The life they should've had

By iheartJLS

8.7K 189 8

Erin Lindsey and Jay Halstead are both detectives who are engaged now. Erin has a 5yr old daughter from her p... More



271 9 0
By iheartJLS

{a couple weeks later}
Erin was in labor, breathing deeply as she tried to focus on the pain. Jay was by her side, holding her hand and whispering words of encouragement. After hours of labor, Erin finally gave birth to their baby boy. Jay was overjoyed and tears streamed down his face as he held their newborn son.All the wishes of him being a girl and the disappointment went away instantly.
Erin=he's perfect
Jay=yeah he is babe I'm so proud of you
Erin=and to think I was disappointed
Jay kissed her head

Leah was staying at Kim and adams
Erin=I can't get over how perfect he is
Jay=see I told you
Erin=I wouldn't want him any other way
Jay=I'm just ready to show him to Leah
Erin=she's gonna flip
Jay=we have to name him
Erin=I heard the name Matthew before and now looking at him I like that name do you like it
Jay=yeah I do
Erin=what about a middle name
Jay=well my middle name is Alexander
Erin=Matthew Alexander Halstead
They were excited to introduce their Matthew to Leah. They brought the baby home from the hospital and Leah was waiting eagerly at the front door. She was so excited to meet her baby brother for the first time.
Erin and Jay sat Leah down on the couch and placed the baby in her lap. Leah looked down at her new brother and her eyes widened with wonder. She gently touched his tiny fingers and smiled with delight.
Erin and Jay watched as Leah held the baby and talked to him in a soft voice. They couldn't help but smile as they saw the love and tenderness in her eyes.
Erin=what do you think of him
Leah=I love him he's so cute
Jay=you're going to be the best big sister
Leah=he's the best little brother
As the days went by, Leah became more and more attached to her baby brother. She loved helping Erin and Jay take care of him and would often sing to him or read him stories.
Erin was changing his diaper
Leah=I love you Matt
Erin=he loves you too
Leah=I'm so glad he lives with us
Erin smiled
Erin=of course he lives with us
Leah=I don't want to give him away we don't have to give him away right
Erin=sweetie of course not why on earth would we give away your baby brother
Leah=I don't know I just wanted to make sure we didn't have to.
Matthew was now 5 days old and they wanted to take him to the park because Leah was driving her crazy in the house

As they walked along the path, Erin pushed the stroller while Jay held Leah's hand.

Erin=Look, Leah, there's a duck pond, do you want to go see the ducks?"

Leah=Yeah! Can we feed them?

Jay=Sure, we can get some bread from the store on the way home.

As they walked around the pond, Leah chattered excitedly about the ducks and how much bread they would need to feed them all. Meanwhile, Matthew slept peacefully in his stroller, bundled up in a soft blue blanket.

Erin and Jay took turns pushing the stroller and holding Leah's hand as they explored the park. They showed her the playground, the swings, and the big field where people played soccer and frisbee.

Leah=Can we play frisbee, Daddy?

Jay looked down at her.
Jay=Maybe when you're a little older. But we can watch the other people play and cheer them on!"

Leah nodded, still excited to see the game. Erin smiled at Jay, knowing that he was always good at finding ways to make Leah feel included.

As they walked back to the car, Leah started to get tired. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

Erin0Are you getting sleepy, sweetie?

Leah=Yeah. Can I take a nap in the car?

Jay=Of course,we'll be home soon

They loaded Leah and Matthew into the car and started the drive back home. Erin turned on some soft music, hoping it would help Leah fall asleep.

Jay looked over at Erin.
Jay=That was a great first trip to the park, huh?

Erin=Yeah, it was. Leah had so much fun.

Jay=I'm glad, and Matthew was such a good little sleeper.

Erin nodded.
Erin=He's such a sweet baby. I can't wait to see how he grows up.

Jay reached over and took her hand.
Jay=Me too.

They drove the rest of the way home in comfortable silence, enjoying the peace of the moment. As they pulled into the driveway, Jay turned off the car and looked over at Erin.

Jay=Thank you for being such an amazing wife and mother
Erin=aww babe thank for being such an amazing husband and father
Jay=I just want you to know that I love you and I'm always going to be here for whatever you need
Erin=how did I get so lucky
Jay=that's what I ask God everyday
They kissed
Erin=we should get these kids inside

Erin and Jay walked up the steps to their front door, each carrying one of their children. Matthew was snuggled up in his car seat, sleeping soundly, while Leah was still asleep

Erin=Can you open the door, Jay?
She was juggling the car seat and her purse.

Jay fished the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. They stepped inside and set the car seat down in the living room, then carried Leah to her bedroom.

Erin=Leah, wake up, sweetie,

Erin whispered, gently shaking her shoulder.

Leah stirred and rubbed her eyes.
Leah=What's happening?

Jay=We're home, honey,It's time to go to bed."

Leah sat up and looked around, still groggy from her nap.

Leah=But I'm not tired.

Erin smiled

Erin=I know, but it's late. You need to get some rest so you can have energy to play tomorrow.

Leah yawned and nodded.

Erin tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead. Erin=Goodnight, Leah. Sweet dreams.

Jay did the same, then they left the room and closed the door behind them. They walked back to the living room, where Matthew was still sleeping peacefully.

Erin=He's such a good baby,

She said smiling down at him.

Jay nodded.

Jay=Yeah, he is. I'm so glad we have him.

Erin looked up at him.

Erin=Me too. And I'm so grateful for Leah too. She's such a wonderful big sister.

Jay smiled.

Jay=She really is. I love watching her with Matthew.

Erin sat down on the couch and patted the cushion next to her.

Erin=Come sit with me.

Jay sat down and put his arm around her. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, watching Matthew sleep.


Erin asked quietly.


Erin=I know it's been hard with the new baby and everything. But I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for us. You're an amazing husband and father.

Jay smiled.

Jay=Thank you, Erin. That means a lot to me.

They sat together for a while longer, enjoying the peace and quiet of the house. Eventually, Erin got up and went to check on Matthew, making sure he was still sleeping soundly.

Jay followed her into the nursery.
Jay=How's he doing?

Erin=He's still asleep

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