Chapter: twenty-five

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(Hello again! Hope y'all enjoy!)

POV by devil:

'Oh no...oh's like the angel and devil wars all over again..' I nervously thought as I looked out the window at the craziness outside in my ring of hell. Checker walked up to me and looked out the window as well.

I turned to them, looking down at them. "Checker, you need to go" I told them, turning back to henchmen. "Henchmen! Bring checker to the surface world until this is over" "let them stay with dice" I order, henchmen nods.

"Wait! I wanna stay" checker protested, I shook my head. "You can't, it's too dangerous" I tell them, they frown up at me. They quickly hug me, I sigh softly, hugging back. "It's okay...those stupid angels won't be able to do much to us" "but if they find out about you...they won't let you come back here ever" I told them, looking down at them.

They frowned up at me before looking determined. "I won't leave this place! No matter what" they told me, glaring. I frowned back them, I turned to henchmen. "Never mind, henchmen could you try and get everyone in the building out" I order, he looks at me determined.

"Sure thing, boss" he says quickly running away to the rest of the office. Stickler watches him leave before turning back to me, "anything I could do, sir?" He asks me, I sigh and shake my head. "Just get outta here, stickler" I tell him, he simply nods his head and walks away.

Musk looks at me and checker shamefully, "I'm sorry...if me and checker didn't go out so late.." he says, looking at me guilty. I sigh again, "it's alright, musk" "you should get out of here too" I tell him, he frowns but leaves the room as well.

I turn back to the window and see the absolute destruction. Normally I would be so happy about destruction or death but not when it's not me or my people doing it! Angels suck! I glare out the window, seeing that the angels were starting to head to my office.

"Great, here we go again" I said, rolling my eyes. I turn to checker who was gone, my eyes widened. I looked around the room and realized that they weren't there. "Ah, brother..nice to see you again" I heard a too familiar voice say.

I glared angrily then turned towards the voice, it was my eldest brother, Michael. I smiled with malice, "oh heyyyy bro! So happy to see you again" I said sarcastically, he narrowed his eyes at me. "Ha, as sarcastic as always brother!" Another voice said, then I saw two other figures behind him.

Gabriel and Raphael stood behind him, both didn't seem to be happy either, no figure. Gabriel seemed to be more sad than angry though. "Hey, Gabriel! My favorite brother! How are you doing?" I asked him, smiling genuinely at him. He awkwardly smiled back at me.

"Hello, lucy" "it's nice to see you again...though I wish it was in better circumstances" Gabriel says, frowning slightly. "Yes, the circumstances..." "brother, we are here not for another war but-" micheal started to say but I interrupted him.

"Then why did you slaughter a bunch of imps?" I asked them, tilting my head. Micheal glared back at me, "listen, we have heard from one of our angels that a descendant of the calix animi is here living in hell" micheal informs me, I roll my eyes. "Did they have any proof?" I asked them, crossing my arms.

Raphael steps forward, "yes, she was one of my cherubs" "she showed me of her discovery by letting me see her memories" he told me, I looked at him concerned. "Well that ain't creepy at all!" I exclaimed, glaring at him. "It doesn't matter! Brother, we know you have let a mortal stay with you down here" "we can't allow that, especially if they are a descendant of our fallen warriors" micheal told me, glaring at me.

I glared back and huffed. "Well, I ain't! And even if I was, I'm not letting you take them away" I told them, seriously. Micheal sighed then pointed his spear towards me, "so be it, then we'll have to do this the hard way" he says, glaring back at me. Raphael did the same and so did Gabriel.

Warming up (devildice story) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz