Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan1...

By kimochinoona

127K 2.5K 1.4K

Dan is an ordinary student who is studying in just one of the most prestigious universities with his best fri... More

Ch.1 My awkward Encounter
Ch.2 I want him
Ch.3 Sweet dreams
Ch.4 We meet again
Ch.5 How did I end up here? Part 1
Ch6. How did I end up here? Part 2
Ch7. Do you want me?
Ch.8 Oh he's back
Ch.9 Stay away
Ch.10 Dilemma
Ch.11 Pain
Ch. 12 Apologize
Ch 13. Spicy night
Ch.15 It's getting hot in here.
Ch.16 A date?
Ch.17 Every corner of the house
Ch.18 Being with you
Ch.19 Themepark Adventures
Ch.20 Getting dirty at night
Ch.21 Confessions and Realisation
Ch.22 Who are you?
Ch.23 Hurt
Ch.24 Continued sadness and loneliness (18+)
Ch.25 Confrontation
Ch.26 Hope
Ch.27 Awkward...
Ch.28 Love 18+

Ch.14 Is this Jealousy?

3.1K 86 36
By kimochinoona

School started, and I already hate this semester, but hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Jooha?" While Dan was cleaning the glass, he looked at Jooha who was cleaning the table.


"Are you seeing Dooshik?"

" actually," Jooha was avoiding Dan's eyes.


Jooha's cheeks flushed slightly, and he cast his gaze downward, a shy smile playing at his lips. "Yes"

"Jooha I just can't believe you didn't tell me."

"I am sorry babe."

Dan's heart sank as he realized that he had learned about Jooha's new relationship through a stranger rather than directly from his best friend. A wave of hurt washed over him, tinged with a sense of disappointment and a touch of jealousy. He had always cherished the open and honest communication between them, and this unexpected turn left him feeling left out.

Finding a moment alone with Jooha, Dan mustered up the courage to express his concerns. "Jooha, I heard from someone else about you and Dooshik. I have to admit, it hurt me a bit to find out this way. We've always been open with each other, and I hope we can continue to be."

Jooha's face softened, realizing the impact of his actions on Dan. "I'm sorry, Dan. I should have told you directly. I didn't mean to hurt you or make you feel left out."

Dan sighed, his concern evident in his voice. "It's not about me being left out, Jooha. It's just... Dooshik has a reputation as a playboy. I don't want you to get hurt. I care about you, and I want to make sure you're making the right choices for yourself."

"I know babe, trust me I won't get hurt."

Dan's worries didn't vanish completely, but he trusted Jooha's judgment and the strength of their friendship. He knew that he couldn't control Jooha's decisions or protect him from potential heartbreak, but he could be there to support him through whatever challenges might arise.

With a small smile, Dan reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Jooha's shoulder. "I just want you to be happy, Jooha. If being with Dooshik brings you joy, then I'll be here for you, no matter what. Our friendship means everything to me."

As the weekend came to an end, Dan and Jooha wrapped up their part-time job at the bar, feeling a mix of exhaustion and fulfilment from the busy days they had spent. They bid farewell to their coworkers and made their way back home.

Meanwhile, Jaekyung, Dooshik, and Seungho had indulged in their shared passion for sports car racing. The adrenaline-filled races had brought them closer, fostering a bond of camaraderie and excitement.

As the new week began, Dan found himself feeling a bit groggy from the eventful weekend. His body ached, his back protesting from the physical demands of their job and the sex with Jaekyung. Yet, amidst the fatigue and discomfort, his heart fluttered at the memories of the time he had spent with Jaekyung.

Jaekyung took his virginity away, Dan blushed hard. His ass hurt and the ache between his legs were proof that he was no longer a virgin.

Yet, despite the pain and slight soreness, Dan loved every moment of it. The intimacy he shared with Jaekyung. How they both felt so good together.

Dan was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he had sex with Jaekyung and not just ordinary sex. Oh, no. He had his first experience with another guy on a bed.

He still remembered how it felt to have Jaekyung's dick sliding in and out of him. To feel his hands running over his skin. His lips trailed kisses across his skin. The feeling of his fingers caressing his sensitive cock.

The pretty boy's heart thumped inside his chest. Dan could still recall how it felt when Jaekyung entered him and his dick rubbed his inner walls.

The thought alone made his heart race. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. The memories of that night were making his pants feel tight and the heat inside his body rise.

However, his reverie was abruptly interrupted by Heesung, who called out to him. Startled, Dan quickly snapped back to reality, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and the remnants of his daydream.

