Codesworld (Darkekulavia Adve...

By UCS754

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Title says it all More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2: Global Warming
Chapter 3: Vs Nickocado Avocado
MrBeast Chapter 1: (4) 24 hrs in Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 5: Farm Madness
Chapter 6: Battling a Band
Chapter 7: Grilled Cheese Deluxe
Mrbeast Gaming chapter 1 (8): Minecraft But Everything Is Random
Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!
Chapter 10: Can Ganondrof come out to play?
Chapter 11: Bahama-dness
Chapter 12: Meme Review #1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 1 (13): New Perils Part 1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2
Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 3 (15) Greater Toronto Area (Oh Shit wrong term)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics
Dimensional Arc Part 5 (17): The cake is always a lie
Dimensional arc Part 6 (18): Where it all started (For Darkekulavia)
Dimensional Arc Part 7 (19) Scottstale
Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine
Dimensional Arc Part 9 (21) Kadien's and Laurie's Five Nights
Dimensional Arc FINALE (22) Team (Fortress) Work Makes The Dream Work
Codesworld Short: Kadien's Real Body
Chapter 23: Hammer and Fail
Chapter 24: Zanta Claws
Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans
MrBeast Chapter 2 (26) 50K game of Real Life Monopoly
Codesworld Short: Spelling Bee
Chapter 27: The Date (Valentine's Day Speical)
Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb
MrBeast Gaming Chapter 2 (29) World's Largest Explosion
Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear
Trepidation Arc Chapter 1 (31): Lullaby's Treat
Trepidation Arc Chapter 2 (32) The search begins
Trepidation Arc Chapter 3 (33): The Fate of Unknown Suffering
Tripedation Arc Chapter 4 (34) Innocence Doesn't Get You Far
Chapter 35: Tier List 1 (CDW Edition)
Trepidation Arc Chapter 6: Triple Threat of Killers
Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover
Trepidation Arc FINALE (38) Revenge of a Nephalem and The Corruption King
Chapter 39: Surf And Turf Wars
Chapter 40: Project T.E.R.I.OS
MrBeast Chapter 3 (41) Press This Button To Win $100,000!
Chapter 42: Codesworld Christmas Blast
Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies
Chapter 44: Real Date

Tripedation Arc Chapter 5 (36): Forgiveness won't work against a Lord

32 1 98
By UCS754

*Thanks to the Presidents for covering the last chapter. But now we return to our regularly scheduled Codesworld*

Cody: Geez. And here I was thinking Mario.EXE was cringe enough as is.

The camera cuts to the Codesworld crew chilling at a fire Cody had put on while Kitty, Crystal, Scott and Tankman were tell the rest about the MX encounter.

Mangus: Well that doesn't matter. What matter we need to hurry up and find Dawn so we don't encounter anyone else.

Emma: How the hell are we supposed to know about that?

???: Perhaps I can help with that.

Suddenly a fimillar figure appears from the bushes.

Everyone: JEFF?!

Jeff: Surprise! Bet you didn't ex-

Cody: Cut the crap Jeff. You have some nerve showing up because of one reason.

Jeff: Cody please listen-

Cody: NO YOU NEED TO LISTEN! Because this is the last time I'm interested I'm gonna say it.

Cody then starts pulling his sword getting ready for a battle.

Cody: We. Are Not. Interested. IN WORKING WITH YOU!

Cody then charges as Jeff as he, while reluctantly does the same.


Slenderman: Why am MX not back yet. Win or lose he should've been back by now.

Lord X: Wait I feel something.

Suddenly opens a portal as out comes MX who lands face first on the base.


Lord X: Blame UCS bud.

Slenderman: Enough breaking the fourth wall, let's figure out a plan. It's clear that Cody and his friends will be with us real soon, we need a delay.

MX: You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting are you?

Slenderman: Unfortunately I am. X is she ready.

Lord X: Yes. In fact she's already out.

Slenderman: WHAT?!

