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{erin was 6 months pregnant}
Erin and Jay had to go for her ultrasound so they dropped Leah off with Trudy and mouch
Erin=thank you so much for this
Trudy=uh huh you owe me
Erin=I know
Leah=do you have ice cream
Trudy=uh probably
Erin=okay bye honey we will come get you later
Leah=okay bye mom
They left and were on the way to the hospital for her appointment
Erin=so are you ready to see our baby
Jay=of course I am
Erin=and we are sure we don't want to know the gender
Jay=that is up to you either way is fine for me
Erin=I don't know what I want to do
Jay=so what are we thinking it is
Erin=I'm thinking a girl
Jay=me too
Erin=you know the more I think of it the lord I really want a girl
Jay=yeah I fell the same
Erin=but that makes me feel so guilty
Jay=right but I mean as long as we love it either way and don't treat it differently then there's nothing really to feel guilty about we just have a preference
Erin=yeah you're right
They pulled up at the hospital
{in the room}
Doctor=hey there how are we doing
Erin=good- well as good as to be expected I guess
Doctor=well let's get this ultrasound going shall we
They started the ultrasound
Doctor=okay there it is
Erin=aww it's adorable
Jay=yeah it is
The doctor started moving down
She must have forgot they didn't want to know the gender as she went between the legs without warning them
Erin turned to Jay and whispered
Erin=did I just see what I think I saw
Jay=there's no way to tell babe don't worry
Doctor=and heart rate seems normal so it looks like he is perfectly healthy
Doctor=did y'all not know the gender
Jay=no we were planning on waiting
Doctor gasped
Doctor=oh my gosh I am so sorry
Jay=it's okay
Erin stayed silent
They finished up and left
On the way to eat lunch before they go to get leah
Jay=so we are having a boy
Jay=I know your disappointed erin
Erin=no no my baby would never be a disappointment to me
Jay=babe I'm a little disappointed it's okay it doesn't mean we don't love him
Erin=I just had it in my mind to the point that I just knew it was going to be a girl
Jay=I know
Erin=I mean I had it envisioned our two girls leah and this baby
Jay=yeah but atleast he's healthy that's a plus right
Erin=of course it is
Jay=on a change of subject where do you want to eat
Erin=it doesn't matter anything is fine
Jay=I know you love Mexican
Erin=yeah that will be good
They went to the local Mexican
The waitress brought their chips and salsa
Erin=can we get a cheese dip
Waitress=of course and what can I get you to drink
Jay=sweet tea
Waitress=alrighty be right back
Jay=so you ready to tell Leah the news
Erin=she's going to be upset
Jay=yeah but I mean we can just explain to her how this really won't change much
Erin=Jay can we just stop talking about this
Jay=erin I'm sorry okay I know you're upset but he's going to be our son we can't pretend he doesn't exist
Erin=I'm not trying to pretend he doesn't exist I'm just trying to come to terms with this
The waitress came back with the cheese dip and drinks
Waitress=and are y'all ready to order
Jay=I'll have A C P
Erin=and I'll have a grilled chicken quesadilla
Waitress=okay I'll put those in for you right now
Jay=thank you
The waitress walked away
They sat in awkward silence eating chips and dip until their food came 20 minutes later
Then they ate their food again still in awkward silence
They paid and left the tip and went to get Leah without saying a word to one another
Trudy=hello there do I know you
Erin tried to smile
Trudy=what's wrong is everything with the baby okay you look upset
Erin=oh no everything is fine I'm just tired
Trudy=okay well then we won't keep you waiting Leah cmon your mom is here
Leah came running
Erin=hey baby thanks again for watching her
Trudy=of course
They left and went home
Once they were home they sat Leah on the couch
Jay=okay we have something to tell you
Erin say there not even wanting to say anything
Jay=we went to the doctors and mommy is having a boy so you're going to have a baby brother
Leah threw a fit
Leah=but I wanted a sister!
Jay=hey I know you did but listen you and your brother are going to have just as much fun I promise
Erin=I guess we should tell everyone
They sent a text to jays family gc and of course they were all excited now that this would be the first boy out of all the grandkids
Then they posted on instagram

{erin was 6 months pregnant}Erin and Jay had to go for her ultrasound so they dropped Leah off with Trudy and mouch Erin=thank you so much for this Trudy=uh huh you owe me Erin=I know Leah=do you have ice creamTrudy=uh probably Leah=yayErin=okay b...

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That night Jay put leah in the bath and then tucked her into bed{erin and Jay in their bed}Erin=you know everyone who saw that insta post and your family all thinks I'm so happy and they have no idea how terrible of a mother I am Jay=no you are an...

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That night
Jay put leah in the bath and then tucked her into bed
{erin and Jay in their bed}
Erin=you know everyone who saw that insta post and your family all thinks I'm so happy and they have no idea how terrible of a mother I am
Jay=no you are an amazing mother
Erin=I'm disappointed of my child because of his gender
Jay=i know babe but gender disappointment is normal it doesn't mean you dont love him
Erin=I know it's just I really had this vision
Jay=and now you feel like it's ruined
Jay=I promise you erin the moment you set eyes on our little boy you are going to feel different okay
Erin=yeah I know I will

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