Heesung's voice brought him back to the present moment, and Dan swiftly composed himself, shaking off the distraction. With a quick smile, he turned his attention to Heesung. "Hey, Heesung. Sorry, I was lost in thought for a moment. What's up?"

Heesung chuckled, clearly amused by Dan's momentary lapse. "I could tell. You had that dreamy look on your face. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you're free this weekend for our group project."

Dan realised that Jooha didn't have lectures today, so he didn't come today, he would be free during lunch anyway. It will save them some time if they start it right now.

"Hey, Heesung, I have a suggestion," Dan said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Instead of waiting until the weekend, how about we meet up today during lunchtime at a café? We can grab a bite to eat and work on our project together."

"Sure I am free today."

As Dan proposed the idea of working on their project during lunch, he noticed a smile forming on Heesung's face. It was a smile that seemed to reflect genuine enthusiasm and agreement as if Heesung had been hoping for this suggestion all along. Dan couldn't help but notice the charm in that smile, which reminded him of the past. If it was him in the past, he would have fallen ten times harder.

Dan realized that he had evolved since his high school days. He acknowledged that in the past, he might have been more susceptible to developing stronger feelings based on such interactions. However, he started imagining how Jaekyung would smile at him.

What's wrong with me? Dan thought.

"Why don't you send me a quick text when you're ready for lunch? We can meet at the café we discussed earlier."

Heesung agreed, taking out his phone. "Sounds good. I'll text you shortly, and we'll reconvene at the café."


As lunchtime arrived, Dooshik, Seungho, and Jaekyung gathered together to eat. The atmosphere was light, and they engaged in casual conversation. However, the mood quickly shifted when Dooshik unexpectedly brought up a topic that stirred up emotions.

"Have you heard?" Dooshik said while eating his lunch in the canteen.

"Heard what ?" Seungho asked.

"Dan actually liked Heesung before." Dooshik chewed on his rice.

Jaekyung's expression changed, a mix of surprise and jealousy crossing his face. He felt a pang of unease at the mention of Dan's previous feelings for Heesung. The revelation caught him off guard and stirred up insecurities within him.

"Yeah, and they are doing a project together right now." Seungho continued.

"Be careful bro, you are in danger. Your sweetheart might be taken away. They look good together too."

"Shut the fuck up Dooshik," Jaekyung shouted, which caused the people around them to stare at them in curiosity.

Feeling hurt and overwhelmed, Jaekyung abruptly stood up from the table, his departure marked by a sense of aggression. He couldn't bear the thought of Dan having feelings for someone else, particularly Heesung, while they were growing closer themselves.

"Why did you say that?" Seungho looked concerned over Jaekyung.

"Well, I wanted to see if he is actually serious about Dan."

"And how do you know about these things?"

"Well, I have my sources."

Jaekyung's possessive instincts kicked in. He didn't want to see Dan with Heesung at all. What if Dan still has those feelings for Heesung? He started feeling weird in his stomach.

Dan is mine. Jaekyung kept thinking in his mind.

As Dan sat patiently in the café, waiting for Heesung to arrive, he contemplated their project and enjoyed the ambience of the surroundings. Moments later, Heesung walked in, a hint of apology evident on his face.

"Hey, Dan, I'm sorry I'm late," Heesung said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I got caught up with something, but I hope you weren't waiting for too long."

Dan smiled, understanding that delays happen and appreciating Heesung's genuine apology. "No worries, Heesung. I haven't been waiting for long. It's all good."

To his surprise, Heesung reached into his bag and pulled out a bouquet of pink flowers, extending them towards Dan. The unexpected gesture caught Dan off guard, and a look of genuine surprise crossed his face.

"Wow, Heesung, these are beautiful," Dan exclaimed, accepting the bouquet. He observed the delicate pink petals and their pleasant fragrance. "But may I ask, what's the occasion?"

Heesung's cheeks flushed slightly as he replied, "Well, I know it's not a special day or anything, but I wanted to show my appreciation for my project partner. I thought they looked pretty and I just wanted to give them to you ."

"Thank you, Heesung," Dan responded, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. Dan thought how ironic was that he wasn't able to give the flowers that easily that time. Wondering if he had come earlier that Valentine's Day, would they have been closer? Would Heesung have accepted him then? But he wouldn't have been able to meet Jaekyung now.

Imagine if it was Jaekyung who had given me flowers. Jaekyung... why am I thinking of him suddenly? Dan thought.

