waiting room.

Not being able to see her or even know she was okay was killing me.

I was filled with so much rage and emotion that it was becoming impossible to even act normal.

I wanted revenge, and I wanted it now.

"Chan, come on mate, she's in good hands" Felix spoke, trying to get me to chill out I suppose but of course it wasn't working.

"Fucking San! Choi fucking San! I'll kill him, I should've never trusted him, not for a second" I slammed my hands against the wall, my head feeling like it would explode as I felt Felix place his hand on my shoulder.

"We'll get him boss, he won't get away with it this time"

"You're damn right he won't, as soon as Liss is safe somewhere else and I know she's okay. I'm going to hunt him down, I'll torture him until he begs me to kill him, I'll-"

"Mr Bang?" Looking up in my heated rage I noticed the doctor standing there sheepishly, clutching onto his clipboards as he flicked through what I presumed was Alicia's notes.

"What is it? Is she OK? Can I go and see her now?" A flurry of questions left my lips as I walked closer to the doctor, desperate for answers.

The doctor only responded with a sigh to begin with, like he was building up the courage to explain everything.

"Mr Bang...Chris, she shows no signs of broken bones or fractures, luckily no tearing or muscle injury and came out of it with a few minor injuries-"

"Oh thank god" Felix interrupted as I suspected that wasn't everything, judging by his actions and the guilty look on his face I knew something wasn't right.

"However...we ran her blood count, we ran an ultrasound scan...to check the baby"

My heart pounded in my chest, knowing what words were about to follow next as I felt myself being crushed into tiny pieces.

"I'm really sorry, your baby did not survive the impact"

Hearing those words felt like I'd been stabbed in the heart with a knife. The excitement we had been feeling for weeks over becoming a family in the future, spending the rest of our lives together with our beautiful child. It had been ripped away from us in a mere few seconds.

"Chan..." I heard Felix speak softly, i couldn't snap out of it. I was truly heartbroken.

"Alicia...can I please see Alicia" I begged as the doctor nodded, without looking back I headed straight for her room. Knowing she probably had been told the news too I wanted nothing more than to comfort her...to grieve with her.

As I approached the door I could hear what I could only describe as her soft cries, stepping into the room I saw her, curled up into the ball on the bed, clutching on to her pillow as she sobbed her poor heart out.

It hurt me more than anything seeing her like this. I never should've left her alone. I should've protected her. I should've protected our baby.

"Liss" I half whispered, approaching the girl. I sat myself on the end on the hospital bed, reaching my arm out to gently stroke her back to try and comfort her. I didn't know what to say, what could I possibly say to make her feel any better?

Without warning she sat up, turning to me as she crashed her head against my chest, her hands clinging to my shirt as she cried harder.

"It's...it's all my fault Chan" she cried once more as I immediately shook my head, feeling the tears stinging at my own eyes.

"No, no, don't blame yourself for this. I should've kept you safe... I should've kept both of you safe Liss. I'm so sorry"

Unable to hold back the tears longer i found myself wrapping my arms around her, crying against her shoulder.

I wasn't one to ever cry or get emotional. But this had to be one of the worst pains I'd ever felt after losing my mother all those years ago.

Nothing I said or did would fix this.

I couldn't go back in time to change it. I knew I would forever beat myself up about it...I could've done better.

"Chan..." I felt her sniffle as she reached her hands around my face, each hand cupping my cheek as she finally made me look at her. Her tear stained red face, it was a shattering sight to see.

"You're perfect, you've always been perfect. You can't blame yourself for this. I just thought I'd be able to escape falling down the stairs...I thought I could get myself away from him and he'd end up hurt, not me. I should've been more careful...Chris I'm so sorry I did this to us... to our baby...I feel like I've crushed our happiness, I've lost a part of us and only I should be the one to blame-"

"Nothing I can say can change the outcome of today. Liss we will get through this together. You did everything you could and more. I love you, so much. I promise you I'll make them pay, I'll make them all pay for what they took from us" among the tears I still felt the never ending rage. I knew this was the first step to changing how things were...forever.


Alicia's P.O.V

Walking back through the house after being discharged from the hospital felt like everything was in slow motion.

My head and heart in such a fragile emotional state. Flashbacks of the doctor sharing the news and the images of passing blood each time I would go to the toilet replayed on my mind.

I had spent such a short time loving a child I would never get to meet. Nothing as I knew it would feel right again.

"Alicia..." Minho was the first to see me, his eyes red and puffy as if he had been crying himself. I on the other hand had cried so many tears that I practically couldn't shed another.

Chan let go of me briefly as Minho pulled me close. My brain not even functioning to hug my friend back. I noticed the blood stained carpet behind him where the bodies of the men who had attacked us were laying before. I remember Chan mentioning something about Hyunjin and Changbin taking care of it all. But the events that took place were not something I was going to forget.

"I'm so sorry, if you need anything, please, I'm here" I heard him speak, as all I could respond was a small nod.

With him finally pulling away I began to head to my room, the only place I wanted to be right now. Was to grieve in my own space.

"Liss" Chan spoke softly once more, his hand resting slightly on my lower back, tapping to try and get my attention.

"Hmm?" I asked, looking to him, his facial expression as heartbreaking as my own. The only other person who felt the pain I was feeling.

"Don't be alone, stay out here with the rest of us. We need to find a way past this...together"

I forced a defeated smile, I knew he was hurting now but I knew he had to still think about what was best for the group. After all this place too wasn't safe anymore, Ricardo or San could send more men at any moment.


I took his hand in mine, squeezing slightly as he leaned over to kiss my forehead. At this stage we needed eachother more than ever. We were eachothers shoulder to cry on. Eachothers rock to lean on.

Finally taking a seat on the sofa the others began to walk in, all offering their condolences after hearing the news.

Felix had paced around the hospital waiting for me while Jisung had stood guard of the hospital front doors the entire time to keep me safe. The two of them were extremely comforting on the way home also. I really would be lost without them.

Amongst the guys returning I finally saw those unfamiliar faces once again, Chan's newest recruits.

Although I wasn't in the right place for a welcoming environment, I had to push myself to keep that last bit of positivity that these new guys would help to end all of this

Chan sighed, himself too forcing a smile to the boys stood before us, before standing up and preparing to give his speech.

"Guys, I know today has been tough...incredibly tough. In fact words cannot explain how myself and Liss are feeling right now. But after suffering such a traumatic loss it has pushed me to finally finish this. The Morelli's have taken too much, they've pushed it too far, I want them gone, all of them. These next few weeks will be the toughest weeks of your lives, in fact your lives will all be in great danger, I just hope that is a risk you are all willing to take to end this. To our newest recruits, Yunho, Taehyung, Mark, Soobin, Yoongi and Wooyoung...welcome, we appreciate you are all here willing to help, even under these circumstances. Now let's put our heads together, finalise every detail of this plan to kill them all. Starting with Choi fucking San!"

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