Lonely Hearts Fall The Hardes...

lonakitty333 tarafından

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Nora Wilson's life is a lie, not that she would know what the truth is because the first ten years of her lif... Daha Fazla

Chapter One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eight ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Nine ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Ten ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eleven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twelve ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Fourteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Fifteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Sixteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Seventeen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Eighteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Nineteen ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Eight ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Twenty-Nine ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-One ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Two ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Three ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Four ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Five ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Six ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Seven ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Thirty-Eight ❤️❤️❤️

Chapter Two ❤️❤️❤️

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lonakitty333 tarafından

Emma unlocks the apartment door, walking in with Henry and Nora trailing her.

"I have to get ready for my date. So, you two do whatever-" She stops herself. "Well not whatever- by whatever I mean videogames, not whatever." She says shaking her head. "Please no whatevering yet." Emma mutters under her breath and she heads towards her bedroom. Nora looks around, holding the collar of her black rain jacket like a security blanket. Henry plops his backpack down and takes Nora's from her to set down as well.

"Do you want a snack?" Asks Henry as he walks towards the kitchen. Nora hesitates still taking in the new setting.

"Oh uh yea! Sure! What have yea got?" She asks smiling as she slides into the stool at the kitchen island.

"Well we have pretzels, cheez-it's, apples, ice cream, gold fish, kit kats, twix, clementinesk-"

"Whatever's fine." She laughs at his endless listing of snacks. "But Ice cream sounds exceptionally good right now. Nudge nudge wink wink" She smiles. Henry laughs and opens the freezer pulling out double chocolate fudge brownie ice cream.

"And you just happen to have my all time favorite ice cream." Laughs Nora, her nose scrunching up slightly as she does so. Henry stands there watching her for a moment before shaking his head and grabbing two spoon. He stabs them into the ice cream and slides it across the island to her. Nora smiles widely as she wastes no time digging in. He walks around sitting on the stool next to her and digging his own spoon in. Sadly no one had ever warned Nora not to eat ice cream in public, because a few spoonfuls in she already had ice cream on the tip on her nose and her cheek. Henry fights back laughter as she hums happily as she continues to eat her ice cream. Henry rarely saw Nora happy at school, only on the rare occasions he caught her eye and he smiled at her first. But now sitting in his apartment eating her favorite flavor of ice cream, which he totally didn't stalk to her for to get that information, she looked happy as can be. Her eyes lighting up, and her lips set in a permanent chocolate covered smile.

Henry gets up after taking another spoonful and walks over to the paper towels to rip one off for her.

"Here, this might help." He laughs as Nora blushes, taking the napkin, trying to laugh it off.

"Is the damage that bad?" She says wiping her face, unaware of where the chocolate covers her face.

"Pretty bad." He laughs. "Wipe a little more to the left." He directs her as she wipes her cheek and she still doesn't get it. "Here let me just." He says grabbing the towel and wipes it for her and Nora's face turns even more red, because he's like .

"Ummm." Emma says walking back into the room to see Henry wiping Nora's face.

"Hey mom." Henry says as he quickly pulls the towel from Nora's face and tosses in the trash. "Just um having ice cream." He says sitting back down. Nora turns around to see that Emma has changed into a black dress, blacks stiletto heels, and an unfamiliar red coat. She gives her a shy smile of reassurance.

"I'm a messy eater." She says awkwardly.

"I can see." Emma replies. "And you can't wipe your own face?" She questions and Nora's eyes widen, hoping that Henry saves her from the situation.

"Yes she is capable mom, she just missed a spot. I thought it was gentlemen like to get for her." Henry says, coming in for the save that Nora needed. Nora looks over to Henry and mouths thank you. Henry nods in return as he gets up and walks towards his mom.

"Well I'm glad my child is being gentlemen like for once." Emma jokes. Nora laughs a bit at her comment and Henry just shakes his head.

"You look good for your date mom." Henry praises with a smile and Nora nods along.

"Thanks." She says walking towards the door, eyeballing the tub of ice cream that they shared. "And you look great for yours." Emma replies referring to the pair.

"Mom." Henry says under her breath and Nora just sits awkwardly in silence, reverting back to the glance at your boots then out the window.

"Should I leave you two alone." Emma says almost laughing herself.

"Moomm." Henry says giving her a glare.