Lord X: Ya I didn't know if you were actually gonna let my protege be unleashed. So I just did it.

Slenderman sighs as he facepalms.

Lord X: Doesn't matter I got this.

X then spin-dashes out of the base. As Slender gets an idea.

Slenderman: No matter. I have someone who can deal with them.

*Meanwhile again*

We see the battle between Cody and Jeff continue. Through-out their years of history, they know each other tactics like they know the back of their hand. All the crew could do is watch but someone else was watching as well. The girl from before that saw MX's battle was watching from afar.

???: Come on just tire yourselves out already.

??? #2:

The girl turns around to see Lord X with grin on his face.

Lord X: Don't tell me you've already forgotten what I've taught you. Follow me, I have a new plan anyways.

The Hedgehog and girl walks away as Cody and Jeff are still fighting as the crew continue to watch.

Mangus: Is he usually like this?

Wyatt: Oh yeah. You have no idea.

Tankman: It took a while for him to trust Slenderman and he seemed to be the most peaceful.

Finally Cody was getting upper hand of Jeff with a quick leg sweep. With Jeff down Cody points he sword at his rival.

Cody: Now I'm gonna be the peaceful one here and give you two options. One. Leave and never return, or two. Tell us why you've been stalking me and my friends.

Jeff: Well looks who's finally ready to listen.

He gets up as Cody still has is sword pointed at him.

Jeff: See the reason is. There's something that Dawn been hiding from you. Hell all of you.

Suddenly the crew get more confused.

Scott: What is it?

Jeff: Well you see, I used to be her babysitter.


Jeff: Yes, I know that's hard to process.

Crystal: Wait, how do we know you're lying?

Kaiden: Exactly, for all we know, this could be a trick.

Jeff: Calm down children. Sit down and let me tell you a story.

As the crew start to gather around, Ina hears something, this gets the acknowledgement of Mangus.

Mangus: Hey, you alright?

Ina: Yea, it's just I heard something in the woods.

Mangus: Like a noise?

Ina: Something along those lines. I feel like we're not alone.

Mangus: Ehhh, you're just being paranoid. All those creepypasta studies has got you fearing everything.

Just as he says that. A gas can was pointed at Ina and she was sprayed with some sort of Chloroform spray and she passed out and falls to the ground. Mangus hears it and see Ina's unconscious body being dragged away.

Mangus: Oh god damn it!

Mangus then goes after Ina unconscious body as a way to save her. As for everyone else. They were with Jeff as they we ready for the story.

Jeff: Alright. Let me begin.

As Jeff clear's his throat Cody speaks up.


With that, Scott elbows Cody as Jeff speaks again.

Jeff: Alright let me begin.

We cut to a flashback of Dawn who was 7 years old at the time was sitting outside the porch of the house, she saw her parents talking with a boy with a white hoodie and black pants, the boy had fair skin, brown hair and blue eyes.

Mom: And remember, she loves spending time outside behind the garden but can get lost easily, we need you to be around her so she doesn’t get stranded in the woods Jeff.

Jeff: Not to worry ma’am, I’ll look after Dawn for you.

Dad: Good boy, you’ll be paid and-

Jeff: Oh no, I’ll do it for free there’s no need to pay though.

Dad: Nah we insist Jeff, it’s the least we can do for you wanting to look after Dawn after the…last babysitter…

Jeff: Ok if you say so.

Mom: Also don’t be so commanding and pushy with her, she doesn’t talk much because kids bully her at school for taking with the squirrels.

Jeff nods.

Jeff: Got it.

The parents eventually left.

Jeff turned to Dawn.

Jeff: Ok Dawn ready to spend the day with big ol Jeff?

Dawn was a bit skeptic as she steps back.

Jeff: Now I know you’re not much of a talker but I’ll try my best to make you have a great day.

He then used his fingers and made her mouth form a smile.

Jeff: Smile Dawn, because you’re never perfectly dressed without one.

Dawn giggled.

