SAVOR || s. rogers

By carolinescouch

10K 465 1.3K

"I'll spin for you like your favorite records used to." IN WHICH a light-hearted and playful agent of S.H.I.E... More

Graphic Gallery
1 - Where it All Began
2 - Double Missions
3 - Recovery
4 - Disappearance
5 - The Game of Life
6 - Solving the Puzzle
7 - Back in Action
8 - Escape
9 - Shoes Two Sizes Too Big
10 - Fugitives
11 - Roadtrip Questions
13 - The Night Everything Changed
14 - Reckless Love
15 - Helping Hands
16 - Changing Tides
17 - Reconciliation
18 - Wrestling with the Past
19 - Truth Will Out
20- The Winter Soldier
21- Ressurection

12 - Revelation

360 18 96
By carolinescouch


THE ROOM HELD MEMORIES of days long past. Dust collected on forgotten desks, chairs standing ominously still, and on the soft yellow lights that hung from the ceiling. Cobwebs grew between every crevice in the walls, but they were limp and old, and along with the grayish-brown tint of the room, it all felt lifeless.

Steve slowly clicked open a door into another room, and it moved with barely a sound. The silence clung to the air, heavy and unbroken, like any noise or life had died with the building. The second room was like the first, dreary and ominously quiet, with the only change being rows of empty cabinets rather than desks.
They approached a wall with three portraits, dull with age, and slanting from their original positions.

"There's Stark's father," Natasha said, eyeing a handsome dark-haired man in the center. Her loud voice was a stark contrast to the quiet atmosphere around them. Emersyn felt like they should be whispering in such a place as this.

"Howard," Steve recalled his name, staring sadly at the man. His eyes were alight with old memories, reminiscing days when these people were real and true to him.

Emersyn watched him but was itching to move on, so she turned away and began examining the rest of the room for clues.

"Who's the girl?" Natasha asked.

Emersyn perked her head up to peer back at Steve and saw him abruptly walk away without an answer. She curiously brought her gaze to a woman in one of the portraits and recognized Peggy Carter, one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D. She watched Steve's stoic expression and knew was he trying to hide emotions of the past.

Putting the old S.H.I.E.L.D members into the back of her mind, Emersyn returned to the shelves in front of her and pressed her ear close to one of them. "There's a breeze." She realized, feeling a small draught come through a gap between shelves.

Steve came toward her and brushed cobwebs out of the way, eyeing the same gap Emersyn had noticed. "If you're already working in a secret office," his deep voice rumbled in the still air. He placed a hand against one of the cabinets and used his body weight to haul it backward. Steve only grimaced slightly as he pulled the groaning metal shelf to the side. It stopped halfway, so he stepped into the gap and pushed it open all the way.

"Why do you need to hide the elevator?" He finished.

"Cause it makes it more fun for us," Emersyn grinned and hurried past Steve into the dark hallway. Her running feet found an elevator at the end and she slammed against it roughly with a grunt.

"Have you no self-control?" Steve asked with a sigh.

"Yes, actually!" Emersyn exclaimed, picking herself up. "I'm using a lot of self-control to refrain from punching you right now."

Steve let out a sharp, exasperated breath through his nose. "Don't go running into a hallway where we can't see anything.." he scolded.

"Why not?" Emersyn scoffed. "Missions in the dark are always exciting. Why ruin it by being scared?"

Steve scoffed. "I'm not scared, I'm cautious."

"You're always cautious," Emersyn complained. "That's why every mission is so serious and boring; you never have any fun."

"The entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D has turned against us and Nick Fury was murdered..." Steve returned his voice to his grave, parenting tone. "Is that your definition of fun, Sharp?"

Emersyn froze and lost all playfulness in her tone. "Thanks for the reminder..."

"Just get in the elevator," Steve ordered.

She turned around to follow and saw Natasha had already scanned the keypad for fingerprints to get a code. The phone highlighted the numbers where ancient hands previously pressed, and she entered the combination to open the doors. Natasha stood, staring them down with arms crossed. "When are you two gonna stop bickering and focus?"

Emersyn stepped into the elevator, shrugging. "He started it."

"You are such a child," Natasha sighed.

