Lonely Hearts Fall The Hardes...

By lonakitty333

107K 2.8K 1.6K

Nora Wilson's life is a lie, not that she would know what the truth is because the first ten years of her lif... More

Chapter One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eight ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Nine ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Ten ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eleven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twelve ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Fourteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Fifteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Sixteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Seventeen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eighteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Nineteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Eight ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Nine ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Eight ❤️❤️❤️

Chapter Seven ❤️❤️❤️

3.1K 98 56
By lonakitty333

People come and go. Emma comes in sometimes but that's just to give me food and where there is Emma there is Hook. Nora once tried to ask Emma if he was a good kisser but she just ignored her. Regina came in one time but not to talk to her either. David was in the office a lot, sitting at his desk. Speaking of David he sits at his desk now doing some paper work or something. Nora sits crisscross applesauce at the front of her cell, face pressed against the bars.

"David. David. David. David. David. David." He clearly tries to ignore her, her eyebrows drawn together in concentration.

"Daviddddddddddddddddddd." David's eye twitches as he glances up at her.

"DAVID!" She says loudly as she sways from side to side. He huffs having given up.

"What!? What do you want?" Nora smiles and giggles.

"Hi." David groans and leans back in his chair.

"David, you know if you let me out of here for while, I might not be as annoying." David shakes his head, looking at the small girl.

"No can do. If Henry were to see you-"

"Oh, Henry can deal. Honestly, I can't spend another second in this stupid cell." Nora says with a sigh. "Pretty please with sugar on top, David?" David gets up and for a moment she thinks shes got a way out for a few hours.

"It's time for my break, see you round, Nora." With that David slips on his jacket and leaves. Nora growls in frustration and falls back, kicking the bars half heartedly with her heels.

"IM SOOOO BOOORRRRRREEEEEDDDDDD!" She yells to herself as she spots a bag of chips on Emma's desk. With a grin she reaches her hand through the bars and concentrates.

"Come here, baggy baggy baggy..." She says under her breath as her hand glows a pastel starlight yellow color and the bag of chips flies towards her hand, buuutttt hits her in the face instead. She rubs her face as she grabs her prize ripping it open and smiling.

"I there is one way to cure boredom it's food." She pops a chip in her mouth as Emma walks in.

"Hey, Em n' Em!" Emma looks up at her and resists rolling her eyes. Emma looks away that is before looking back to see her holding her bag of chips.

"Hey! Where did you get those?" Nora shrugs. "David gave them to me. He said you didn't need them, if you know what I mean." They really needed to let her out of this cell. She's trying to entertain herself with anything at her disposal now.

"So my dad basically called me fat huh?" Emma says laughing a bit, knowing that can't be true.

"Yep." Nora nods.

"Are you bored?" Emma says, thinking that is the not explanation for the tall tale.

"Extremely." Nora says, falling back onto the bench. " I can't help it! I asked David to let me out for a while but he was all like." She pulls her eyebrows together and deepens her voice, puffing out her chest. "I have to go on my break now." Emma laughs and sits down at her desk.

"I wish I could help you, Kid." Nora sighs.

"You couuulllldddd take me out for ice cream! Or get me a book to read." Emma smiles at Nora and sighs. Nora sticks her bottom lip out and widens her eyes.

"Pleeaassseeee?" Emma stands up, unlocking her cell and putting on her jacket.

"Ice cream and Library?" Emma asks and Nora is already running out of her cell.

"You are the best." Nora says headed for the door.

"Slow down kid, I've got a few rules. Right now Henry should be doing homework in the hotel room. But if for some reason he left to do something and we see him, hide. I don't care where or how, but do anything to make sure he doesn't see you. Got it?" Emma says, worried.

"Got it!" Nora says before taking her off down the stairs and stopping at the door. Emma walks on her tail and out the station to make sure the coast is clear.

"Okay let's go." She says motioning her to exit the building. Nora walks out behind her and takes in the fresh air for the first time in days. She finally feels free for once in her life. Emma hops into her yellow bug and Nora stands, overlooking the city streets and nature.

"You coming or what?" Emma says. Nora snaps back into reality and hops into the passengers seat.

"Why can't we walk there?" She asks as Emma starts the car.