Dawn: Ok Mister Jeff.

The scene changed to the duo who were watching TV.

Jeff: Wanna watch Sesame Street?

Dawn: Nuh-uh.

Jeff: SpongeBob?

Dawn: Nope.

Jeff: Animal planet?

Dawn: Yes please!

Jeff: Ok if you say so. And by the way what do you want for dinner? You name it.

Dawn: Hmmmmmm.

The little child was thinking of something, but then she responded with.

Dawn: Vegetarian pizza!

Jeff got confused.

Jeff: You want me to make a vegetarian pizza?

Dawn nods.

Jeff: Alright, you sit here and watch the animals while I go and try to make the food.

He left Dawn who was happily watching Animal Planet, Jeff was rather dumbfounded.

Jeff: The kid seemed serious…but I gotta make it up for her.

Jeff then cracks his knuckles as he prepares to create the Pizza.

Jeff: Alright Jeff time to get cooking.

Dawn was still watching TV, but then Jeff called out.

Jeff: Dawn! Dinner is ready!

Dawn came down running to the kitchen where she saw Jeff and the pizza he made.

Dawn: Woah! It looks great Mr Jeff!

Jeff: Thanks kid, want some pizza sauce that I made with 100% organic tomatoes?

Dawn: Of course!

Jeff chuckled as he poured the sauce around the pizza.

Jeff: Alright let’s dig in.


The scene changed to Jeff who had helped Dawn brush her teeth, change her clothes and set up her bed.

He was currently reading a bed time story for the girl.

Jeff: And when the prince kissed Snow White, she woke up in an instant. Then they got married and lived happily ever after. The End.

He then saw Dawn was asleep, making the 16 year old smile at her.

Jeff: She looks adorable.

He put the book away and turned off the lights of the room, he gave the girl who was sleeping one last look.

Jeff: Good night Dawn, sleep tight you little star.

“End of Flashback”

The screen fades back to the crew as the react to the new knowledge.

Scott: Geez. I've known Dawn for a long time and I never knew that.

Laurie: I'd never thought Dawn would have such an interesting secret.

Jeff: I warned you it'd be hard to believe.

He looks up but could help but notice that Cody was standing up with his back turned.

Jeff: Uh, Cody? You ok?

Cody: Ya, I'm fine.

Jeff: Look I understand if yo-

Cody: You can help.

Jeff: Ya I knew you- say what now?

Cody: You can help us. But if I catch one moment of you sabotaging us. I'm gonna make you wish you never became who you are.

Jeff: You can count on me.

The two shake hands as Tankman speaks.

Tankman: I know this is a good moment but uh, anyone know where Mangus and Ina are?

The crew looks around with no sign of the two.


We cut to a first person view of Ina, who was starting to stir. After a few seconds she was fully awake with a jolt of shock and confusion.


???: Oh Ina, naive as always.

Suddenly the Girl that Lord X was with walks into room.

Ina: Wait, IRyS? Is that you?

It seemed to be the name as the girl responded.

IRyS: Heh, seems like you remember. Even after all this time.

Ina: Why? Why are you joining with th-

IRyS: SHUT IT! Save your breath. You'll need it for later.

???: Oh she won't be needing it in the way you're suggesting.

IRyS' turns to see Mangus has entered the room.

IRyS: Ah, Mangus what an unexpected surprise. And by unexpected I mean completely expected.

Mangus ignored her as he rushed towards IRyS. But before he could get to them Lord X crashes through the roof.

Lord X: You are wrong about one thing IRyS. This completely unexpected. I honestly that he could care less about this little clthulu.

Mangus: I don't, but she's needed in order to save someone's friend. So if you know what's good for you. Let her go now.

Lord X:

Lord X: No, it's not gonna be easy.

That's when he gets an idea.

Lord X: You know. It's been awhile I've had victim with this. So how a little wager.

Mangus: What do you mean.

Lord X: Simple. A little rap battle. If I win, your little friend is our's. If you win, I'll allow her to go.