Steve pushed past Emersyn, more aggressive than necessary, and clicked the elevator button to go down. Metal cables quivered and gave high-pitched sounds that joined the groaning of old machinery coming to life. As they dropped, the building seemed to creak with every movement, and the small smudged glass windows in the shaft only showed endless darkness. After several loud screeches of metal, the elevator slowed to a halt and let out a ding to announce their arrival. The trio's breaths were stuck in their throat as they watched quietly to see what was on the other side. The doors opened painfully slow to reveal a blank, pitch-black expanse; it was completely void, with a powerful silence that seemed to glue their lips together. No one spoke.

Emersyn felt a shiver crawl up her spine as she gazed into the abyss, apprehensive of the chilling quiet. The silence made her uncomfortable, so she murmured, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Steve and Natasha stepped forward with wary feet, gazing around with attentive eyes that strained to see in the dark. Their footsteps were barely audible, even in the deathly still room. Emersyn followed, gazing at many bright, multicolored electronic lights twinkling in the distance.

"No one got my Star Wars reference?" Emersyn asked.

"I did, I just didn't respond to it," Natasha replied in a hushed voice, still looking around the room.

"I don't think I've gotten to that movie yet..." Steve muttered.

"Grandpa..." Emersyn said under her breath.

"What was that?" Steve snapped.

"Nothing," She said innocently.

They continued walking slowly toward the lights when the elevator doors closed behind them with a startling crash, breaking the silence. Emersyn jumped at the sound and instinctively whipped around with clenched fists. She sighed as she was only met with the blank elevator staring back at her.

"Scared, Sharp?" Steve asked gruffly. Despite his tone, she knew he was teasing her.

Emersyn bit back a reply and turned around, flashing Rogers a sarcastic smile. They passed over a metal grate that sunk slightly under her weight, causing Emersyn to quickly skip over it.

"You're very jumpy.." Natasha teased.

"This building is so old it feels like it's gonna fall apart.." she muttered in annoyance.

When they passed the second grate (which Emersyn avoided), a click was released in the air and sequentially, lights began to flicker on. They started at the back, humming as old electricity sparked to work again, and traveled to the front, creaking and snapping as the room finally was illuminated. The lights were a dry yellowish-green, casting an ugly color onto their faces, and making the grey electronics around them appear even more eerie.

The trio was surrounded by hundreds of pieces of dusty technology, greyed with age and standing deathly still. A computer (large for its time) was placed in the middle, but its screen was as blank as the rest around it. Several monitors were on the sides of the main table, and wires littered the floor to connect various devices. Behind these were endless rows of tapes and film, and electronics Emersyn had never even seen before because they were so old. So many data banks were lined up, they continued in formation like a legion of soldiers until it disappeared into shadow in the distance. The room was much larger than it had appeared; it expanded on every side of them, filled entirely with rows of technology no older than the 1950s.

Natasha let her eyes travel the room with narrowed brows. She stepped onto a platform closer to the main computer. "This...can't be the data point. This technology is ancient."

Emersyn peered at a glowing blue light amongst the others and noticed a black adapter, dusted off by old fingerprints. "Nat.." she said, gesturing to the modern tech. Two USB ports were sticking up, waiting to be used... it looked to be almost too easy. They were perfectly placed, obvious from the rest, and sitting patiently, waiting.

Emersyn felt her stomach drop with anticipation as she watched Natasha step forward and stare at the hard drive. This hard drive held all the answers to their questions, or at least she hoped. They all were itching for it to be revealed but also scared of what they would find. Emersyn subconsciously was holding her breath when Natasha clicked the drive into the USB port.

Immediately, hundreds of clicking sounds filled the air. Emersyn whipped around and watched as the rows of film whirred to life and began spinning in unison. Steve shared her anxious gaze as the room turned into an army of synchronized devices, humming together to create a cloud of noise. Even more lights flickered on, revealing more rows of tape that all held the same yellow glow. An old camera with one, glaring eye stirred to life and moved to focus on them. Emersyn watched it with spiking hair, suddenly feeling targeted.

