The Heartstone Journey II

By DryZStarZ

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*SPOILERS* This is the continuation of my previous story The Heartstone Journey BOOKS: 1-4 If you wish to lea... More

★ - Prologue - ★
Book 5 | Ch. 2 - An Emotion Going Rogue
Book 5 | Ch. 3 - Guild Insignia
Book 5 | Ch. 4 - Face To Face Against Monstrosity
Book 5 | Ch. 5 - What Goes Around, Comes Around
Book 5 | Ch. 6 - Forged From Fire
Book 5 | Ch. 7 - Fort Albatross, The Impenetrable City
Book 5 | Ch. 8 - Axe Trial
Book 5 | Ch. 9 - Aura Evaluation
Book 5 | Ch. 10 - Guild Ranking
Book 5 | Ch. 11 - The Upper Echelon Of The Fortress
Book 5 | Ch. 12 - A Foreboding Waltz That Ends With Somberness
Book 5 | Ch. 13 - A Throbbing Sensation?
Book 5 | Ch. 14 - A Practice Match
Book 5 | Ch. 15 - Wings Of Cinder
Book 5 | Ch. 16 - Contract Completed?
Book 5 | Ch. 17 - 73 Great Demons
Book 5 | Ch. 18 - Fledgling vs Hunter
Book 5 | Ch. 19 - The Winner Is..!
Book 5 | Ch. 20 - A Second Heavenly War
Book 5 | Ch. 21 - A Clue That Comes With Violence
Book 5 | Ch. 22 - Crushed By Reality
Book 5 | Ch. 23 - The Echoes Scream Vividly
Book 6 | Ch. 1 - The First Day Begins
Book 6 | Ch. 2 - Do You Believe?
Book 6 | Ch. 3 - Lesson: Smoothening
Book 6 | Ch. 4 - Alone Only To Hear Null
Book 6 | Ch. 5 - How Rude..
Book 6 | Ch. 6 - Party System
Book 6 | Ch. 7 - Failing An Oath
Book 6 | Ch. 8 - Eyes Of Destiny
Book 6 | Ch. 9 - A Goal That Hasn't Even Began
Book 6 | Ch. 10 - Love Is Like Rose Thorns
Book 6 | Ch. 11- Scrolling On
Book 6 | Ch. 12 - A Crumbling Power
Book 6 | Ch. 13 - Aura Blade
Book 6 | Ch. 14 - Critical Failure
Book 6 | Ch. 15 - Love Is Like A Dozen Flowers
Book 6 | Ch. 16 - Dead End [𝐈]
Book 6 | Ch. 17 - Lunar's History
Book 6 | Ch. 18 - Self-worth & Realization
Book 6 | Ch. 19 - Goodbye Innocent Flower
Book 6 | Ch. 20 - To Heal Fresh Wounds
Book 6 | Ch. 21 - Paladin Of Light Versus Prince Of Darkness
Book 6 | Ch. 22 - Unexpected reunion
Book 6 | Ch. 23 - Sanctified Meeting

Book 5 | Ch. 1 - The Way Ahead

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By DryZStarZ

The next day passed quickly for all of us, although I still struggled with sleep, as usual. Before going to bed, I vividly remember Cloudy getting an earful of yelling. I feel a twinge of guilt for sending him into that fiery pit of anger, but it can't be helped. I left my room as energized as possible and meticulously packed my belongings, making sure not to miss a single detail. I packed medical supplies, an abundance of rations, and, most importantly, trinkets and lures to ward off intruders in case we encountered danger during the night.

I learned my lesson the hard way when venturing into the treacherous hollowed lands. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, bring more supplies than you think you'll need when going on an adventure, especially when you're unsure of the duration of your journey. Another crucial piece of information I discovered is to bring cleaning products. Smelling like manure is never pleasant. I went to inspect my weapon and found it worn-out and chipped at the top. It was definitely time to acquire a new blade.

"Honestly... I'm amazed that my old friend is still usable after everything we went through in the hollowed lands. Just hold on a little longer. I'll retire you once I acquire another weapon," I whispered to myself, sheathing the blade and securing it at my side.

I moved on to the next item on my checklist—the armor I would be wearing. To my dismay, my armor set appeared to be in perfect condition, almost untouched. There were a few minor scratches, but nothing more. What kind of armor did that man give us for it to be so highly resistant? This will be another topic to add to my growing list of research. I quickly donned the armor, activating the button near my chest to make it translucent and nearly invisible unless light was directly focused on it.

