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Jay had made plans to go golfing with Adam, Kevin, Hank, and Will.

Erin=okay well have fun babe

Jay=I will but if you need anything you call me okay

Erin=I will

Leah=bye daddy!

Jay=bye sweetie

Matthew wobbled over to him

Matthew=bye bye

Jay=bye buddy

He kissed his cheek

{Jay met up with the guys}

Jay=Hey guys, ready for a day on the green?

Adam=I'm ready to beat you all.

Kevin=Don't get too cocky, Adam. You're not that good.

Hank=I'm just here for the beer.

Will=I'm here for the sunshine and fresh air.

Jay=Well, let's get started. We have a lot of holes to play.

As they started playing, Adam was doing surprisingly well. He was hitting the ball straight and far, much to the surprise of the other guys.

Kevin=What's going on, Adam? Did you take some secret lessons?

Adam=I've been practicing a lot lately. I'm going to be the next Tiger Woods.

Hank=More like the next Happy Gilmore.

Will=Hey, at least he's not hitting the ball into the water like you are, Hank.

Hank=Shut up, Will. I'll get it next time.

As they continued to play, they started to get more and more competitive. Adam was still doing well, but the other guys were starting to catch up to him.

Jay=Looks like Adam's not the only one who's been practicing.

Adam=Yeah, you guys are all getting better. I might have to step up my game.

Kevin=You mean you might have to stop cheating.

Adam=I'm not cheating! I just have a natural talent for golf.

Hank=Yeah, and I have a natural talent for drinking beer.

Will=And I have a natural talent for getting sunburned.

Jay=Well, we all have our talents. Let's just enjoy the game and have fun.

As they got closer to the end of the course, the competition started to heat up even more. They were all within a few strokes of each other, and they all wanted to win.

Adam=I can't believe how close this game is. I thought I was going to win for sure.

Kevin=Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Adam.

Hank=Or your balls before they land.

Will=Or your beers before they're empty.

Jay=okay we get it can we finish the game so I can get home

Finished up the game and jay won

There were other victors from another group
Jay=y'all the winners


Jay=great let's get a winners photo

He was obviously trying to run into the guys faces

He was obviously trying to run into the guys faces

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{at home}

Jay=hey I'm home!

Erin=did you win

Jay=of course I did

Leah ran and jumped up on him

Leah=hey daddy!

Jay=hey sweetie

Matthew=wobbled to him


He said pointed

Jay used one arm to swoop him up

Jay=hey buddy I missed you

He kissed his head

Erin walked up to him

Jay=I missed you

He kissed Erin's lips

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