She inched closer to Steve but did not let her eyes leave the camera's lens pointed directly at her. Her brows narrowed as she slunk behind Rogers and watched from a safe distance. The main computer in the center displayed words in green with an electronic, muffled voice that read: initiate system. It startled Emersyn at first, but Natasha took the brave step to approach the computer and press her fingers on the keyboard.

"Y-E-S spells yes," she said confidently as she typed the letters in. A slow, growing sound came from the computer as it powered up. A smirk played on Natasha's lips and she said mischievously, "Shall we play a game?"

Emersyn snorted, causing Steve to look at her oddly.
"It's from a movie that was really-" Natasha began to explain. "I know," Steve interjected. "I saw it."

Emersyn quirked a brow and looked at him in surprise. "Really? That's a first."

He gave her a bothered side-eye before looking back at the computer. The camera remained focused on Emersyn, and behind it, the film continued to spin in synchronized circles, all working together to build a distorted, green, and disgruntled image on the screen. A haphazardly shaped face with round glasses glitched on the computer in front of her, but its chilling, tainted voice was clear in the quiet room.

"Sharp, Emersyn Wren."

She stiffened immediately and felt her hair prick up on her arms.

"Born 1988."

"What the.." Emersyn muttered.

The camera shifted over to Steve, next to her, and declared in the same, corrupt voice, "Rogers, Steven. Born 1918."

His eyes narrowed upon hearing this and he shared a confused glance with Emersyn. Natasha was looking to the side but sharply jerked her neck toward the computer when her name was spoken.

"Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna. Born 1984."

"It must be some type of recording.." Natasha said quickly. She felt the same confused fear that the others shared, and was searching for an explanation.

The voice sharply replied in an almost offended tone, "I am not a recording, Fraulein."

"You're lying," Emersyn scoffed. "No one knows my middle name..."

"I know everything about you," the voice said eerily. Emersyn rolled her eyes, frustrated with all the vagueness. "You do not believe me, hmm?" The computer continued, talking in a heavy European accent. "What do you know of the death of your parents, Fraeulein?"

"How do you know they died..?" Emersyn's voice was quiet. No one had spoken of Mr. and Mrs. Sharp's deaths since the day they were killed, eleven years ago.

"I know more than you do." The computer said with a taunting tone. It wanted her to continue arguing, and Emersyn did exactly what it expected.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry, the robot knows more about my literal birth givers than I do, my bad." She blurted carelessly.

"Your sarcasm is amusing but pointless." The voice seemed to mock her. "Your parents were not killed in an accident, Emersyn Sharp. They were murdered. They were targets."

Emersyn could not hide the hair spiking on her arms, or the stubbornness in her voice. "No, no, a drunk man shot them on accident. That's what the police said. That's what S.H.I.E.L.D said. It's on file!" Her voice grew louder as she spoke, wanting to convince herself of the truth (or what she thought was true). Emersyn refused to let this computer place any doubt in her heart.

"S.H.I.E.L.D." The computer let out a bone-chilling cackle. "They claim to be soldiers of protection, but all they do is feed you lies." The words were filled with malice.

"Shut up." Emersyn hissed, but the underlying fear in her voice was obvious. Her voice came out more shaky than she had wanted.

"Don't you find it odd that S.H.I.E.L.D. came to the scene the night your parents died? A drunk gunman would have been handled by the city police. Why do you think S.H.I.E.L.D was there?" The computer paused, and its intense camera eye seemed to drill holes into Emersyn's. "Not to clean up the mess, no. To create the mess.... Everything they promised you, everything you fought for was a lie."

Her mouth felt so dry that she could not form words. Emersyn stood, gaping, in front of the green, mysterious face that seemed to read her life as if it were a book, and it was the one turning the pages.

"See now, Fraeulein? I know everything you don't." Its voice dropped low to a threatening tone, and Emersyn couldn't deny the terror squirming in her stomach.

"What are you..." she breathed.

"Who am I." The computer corrected her. "I may not be the man I was when the captain took me prisoner in 1945, but I am." The voice seemed to grow more and more distorted, as its original sound overlapped with deep grumbling and echoed in the background. As it spoke, an image appeared on the monitors beside the computer. A round-faced man with bushy white brows and circular glasses stared at them with a frown. Emersyn couldn't hide the disgust on her face as she gazed at the mousey-looking man. He had only a few tufts of thin hair on his balding head, but his dark eyes looked through his brows and seemed to pierce its onlookers with a deathly stare. Emersyn didn't know whether she was more or less afraid of him now.

