Chapter: eighteen

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(Hello again! Sorry this was a little late but I hope you enjoy it!)

POV by devil:

I was setting up the dinning room table in my castle. Well, henchmen was, I just told him to do it. I stood in the doorway as I watched him set it up and get it ready for our guests.

My guests were my siblings and also Leviathans wife, emil. Leviathan wanted us all to meet her so I decided to set up a small dinner/ meeting thing here at my castle in the pride ring. Henchmen was setting up leviathans spot, he had a huge frown on his face.

"Cheer up, henchmen" "leviathan has a wife now, stickler isn't on her mind" "good too..yuck" I said making a disgusted look. Henchmen looked at me and smiled slightly, he chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I suppose your right, boss" he said softly, as he finished setting up the table.

He then turned to me, "why didn't you bring king dice or checkers?" He asked me, I frowned at the mention of checkers. "Well, king dice is busy working at the casino and checkers...still hasn't come back" I told him, looking down awkwardly.

He frowned over at me, then someone walked past me. I turned and spotted stickler, he held his soul counting book. I rolled my eyes at him, moving out of the way. "Excuse me! Is this meeting necessary? You haven't collected a single soul for weeks" stickler tells me.

I smile with malice and shake my head, "oh, stickler, you may be correct but this meeting won't be long and it's gonna be business related" "well, some of it, leviathan and her wife might blabber on for hours" I said rolling my eyes in annoyance.

Stickler frowned deeply, "miss leviathan's wife is coming over?" He asked me, I could tell he was annoyed as well. I nodded, henchmen quickly walked over to us. "Yes but it's gonna be don't even have to stay or whatever" henchmen said smiling kindly at him.

I felt like gagging, stickler just nodded then walked out of the room. I turned back to the set up table, "hmmm, we should have someone to be like a waiter..." I thought out loud, my thumb on my chin. I then grabbed my pitchfork and made one of my imps appear.

The imp appeared in the room, he looked like most of them, then again they all looked the same to me. This one however had pupils and two sharp front teeth that were gold. He looked up at me, smiling proudly. "What is it, sir?" He asked me, he had a super high pitched voice that squeaked.

I groaned at the annoying noise, his eyes widened slightly. "Ugh, I want you to be our waiter" "just make sure everyone is having a good time" I told him, he smiled proudly up at me and saluted. "Yes, sir" he said then quickly walked towards the kitchen.

I watched him leave in relief, I then turned to henchmen. "Which one was that?" I asked him, leaning down. Henchmen looked at me slightly concerned, "that was musk" he told me, I made a noise of acknowledgement even though I had no clue who that was.

"Anyways! They should be here soon" I said walking over to my seat which was the tallest seat in the dinning room. Henchmen nodded then walked out of the room. A couple of hours went by before my siblings started to walk into the room.

I heard henchmen greet each one at the door, I heard some of them kindly reply back to him while others scoffed. I rolled my eyes at that. Satan walked in first, he looked grumpy but then again he always was. Asmodeus walked in next, a smile on his face, he looked as smug as ever.

Mammon walked in, holding in his hands dollar bills. Beelzebub walked in with a kind smile and he was eyeing the food on the table. Belphegor spawned in with his cloud pitchfork and started to take a nap on his chair.

Finally, leviathan arrived with her wife, Emil behind her. She smiled brightly and opened her arms wide, "hello everyone! This is my wife, Emil" she greeted, turning to her wife who stood close behind her.

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