Ina: Mangus think about th-

Mangus: FINE! Let's just get this over with.

Lord X: Perfect let begin.

IRyS snaps her figure as microphone appears in both Mangus and X's hands as the song starts.

Lord X: Your confidence is admirable, but you do not know where your place is.

He smirked as he started off.

Lord X: It has come to my attention that you need to be taught a lesson, one which you'll never ever forget about.

Magnus: Bring it on bub, I'm not scared of you at all, I faced other Creepypasta like you to which you're not special.

The demonic hedgehog found it amusing.

Lord X: I like it when my victims have tenacity and show no fear in their eyes.

Magnus: No feeling of discontent, just bravery that's flowing inside my Swedish blood.

Lord X: Blood that will be spilled everywhere around us. The ground. The trees. The rocks.

Lord X: *crosstalk* Decorated with all your intestines.

Magnus: *crosstalk* Selfish desires that are impossible to make believe, fantasies that are living lies.

Lord X: Chaos is where I thrive at, underground is where you shall lie down.

Magnus: Like that would ever happen, not unless I change fate on my favour.
(Lord X: *crosstalk* How noble of you. To say such words.)

Lord X: What makes you think you're different from the rest that I have slaughtered with no mercy.

Magnus: The fact that I show courage and determination to the face that of a dark deity upon me.

Lord X: Oh how I like you. But too bad the fun is about to finish, the ending where you will burn as ashes will surround your deceased corpse.

Magnus: From the ashes arises a phoenix that will incinerate the competition, you're next on that list of people that will not underestimate me.

Lord X: Shear and tear, the corpse of yours that will be mangled up won't see the light of day.

Magnus: Stand and fight, against the monster that you're confronting yourself, to see how this plays.

Lord X: You have been an interesting victim to say the least *crosstalk* but I had enough fun for one day

Magnus: *crosstalk* And you're a monster that's about to taste defeat, this tune won't last forever.

The screen glitched changing their
environment into an inferno version of the forest, flames surrounding both. Outside of the circle Ina has grown worried.

Ina: Magnus!

Irys on the other hand had an expression of shock, of how she saw the lengths of what Lord X would go against Magnus.

Lord X: Time is running out, you poked the belly of the beast for far too long and now you're going to pay a hefty price foolish mortal.

Magnus: I won't go down without a fight, we both know the outcome. Good guys win and bad guys lose, get ready to taste a sour defeat.
(Lord X: Oh how cute. Victim
decided to fight back.)

Lord X: *crosstalk* It's laughable of how you think you have won this scuffle, but nothing lasts forever you see. You just sealed your own fate.

Magnus: *crosstalk* A war of words, you and I clashed and fought and I came out as the victor, you turned out as salty as I would expect you to be.

Lord X: *crosstalk* You just earned yourself, a death sentence with no parole. And I'm your judge, jury and executioner. There's no escape for anyone, this includes insufferable and cocky mortals such as yourself. Get ready to meet your maker.

Magnus: *crosstalk* This battle has
concluded, I came out ontop. You're the
bottom as I hold a foot above your head. No sentence can hold me down, the world has just weighed down on you. The scales have tipped to my favour. Spare me this travesty.

The song has ended. Both opponents shared smirks.

Lord X: Alright. I have my fun, now it's time to this little clthulu.

Mangus/Ina: WHAT?!

Mangus: We has a deal!

IRyS: Never deal with the Devil foolish mortal.

Mangus had to think quickly or else In a was dead. Suddenly he gets an "original idea". He sneaks up to Lord X and kicks him down low.


IRyS checks up on X as Mangus quickly unties Ina as they escape with IRyS.

IRyS: X! Their escaping!

Lord X: Go after them, I'll catch up.

The young Demon nods as she flys after the two.

A/N: After 2 months of burn-out, we back! Let see how long this one last! Also speical thanks to Soviet_Onion15 for the lyrics for this chapter.

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