The dragon kingdom ||httyd||

By zephyrhaddock02

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This is my second time writing a runaway story of hiccup Haddock.. In this story let's just say that there is... More

Get to know the characters
My freedom
Meeting with someone
Get to know the princess and the dragon raid
Getting some supplies and going to Aldmoor
Meeting with The general Duke
The breakfast talk
spending time with new family
His new name and new place
New Academy and friends

The battle with the red death

138 5 1
By zephyrhaddock02




Hiccup and Althea were staring at the volcano with determine eyes.

"Ready when you are", Althea said to Hiccup softly.

Hiccup nodded before chuckling a bit, "Well this is ironic."

Althea confusingly asked,"How so?"

"Well I ran away to avoid killing a dragon but look what we are about to do," Hiccup stated.

Althea blinked her eyes before forming a smile and started laughing. She looked over to him and said, "I always wondered why is it so important for a viking to killing a dragon?"

"Killing a dragon shows true strength and power to the other vikings," hiccup explained . He scratched his head a little, "To me however, it was really important to try and kill one so that my dad can finally see me as his son and the village can see me as a true viking."

"Hiccup.." Althea softly said before smiling ,"I have a feeling that fate has a different destiny for you. Not as a viking but as someone else, Someone that can help others in need."

"...Thanks, Althea," Hiccup said before smirking. "you know...if anyone back on Berk knows what I am about to do.. They would have treated me as some kind of a God or something..."

"Why?" Althea asked.

"Because I found the dragon's nest that so many other generations of viking in the past have failed to find," Hiccup explained. He looked down at his hands,"Even... Even my own father couldn't find it.."

"Impressive," Althea murmured before sighing. "Your father failed to notice your intelligence. Your people shouldn't be killing dragons just for strength and glory. War is never the answer.. Peace is.."

Hiccup smiled softly before the two of them ordered their dragon's to blast the volcano wall.





-Meanwhile in Berk-

Stoick woke up with a smile on his face before getting up and started getting ready as today, his son would get the honor to kill his very first dragon.

A Monstrous Nightmare, only the bravest Vikings can handle this beast.

Stoick planned to give some pointers to his son on how to deal with this creature but when he went downstairs, his son was not there. Hiccup normally was the one that cooks.

'He probably left to the forest to get some practice in,' thought Stoick.

The Chief sighs and decided to go to the Mead Hall to get something to eat there. When he got there, he spotted his best friend, Gobber eating his breakfast.

"Stoick," greeted Gobber, happily. He went over to the Chief, "Today is the day. Excited I bet."

Stoick laughed, "Excited? No my friend. I'm thrilled! My son, my son is going to kill his very first dragon. Never would I think I get to see the day that my son will get these glories honor."

"Aye, the poor lad was never notice. You know with all of his crazy inventions and the destructions he caused all this years," said Gobber as he adjusted his stone tooth. "Well that's until he showed his true talents during Dragon training."

"Aye but that's what I don't get," said Stoick as he rubbed his chin. "Why would he need to hide it? If he was truly this good, then I would have allowed him to join some of those Dragon raids. Even make him your assistant on training the other teens."

Gobber shrugs his shoulders, "Don't know Stoick. Hiccup is one strange fellow. Ever since he became my little apprentice, I notice that he had quite a mind."

Stoick nodded.

"Now if ya would excuse me, I need to get the arena ready for young Hiccup," said Gobber as he placed his hand onto Stoick's shoulder. "See ya in the arena."

"Very well Gobber," said Stoick before getting some breakfast. Once he was finished, he went throughout his day and doing his duties.

When noon came, everyone in the village started heading to the killing arena as they want to know how the small teen can kill a powerful and dangerous dragon.

But for Stoick, he was getting rather concern and he rarely gets worried but he hasn't seen his son at all. He even went out and checked several locations where his son would normally be but no luck.

He asked the other teenagers but none of them know where Hiccup could be.

Stoick went to the forge to find Gobber packing some swords, axes and other weapons that Hiccup could wield.

"Aye, Stoick, I was about to head over to the arena. What are you doing here?" said Gobber.

"I was...wondering if you have since Hiccup?" asked Stoick.

Gobber scratched his chin with his hook hand, "Sorry Stoick but I haven't seen the lad all morning."

"Thank you Gobber, do you have any ideas where he could be at least? I have looked almost everywhere," said Stoick.

"Maybe he is at the forest doing some last minute practicing," suggested Gobber.

"That is what I thought but he has not shown up," said Stoick.

Gobber tapped his chin, "Let me go check if the lad left me a note on his workspace. He did that the last time when he went out to get more supplies which took him almost all day."

"Thank you Gobber, I'll be waiting at the killing arena if you find anything," said Stoick. He left and headed over to the arena.

After half an hour, Gobber came to and walked over to Stoick. The Blacksmith took out a parchment along with Hiccup's new helmet.

Stoick read the letter before widening his eyes. He looked over at Gobber, seriously, "Have everyone search in the forest – now!"

The Blacksmith nodded before shouting out to the villagers to go to the forest and to find Hiccup. Stoick sighs sadly before looking up the sky.

" son...why didn't I listen to you?"

