Warming up (devildice story)

By CharatheBanana

9.5K 208 616

This is more towards the cuphead show than casino cups or cuphead, mostly because of the latest season : D A... More

Chapter: one
Chapter: two
Chapter: three
Chapter: four
Chapter: five
Chapter: six
Chapter: seven
Chapter: eight
Chapter: nine
Chapter: ten
Chapter: eleven
Chapter: twelve
Not a chapter (update +headcannons)
Chapter: Thirteen
Another not chapter: more Headcannons
Chapter: fourteen
Chapter: fifteen
Chapter: sixteen
Chapter: seventeen
Background character infos
Chapter: eighteen
Chapter: nineteen
Chapter: twenty
Chapter: Twenty-one
Chapter: twenty three
Chapter: twenty-four
Chapter: twenty-five

Chapter: twenty two

128 7 14
By CharatheBanana

(Hello again! Sorry for the cliffhanger but we're back! Hope you enjoy)

POV by devil:

Everyone in the room was silent for a minute before my brother, Beelzebub cleared his throat. "Uh, yes" "we should probably discuss that" he said awkwardly, looking at me. I nodded, looking at him intently.

I heard dice shuffle in his seat uncomfortably. I frowned slightly. Paimon then spoke up, "what Lucifer does with mortals shouldn't be any of our businesses" "it's not like he actually cares about them anyways" he said side eyeing dice.

I tilted my head at him, "but I do!" I exclaimed angrily. He turned to me and looked shocked, everyone else did too. Henchmen was preparing for yelling but it never came. Stickler then cleared his throat.

"Excuse me! I would like to read out of the book, please" he said properly, everyone turned to him. "Sure, go ahead" Beelzebub said smiling kindly at him. Stickler pulled out his book and flipped through it, he then pointed to a page.

He cleared his throat again, "when it comes to mortals and demon's relationships they must be strictly professional. Demons must do their jobs to trick mortals into giving up their souls" "any demon no matter what rank, can't treat mortals like their one's own" he states then closes the book.

Henchmen grimaces at him, stickler turns to him. "What?" He asks him, henchmen awkwardly looks at dice and me then turns back to him. He then leans over and whispers, "but they don't have a just professional relationship! That's what this whole thing was about.." he said nervously.

Stickler nodded, "I'm aware, hold on" he said opening the book again and looking through it. Paimon nodded, "and this is professional" he said proudly. I groaned and shook my head, "no it isn't!" I yelled angrily. Asmodeus laughed, "guys you think I would have told you this if it was just professional?" He asked the group.

Paimons eyes widened as he stared at me in shock. "What?!" He exclaimed angrily. Henchmen then grabbed stickler and ducked under the table. Stolas grabbed his fathers arm, "it's okay, father! Calm down.." he said as he held onto him.

Paimon turned into his demon form and started to break things in the room. Everyone just watched him and waited for his meltdown to end. Beelzebub turned to me and frowned, "I'm sorry about him" he said to me, I sighed.

"It's fine.." I said back as I stared at him. He turned back to his normal form then angrily stomped back to his seat and sat down. Dice was ducked under the table with henchmen and stickler. Checkers was watching this unfold, poor kid.

I glared back at paimon, "you done?" I asked him, he nodded. "Yes, sorry" he said he sounded genuinely upset. Stickler then got back to the table and pointed at his book. "Yeah, there's nothing else in here" he said to which I angrily glared at him.

"I'm the devil! Does this even matter?" I asked them, glaring over at everyone. Beelzebub was about to speak but Paimon interrupted him, "yes! I thought we all hated mortals?" He asked  me, looking at me confused and pissed off.

"I never really hated them, I was just upset about my father because he seemed to like them more than me" "now I don't care what he thinks" I told him, leaning back in my chair. Purson, Beleth and Vine all were silent this whole time, they seemed to not know what to say.

Then another demon, Andrealphus stood up from his seat. "Not to sound rude, devil sir" "but the last devil before you was the one who came up with these rules" "as the king of hell, can't you just change them?" He asks me, stolas smiles over at him. "Yeah! That's a good idea-" he starts to say but Andrealphus cuts him off.

"Shut up, Prince" he said angrily, stolas immediately stopped talking. I tilted my head then thought for a moment and smiled, "oh yeah! Stickler hand me the book" I said turning towards him. Henchmen got out from under the table and so did dice. Stickler handed me the book.

I took it and used my pitchfork and destroyed it. He looked at me shocked, and deeply upset. "There! Oh, don't worry stickler I'll make a new one" I said handing him the ashes of the book. He took them and frowned, "okay.." he said softly, henchman placed a hand on his shoulder.

Paimon turned back into his demon form and started to destroy everything in the room. "Jeez, is he always like this?" Dice asked me, I looked at him and shrugged. "I barely see him but when I do no" I told him as we watched him destroy the whole room.