"*Phew*.. Everything is almost set and stone." I muttered to myself.

"What is? You asshole!"  A rude voice exclaimed from upstairs.

Oh boy. I had hoped to leave before he woke up, but now I'm about to be subjected to a lecture that will make my ears bleed.

Nick trudged downstairs, his hair sticking out in all the wrong directions, still half-asleep and displaying an arrogant demeanor.

He clearly had been awakened by the clattering and jingling of my armor.

"You were actually planning to leave me behind, weren't you?" Nick's accusation pierced through my feeble denial.

I sighed, realizing that Cloudy had spilled the beans and shared our conversation with Nick.

"Fine, yes, I was considering it," I admitted reluctantly, my facade crumbling.

"Bring me with you," Nick demanded, determination shining in his eyes.

I hesitated, knowing that Cloudy had likely already informed Nick of our destination.

"But where would you go? Cloudy must have told you where we're heading," I questioned, hoping to dissuade him.

"I'll figure it out. Just let me come with you, or I'll pester you relentlessly until you give in," Nick insisted, his determination unwavering.

Exhausted by the argument, I relented, uttering the words I had hoped to avoid.

"Do what you want."

Nick's face lit up with triumph, and he rushed off to gather his belongings, eager to join our journey.

Meanwhile, I made my way upstairs to Cloudy's room, curious about his tardiness. Opening the door, I was greeted by a chaotic mess—papers, utensils, blankets, and pillows strewn everywhere. Cloudy lay on the bed, disheveled and unkempt, a stark contrast to his usual organized self.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty!" I playfully called out, startling him awake.

"Huh? What's going on?" Cloudy mumbled groggily, looking as if he hadn't slept at all.

"It's time to go," I informed him, trying to sound as awake and alert as possible.

He groaned in response, struggling to comprehend the time.

"It's actually late for you—ten o'clock," I informed him, his eyes widening in realization of our impending departure.

Cloudy quickly sprang into action, scrambling to clean up his room and gather his belongings. He apologized profusely for keeping me waiting.

"Don't sweat it. Nick is already up and about, so he knows what's going on," I reassured him, hoping to alleviate his guilt.

"Is he coming too?" Cloudy asked, seeking confirmation.

I nodded affirmatively, silently hoping that Nick wouldn't cause too much trouble once we reached our destination.

Minutes later, the three of us assembled, ready to embark on our journey. We double-checked that we weren't being followed or watched, ensuring a smooth departure.

We grouped up ready to go with no trouble from afar nor behind us meaning the two idiots slowing me down.

"We'll be back!" I called out, a mix of determination and uncertainty in my voice, as we set off into the unknown without the hero in our eyes guidance.

Our adventure had begun, and this time, we were on our own without the guidance of our mentor. We traversed through vast grassy fields, making our way towards a nearby village in search of information about the academy. As expected, we didn't find much assistance there, so we continued our journey towards a bustling town known for its merchants. Along the way, we engaged in conversations and enjoyed moments of respite. Royal walked ahead, seeking solitude to appreciate the scenic surroundings, while Nick and Cloudy remained inseparable, engaged in their own discussion.

"Hey," Nick whispered to Cloudy, his voice filled with his characteristic assertiveness.

Cloudy, prepared for a potential argument, responded, "What do you want now?"

"Do you think Hunter is dead? Or could he have been killed?" Nick asked, his tone surprisingly contemplative.

Cloudy was taken aback by the sudden question. "That's an unexpected inquiry coming from you. Why are you wondering about that?"

"Just answer the damn question, will you?"

"I... I don't know. But I'll hold onto hope and wait for him, no matter how long it takes," Cloudy replied earnestly.

"You know, ever since that incident a year ago, Royal has been different," Nick continued, his voice tinged with concern.

"It's quite evident," Cloudy replied immediately, understanding Nick's implication.

"Do you think Royal witnessed or did something that day, causing him to act this way?" Nick pressed further.

"I'm not implying he did something to Hunter. Don't get your mouth confused with your ass, stop spewing shitty assumptions."

Nick remained persistent, listing peculiarities he had observed. "Royal is hiding something. It feels like he carries a heavy burden of guilt."

"As in..?"

Cloudy wondered not getting the full picture.

"Royal's hiding secrets, it's as if he's guilty of something big. That's all I know."

"On that day he looked at me in the eyes filled to the brim with dejection. He claims that Hunter had just disappeared but is that really it? He may be telling the truth but how much of that is true? Do you really believe all that crap he's feeding us?"