Everyone being searching for their missing heir but after four hours of looking, there was no sign of the small Viking. They looked from Raven Point to the shores of Berk but found nothing.

"Stoick, I don't want to sound rude or anything...but," said Gobber as he rubbed his head. "Someone has to take down that Monstrous Nightmare. You don't have to worry; Hiccup can take care of himself."

Stoick sighs, "Very well – Astrid, come here!"

"What do you need Chief?" wondered a young girl with blond hair, blue eyes and had axe strapped behind her.

"You'll be taking my son's place," said Stoick.

Astrid widens her eyes before nodding her head, slowly. Stoick nodded before ordering the others to head back to the killing arena.

Astrid stood there for moment before smirking happily. She was going to kill her very first dragon and ready to show them what she can do.

'Yes, I finally get my chance,' thought Astrid, happily. That's when she looked back at the forest, 'I wonder whatever happened to Hiccup? I mean sure he wasn't a very good fighter but recently he started to show some skills – wait! Why in Thor's name am I saying?!'

Because he was your childhood friend.

Astrid looked around before taking out her axe, "W-Who's there?"

I'm you.

Astrid made a face, 'Great, I'm talking to myself but...what that voice said is true. Hiccup was my best friend when we were children.'

The young blond Viking sighs before walking back to the killing arena with new determination in her eyes. She looked up at the sky before closing her eyes.

'I promise Hiccup. I will kill this dragon under your honor as your best friend. I'm sorry that I wasn't with you when everyone was treating you horribly and I did nothing to stop it. Someday...when I find you, everything is going to change. I will be your friend once again and I will stand by your side this time.'

Astrid let out a sigh before walking into the killing arena.

"Wish me luck, Hiccup."




-Meanwhile in the Dragon's Island-

The blue fire blast destroyed a part of the volcanic wall which made an opening and caused all the dragons to soar out of the volcano, quickly.

Hiccup tapped onto Toothless' side as a signal to tell him to fire another fire blast. When he did, the two teens waited until they heard a powerful roar.

The teens tightened their hold onto their dragon's cable and braced themselves for an intense fight. The destroyed wall they made was cracking up which caused the entire wall to fall down.

Hiccup and Althea looked up to see a massive bluish-gray dragon with red spikes, three pairs of eyes, bumps and warts all over her body and somewhat like a peach belly.

She looked down and narrowed her eyes at Hiccup and Althea before giving out a loud roar to the two Furies. She began firing at them with her large fireballs.

Both Furies dodged the attack easily before flying to the sky.

Hiccup looked down at the massive dragon to see if there were any weak points or blind spots but found nothing. That's when he noticed the dragon had wings.

"Althea! That dragon has wings! Let's see if she can use them!"

"You got it!" Althea shouted .

The two of them flew up before diving down and signaled their partners to fire at the wings of the massive dragon. The strong fire blast caused her to go down.

Both teens saw how the dragon recovered rather quickly and spread her wings before starting to fly towards them.

"Well now we know that bully can fly," Althea murmured .

Hiccup nodded before looking up at the dark clouds and got an idea. He shouted, "Althea, up now!"

She nodded before following Hiccup up to the clouds while the queen was following after them. The queen had catch up and was about to open her massive mouth when the two Furies vanished out of her sight.

The dragon turned around a couple of times as she was trying to find the two Furies. Suddenly, two blue fire blast hit behind her and then another. She didn't know where they were coming from which anger her to the point where she let out a massive firewall around her.

"Hiccup! Get out of there! That thing is going crazy!" Althea shouted , fearing for her new friend.

Toothless looked over to see the massive fire and quickly dived down to avoid the incoming flames. The Night Fury flew over to where Shade was at before giving her a small cuddle.

Hiccup had time to see where he was at, was now covered in flames. He gave Althea a smile, "Thanks a lot."

"Don't mention it. Now shall we finish this?" Althea said.

Hiccup nodded before the two of them flew over by the sight of the queen dragon.

"Hey, is that all you got?!"Hiccup shouted. "Some dragon queen you are!"

The queen dragon growled at him before trying to get a hold of them but couldn't keep up with the Furies speed. She shook her head before diving down towards them.

Shade and Toothless flew down and waited for their signal.

Both teens waited until they heard the queen dragon opening her mouth.

"NOW!" Bothe Hiccup and Anna shouted.

Two fire blasted went straight to the queen's mouth which caused a small explosion. That's when she noticed the island was coming closer. She spread her wings to make her slow down her speed but it didn't work.

The queen saw her wings were damaged from the attacks of the two Furies. The small holes were small at first but they started to open wider by the minute. She wouldn't be able to stop for the incoming impact.

The two Furies quickly soar up once the massive dragon hit the ground and caused a massive explosion. They flew up while dodging the spikes off the dragon's back and avoiding the massive tail.

With a small push, Hiccup and Althea were pushed off from their partner's backs and landed on the ground. Hiccup quickly went over to Althea and used his body to cover her from the cloud of dust from the explosion.

Their Furies act as a second shield for them.

After a few minutes, the Night Furies let down their wings while Hiccup let go of Althea. As they stood up looking around believing what just happened. They just won a long generation war between dragons and people.

(In this au story he doesn't loss his leg or Toothless' artificial tail in the battle)..





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