"The faster the better kid." She says before taking off towards the ice cream shop. Emma pulls into a parking spot right in front of the shop and looks around to see no Henry, perfect. They hop out the car and enter the chilly environment. A lady with blonde hair stands behind the counter and various people sit at the tables to the left and right of her.

"Welcome, what can I get you two ladies." The worker says, in a warm and inviting tone.

"I'll take vanilla in a cone." Emma says and then looks over to Nora.

"Chocolate fudge brownie with chocolate syrup and cheesecake bites mixed in please, in a cup." Nora orders, eager for something sweet.

"Coming right up!" The lady says as she scoops. Nora watches her attentively, already tasting the goodness in her mouth. They move down to the cashier and the lady gives them their treats.

"How much?" Emma asks and the lady shakes her head.

"It's on the house! Emma isn't it?" She replies, taking particular interest in Emma.

"Um yeah. You really don't have to do that-" Emma starts, but the lady cuts her off.

"No I insist. You know I've always loved vanilla ice cream too. We have the same tastes, almost by fate huh?" The lady says, strangely. Nora gives her a look and looks between the two and Emma seems just as weirded out.

"Umm, well vanilla is a widely loved flavor..." Emma says awkwardly, wanting to escape the situation.

"Yes true. But that is just something we have in common. You don't think that draws us together, by any means?" She says eagerly, leaning closer over the counter. Emma and Nora take a step back, both creeped out at the worker.

"I don't think so lady. Thanks for the ice cream." Nora cuts in, to end the conversation. With that she grabs Emma and rushes out the door.

"What's with that lady? Do you know her? Why is she so obsessed with you?" Nora asks as she gets back into the car, already digging in.

"I don't know her at all, well at least not personally. But she is a strange one." She says before shaking it off and drives toward the library.

"So what book do you want? Make a decision now so that we don't have to waste time doing that at the library." Emma says as she drives. Nora thinks, not sure what book to choose out of the thousands of options.

"Well.... Umm.... I've been wanting to read..." She starts, debating between a couple books in her head.

"Sweet Evil." She decides.

"Sweet Evil? I thought you were on the good guy side?" Emma questions.

"I am, it's just a book, Emma." She says rolling her eyes.

"I know, just making sure." Emma says pulling up on the side of the library. "Let's make this quick." She says getting out and checking the surroundings before allowing Nora to leave the car. They walk inside the from doors and Nora can already smell the relaxing smell of books.

"Hello, Emma!" Belle says from the front desk.

"Hey Belle, we are looking for a book called Sweet Evil." Emma says as she approaches the desk, Nora following close behind.

"Yes, that should be all the way in the back, third shelf to your left." Belle directs.

"Thanks." Nora says as she runs back there, this time Emma following her. Nora enters the back aisle and looks down the third shelf as Emma keeps guard watching the door of the library.

"Where is it?" Nora whispers searching, but not finding.

"Hey Belle, I'm looking for a book on Napoleon for my project." A deep voice says as the door opens. Nora recognizes that voice anywhere, it's Henry. Oh shit. Nora quickly looks up at Emma and she's already running in the aisle in panic.

"Hide NOW!" She whispers frantically.

"Where!?!?!" Nora whispers back.

"I don't know between the shelves just do something!!" Emma yells back. "I'll distract him just goo!" She says exiting the aisle to see Henry.

"Hey kid, I thought you were staying in the hotel room?" Emma says.

"I needed a book for my project." Henry says with a shrug.

"Ah yes, a book on Napoleon should be towards the back corner." Belle says. Emma stares at her wide eyed as Henry begins to walk back toward Nora.

"Woah woah, I'll get it for you kid!" She says running to step in front of Henry.

"What are you doing mom... I can get it myself." Henry says confused. Nora overhears the conversation and tries to silently move across the floor, stopping behind each book shelf to hide. She peeks her head around one to see Emma and Henry talking. She waves her hands trying gather Emma's attention to tell her that she isn't towards the back anymore when she sees Henry's head turn instead. She quickly dashes back behind the shelf, wide eyed. Oh shit! She thinks, praying that he didn't see her.

"Who's that over there?" Henry questions and Emma's eyes widen.

