Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan1...

By kimochinoona

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Dan is an ordinary student who is studying in just one of the most prestigious universities with his best fri... More

Ch.1 My awkward Encounter
Ch.2 I want him
Ch.3 Sweet dreams
Ch.4 We meet again
Ch.5 How did I end up here? Part 1
Ch6. How did I end up here? Part 2
Ch7. Do you want me?
Ch.8 Oh he's back
Ch.9 Stay away
Ch.10 Dilemma
Ch.11 Pain
Ch. 12 Apologize
Ch 13. Spicy night
Ch.14 Is this Jealousy?
Ch.15 It's getting hot in here.
Ch.16 A date?
Ch.17 Every corner of the house
Ch.18 Being with you
Ch.19 Themepark Adventures
Ch.20 Getting dirty at night
Ch.21 Confessions and Realisation
Ch.22 Who are you?
Ch.23 Hurt
Ch.24 Continued sadness and loneliness (18+)
Ch.25 Confrontation
Ch.26 Hope
Ch.28 Love 18+

Ch.27 Awkward...

1.3K 45 22
By kimochinoona


Slowly, Dan's eyes fluttered open, the bright fluorescent lights of the hospital room blinding him momentarily. The sterile scent of disinfectant and medicine filled his nostrils, triggering a flood of memories from the accident that had brought him here. The beeping of machines and the hiss of oxygen masks created a symphony of unfamiliar sounds around him. 

As he tried to move, Dan felt the weight of an IV drip pulling at his hand. He looked down and saw the thin tube connected to his arm, delivering fluids and medication into his body. Panic briefly set in as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings before the realization dawned on him—he was in the hospital. 

His gaze fell upon Jaekyung, who was sleeping soundly on a chair beside his bed. Dan's heart swelled with emotion at the sight of him, his partner and rock through this ordeal. He held onto his hand tightly even in his sleep, as if never wanting to let go. A mix of gratitude, relief, and love overwhelmed him, and tears welled up in his eyes. At that moment, he knew he was loved and cared for more than he could ever imagine.

A choked sob escaped from Dan's lips, his emotions spilling over like a dam breaking. He couldn't believe that Jaekyung had stayed by his side throughout the long, dark night, watching over him in his most vulnerable state. It was a testament to the depth of Jaekyung's care and devotion, a shining example of true love. 

As tears streamed down his face, Dan reached out with his free hand and gently brushed his fingers through Jaekyung's soft, silken hair. He whispered, his voice trembling with gratitude and awe, "Jaekyung... You didn't leave me. You stayed with me all this time. Why? Why are you here?" The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, filled with a mix of wonder and disbelief at the unwavering loyalty before him.

Gradually, Jaekyung stirred from his deep slumber, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal a blurry world. As his vision cleared, he saw Dan's tear-filled eyes staring back at him. Concern and relief flooded Jaekyung's face as he sat up straight, ready to tend to his beloved. 

"Sweetheart, you're finally awake! How are you feeling?" His voice was laced with genuine worry.

 Dan managed a weak smile, his voice trembling but full of emotion. "I... I'm better now."

Jaekyung's expression flickered with a mix of hurt and frustration as he finally confronted Dan about the weeks of silence that had passed between them. They stared face to face, their eyes locked in a dance of longing and confusion, the weight of their unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air.

"It's been weeks since we last saw each other, Sweetheart," Jaekyung said, his voice filled with a tinge of sadness that mirrored the ache in his heart. The prolonged separation had left him yearning for the warmth of Dan's presence, and the absence of their shared moments had created a void that seemed impossible to fill.

Doubt seeped into his mind, and he couldn't help but question if he had done something wrong to warrant Dan's silence. "Why did you ignore me? Did I do something to push you away?"

Dan's gaze dropped to the floor, his heart heavy with the weight of his unspoken emotions. He had wrestled with his thoughts and fears, unsure of how to navigate the complexities of his inner turmoil. The silence between them grew, pregnant with unexpressed sentiments, and he felt the yearning in Jaekyung's touch, silently begging him to open up.

Jaekyung's hand found its way to Dan's arm, his touch gentle yet filled with urgency, encouraging Dan to share the truth and bridge the growing divide between them.

"Dan, please," Jaekyung pleaded, his voice a tender mix of desperation and vulnerability. "I can't bear this distance between us any longer. Tell me what's going on. Let's face this together."

Dan's shoulders slumped, his voice barely a whisper as he finally found the strength to respond. "I... I'm sorry, Jaekyung. I believed someone who told me that you were going to marry a woman."

