Taste (BangChan) 18+

By ChansFlow3r

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Being high up in the Mafia world was no joke to someone like Alicia Morelli. Forever putting business before... More

Chapter 1 - Be Careful Morelli
Chapter 2 - Sleeping with the enemy
Chapter 3 - Mafia Rebellion
Chapter 4 - Promises can't be broken
Chapter 5 - All Fun and Games
Chapter 6 - Oops
Chapter 7 - Heated Mess
Chapter 8 - Secret Secret
Chapter 9 - Old Flames
Chapter 10 - Alls fair in Love and War
Chapter 11 - New Beginnings
Chapter 12 - Red, White or Black?
Chapter 13 - You're Mine
Chapter 14 - Connected
Chapter 15 - Why?
Chapter 16 - Memory Lane
Chapter 17 - Pick a Fight
Chapter 18 - No more secrets
Chapter 19 - New Plan
Chapter 20 - Action Time
Chapter 21 - Take Down
Chapter 22 - All's Well that ends well
Chapter 23 - My Knight in Satin Armour
Chapter 24 - Time for a Vacation
Questions and Answers
Chapter 25 - Sight See
Chapter 26 - First Dates
Chapter 27 - I'm all yours
Chapter 28 - SURPRISE
5- Star β˜†
Chapter 29 - Oh f*ck
Chapter 30 - No Labels?
Chapter 31 - I Love You
Chapter 32 - Moving On
Chapter 33 - Kiss me like you mean it
Chapter 34 - Wait, What?
Chapter 35 - Now or Never
Chapter 37 - I'll kill them, I'll kill them all.
Chapter 38 - πŸ’”
Chapter 39 - Oh no you didn't
Chapter 40 - She's back
Chapter 41 - Let it burn
Chapter 42 - Torn between Two worlds
Chapter 43 - The Final Stance
Chapter 44 - A Greater Sacrifice
β˜†one year laterβ˜†

Chapter 36 - Traitor

1.4K 45 60
By ChansFlow3r

A/N; surprise update 🙈

Even though he's a villain in this story we have to appreciate how fine this man is in RL 🤩




Splashing the cool water across my face I caught sight of my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Today was the day everything would finally fall into place. All my hard work would pay off, and I'll finally reunite Liss with her family and become next in line to be the Head of the Morelli's.

So I'd been keeping a secret, a huge secret. Gaining the groups trust was easier than I thought, all I had to do was kill Mingi and act like I saved Alicia, but that guy was an asshole and deserved it.

I've been in touch with a few guys from back home...even Ricardo Morelli himself. Ever since I gained Bang Chan's trust and was given a phone.

I played the part, as long as I had to. But now was the time to finally get my revenge. I was going to return Alicia back to Ricardo, and claim my title.

Bang Chan and his men will all be killed, including Jisung and Minho the traitors.

Suddenly I heard knocking on my door, I quickly grabbed a towel, patting my face dry and clutching onto the towel around my waist before heading over to the door.

"Yeah?" I called, wondering who would be knocking this early.

"Uh yeah, hey San, its Jisung, got a minute?"

Jisung? Why would he out of all people want to speak to me.

I knew he hated me still, out of everyone here he was the one who distrusted me the most. I always had to keep my eye out for him.

"Sure, give me a sec" I answered. Quickly getting some clothes out and putting them on as I threw the towel back into the bathroom.

Unlocking the door I put on my fake friendly smile to meet Jisung's equally fake smile too.

"Sorry, just showered, had to get myself decent before opening the door" I answered, holding the door open to let Jisung inside too.

I could just kill him now, right here and get it over with. But then I'd make it way too obvious and easily end up dead at the hands of the others here.

"Oh no worries man, hey look I just wanted to say I know we have a rough history, what happened with Liss and all. But let's just let by gones be by gones now and move on. I really appreciate all the help you've given us" He smiled, offering out his hand to shake.

I couldn't work out if he was being totally sincere. But if he was, having him on my side would make things a lot easier today. I would have one less thing to worry about.

"I'd love nothing more Jisung, thanks man, I'm sorry about everything, you know that" I answered, shaking his hand in another attempt to gain this asshole's trust.

"Oh no worries, I mean you hurt Liss again and I'll 100% kill you, but besides that, we're all good mate" He answered, overly patting me on the back as I chuckled.

This kid was really getting on my nerves. I just had to hold out that little bit longer. I knew some of the others would be leaving to recruit new fools for this waste of time group. Once they had left, I would summon my men to take over the place. Take anyone down that's remaining here, and take Liss back where she belongs.

They wouldn't know what hit them.

"You alright?" Jisung asked, snapping me out of my trance as I wiped the smirk off my face and nodded.

"Oh yeah, just glad we've cleared everything up" Jisung nodded, seeming to take the bait as I continued to smile.

"Alright, well I suppose I'll get back to Liss. I'll be staying here today to keep her company while the others are out looking. What about you?"

"Actually I think I'll stay too. Seems like Yeonjun had most of the ideas for recruits, someone else can take my place"

He seemed surprised at my response for not wanting to join the team, but nevertheless he didn't question it either.