"Alright, alright I'll leave." She says chuckling and headed for the door. "Have fun you two." She says as she closes the door behind her.

Henry looks over at Nora who is currently transfixed on something outside of the window. She pushes a strand of hair out of her face absentmindedly as she cocks her head to the side.

"Wacha looking at?" She snaps to attention looking over at Henry with a smile. "Just thinking that that dude outside looks good with your mom." Nora forces the words, not meaning a word of it. She knows Walch and Walch was definitely not what he seems.

"Yea he's cool. He makes her happy so you know." He says as Nora hops up from her perch on the stool, capping the ice cream and putting it into the freezer and washing the spoons off herself.

"Oh you don thave to-" Henry starts.

"Nah, it's just two spoons. I clean dishes all the time for myself." She says glancing over her shoulder as she pops them back in the drawer they came from.

"So what about that level 22?" Nora asks wiggling her eyebrows as Henry laughs. Nora runs over to the couch and plops onto it giggling. "Come on now. You promised I could be the assassin." Henry walks over and grabs the controller's setting things up, before handing Nora hers. "Yea yea, I know." He says with a wide smile as they power up the game and starts yelling at the screen for hours on end.


Emma had a crazy evening. Being talked to some random tall dark and handsome dude with a hook for a hand one minute, and being proposed to in the next, and now she comes home to see her son playing video games with the small strawberry blonde girl curled up at his side, fast asleep. Emma just not realizes she never got her name. She clicks in, her heels loud against the wood but Nora Doesn't stir.

"Hey, bud, got room for a level one wizard?" She says softly as Henry smiles at her.

"Good luck with that, but sure. Nora feel asleep a while ago." He says not looking away from the screen. Nora is currently crumpled into his side; head hidden in his shoulder, knees pulled to her chest and hair fanning over the back of the couch she was the picture of elegance when she slept.

"So what'd you say to Walch?" Henry asks Emma glancing over at her.

"You mean you knew? How?" Emma replies, in a bit of a shock.

"Come on mom, first date restaurant, special night out, writing was on the wall." Henry says listing the obvious signs.

"Actually the writing was in the dessert..." Emma says trailing off, and plopping down on the couch on the other side of Henry.

"So What'da ya say?" Emma doesn't reply. "Poor guy." Henry shakes his head.

"I didn't say no-" Emma replies, indecisively.

"Well if you didn't say yes I stand by my poor guy statement." Henry restates.

"I just need some time to think about it, I mean It's like a big step, kid! We've got a good thing going here, just us two."
Emma explains, going over the situation in her head.

"And we would still have a good thing going if it were the four- three of us." Henry reassures her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You think Walch is worthy of joining our little family." Emma asks, unsure of the decision.

"He's okay." Henry pauses the game and turns to Emma. "Mom, not every guy is like my dead." He starts. "Not every guy is just going to leave you." Emma opens her mouth to reply.

"He didn't just leave. He set me up to take the fall for his crime and left me in jail. He doesn't even know you exist. He doesn't deserve to." Emma says looking over her son cautiously, sadness in her eyes.
"This guys not that guy. He wants to be with you, us. He wants us to be his home. And anyways I know you like him." Henry says with a knowing smirk.

"How?" Emma questions.

"Causes he's the first guy you've dated, I've ever met." Henry replies.

"When did you get so wise?" Emma asks as they continue to play the video game.

"Some where after level 16 when I became a knight." Henry says with a small smile as he glances down at Nora.

As they continue to play the game, small indecipherable mutters escapes Nora's mouth. Turns out she talks in her sleep. Emma looks down at her.

"What do we do with, Strawberry Blond over here? And what's the deal with you and her, huh?" Emma asks a small smirk on her face. Henry groans and Emma laughs softly.

"She's just a friend. I think she's having a hard time at school... and maybe at home? I'm not actually sure. She doesn't talk much about that sort of stuff." Emma looks over at him.

"What do you mean, kid?" Emma asks him.

"Nothing, never mind." Henry says with a smile as She sighs well.

"It's actually way later than I thought, we should take this one home." Emma says poking Nora's shoulder. Nora sighs in her sleep as she reaches out for something to grab in her sleep.