"Hey! This is my home don't ruin it!" Beleth yelled at him, when he didn't stop, he took out a violin and started to play it. Everyone in the room calmed down, paimon turned back to normal and sat back down. Beleth smiled at everyone then put his violin away.

"There we go" he said looking around at everyone. "Okay, so has this issue been solved?" I asked them, Beelzebub looked at me worriedly. "Uh, look it's fine but uh, that cup" he said pointing at checkers, who just stared blankly into space. "You can't let them stay in hell anymore" he told me, i glared at him.

"Why not?!" I exclaimed angrily, he frowned at me. Asmodeus looked at me sternly, "they are a descendant of the calix animi" "if any angel were to find out you have one of their old warriors down here.." "it could lead to another war" he said I looked at checkers, my eyes widened.

Checkers wasn't completely there, they seemed to be listening though. I frowned but turned back to them sternly. "Yeah, we don't want that" I said seriously. They both nodded, I stood up from my chair. I turned to my friends and nodded. "Let's go" I said back simply as I walked out.

The ars goetia said goodbye to us and we walked out of Beleths home. We walked back to the elevator and we inside. The ride down back to hell was quiet. It was an uncomfortable silence but I didn't feel like breaking it.

When we got back to hell, checkers walked out towards the stairs to leave. "Wait!" I exclaimed running over to them, I looked down at them sadly. "It's okay, you can stay" I said to them but they glared up at me. "I shouldn't, like you said it could cause another war" they said but I shook my head.

"I just said that so then they would be off my back about it!" "They know nothing" I told them, rolling my eyes. Checkers frowned but hugged me, I hugged back. "Come on, kid" I said as I walked them over to the meeting room.

There were multiple imps in the room. Dice stood near the doorway, he smiled when he saw me and checkers walk in. "Hey, that went well" "well, other than when paimon turned into his demon form" he said awkwardly smiling, I nodded. "Yeah.." I said awkwardly as I walked to my seat.

"How did it go?" One imp asked me, I was about to answer but stickler answered first, "better than expected" "though, my book is now gone" he said softly, looking down sadly. I rolled my eyes at him, "yes, it went well" I said proudly. Everyone smiled and some sighed in relief.

"HEY! STICK! YOU DID IT I KNEW YOU COULD!" An imp yelled, it was the one with two front gold teeth. He seemed very happy, and excited. Stickler nodded, "yes, anyways-" he started to say but I interrupted him, "actually I did it, stickler actually almost ruined it!" I yelled at him angrily.

He rolled his eyes at me, I glared angrily at him. The imp smiled a little less but chuckled. "Good job!" He said happily, henchmen glared at him. "You guys both did it!" He said smiling at me and stickler. Me and stickler both glared at each other.

Checkers sat down in between us and looked towards the group of imp. "I'm gonna be staying here from now on, if that's alright" they announced everyone else nodded. I smiled at them, then turned back to the group. "Alright everyone that's all, let's go back to work!" I said standing up and walking out.

POV by checkers:

I sighed softly and stood up from my seat. All the other imps got up and started to walk out of the meeting room to get to work. Musk quickly walked over to stickler, "what do you want me to do first?" He asked him, smiling brightly.

"I need a new book for my soul counting, go find any book that has no writing in it and bring it to me" stickler told him, he smiled and nodded. "Yes sir!" He exclaimed then quickly raced off to grab said book. Henchmen rolled his eyes at this but smiled at stickler.

"Welp, ima go and help out boss" he said before kissing stickler on the cheek then walking away. Stickler smiled at him and nodded. I smiled at them then walked out as well.

I followed musk over to the library room. It was nice and cozy in there, I saw him at the book shelf. He was jumping up and down to try and grab the books. I noticed his struggle and walked over and grabbed the book he was reaching for.

I turned to him and handed it to him. He smiled at me and took it, "oh, thanks!" He exclaimed happily. I smiled softly and nodded, "no problem" I said as he opened the book and looked inside of it. "Do you think this book would work for stick?" He asked showing the book to me.

It was a blue book that had lined pages inside. I smiled at him and nodded, "yeah that probably will work" I said to him and he made a giddy noise. "Great! Uh, say checkers?" He asked me I tilted my head. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked him curiously.

"Do you think stickler likes me?" He asked me, smiling brightly. His eyes grew larger than they already were. I awkwardly stood in front of him, I frowned slightly. "Uh...I don't think so" I said awkwardly, I didn't want to hurt his feelings but...it's clear stickler and henchman are a thing now.

He frowned at me and sighed, "ah, okay.." "yeah, maybe you're right" he said sadly, placing the book by his side. I frowned back at him, "I'm sorry" I said back awkwardly. 'What else do I say? I'm totally blanking here.. how could I help him?' I thought anxiously.

"It's fine.." he said sighing softly. "Say, do you want to go shopping around the pride ring with me?" He asked me, smiling happily again. I looked at him surprised, "really? You want me to go shopping with you?" I asked him, he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! It would be fun" "you're my bosses kid, right? Least I could do!" He exclaimed happily, I smiled at him. "Sure, me and henchmen went out shopping a couple times" "so I think I know my way around" I said softly, he smiled and nodded.