Meanwhile, Dan and Heesung, unaware of the conversation that had transpired, continued their lunch together at the café. Engrossed in their project discussion, they were focused on their collaboration and unaware of the impact their presence had on Jaekyung.

As Dan and Heesung were engrossed in their project, Dan's phone rang, indicating an incoming call from Jaekyung. He excused himself momentarily from the table to answer the call, curious to know why Jaekyung was trying to reach him.

"Jae?" Dan greeted him on the phone, trying to keep his voice calm and composed.

On the other end of the line, Jaekyung's voice sounded slightly concerned. "Hey, Dan, I was wondering where you were. I want to eat lunch with you."

Dan replied, "Sorry, Jaekyung. I'm actually working on a project with Heesung at the moment. We decided to have lunch together and discuss it."

"Where are you?"

"We are in Jinx cafe near the university."

"Okay, I am coming."

Jaekyung's response was a mix of surprise and disappointment. He couldn't help feeling a wave of jealousy wash over him, seeing Dan and Heesung spending time together, knowing the fact that Dan liked him before.

He walked quickly over to the cafe and saw them sitting near the window. Determined to address his feelings, Jaekyung decided to join them at the table, taking a seat next to Dan.

His gaze sent a subtle side-eye of jealousy in Heesung's direction. Dan noticed the shift in atmosphere and understood that Jaekyung's emotions were getting the better of him.

As Jaekyung settled beside Dan, his gaze fell upon the bouquet of flowers placed on the table. Curiosity piqued, he couldn't help but ask, "Who gave you the flowers, Dan?"

Heesung, wearing a smirk, responded, "Oh, I gave them to him. Just a small gesture to show appreciation for our friendship."

Jaekyung's bitterness seeped into his words as he retorted, "Well, at least the hoodie Dan is wearing right now belongs to me. It's more useful than those flowers."

As the conversation unfolded, Heesung's expression shifted from a smile to one of shock upon learning that Dan was wearing Jaekyung's hoodie. The realization that Dan and Jaekyung had a close relationship caught him off guard, and a mixture of surprise and confusion filled his eyes.

On the other hand, as Jaekyung heard Heesung's reaction, a subtle smirk formed on his face. He leaned in slightly closer to Dan, positioning his arm behind him as a display of possessiveness, adding a layer of tension to the atmosphere.

His actions seemed to communicate a message to Heesung, emphasizing his closeness with Dan. Indicating Heesung needs to back off.

Dan, caught in the middle, felt the growing tension and the contrasting dynamics between the two of them. He gently moved away from Jaekyung's possessive gesture, creating a physical distance between them. He looked at both of them, his expression serious yet composed.

Sensing the tension rising, his voice filled with a combination of firmness and concern, "Okay, guys, let's not argue. The flowers were a kind gesture from Heesung, and the hoodie was from Jaekyung. It's normal to give things to friends."

"Friends?" Jaekyung was shocked Dan called him a friend, even after they fucked.

"I don't think we're just friends. You and I, we are..."

Dan looked at him and secretly pinched Jaekyung's arm, "What are you saying?"

Jaekyung paused, his voice suddenly changing, "Never mind."

Jaekyung felt a pang of shock and disappointment when Dan referred to him as a friend in front of Heesung, despite their closeness. He couldn't help but sulk, feeling a sense of hurt and a tinge of jealousy. Impatiently, he waited for Dan and Heesung to finish their project, his eyes fixed on them intently.

As he sat there, Jaekyung aggressively sipped on the americano he had ordered, the bitterness of the drink mirroring his current mood. He stared at both Dan and Heesung, his gaze conveying his desire to maintain his close connection with Dan and to prevent Heesung from growing closer to him.

Unaware of Jaekyung's internal turmoil, Dan and Heesung continued working on their project, engrossed in their collaboration. They exchanged ideas and shared laughter, their camaraderie evident.

Sensing the tension in the air, Dan paused for a moment, looking at Jaekyung with concern. "Jaekyung, is everything alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care.

Jaekyung's sulking demeanour softened slightly as he realized that his emotions were affecting the atmosphere. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, though the lingering bitterness remained in his tone.

As the lunch break came to an end, Dan called for a pause in their project work. "Alright, let's continue with this next time," he said with a determined tone. "We've made good progress in drafting our research plan, and after that, we can focus on preparing for the presentation later on."

Heesung smiled and waved, understanding the need for some time apart. "No problem, Good luck with the rest of the preparations. See you soon!"

Dan and Jaekyung bid farewell to Heesung and started walking back to the campus together. As they strolled side by side, the tension from earlier seemed to dissipate further.

"Friend huh?"


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