Chapter: eleven

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(Wow and I originally wanted this story to be shorter than my other devildice one but I think it might be a little longer lol, anyways enjoy!)

POV by henchmen:

Right after the meeting, I went back to the office. I specifically went to find stickler. I walked over to the soul counting center, which was where he would be.

I was practically stomping over to him. When I spotted him, he was in his book, not looking up. I stomped right up to him and crossed my arms. "Stickler, I wanna talk with you" I said sternly, waiting for him to respond.

It took a minute but finally he did, "sure" he said simply. He kept looking at his book and counting. "Why did Leviathan tell us that she's getting married to you?!" I exclaimed angrily, my arms flapping out.

He kept counting, "uh huh..." he said slowly, pointing the paper as he counted. "Why are you getting married to her?! You don't actually like her do you?!" I yelled at him, accusingly.

He kinda just shrugged, "she's nice" he said simply. I groaned, "so that's it?! Just because she's nice?" I asked him in disbelief. He nodded, "yeah..." he said simply, still counting.

I groaned again, I really wanted to smash my head against his desk. "Please....can you maybe think about this more? She's don't wanna be with her" I said softly, frowning.

He just nodded again. I sighed softly then walked away, "I hope for the best for you.." I said softly, "not her though.." I mumbled angrily, as I left the soul counting center.

POV by checkers:

I usually hang out with henchmen right now but I couldn't find him anywhere! So, when I spotted king dice I decided to go and see what he was up to. He was standing near the water filter, a cup in hand. I walked up to him and smiled, "hello mr. dice man!" I said waving at him.

"Oh hey" he said back, smiling at me. "Whatca doing?" I asked him, standing on my tipy toes. "Nothing much, just decided to take a break"   he said shrugging, taking a sip from his cup.

"Ah, okay! You wanna go and prank people?" I asked him, jumping up and down. He smiled sinisterly and nodded, "ha, sure!" He said chuckling softly.

We then had a whole day of fun! We pranked some of the imps by eating their lunches, we pretended to have destroyed sticklers book and we even pranked dad into thinking cuphead was down here in hell!

I basically just changed my pants and shoes to red and took out the cake in my head and added a straw. Dads reaction though...."CUPHEAD!!" "I WILL GET YOUR SOUL!" He yelled, grabbing his pitchfork and setting me on fire.

I laughed, "he he he, that tickles!" I said rolling around on fire. King dice quickly ran in the room and told dad that it was just a prank, to which dad kinda just glared at him. Dice grabbed some water and threw it on me, so I stopped rolling around I guess.

It was fun! Then king dice turned to me, "how about we go and prank my ex" he said smiling mischievously. I smiled brightly and nodded, "okay! But uh what's an ex?" I asked him curiously, tilting my head.

"An ex? Oh well, it's someone you used to date but you no longer" he told me, he frowned a little. "I don't even know why I dated that guy!" He exclaimed angrily, I tilted my head.

"Who is he?" I asked him curiously, "well, you were at my show so you met him before" "Ludwig?" He told me, to which I looked at him surprised. "Oh! Right him, he kept playing the boring piano even though we went their room see you!" I exclaimed smiling at him.

He nodded and chuckled, we walked up the stairs to the surface world. It was a long walk. When we finally made it, we were both out of breathe. I smiled brightly at him, "Okay, I'm guessing he's at Sally's place right?" I asked him to which he nodded.

"Yup, most likely he is since Sally's soul is still uh- not in her body" he said awkwardly, I nodded. We both walked to sally stage plays theater and walked inside. Ludwig was currently on stage playing the piano.

No one else was there, so he either was practicing or was just playing for himself. King dice stopped me from walking any further, he turned to me smiling. "Follow me to backstage" he told me to which I nodded quickly and followed him.

We walked past Ludwig and made it backstage. He walked over to a room full of instruments, finding another piano. He chuckled darkly, grabbing the piano and dragging it towards the stage. "Can I help?" I asked him, he turned to me. "Sure, give me that rope right next to you" he told me, pointing to a rope that was on the ground near the stage.

I nodded to him, grabbing the rope and handing it to him. He smiled brightly and laughed darkly, as he grabbed the rope and tied it around the piano. Once he had it tied to it, he pulled it up into the air, he pulled it up so far that it was above Ludwig.

Ludwig hadn't heard us, he was still playing the piano, his eyes closed as he practiced. King dice then turned to me and handed me back the rope. "Drop it, in 3...." He said as I grabbed the rope and tried my best to hold onto it. It was heavy!

"2...." He said watching Ludwig for some reason. ".....1!" He exclaimed, as I let go of the rope. The rope dropped and the piano came crashing down, Ludwig heard the noise and looked up. "NO NOT AGAIN-" he yelled but was interrupted by the piano crashing down on him.

King dice laughed hysterically, rolling around on the floor. I laughed as well, now I understood what was happening! The prank was to crush Ludwig with the piano! Ha, that's funny.

Ludwig groaned underneath the piano. When king dice heard it, he stopped laughing. He frowned, "seriously?! Ugh, I thought it would kill him this time" he groaned, to which I shrugged.

I walked over to the piano that crushed the other piano, and also Ludwig. I saw Ludwig's hand outside of it, it was moving. Eventually, Ludwig pushed off the piano that was on top of him, he looked like a mess.

I'm pretty sure several bones were broken, which made me laugh a little. King dice walked over to me, we both laughed at him. He glared at us, mostly at king dice. "This isn't funny! I could have died you jerks!" He yelled, getting out of the piano.

"Yeah, that was kinda the point" "sadly didn't work though but it's still funny" dice said smirking at him. He glared back at him then turned to me, "great, a king dice Jr!" He exclaimed scoffing at me. I tilted my head at that.

"A king dice jr? Oh I'm not his kid, I'm the devils" "though my dad does like him so, maybe one day?" I asked no one in particular, shrugging slightly. King dice looked at me shocked, he had a small blush on his face. 'Huh...wonder why' I thought looking at him curiously.

Ludwig glared at me, he just walked away after that. Me and king dice watched him leave, then king dice turned to me. " He likes me?" "Like- like like?" He asked me, blushing furiously. "Yeah, though I'm pretty sure people say the word love not like like" I said looking at him in thought.

'Do they? I don't really know' I thought shrugging again at him. He smiled a little, still blushing. "Let's go back! Maybe we can prank henchmen if he's in a better mood" I yelled as I quickly walked out of the theater.

He followed after me as we walked back to the stairs. The very very very long stairs. "Oh hey, are you going to leviathans wedding?" I asked him curiously, as we continued to walk. He tilted his head, "she's getting married?" He asked me surprised.

"Yeah! She's getting married to stickler" I told him to which he looked even more surprised. He then laughed, which I found odd. "Oh, boy this is gonna be a train wreck" "uh sure I'll go" "boss is going right?" He asked me to which I smiled and nodded. "Yup!" I told him to which he smiled softly.

(Yay, kd and checkers bonding time!!! The wedding is soon as well, so yeah lol get ready for more angry/ sad henchmen, don't worry though he'll get happier also, checkers kinda just outted devil! Lol)

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