Nick listed certain things that he felt off of trying to paint a bigger picture.

"I don't believe everything he's told relating to that day. But you know certainly as well as I do that if he's purposely hiding something from us he's doing it in a way to protect us."

"He's a goddamn moron if he's thinking like that! We're a family, Cloudy. We face challenges together, supporting each other through thick and thin," Nick exclaimed, frustration evident in his tone.

Cloudy fell silent, unable to form a complete response. He understood Nick's perspective, yet he also grasped the complexity of Royal's actions.

"Royal isn't alone in this. I know he felt the most heartbroken about Hunter's disappearance. He thinks if he doesn't show it, he is less likely to care but that's untrue! That only hurts him more since all that emotion is bottled up! I-...should know~."

He went on a rant before whispering the last few words hiding his face from Cloudy.

"Well then~.. all we can do is wait for him to open up to us if he really is hiding something. Ok?"

"Tch~. I know."

Nick scoffed knowing he couldn't simply pressure Royal to confess.

Taking in their conversation, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the unanswered questions and the unsettling behavior of our companion, Royal. It was clear that our journey held more significance than simply reaching the academy. Unraveling the truth behind Hunter's disappearance and uncovering the secrets hidden within our group became paramount.

We continued marching forward, encountering minimal obstacles apart from the occasional playful banter between Nick and Cloudy. Eventually, we arrived at the bustling town of merchants just before midday. It appeared unchanged from a year ago, with vibrant streets teeming with enthusiastic vendors and shrewd traders. However, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease due to my past experiences in this place. During the day, I stayed hidden in the shadows, avoiding the bustling crowds, while at night, I moved cautiously, my every step laced with caution. There were both new faces and seasoned veterans among the sellers, each attempting to negotiate trades and lure unsuspecting buyers. It was a cutthroat environment, but with enough careful navigation, one could evade their clutches by intimidating them or simply feigning indifference. When Hunter was with us, his presence alone deterred unwanted attention. But now, without him, we had to rely on our own wits to navigate this treacherous landscape. Another thing to note was that merchants by law can never bargain, trade or lead a child that is under the age of eighteen into a "barter". Meaning trade or offer. Why I specifically say barter is because how most merchants bypass that inadequate law is by claiming that it was never a trade in the first place.

"Royal?" A voice called for me but passed by swiftly.

This is primarily the people who govern the law's fault, not being specific leads to ways around and exploits in the system. Trading is simply a transaction between two or more buyers or sellers. Same goes with offers and haggles. Yet "barter" to merchants is but the equivalent of trusting the other without a contract or use of a third party to solidify the trade. Putting it plainly, its a scam that anyone can spot miles away. Unless you are a child and that is where the law fails to reach and malicious intent starts to leak. All three of us have gone through our fair share of scams that we've fallen for all because we were at one point children, inexperienced and innocent for the most part. Fortunately we didn't have much to begin with but that was also the worst thing that could've happened to us. Seeing this place again never fails to send a terrible taste down my mouth. To think that this way the very place Hunter claimed the god of creations head and lifted the town of his rain of destruction.


Nick shouted, getting his undivided attention.

"S-sorry I was in a daze. What?" My thoughts were interrupted by Nick's voice, pulling me back to the present.

"I'm gonna head down the way to see how the orphanage is holding up. Want to come with?" He asked, his tone brimming with energy.

"N-no, I'm fine. Please convey my regards to Ms. Caretaker," I replied, still lost in my own thoughts.

"Got it, Cloudy get your ass over here." Nick called out, already pulling Cloudy by the shirt.

"I was planning on doing something-." Cloudy protested, but his words were drowned out as Nick dragged him along.

"Shut up you're coming with me."

"H-hey! You can't just- w-wait! Don't pull my shirt! Ok I get it! Just let go!" Cloudy's voice faded away as they moved further down the street.

I left Nick and Cloudy behind, realizing that if I stayed with them, I would only serve as a mere side character, preventing them from resolving their own conflicts. Seeking solace from their bickering, I wandered around the town, finding refuge in the shade as the scorching heat radiated from the concrete beneath my boots.

"Man, how do these merchants manage to move around and shout in this heat?" I muttered, wiping away sweat that threatened to invade my eyes.

Turning a corner away from the bustling main plaza, I noticed a small, intriguing shop. Despite its rundown appearance—dusty walls and uneven flooring—I sensed that my instincts were not betraying me. As I stepped inside, the heat hit me like a wave, the air thick with pollutants. I covered my mouth with my hands, buying myself a moment to adjust while I reached for a cloth to shield myself from the oppressive atmosphere.

A man emerged from behind the counter, practically rolling out as he called out to me, his voice filled with a sense of joviality.

"Hello, young one~! Have you found anything- particular?"

His accent was unfamiliar to me, but it was his ears that gave away his identity. He belonged to either the wolf or fox race. Surprisingly, his stature exceeded my expectations, standing between four feet eleven and five feet tall, rivaling Nick's height. Fur covered his arms, legs, and likely his back as well. Strangely, he lacked a beard, which contradicted my initial assumptions. However, his magnificent tail more than compensated for it. It was massive, at least twice the size of the man himself.

"I'm here to purchase a few items, and I'd like to know if you carry them," I replied, keeping my tone businesslike.

"Certainly! What is it you're looking for?" he asked, hopping once with enthusiasm having that strong accent to him.

"I need two vials of tusk oil, hogwhettle powder, and three small jars of glue."

Tusk Oil: Highly flammable when ignited, capable of reducing anything except thick hide or thick skin to ashes.

Hogwhettle Powder: Upon inhalation or ingestion, it induces paralysis for an extended period, ranging from 5 to 45 minutes depending on the dosage.

"Anything else for you sir?" The man inquired.

"I noticed how hot it is here. This place is a blacksmith isn't it?"

"I couldn't help but notice how hot it is in here. Is this place also a blacksmith's shop?" I asked, observing the calluses on his hands and the smudges of welding and forging on his skin. It seemed that he had more to offer than just a diverse array of merchandise; he likely crafted weapons here as well, explaining their newer appearance compared to others in the town.

"You have keen eye. How old you is?" The man asked, his accent growing more noticeable. It felt strangely out of place, and I fought the temptation to inquire about his origins.

"I'm fifteen," I replied, keeping my responses concise.

"Impressive. Would you be interested in a special offer?" He proposed.

Considering our limited funds due to Hunter's reckless spending, I hesitated but decided to hear him out.

""If you purchase a weapon of your choice, I'll throw in those other items you requested for free," he offered.."

I mentally calculated the cost of the items I had previously requested, and they shouldn't exceed more than two dozen silver. If he tries to overcharge me, I'll politely withdraw from this.

"What's the price for the weapon?" I asked, keeping my guard up.

"I dunno~," He answered with a playful tone. "It depends on the one you choose."

Turning around, I began to browse through the array of blades the man had crafted, each one catching my eye. I searched for the ones that stood out from the rest, exuding exceptional quality and craftsmanship.

"Sihet yoorb sui neetffif sraewy dolo? Eh skouol ekiel ehb's neers raaf eroem nawht ehbt egarehva reidyulos dlufow."

(This boy is fifteen years old? He looks like he's seen far more than the average soldier would.)

His comment left me speechless, wondering what language he was speaking.

Still pondering what weapon to select he had the nerve to begin timing me for taking too long.

Lost in contemplation, I took longer than I should have to make a decision. The man had the audacity to start timing me, though he quickly corrected himself.

"You have five setun-.. I mean- minutes." He clarified, urging me to make a choice.

With little time remaining, I weighed my options between a short sword and a rapier. The absence of price tags on either weapon made me skeptical about their cost. In the end, I settled on the rapier, as it felt more familiar and suited to my style.

"Um, how much is it?" I asked, panting slightly as I hurried back to the checkout desk, where he stood with a joyful grin.

"Thirty silver sni- *Ahem* coins." He corrected himself, indicating that he was still learning our language.

Thirty silver coins? Considering the quality of the weapon, it seemed like a reasonable price. It was certainly an improvement over my previous weapon. From my perspective, it was a decent deal.

"Hey, what's your name?" I inquired, curious about the enigmatic shopkeeper.

"Hepta," he replied.

"I can tell you're trying to gain favor. You want something in return, right?" I deduced.

"Uioy yllawer era kcihuq no ruoty seuot," he chuckled, acknowledging my astuteness.

(You really are quick on your toes.)

Judging from his expression, I could tell that my assumption was correct.

"What is it you want from me?" I inquired further.

"I'm still learning the common tongue here, please be patient with me," He requested.

I paused, granting him the time he needed. Hepta then wobbled toward the back of his shop and returned, holding an item in his hand.

"Erausropxe," He said, slamming his hand onto the desk, revealing a paper and gesturing for me to take it.


Exposure? I wondered, puzzled by his gesture.

To my surprise, it was a list:

1. Investment

2. Return

3. Profit

He wanted me to invest money with the promise of future returns. Could I trust him? Wait, there might be a solution.

"Why me?" I asked, seeking clarification.

"You're special. More intelligent than others seem to think," Hepta replied, smirking confidently.

"Is that all?" I pressed further.

"Duba," He affirmed.


He nodded, assuring me of his intentions.

"In that case, do you know what a contract is?" I proposed.

"Duba," He repeated, indicating his understanding of the term.

Assuming "duba" meant "yes," I swiftly retrieved another piece of paper and began writing down our agreements, ensuring that both parties were satisfied with the terms and conditions. It was a straightforward contract with no hidden agendas. Hepta desired monetary investment, while I sought weapons crafted by him, which seemed of high quality and could prove useful to Nick or Cloudy in the future. Breaking the contract would result in a penalty of five years of our lives. As long as I paid him five gold coins monthly, I would be in good standing. To simplify matters, we agreed to a yearly contract, allowing either of us to terminate the agreement if there were no profits.

I stared at Hepta, contemplating his words. The notion of having five gold coins and considering myself rich seemed surreal. Back in the orphanage, even a single gold coin was a fortune. But now, with seven gold coins, along with a decent amount of silver and copper, it was hard to deny that I had accumulated some wealth.

"I'll complete the contract," I affirmed, determined to seize this opportunity.

"Duba, ugo on," Hepta replied with a nod, encouraging me to proceed.

(Yes, go on)

I extended my hand over the paper, hovering just above it, and focused my concentration. A small amount of aura emanated from my fingertips, dancing and swirling before cascading onto the surface of the contract like a delicate droplet of water. The aura coated the document, slowly enveloping it with a vibrant purple glow. All that remained was for us to inscribe our names.

"Grohh~ you know how to use mana?"

"Mana?" I echoed

"Duba, It's the essence of our very being. We bring it from- core and uti-.. utilize it for many purpose."

His explanation left me pondering. Was mana another name for aura? I recalled Winn mentioning magic and its connection to aura. Could mana be the same concept under a different name?

"You seem distracted. Did something I say trouble you?" Hepta observed, sensing my hesitation.

Perhaps their understanding of mana differed from mine due to their upbringing or religious beliefs. Speaking of which...

"Do you follow a specific religion?" I asked, hoping to gain insight into their perspective.

"Duba? For what reason do you ask?" Hepta replied, his curiosity piqued.

"I was wondering if there's a god you worship," I explained, treading carefully.

"Aiieah~.. Alright I'll give in to your request. I'm a follower and believer of the god of creation Sachar."

Sachar?! The same god that Hunter had confronted and defeated, drawing blood and beheading him. Did Hepta know about this? I decided to restrain myself from pushing further, not wanting to jeopardize our budding relationship.

"I understand what you might be thinking. The tale of a hero slaying our god, Sachar, has spread across the entire continent. But fear not, I hold no ill will because of that," Hepta reassured me, sensing my unease.

"Could you enlighten me further about your religion?" I inquired, intrigued by his beliefs."

"I can see the sparkle in your eyes, the boundless curiosity," Hepta remarked with a smile. "Duba, they are blinding."

Long ago, when our ancestors roamed the land over four hundred years ago, a tale unfolded. Our people, a blend of human and animal, originated from the fox tribe situated at the southern border of the orc territory. As our ancestors settled and established their homes, our first king fought tirelessly and scavenged for the well-being of our people. It was during our darkest hour, when starvation and despair gripped us tightly, that a miracle occurred. Our ancestor beheld Sachar, the god of creation, with unworthy eyes. Sachar transformed the land, shaping it to our advantage, providing water, trees, and attracting wildlife. With his assistance, our people thrived and survived. He constructed towering structures using his mana, erecting mountains that shielded us from hostile forces, allowing us to live in seclusion. However, his reign was brief, and he vanished as abruptly as he had appeared. Left to fend for ourselves, we forged our path, fighting for survival and securing a place in this world for future generations. Over time, Sachar's story transformed into legend, giving rise to a religion that prophesied his return to bestow enlightenment upon us.

Based on what I've heard, it seems as though Sachar was regarded as a benevolent deity. However, from my own knowledge, I know that the reality is far from that.

"Despite the rumors and stories surrounding our god and his departure, we continue to believe that he will descend once more and use his divine mana to vanquish the dark forces that lurk in the night," Hepta elaborated.

"There was something you mentioned earlier that caught my attention," I interjected.

"Oh? What is it?" Hepta inquired.

"You mentioned that you hold no ill will, but you didn't explicitly mention your people," I pointed out.

"Gaah~... Duba... it's true," Hepta sighed. "Two decades ago, a few weeks after the war, our tribe learned of Sachar's appearance. We were filled with joy until... we received news of his unfortunate demise. Following that, our tribe developed a deep resentment towards humans and anyone who supported them. Personally, I disagreed with this sentiment and departed a few years ago, unable to endure the segregation I was subjected to."

"So, you were considered an outcast for your differing views?" I asked, sympathizing with his predicament.

"Duba... it's true," Hepta confirmed. "I believed that humans possessed diverse foods and unique tools that could revolutionize our kind. I saw the potential for good, while others fixated on the painful past, grinding their teeth in anger for years. I left in hopes of establishing a business here. I've been in this area for quite some time and managed to make a decent living. However, it's becoming increasingly challenging with rising taxes in this part of the world."

"... Sign the contract," I said, my face partially obscured.

"Ah... duba," Hepta replied, hastily signing the contract while attempting to catch a glimpse of my face.

With both our names now inked onto the paper, the contract glowed briefly before splitting into two copies and flying into our respective pockets for safekeeping.

"I made a modification to the contract," I revealed.

"W-What!? What did you change?" Hepta exclaimed, his hands trembling as he scanned the document for the altered conditions.

"I changed the monthly payment from five to six," I explained calmly.

Hepta froze, his expression shifting from panic to disbelief, and then tears started streaming down his face.

"Escurapa Uiouy... escurapa uiouy~!" he sobbed.

(Thank you... thank you~!)

He rushed towards me, embracing me tightly, although he tried to maintain a sense of professionalism.

After a couple of minutes, he regained his composure and even threw in a few additional items for free as a gesture of gratitude for the extra gold coin I added to the contract, which accounted for nearly two months' worth of food.

"Nicho~. Come here," he beckoned.

(Boy~. Come here.)

Curious, I followed him behind the desk and into the room from which he had emerged earlier. It was completely empty, with nothing but bare walls and a few cobwebs. He approached a particular section and pressed his hand against it, revealing a hidden door that led to another room.

Woah. Did he use aura to do that? Can anyone create illusionary walls like that, or is it a skill unique to his kind? Regardless, I crouched down and entered the room, as the door was lower than my height. Inside, I found a bustling blacksmith's workshop, filled to the brim with weapons in progress and materials rarely seen elsewhere.

"This is my porta, my first blacksmith shop. I gather various things here and create weapons. For you, I'll make anything you ask, as long as you provide the necessary materials. And of course, it will be free of charge," Hepta explained.

"In that case, I'd like a rapier!" I exclaimed with excitement.

"A rapier? That's a challenging request, but I'll do it. What kind of materials do you want to use?" he asked.

Hmm, this could be a bit tricky. I highly doubt he has access to the same resources or ores used to create the armor given to me by the Gatekeeper. However, I do have a few alternatives in mind.

"I have some crystals and a dragon scale," I replied.

"ybu ehbt gods~." Hepta exclaimed, snapping his body towards me with intense focus.

(By the gods~.)

"Where did you find such pieces?" he asked, clearly astonished.

"The crystals were gathered from the hollowed lands in the northern continent. As for the dragon scale... that's confidential," I responded.

To be honest, even I was surprised when I managed to acquire the dragon scale without Kuruma noticing. Fortune favors the bold I assume.

"Ahem... sorry, I see then. Are you certain you want a rapier? Rapiers don't fare well in battles against monsters, even with these kinds of ingredients," Hepta cautioned.

I paused for a moment, realizing that he had a valid point. A rapier might not be the most practical choice for fighting monsters. A short sword would likely be more suitable, especially since I already had a new rapier in my possession.

"In that case, how about a short sword?" I suggested.

"That's perfect then," he replied, taking the materials from my hand and bag before immediately getting to work.

"I'll have it ready for you in three days," he announced with determination, as if he had instantly switched personalities.

I stepped back, giving him the space to work, and exited the blacksmithing area, returning to the shop. As I walked away, I felt a sense of satisfaction. This was just the beginning. The path ahead was opening up, and I would be the one leading the charge. With these new weapons and everything I had planned for the academy, I was confident that things would proceed smoothly.

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