"He looks like a weasel," she whispered, earning a half-hearted chuckle from Steve.

Natasha looked from the monitor to Rogers. "You know this thing?" She asked.

Steve's narrowed brows set deep onto his face, and his eyes were searching the room as if he were trying to find an explanation for who was behind the computer's intel. He walked slowly past Emersyn and spoke in a clear, strong voice, "Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years." Steve circled the back of the monitors, looking for something, someone who could possibly be the puppet master pulling the strings.

"First correction," Zola said loudly. "I am Swiss. Second, look around you." Emersyn could hear the pride in his voice, and if he had been there physically, she knew he would have a sickening smile plastered on his weaselly face. "I have never been more alive." His voice enunciated every syllable, relishing in the words and filling each with a terrifying tone.

Natasha and Emersyn shared a concerned expression as they glanced at each other.

"In 1972 I received a terminal diagnosis," Zola continued. "Science could not save my body. My mind, however, that was worth saving, on 200,000 feet of databanks. You are standing in my brain."

"A lot of big talk for a small head," Emersyn jeered.

Steve slowly finished his walk and stepped back onto the platform facing Zola's computer. His arm brushed against Emersyn as he stood close to her, so she looked up and saw him giving her a slight smile. He liked her joke.

"How did you get here?" Steve's voice returned to his demanding, serious tone.

"Invited," Zola replied cheerily.

Natasha's brows were furrowed and she looked at Emersyn, asking her to confirm her thoughts. "It was Operation Paperclip after World War II."

"Yeah," Emersyn nodded. "S.H.I.E.L.D recruited German scientists with strategic value... I don't know why we picked this rat."

"They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own." Zola revealed.

Steve was quick to reply. "HYDRA died with the Red Skull."

The green, distorted face of Zola was replaced with an octopus, the symbol of HYDRA. "Cut off one head.." Zola's head appeared again and doubled itself on the screen. "Two more shall take its place."

"Prove it." Steve challenged.

The monitors began to flash several images of various people, files, and pictures. "Accessing archive." The computer spoke. A black and white photo of Johann Schmidt was displayed with a Nazi flag flying in the background. "HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom."

Steve and Emersyn's brows narrowed as they leaned to look at the monitor. An army of soldiers seemed to extend forever on the screen, all saluting Hitler. "What we did not realize," Zola explained. "was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist."

American and European troops flashed by in quick snippets of footage, contrasted with propaganda posters supporting the Red Skull. We will follow you. Hail Hydra. The blurry black and white film made it difficult to see the flickering soldiers in battle, but one recognizable figure stood in front of the camera. Steve's signature commanding expression was easy to see even under his Captain America helmet. He hollered out and beckoned soldiers to follow him as they disappeared into the darkness. Emersyn glanced at Steve next to her, amazed that the man she was watching on the computer from 70 years ago was the same one standing before her now. His firm jaw, narrowed brows and keen eyes had not changed.

"The war taught us much." Rapidly changing images flooded the screen; bombings, warplanes, Hitler posters, burning, and death. "Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly," Zola stated. Captain America appeared again, leading a rank of surrendering captives behind him. "After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D was founded." The symbol of the SSR converted to the new, famous eagle they all knew. An old photo, spotted with age showed Howard Stark and Peggy Carter together, establishing the organization. "And I was recruited," Zola said, his voice growing more sinister as his plan unfolded. The S.H.I.E.L.D logo mixed with HYDRA's, and all the flashing images made it too difficult to comprehend. Zola's face appeared on a file, and then again on a newspaper, where the camera zoomed into his face. "The new HYDRA grew. A beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D."

Emersyn felt a lump form in her throat as the words met her ears. Her fear was crawling up her arms, pricking her hair, and sending shivers up her back. The monitor continued showing countless pictures: of Zola, ships, planes, explosions, world leaders, Hitler, armies, rockets... "For 70 years, HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war, and when history did not cooperate..." Snipers aimed at targets marked with red, and men were shouting, protesting, then surrendering. Files appeared with blacked-out information, and UNKNOWN listed for an assassin. A metal arm flashed into view with a painted red star. "History was changed."