"Oh yea your right." Henry says with a small yawn as he gently shakes Nora awake. "Hey, Nor, wake up. Time to go home. Nora." She groggily opens her eyes and sits up, rubbing her eyes.

"I feel asleep?" She asks looking around confused. Henry laughs as he gets up and grabs her school bag for her.

"Yep, right around the boss battle to." Nora sighs. "I'm sorry, Henry." Henry smiles as she stumbles off of the couch. "Hi, Ms. Swan." Nora says with a small sleepy smile.

"Hello again, Nora." She says the previous hesitation and restraint gone. They head out to the car, piling in as Nora gave half assed directions to a bad part of town.

"And you're sure this is right?" Emma asked looking around cautiously. Nora nods her head lazily.

"Mhmm just make a right here and- There we are." Nora says as the car comes to a stop outside a dimly lit apartment building.

"Are your parents home?" Emma asks looking worriedly back at the heavy lidded 13 year old.

"Hmm?" She asks as she starts to get out.

"Your parents?" Nora seems to snapped back to reality and a bit more awake with that.

"Oh uh yep! Yea they must we uh worried ill- or sick, yea that's it sick." Nora runs a hand through her hair and laughs nervously.

"Do you mind if I come in and talk to them for a second?" Asks Emma as Henry once again looks between the two.

"Did I says they were home? I meant they were on their way home." Nora laughs and shifts her eyes to the apartment. "I'll have my mother call you tomorrow." Nora lies through her teeth. "Promise." Forcing a wide smile, she looks over at a suspicious Emma who forces a smile back.

"Sounds good, Kid. Go get some sleep." Nora hops out of the car and Henry and Emma watch as she runs up the path way, almost tripping over a step. Nora waves and smiles one last time before ducking inside.

As Emma pulls back onto the street, she glances over at Henry who is still looking at the apartment building.

"You know, Henry, I know people like that. Nervous laughs and smiles, excuse after excuse, never talks about family or past." Henry looks over at his mother. She draws in a breath. "I know because that used to be me." She glances over at him again. "Maybe you should... I don't know- talk to her about it." Henry nods. "Yea you're right." Emma smiles.

"I always am, Kid."


Nora climbs the steps to her lonely apartment. She can hear yelling from the one next to hers and loud banging music from the one beneath. With a sigh she unlocks her door and pushes it open. The apartment is simple. The bedroom, living room, and kitchen are all one medium sized room. Other than that there is a small bathroom and that's it. Two rooms from one little girl. Nora shuts the door and locks in, dropping her back pack next to it.

"Home sweet, home." She says sarcastically as she grabs a pair of pajamas from her suitcase she keeps packed on the table.

"Some music would be nice..." She thinks as she shifts her gaze to a stereo. She bites her lip as a smile forms and she snaps her fingers. The stereo clicks on to one of her favorite songs and she squeals in delight. Nora didn't think she had any magical powers until recently when she was too lazy to get out of bed and turn the lights off and she made then turn off without in fact moving. Now she had gotten up to clicking on the stereo, turning lights on and off, and getting a bag of chips across the room to come to her on a whim. Nothing too remarkable but enough to make Nora grin.

"Boy don't try to front, uh, I

Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah

Boy don't try to front, uh, I

Know just, just, what you are, ah, ah"

Womanizer by Britney Spears rings out. Though it's old, slightly annoying, and unbelievably catchy, Nora giggles and sings along, off key. She climbs up on her little bed and over dramatically flips her hair, pretending to hold a microphone. Just when she's starting to really have fun there is a buzz. Someone wants to get into the apartment. Nora huffs and hops off the old creaky bed and runs to the buzzer.
"Let me in, runt." Walsh. Nora groans and presses the button to let him in, not like she has any choice. Nora snaps off the radio and Britney's voice dies. She hears Walsh trudging up the steps and sighs. Why is he here? A few pounds on the door later he's wandering around her apartment.

"It's been awhile, Runt." Nora rolls her eyes.

"What do you want now, whale- sorry walsh?" She asks, venom dripping from her voice.

"Let's just say the Boss Woman isn't too happy with you, right now." Walsh says looking back at her.

"You act like you can't say her name- Zelena. It's not that difficult! And what does the toad faced bit-"

"You punched a boy at school today." Nora goes as rigid as a board, and dead in the face. She knew she shouldn't of done that.

"And? It was well deserved!" She protests. Walsh turns back to look at the card and picture frame on her night stand.

"Yea well- Zelena doesn't think so. Shes pretty angry that she was called about a meeting with the principle." Nora feels a cloud of impending doom roll over her.

"I think she's got a special something in mind next time she sees you." Walsh chuckles and looks over at me, his cold gaze meeting mine. "And wait till she finds out about your little crush on the boy."

"YOU ARE FREAKING ENGAGED TO HIS MOTHER!" Nora snaps walking towards him angrily.

"Ah ah ah, Runt, That's my mission. Yours is just to keep an eye on him when I can't, not to fall for him." Taking a deep breath and shutting her eyes for a small moment, Nora regains her composure. Pushing her hair from her face, she looks back at him.

"Look, Oz, I have a news flash for you. I'm not falling for the boy, he's falling for me. And who can blame him, I'm pretty damn awesome. So how about you take your bull crap to some other teenage girls apartment." She says this with a icy voice and a look of steel. However Walsh just laughs as if she said something hilarious.

"You can say that to me, Little Kitten, but Zelena isn't as easily fooled." He reaches to pick up on of her precious few items.

"Zelena doesn't have to to be fooled because she's smart enough to know the truth, and don't touch my stuff." She hisses stomping over there, and snatching the card away from him.

"Did your little boyfriend give you that? Because I know no one else did." Walsh says with a cold smirk. He did, not that Walsh needs to know that, and it's not like she got anything else for her birthday.

"Actually, I made it for myself!" She says, not noticing that, that sounds even worse. I mean who makes birthday cards for themselves? Walsh just laughs as he takes the card from her ripping it into pieces then dropping it onto the floor at her feet.

"How about don't tell me what to do, Runt." Nora inraged pulls her hand back to punch Walsh, tears building up in her eyes as well as a growl of frustration. Her fist connects with his face but it's her who yelps as she hears her knuckles crunch. Walsh only winces but snarls at her none the less. Nora cradles her hand to her chest as Walsh reaches out his hand as if to grab her.

"Oh you're in for it now, kitten." Nora's eyes widen as he goes to wrap his hands around her small pale neck. She dodges him and bolts for the bathroom, locking the door as she leans against the wall with the window on it. Not even a second later Walsh starts ramming the door, and banging on it. Tears freely flow down her flushed cheeks as she stares at the door.

"I'm going to wring the life out of you, until I can see the light leave your eyes." Shaken back into reality, Nora scrambles to unlock the window, she has to get away. The door looks and sounds as if it's going to splinter into firewood in a second. Nora finally, using all her strength gets the window up, even though her hand is screaming for her to stop. She kicks out the screen and is greeted with the chill of night and a four story drop to the concrete below her. Shivering in just her black tank top, jeans, and boots, she's glad for the first time in her life she has a set of wings. She shudders as the unnatural feeling of shifting into another being takes over her. When she feels her cursed flying monkey abomination form fully taken over she jumps out of the window. Nora would be damned if Walsh got his greasy hands on her.

Walsh doesn't seem to come after her because when she lands in the deserted park behind the cover of a tree, she's alone, freezing, but alone. She looks up at the moon the trees swaying in the breeze as she sighs. She always got herself into these kinds of situations. Zelena was surely going to maim her if Walsh didn't get his hands on her first. Well wasn't she just stuck between a rock and a hard place. Sitting down on the empty swings, and rocking back and forth. She briefly wonders what it would be like to have been raised in a normal loving family, no flying monkeys, or crazy green toad faced wenches, No Walsh, and definitely no living alone in a apartment of her own at thirteen.

She shakes those thoughts from her head, and you never know, maybe that was the first eight years of her life, that Zelena stole from her. Nora lets her mind wonder before soon accidentally falling asleep on a park bench. Teeth chattering and shaking violently, Nora drifts off to dreams filled with a loving family, and Henry.

Anddddd now there are two chapters! So a little bit more exciting right!? right? no? Okay BUT STILL, drop us a little summon' summin' if you can't stand Walsh XD Oh and if you were surprised Nora's a flying Monkey. Does our name for you make sense now? Flying Fans? Hehehehe Okay I'll stop, but stick around for chapter three, there are hostess (The Snack) references!
Claire and Alona

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