"This is not true."

Jaekyung's eyes widened in shock, his hand instinctively retracting from Dan's arm. The hurt in his voice was palpable as he tried to make sense of the revelation. "Dan, why didn't you ask me first? Why didn't you trust me enough to come to me with your doubts?"

Dan's tears began to stream down his face as he looked up at Jaekyung, his voice trembling with emotion. "I... I didn't know what to do. I was scared and confused. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you, Jae."

Jaekyung's anger flared, his voice laced with disappointment. "You should have trusted me, Dan! We promised to be there for each other and we need to communicate openly. I can't believe you didn't come to me with your doubts. I deserved that much at least as your boyfriend."


Jaekyung's voice trembled with raw emotion as he reached out to Dan, his love and devotion evident in every word he spoke. 

"My darling, please believe me when I say that my heart belongs only to you," he declared, tears glistening in his eyes. "Even if others may spread rumours about me, know that if I were ever to marry, it would be you by my side. It has always been you." 

Dan's face was a portrait of conflicting emotions - shock, hope, disbelief - as he processed Jaekyung's heartfelt words. His heart yearned for the reassurance and love that Jaekyung was offering, his mind struggling to make sense of the past few weeks. But at this moment, all that mattered was the connection between them, as their intertwined hands offered comfort and support. 

"Wait... are you saying you won't marry anyone else?" Dan asked with a trembling voice, the vulnerability and longing in his tone palpable.

Jaekyung's eyes remained fixed on Dan, unwavering in their intensity and unwavering in his commitment. His voice carried a profound sincerity as he replied, his words laced with the unwavering truth of his feelings. "No, sweetheart. I won't marry anyone else. My heart beats only for you, and it always will. I love you with every fibre of my being."

Dan's tears flowed freely, a mixture of relief and overwhelming joy. In that moment, the weight of the misunderstandings, the doubts, and the fears that had plagued their relationship seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound clarity and a renewed sense of trust. The assurance in Jaekyung's words enveloped Dan's heart, mending the fractures of uncertainty and igniting a beacon of hope for their future together.

A radiant smile spread across Dan's face, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of gratitude and adoration. The knowledge that Jaekyung's love was unwavering and that they shared a bond strong enough to weather any storm filled him with an indescribable sense of warmth and contentment.

In that moment, all doubts and insecurities melted away, replaced by an unshakable belief in their love and the possibilities that lay ahead. Dan reached out, his trembling hand finding its way to Jaekyung's, their fingers intertwining in a gesture that symbolized their unbreakable connection.

Dan's tears mingled with a smile, a profound sense of relief washing over him. The weight of the misunderstandings and doubts began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound clarity and a renewed sense of trust.

"Sweetheart, when I first met you, you were getting under my skin. But now I am not confused anymore, I love you so much that I am completely obsessed with you."

"I love you too, Jaekyung," Dan finally said, his voice filled with tenderness. "And I'm sorry for letting fear cloud my judgment, for not trusting you. From this moment on, I promise to always trust and communicate with you, no matter what challenges we face."

Their lips collided in a blazing, all-consuming kiss that set their senses on fire. The intensity of their passion radiated through every inch of their bodies as they entwined their tongues in a dance of desire. Jaekyung's hand reached under Dan's shirt, searching for the warmth and familiarity of his lover's skin. He yearned for their bodies to be intertwined, to melt into one another in this moment of pure ecstasy.

Jaekyung's fingers met the soft skin of Dan's stomach, a delicate touch that sent shivers down his spine. Dan returned the embrace, his own hand reaching for Jaekyung's toned abs. The burning desire within them grew stronger with each caress, like a flame ready to ignite. Their kiss became more fervent, their bodies pressed closely together, the heat from their skin radiating between them. Jaekyung's tongue delved deeper, exploring the hidden depths of Dan's mouth, tasting the sweetness of his lover's essence. 

 Dan's heart raced as he felt Jaekyung's firmness against his own, a testament to their shared desire. His hands roamed over Jaekyung's body, his fingers digging into the muscles of his back, his nails scraping lightly against his skin. 

Jaekyung broke the kiss, gasping for air as his desire for Dan reached a fever pitch. He needed him, craved him like he never had before."I can't wait any longer," he panted, his voice hoarse with need. 

"I need you now."Dan grinned, understanding the urgency in Jaekyung's voice. He wanted him too, needed him just as much. 