We were in the middle of the city, it was bustling with demons. Mostly other imps but also sinners. I didn't like all the eyes on me so I brought a hoodie and put it over my head. I turned to musk anxiously. "Uh, where is the stores you wanna go to?" I asked him nervously.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, "there this way!" He exclaimed as he quickly ran over to a couple window shops. I was dragged by him and bumped into several demons. "Uh, sorry!" I said nervously as I bumped into a mean looking sinner. He glared angrily at me but luckily didn't do anything.

I sighed in relief then was pushed into a store. Musk smiled happily and started looking through the stuff. I sighed softly, as I looked around the shop, there wasn't anything I was interested in. Though, this is hell after all.

Musk bought some gardening tools and video games. I helped him carry some of his stuff, I held onto multiple bags. I sighed softly as he raced to the next shop. He bought more video games and some comics. We then raced to the next shop, and the next and the next.

I was so tried out that I face planted onto the ground in the small park in the middle of the city. I groaned triedly as I let the bags drop out of my hands. Musk ran over to me and picked me up. "That was fun! We should do this again sometime" he said happily, as he sat down on the park bench.

I sat down next to him, "yeah..sure" I said tiredly as I yawned slightly. "Can we go home now? It's getting late" I said to him, he looked up at the sky which was a dark red. "Oh yeah! Let's go" he said getting up and grabbing his stuff. I got up and grabbed some of it too.

Then I heard the clock tower make a noise, I turned towards it. On the clock it said it was midnight, my eyes widened. "Midnight?! We've been here that long?" I exclaimed surprised and tired. He turned to the clock and gasped.

"Oh no...let's go!" He exclaimed quickly grabbing my hand and running. "Why are we running?" I asked him as I was dragged once again. "It's extermination day! It's when the angels come down and kill the sinners, they are also prone to killing imps and other demons if they're out" he said urgently, as he continued to run.

My eyes widened, I quickly ran with him. 'Dad told me about this! He said that angels come down to the pride ring and exterminate the sinners with angelic weapons' I thought as we both raced towards the office.

Then a purple blur ran in front of us. We quickly stopped, musk looked around warily. "What was that?" He asked looking around the area. I looked around as well then I heard a swoosh sound. My eyes widened and I quickly turned to musk, "look out!" I exclaimed as I jumped onto him.

We just barely missed a strike from a scythe. I get off of musk and we both look up to see a purple cherub. She looks almost like an imp but she looked much brighter and fluffier. She even had wings! She glared down at us, holding her scythe. Musks eyes widened but it didn't look like he was afraid.

I nervously stood up and looked at her. "Uh, sorry..we'll be going now" I said as I grabbed musks hand and started to walk away, she placed her scythe in front of us. "You're not going anywhere" she said threateningly, glaring down at us.

She looked at me closely then pulled off my hoodie. "Hey!" I exclaimed angrily as I glared back at her. She gasped, looking at me surprised. "A cup? What are you doing down here?" She asked me, looking at me suspiciously.

"That's none of your business!" I yelled at her angrily. "Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be going back home" I said sternly as I walked towards the office. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from musk. "Hey! What?" I exclaimed angry and confused.

"Stay away from them, demon!" She yelled at musk. He looked at her confused, he chuckled. "Sorry miss, but you've got this all wrong!" "That is checkers and their my bosses kid" "I'm musk by the way" "what's your name?" He asked her causally. She growled at him, "you don't need to know my name, I'm going to kill you!" She exclaimed as she pointed her scythe at him.

He looked at it then her, "hmmm, I'll call you angel of darkness" he said smirking at her. She pointed the scythe real close to his neck. My eyes widened, "wait! Don't hurt him!" I yelled at her, trying to grab it. He chuckled again as she scraped it against him, he started to bleed a little. She glared daggers at him, confused and angry why he wasn't screaming in pain or panicking.

"What's wrong with you?!" She exclaimed angrily. He just kept laughing so she pulled away from him. "Ugh, whatever!" "I'm just gonna go, it's almost morning" she said turning back to me. "But I'm telling them all about you, cup" she said glaring at me. I glared back at her.

She then flew away back up to heaven I'm guessing. I blew a raspberry up at her as she flew away then I turned to musk. "Are you okay?" I asked him, looking at his neck which was bleeding slightly. He chuckled and nodded, wiping the blood away.

"Yeah I'm fine" he said smiling over at me. "You could have died!" I exclaimed nervously, he nodded. "Yeah, but I don't think she wanted to kill me" he said smiling proudly as he stood up and walked towards the office. "Anyways, let's go back" he said to which I nodded and followed him.

(That's all for this chapter, hope you enjoyed! Musk is probably my favorite oc other than checkers lol he's just fun to write! Also if you couldn't tell Marceline was the angel of darkness)

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