To Ethan

By capuletsbirdie

411K 38.6K 5K

Wattpad Featured 2018. UNREVISED. This is a story about Ethan and Aubrey who reunite online two years after... More

TW & Important Information
All I am is worried
I can take care of myself
I miss her
He's there for me
It's a small world
I can take care of myself
I'll freaking lose my mind
Is she alright?
I blame him
I hope you understand
You warned me
I wish ...
That's all that ever happened
I am not strong enough
Thank you
I got news
Are you there?
I'm worried
Something came up
I told you
You're the worst liar
Why are you like this?
We good?
Please help me save him
I'm happy for him
You're mad at me
So how'd it go?
Are you falling to pieces?
Don't you dare do that
Hypocrite much?
What's so bad about this idea?
How's it going over there?
I don't think that's a good idea
I can't explain it
I'm going home
He didn't end our friendship
I've got a letter
Guess what
What do I do?
Please pass this on
He's such a prick
Let's go somewhere
Can I ask you something
Why don't you ask her out
I made a huge mistake
Do you like me?
Just talk to him
Should I pay him a visit?
Are you kidding me?
It helps me
It's better for you
Aubrey's voicemail
Ethan's voicemail
A week later
Newspaper snippets #1
Newspaper snippets #2
Finding Neverland
In love, Aubrey
questions & answers
my questions to you

Okay we need to talk

4K 482 34
By capuletsbirdie

From Ethan: Hungover?

To Ethan: no i'm good
To Ethan: you?

From Ethan: My head is aching so bad.

To Ethan: ok we need to talk

From Ethan: About what?

To Ethan: about what happened last night?

From Ethan: Oh.

To Ethan: yeah...

From Ethan: Look, I'm sorry. You were having fun and I ruined it

To Ethan: wait what

From Ethan: What?

To Ethan: what

From Ethan: I'm confused

To Ethan: no i'm confused
To Ethan: idk what happened
To Ethan: i don't remember

From Ethan: Oooooh.
From Ethan: You were dancing with Brian and when I got back with a drink you guys were making out and he was about to get out of there with you
From Ethan: I kindly stopped him and you were so wasted I had to carry you to my dorm
From Ethan: You fell asleep right there

To Ethan: oh wow.. what about your shirt

From Ethan: What about it?

To Ethan: i'm wearing it

From Ethan: Oh. Yeah, you were REALLY really wasted. You don't want to know details, trust me

To Ethan: brian and i made out?

From Ethan: Yup

To Ethan: ok wow that's just really stupid, what was wrong with me?

From Ethan: Exactly! That's what I thought.

To Ethan: for a second i thought that we did something

From Ethan: You thought we had sex?

To Ethan: yeah ha, silly right

From Ethan: Do you like Brian?

To Ethan: no i don't think so, not in THAT way for sure

From Ethan: Really?

To Ethan: yes! i was just being stupid idk why i did that and i don't think i would've gone with him

From Ethan: I'll keep my eyes on you at parties from now on.

To Ethan: yes please. i'll punch you if you won't

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