"No one. No one else is in this library." She says, trying to hide the lie.

"Yeah right mom." He says, before walking down the aisle towards Nora. Emma speed walks down the next aisle over to see Nora standing there. Emma starts throwing her arms and mouthing "DO SOMETHING YOU FOOL!" Nora panics and flails her arms around and mouths "I DON'T KNOW, I DON'T KNOW! I NEED TIME!" Emma takes in a breath and moves past her, just in time to stop Henry from rounding the corner. Giving time for Nora to run off.

"See. No one is here." Emma says.

"Move out the way, mom." Henry says sternly.

"Henry Swan, don't use that tone with me." She says, to by time.

"Come on mom. You never lie to me." Henry says walking past her.

"Henry, Wait, I'm sorry!" She says going after him. They enter the main section do the library to see someone sitting in a rocking chair with a book covering their face. Emma knows it's Nora and stares wide eyes, almost face palming. Nora rocks back and forth, ready to put on her show.

"Excuse me." Henry starts.

"HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT MY READING TIME, YOUNGIN!!!" Nora yells in the voice of an old British woman. Emma and Henry both stare wide eyed.


"I-I'm sorry ma'am-" Henry starts but Nora continues.


"I'm sorry Mrs....." She says looking around the room for an idea. Her eyes land on a book about spells and another about the human body. "Mrs. Spellibody. We won't disturb you anymore." She says leading Henry away from the scene. In her head, Emma is so done with Nora and her priceless performance.

"Okay then... That was weird. Who is Mrs. Spellibody and why couldn't I know about her?" Henry asks in confusion.

"Don't worry about it. She just despises human contact." Emma says leading him out of the library. "Listen I'll bring home a book on Napoleon for you. Just get back to the room okay?" She says.

"Okay mom."

"I'm sorry for lying to you."

"It's okay mom." Henry says with a smile before rounding the corner and leaving. Emma watches him as he walks down that street and enters the Bed and Breakfast before returning to the library. There Nora stands holding Sweet Evil at the front desk with Belle.

"I don't know where that came from, kid, but that was a hilarious show you put on." Emma says, laughing.

"Thank you, thank you very much. But it couldn't be complete without the brilliant name you came up with, Mrs. Spellibody." Nora replies, laughing herself.

"Guess we are both good with fast thinking!" Emma replies as they walk towards the door. Belle gives them both strange looks before they leave.

"Did Henry suspect anything?" Nora asks as they hop back into the car.

"About you, nope not a thing." Emma replies as they drive off.

"Thank god." Nora says.

"You are lucky, Nora. That was a close call. This is why you can't leave the station." Emma says.

"Yes I know, but I pulled it off didn't I!" Nora says praising herself.

"Yes you did, but still I don't think I can handle another episode like that one." Emma says pulling back into the sheriff's station.

"So I am never leave my cell again?" Nora asks as they walk up the stairs.

"I don't know. Maybe. But not anytime soon." Emma says, reopening the cell for Nora, and she walks in. Emma shuts the cell and locks her back in.

"Well I'm glad I at least went on one adventure during my prison days." Nora says before plopping back down on the familiar bench. Emma looks through the bars at her, feeling bad for caging the girl up, well like an animal. But she knows that she doesn't have much of a choice. With the situation that happened today, she can't risk anymore trips with Henry out and about. Emma gives Nora a small smile in pity, before leaving the station.

Nora starts to wonder for the first time in a long time, about the first 10 years of her life, that Zelena stole from her. The first decade and basically her whole life forgotten thanks to the toad. Nora wonders if she has a loving mother that would do things like Emma did with her today, or a wise father that would giver her advice on all her issues. She wondered if she would ever find them, or at least found out how she grew up, or how she was raised! She continues to think these thoughts, making up different possibilities in her head as she stares out the window.

ANNNDDDDDDD THATS IT FOR NOW! We think that was a pretty fun chapter. A brake from all the questions and drama and stuff XD Next time there will be A lot more drama and another look into her past! So pretty pretty pretty please with sugar on top! vote up, Comment, Share with EVERYONE! Not just your friends XD ;) And fly on out beautiful flying fans! <3
Claire and Alona

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