Natasha held the same worry and disbelief on her face as the others. "That's impossible." She protested. "S.H.I.E.L.D would have stopped you." Emersyn knew that there was uncertainty in Nat's voice, despite her strong words.

"Accidents will happen.." Zola said carelessly. A bold headline struck their eyes, reading: MARIA AND HOWARD STARK DIE IN CAR ACCIDENT. The camera zoomed into a picture of Stark, his files, a crashed car, CLASSIFIED.
Then another image appeared which made Emersyn flinch; Nick Fury's dark eyes stared at hers, but with a large label printed on them: DECEASED. Her fists tightened as the dreaded understanding began to seep in: Hydra killed Fury. Emersyn held a new brewing anger for Zola, and her breaths began to increase rapidly.

"HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security." Zola declared proudly. Endless images and film were displayed, all showing mass destruction, weaponry, cameras, and finally, a satellite around Earth. "Once the purification process is complete...." Emersyn trembled, terrified to hear the rest of his words. The computer showed targets being highlighted in red, locations being tracked, and massive guns being activated. "HYDRA's new world order will arise." Zola finished with a bone-chilling hiss.

Emersyn's heartbeat pounded against her chest so loudly she could hear it in her head, like a bomb ticking faster and faster until it would explode. Rows of guns were attached to a large ship, and they all aimed together directly at the camera. She felt a sickening realization in her stomach as she recognized those barrels.

"We won, Captain." Zola relished the words. His voice was sickeningly giddy, and he was actually enjoying their frustrations.

A newspaper headline appeared with Steve's eyes staring intensely forward. ROGERS DISAPPEARS. Everything seemed to be staring her down, aiming at her, accusing her, and the angry pressure in her was building up as the deaths, disappearances, and chaos were repeatedly thrown in her face. He taunted Steve and treated him like all his sacrifices in the war were for nothing. Emersyn was breathing heavily, with white knuckles and a clenched jaw. "Your death amounts to the same as your life. A zero-sum." Zola jeered. She felt a new burning rage ignite in her heart when Zola mocked Steve.

Emersyn's fist went flying forward before she even comprehended it, and crashed against the computer screen, ridding it of Zola's face. The shards of glass pierced her knuckles, but her anger overwhelmed the pain. She let out a frustrated puff of air and dropped her bleeding hand back to her side. The longer Zola talked, the more her temper grew. Still heaving, she stared into the ground trying to control her anger. Emersyn rarely lashed out, and she even surprised herself by punching the screen, but Zola's constant sneering and the revelation of her parents were too much to handle.

"As I was saying..." the voice she had never wanted to hear again came from another monitor.

Emersyn whipped around to the sound, eyes alight with rage. Before Zola could continue, Steve grunted and flung his fist into the monitor, shattering the glass. His broad shoulders rose and sank with deep breaths, and he looked at Emersyn, sharing her anger. Her heartbeat still felt like fireworks were going off in her head. Zola spoke with knowledge of things they never knew and was taunting them with it. She was confused, afraid, and angry at all the information that had been thrown at her. Questions about her parents and S.H.I.E.L.D swarmed around in her brain, all left unanswered.

To irritate them further, Zola appeared on a third monitor and said loudly, "Your fists will do nothing to me, no matter how hard you try. Your fate is already sealed."

Emersyn charged forward and met the monitor with fiery eyes. "Who killed my parents?" She demanded.

Natasha put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back gently. "No, Emersyn." Despite her efforts, Emersyn didn't acknowledge her but only slapped Nat's hand away and yelled at the monitor again. "Who killed them? Hydra?"

Zola laughed. A deep, mocking laugh that shocked Emersyn's ears. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she realized that he did not care. Her face screwed up in a twist of anger and sadness, hurt that Zola was actually amused by her frustration.

Steve stepped to the monitor and ordered in a rushed voice, "What's on this drive?"

Zola spoke slowly. "Project Insight requires insight. So, I wrote an algorithm."

