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{in the kitchen}
Erin=we have an appointment with the lawyer tomorrow
Jay=good we'll be fine
Erin=I just don't want to have to be i through this shit though
Jay=I know you don't but we don't really have a choice
Erin=I know
Jay=but remember we were talking about this how it would be good for her if Jules was in her life
Erin sighs
Erin=yeah yeah you're right
Jay=I usually am
Erin=shut up
She said slapping his chest
Jay smiled
Jay=but umm we got some other things to talk about
Erin=such as?
Jay=when are you going to tell Voight that you're pregnant
Jay=erin he serious
Erin=I don't know Jay I'm not ready
Jay=okay but you know what could happen if you don't tell him
Erin=nothing is going to happen
Jay=you don't know that
Erin=yes I do
Jay=do you think Kim thought something was going to happen when she had a miscarriage
Erin=don't you dare bring what happened to her into this
Jay=babe I know you don't want to go on desk duty but you have to protect our baby
Erin=I am protecting it okay I'll be careful and I'll tell Hank when I get ready
Jay=when will you be ready
Erin=how the hell am I supposed to know that
Jay=you can't let something happen to our baby
Erin=for fucks sake would you shut the hell up I'm so tired of hearing your damn voice just shut up
Jay=I don't care what your tired of hearing I'm trying to protect our baby because it's mother clearly isn't doing that
Erin=go to hell
She stomped upstairs
Jay let out a big sigh
Leah came running inside
Jay=yeah baby
Leah=I'm bored
Jay=you're bored?
Leah=yeah I want to go somewhere
Jay=well where do you want to go baby
Leah=the park
Jay=alright I guess we can go to the park
Leah=mommy coming to?
Jay=uhh no she's tired let her sleep
Erin was upstairs in her room
she was still pissed off and annoyed at Jay "wow could that bastard think I was being selfish or thinking of my baby" but she knew that stress was not good so she decided to lay down and try to take a nap
{at the park}
Leah was just getting off the swings
Jay=okay it's getting late
Leah=no it's not
Jay=we've been here for a hour it's time to go home
Leah=I don't want to go home
Jay=I'm sorry but we have to
Leah=just a little while longer
Jay=how about we walk around the trail and then we'll go home
Leah sighed and rolled her eyes
They walked around the very big trail through a wooded area
Leah=I'm tired
Jay=you can take a nap when we get home I promise
Leah=but I can't walk
Jay=oh my gosh come here
Jay laughed
He picked her up and carried her the rest of the way he even asked a lady to take a picture

{in the kitchen}Erin=we have an appointment with the lawyer tomorrow Jay=good we'll be fine Erin=I just don't want to have to be i through this shit though Jay=I know you don't but we don't really have a choice Erin=I know Jay=but remember we were...

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{at home}
He carried Leah upstairs and tucked her into her bed
He walked to him and Erin's room to talk to her
She was napping
He walked to the side of the bed and kissed her cheek
She woke up
Erin=what do you want
Jay=to talk to you
Erin=about what how selfish I am or that I dont care about our baby-my baby
Jay=babe im sorry that I was implying you were being selfish or that you don't care about our baby but I was just worried about our baby I don't want anything to happen to it
Erin=I know you care about our Baby jay but you don't get to decide when I decide to tell Hank or anyone else about it. It may be your baby to but it's not your body
Jay=I know it's not my body it's not my place I'm sorry I know I fucked up and overstepped
Erin sighed
Erin=I love you
Jay=I love you too
Erin=where's Leah
Jay=me and her went to the park on your nap and she got really tired so we came back and now she is tucked away in her bed
Erin=great I'm glad she had fun
Jay=yeah it's good to spend time with just her since the baby is coming
Jay=so we all good
Erin=of course we're good
Jay=I know this is going to be a challenge but I'm ready for our baby to get here
Erin=me too what do you think it'll be
Jay=I have no idea
Erin=me either I'm sure Leah will have an opinion on that
Jay=I'm sure she will
Erin=but I don't care what the baby is
Jay=neither do i
Erin=I would like to have a gender reveal though
Jay=are you serious?
Erin=yes why do you not want one
Jay=oh I don't care it's whatever you want I just didn't think that's something you would want
Erin=I don't know I just think it would be fun
Jay=well babe if that what you want then that's what you will get
She smiled
Erin=but I would like to tell voight soon
Jay=are you sure
Erin=yeah I'm sure
Jay=I don't want you to feel pressured into doing that
Erin=no I don't I was thinking about what you said and what happened to Kim and I think you're right
Jay=I'm really glad to hear you say that
Erin=now come over here and lay beside me
Jay crawled on the bed and cuddled up to her
Erin=let's watch a movie
Jay=what do you want to watch
Jay=what you just said-
Erin cut him off by undoing his belt
Jay=what are you doing
Erin=what you gonna complain
Jay=no ma'am

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