"Take me, Jae," he whispered, his voice low and sultry.Jaekyung needed no further invitation. He took off his shirt, revealing muscles honed from months of dedication to his workouts. His chest was slick with sweat from their passionate embrace, and his eyes glinted with hunger.Dan watched as Jaekyung moved to straddle him, their hips aligned. He could feel the hardness of Jaekyung's erection against his own, and his breath hitched in anticipation.

Just as things were getting heated, their bodies inches apart and their desires intertwining, a loud cough from outside shattered the passionate bubble they had created. The abrupt interruption of reality pierced through the air, causing Jooha and Dooshik to enter the room with surprised expressions.

Jooha's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him, his hand instinctively covering his mouth and eyes to stifle a gasp. Dooshik, standing beside him, wore a mix of amusement and embarrassment, his cheeks tinted with a faint blush. Jooha cowered behind Dooshik's larger body. The room filled with a mixture of awkwardness and lightheartedness, as if the universe itself had conspired to temper their passionate moment.

Jaekyung and Dan reluctantly pulled away from each other, their faces flushed with a combination of desire and embarrassment. Swiftly, they straightened their dishevelled clothes, Jaekyung put back his shirt on and they attempted to compose themselves, but their racing hearts betrayed their inner turmoil.

A shared smile formed on their lips, a silent acknowledgement of the unexpected interruption. Despite the intrusion, there was an undercurrent of amusement and relief in the air. The moment had been interrupted, but they couldn't help but find humour in the timing.

Jooha, recovering from his initial surprise, let out a nervous chuckle. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, the bright red matching the fiery hue of his hair. 

"Well, um... sorry for interrupting," he stammered, his voice wavering slightly. "We didn't mean to barge in." 

Dooshik couldn't contain his mischievous grin and he added with a sly wink, "Yeah, we'll just... leave you two lovebirds alone now. Carry on." He gestured towards the door with exaggerated theatrics, amusement twinkling in his eyes. 

After the laughter subsided, Dan's charming smile remained as he reached out to Jooha and Dooshik, halting them from leaving the room. "Wait, Jooha," he said warmly.

Jooha and Dooshik exchanged curious glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. "What is it, Dan?" Jooha asked, his tone gentle.

"What's that in your hand?" Dan pointed at the bag Jooha was carrying.

"Oh right, I forgot. I actually brought breakfast from home. Let's all sit down and enjoy a meal together."

As they savoured their breakfast together, the conversation took a slightly serious turn. Jooha, his expression thoughtful, looked at Dan and asked, "Aren't you curious who was behind this all?"


Dan shook his head, a furrow appearing on his brow. "Honestly, I have no clue. It caught me completely off guard."

Curiosity piqued, Dan leaned in, his gaze fixed on Jooha. "Who do you think it could be?"

Jooha took a deep breath before he replied, "It was Ella."

Dan's eyes widened in surprise. "Ella? But why would she do something like this? I had no beef with her."

Jooha sighed, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and frustration. "She said she was jealous of you, the reason behind the break up of her and Heesung was because of you. She seemed distant and even a bit jealous whenever she saw you too together. Dan, and seeing you with Heesung might have triggered her to create that incident."

Dan's brows furrowed deeper as he processed Jooha's words. "I never realized she felt that way. But jealousy can sometimes lead people to do unexpected things."

As they finished their breakfast, Jaekyung's expression turned from contemplative to angry. He slammed his fist on the table, his voice filled with frustration. "But she has hurt you, Dan!" he exclaimed, his tone laced with protectiveness.

"Jae! It's alright." 

"It's not okay, Dan." Jaekyung angrily left the room.

Dan managed a weak smile, appreciating Jooha's support. "Thank you, Jooha. Please help Jaekyung calm down and let him know that we'll sort this out."

"I will go after him, babe take care of Dan hyung," Dooshik spoke to Jooha and left right after.

As Jaekyung stormed out of the room, Dan's heart sank, realizing the depth of his anger and hurt. He looked at Jooha, his eyes reflecting a mix of sadness and concern.

Dooshik, sensing the urgency, rushed out of the room. He caught up with Jaekyung down the hallway, his voice filled with empathy. "Jaekyung, wait! Let's talk about this. I understand your anger, but storming off won't solve anything."

Jaekyung halted in his tracks, his shoulders tense with frustration. He turned to face Dooshik, his voice trembling with emotion. "She hurt him, Dooshik. I can't just stand by and let it go."

Dooshik approached Jaekyung cautiously, his voice calm and soothing. "I know, and it's natural to feel protective. She is coming here anyway to apologize."

"Dooshik, should I ask Dan to move with me?"


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