Emersyn narrowed her eyes at the computer when Zola chose to ignore her question and answer Steve's. Why wouldn't he even offer a word to Emersyn, but was so willing to reply to Steve? Why was Steve so much better? Her fury began bubbling inside of her again as she stared with intense eyes at the face of Zola on the screen. She thought if she stared hard enough he would look at her and answer her questions. "Who..killed my parents.." her voice was a low growl.

Steve looked at her warily, but her furious stare remained focused on Zola. "What kind of algorithm?" He pressed, trying to deter the focus from Emersyn. "What does it do?"

There was silence for several frustrating seconds before Emersyn gritted her teeth and pushed past Steve. "Damn it, WHO KILLED MY PARENTS?" She yelled, slamming the desk with her fist.

"Emersyn!" Steve protested. "What is the algorithm, Zola?" He repeated.

"Don't listen to him," she snapped. "Listen to me. ANSWER ME!" Her voice broke as tears welled up in her eyes.

Then Emersyn was sure she felt a presence in the room like Zola's eyes could truly look through the computer screen and were boring into her. Heat crawled up her back and her gut was churning with anxiety. Sweat pooled on her forehead, as her thoughts swirled in a chaotic whirlpool of fear.

Zola's chilling voice finally spoke. "The answers to both your questions are fascinating. Fortunately for you, Fraeulein, you can now meet your parents and ask them yourself."

"What..?" She breathed.

The trio whipped around at the sound of the doors closing behind them. Steve threw his shield in a desperate attempt to block them, but the metal closed with a bang, and the shield came ricocheting back.

"No..!" Emersyn gasped, turning back to Zola. "No, no, no, no!" Her face screwed up and she felt a tear fall down her cheek.

Natasha pulled out her beeping phone and glanced up at them worriedly. "We've got a bogey, short-range ballistic. 30 seconds tops."

Fear made Emersyn freeze. A sickening, deep, anxiety planted itself like a deadweight in her stomach. Her anger subsided for a moment as nausea warped her head before her frustrations turned to desperation. She quickly turned back to the computer, drowning out Steve and Natasha's voices. "Who killed them?" Emersyn choked out. If she had to die, she wanted to know the truth before she did.

"I am afraid I have been stalling..." Zola sneered. "Admit it... it's better this way."

"No," Emersyn said through gritted teeth as her fists gripped the desk tightly, turning her knuckles white. Her eyes did not see Natasha quickly grab the drive, or Steve pull out the grate from the ground to use as a bunker. "Damn you, answer me! Why did they die? WHY?" She yelled, terrified that time was running out.

"Emersyn!" Steve's scared voice did not reach her ears.

Zola spoke in almost a hissing whisper. "We are both of us, out of time."

"NO!" She slammed the desk, crying. "WHY DID THEY DIE?"


The screams around her were blocked out by her desperate fear. The only thing she wanted, the only thing she'd listen to—were answers. Emersyn's hands were shaking uncontrollably against the desk, gripping so hard that her muscles began to spasm. Hands wrapped around her waist and dragged her back with matchless strength; she cried out in protest and flailed her arms in a hopeless attempt to stay at the desk. "Why did they die...!" Her voice cracked as her despaired plea mixed with sobs.

Tears blurred her vision as she was lifted into the air and hauled backward. Her eyes saw Zola's haunting distorted face flicker away, and sobs wracked her body one last time before a deafening explosion overwhelmed all other sounds. The world dissolved into darkness as cement came flying toward her, and the tight, almost painful grip around her waist wrapped itself around her entire body. She heard the thundering of falling rock, felt the earth tremble beneath her, and the impact of a protective body sheltering her from the ground. All turned to black when a chunk of cement knocked the back of her head, and her body fell limp underneath a red, white, and blue shield.


This chapter was difficult to write... but I got through it little by little. Sorry it took so long! Apologizes if it felt rushed or confusing, I might revise it later but just wanted to get it or for y'all since it's a late update.

I can't wait to get into Emersyn's backstory! This is a longer chapter than usual too because I wanted to combine all the action and not risk ruining the flow by breaking it up into separate chapters.

Let me know your thoughts! And as always, stay tuned :P

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