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Time skip
Matthew was 5
Leah was 10

Erin and Jay had been looking forward to spending a day together with their family. They wanted to make the most of their time and create some unforgettable memories.

They started the day with a family breakfast, where they enjoyed pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Leah and Matthew chatted about their favorite cartoons, while Erin and Jay talked about their plans for the day.

Jay=I was thinking we could go to the zoo today. What do you guys think?

Leah=Yes! I want to see the lions and tigers.

Matthew=Can we see the monkeys too?

Erin=That sounds like a great idea. We can have a picnic lunch there too.

They packed a cooler with sandwiches, fruit, and snacks and headed to the zoo. They saw all kinds of animals, from giraffes to elephants to penguins.

Leah=Look, mom! The baby elephant is so cute.

Matthew=I want to see the monkeys now!

Jay=Let's go to the monkey exhibit next.

As they walked around the zoo, they talked about their favorite animals and shared fun facts with each other.

Erin=Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance?

Leah=Really? That's so cool.

Matthew: "I want to see the flamingos too!"

After a few hours at the zoo, they found a quiet spot to have their picnic lunch. They sat on a blanket and enjoyed their sandwiches and fruit.

Jay=This is so nice. It's been a while since we've had a family day like this.

Erin=I know. We should do this more often.

Leah=Can we go to the park after this?

Matthew=Yeah, can we?

Jay=Sure, let's go to the park.

They spent the rest of the afternoon at the park, where they played frisbee, climbed on the jungle gym, and had a friendly game of tag.

Leah=Dad, you're it!

Jay=Oh no, I'm outnumbered!

Erin=I'll help you, Jay. Let's get them!

They laughed and played until the sun started to set. They headed back home, tired but happy.

Matthew=That was the best day ever!

Leah=Yeah, it was so much fun.

Erin=I'm so glad we got to spend the whole day together.

Jay=me too

The ended the day with a movie night they had popped some popcorn and were snuggled up on the couch with Matthew and Leah. They had chosen to watch "The Little Mermaid" as it was one of their favorites.

As the movie started, they all settled in and got comfortable. Leah snuggled up to her dad, while Matthew sat on Erin's lap.

Erin=This was one of my favorite movies when I was a little girl.

Jay=Me too. I remember singing all the songs with Will"

Leah=I love this song. Can we sing along?

Matthew=Yeah, let's sing!

Erin=Okay, let's sing 'Part of Your World'.

As the song started, they all joined in and sang together.

Leah=I wish I could be a mermaid.

Jay=Why's that?

Leah=Because they get to swim all day and have fun adventures.

Matthew=I want to be a mermaid too!

Erin=Well, maybe we can go to the beach this summer and you can pretend to be a mermaid.

Leah=That would be so cool!

As the movie continued, they laughed at the funny parts and cheered when Ariel finally got her voice back.

Matthew=I like Sebastian. He's funny.

Leah=I like Flounder. He's so cute.

Jay=I like Ursula. She's a great villain.

Erin=You always like the bad guys, Jay.

Jay=Hey, they have some of the best lines.

As the movie came to an end, they all felt happy and content.

Matthew=Can we watch another movie?

Leah=Yeah, let's watch 'The Lion King' next.

Erin=Okay, but let's take a break first and get some more popcorn.

Jay=Sounds like a plan.

They all got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to refill their popcorn bowls. They were grateful for the time they had spent together, enjoying each other's company and creating new memories.

The end.

So this the last chapter of this story I'm sad to see it end but I had so much fun writing it and I hope you all enjoyed it🤍

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