"Yeah good shout. I'll see you later then" He said, reaching for the door handle and leaving the room unsuspecting anything.

I chuckled to myself at how stupid he was. As if I'd ever make peace with someone like him. Out of them all, him and Minho are the biggest traitors going. Ricardo treated them like family, got them to where they are now and they repay him by throwing it back in his face and going against him?

I couldn't wait to see the look on their faces when they realise it's game over.


"So that settles it. The only people remaining here will be Alicia, Jisung, Felix, Jeongin and San. The rest of us will head out to start our recruiting business. Hopefully after these next few days we'll see a difference in numbers" Chan explained as I had to hold back a laugh.

A difference in numbers alright. More like there will be 0 of you left.

"Be careful out there, don't force it if it doesn't look likely. I don't want you getting hurt" Liss spoke, holding onto Bang Chan's arm as I winced.

"Look at you being all cute, I'll be fine Liss, you take care of yourself for me alright?" I watched at the way she smiled at him. The way their eyes both lit up at the sight of eachother. It disgusts me.

I was her man once.

She would've done anything for me.

If she never met Bang Chan there's a chance I could've easily wrapped her around my finger once more.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, unable to take it out just yet I pressed the button on the side to turn it to complete silent mode. The last thing I wanted was to get caught this late into it.

As I looked back up I caught Jisung staring at me, who quickly turned away. I'm sure it was probably nothing but I still don't trust his words earlier. He's watching me... I'm certain of it.

"Jeongin, Felix and San" I'm trusting the 3 of you to keep this place under control" I nodded, acknowledging Chan's words although of course I had other plans.

"Hey what about me?" Jisung asked, pouting slightly.

"You're in charge of taking care of my girl"

"My girl, now who's being cute" Liss pecked his cheek, pressing a kiss against it as I felt myself getting more and more annoyed.

They had become so much more careless recently. Showing off their affection in front of everyone and it was really starting to grind my gears.

The sooner I didn't have to see this again, the better.

"Get a rooooom" Hyunjin shouted, causing the group to laugh. For once I appreciated his input. These two seriously needed to stop.

Eventually the newly formed group finally left to drag whatever sad recruits they could find, which even I knew wouldn't be anything to worry about. As when they get back, there will be plenty of guys waiting here to end their rebellion.

Once they left I made my way into the bathroom, ensuring the door was locked behind me I pulled my phone out from my back pocket. Finally getting a chance to read the text.

Jj- we'll be with you in 10, make sure you're ready to let us in.

I smirked, it was happening sooner than I thought but I was more than ready for it. Replying to the text that all was good, and I was just awaiting their signal, I put my phone away again, returning to living room where Alicia laid on the sofa, flicking through the channels on the TV and Felix and Jisung were cooking up something horrendous in the kitchen.

I have to admit, they definitely weren't the best cooks. But again I would have to put up with it for the time being.

I decided to take a seat on the chair opposite Liss, she looks at me briefly, smiling innocently before returning her attention to the TV. Something was different about her recently. She'd become so much more laid back, it also felt like she didn't have as much energy as before or maybe she was really enjoying relaxing.

Part of me felt guilty, a small part, but only for her. I understand that she's truly happy here, but my pride forever means the most important to me, so if that means sacrificing her happiness then so be it.

Ricardo promised he wouldn't hurt her, he'd only strip her of her title and make her work under him for the rest of her life anyway, if anything she should be grateful I'm saving her life...again.

"Hey San, what are your plans for today?" Liss asked, I focused my attention back on her, worried that she may have caught me staring at her in thought.

"Nothing much, I could go for a walk if I'm honest, you're welcome to join me"

"You're going for a walk outside? Like out of the base? Why would you do that when it's not safe?" Jisung interrupted, his eyes staring me down as I shrugged.

"I didn't mean anything major, we remain underneath a car park, there's easily space to walk and clear your head without going up into the main city and being spotted" I answered, trying to throw him off once more. I meant what I said, this guy was watching me and still didn't trust what I did.

"I get it, but I'd rather stay in here, as much as I miss the outside world again. Just think, when we've finally got things sorted we'll be allowed to do whatever we want again" Liss answered, the innocent smile appearing on her face once more making my guilt creep up again.

If only she knew.

"Pancakes are ready! Help yourself guys, I'm gonna go get Jeongin" Felix called, taking a pancakes for himself and munching on it while walking out of the room.

"Great I'm starving"

"Me too, you want anything San?" Liss asked, maybe I was overthinking it but even she was acting differently towards me today. I knew how careful I had been, there's no way any of them could possibly know.

"Actually I'm alright, I'll grab something a bit later. Thanks though"

Alicia nodded, standing up to head into the kitchen while Jisung passed her a plate.

I looked over at the door I was supposedly going to open in less than 5 minutes. How was I going to enter the code and open the door without anyone noticing?

True I was only left with Alicia and Jisung in the room, but if Jeongin and Felix were making their way back that would mean it would be 4 against 1. But I would fight them off if I had to.

Time seemed to drag, every minute felt like an hour as I tapped my finger against my leg in anticipation, any minute now and I would receive the signal to let the damage begin.

"Lix these are so good" Liss exclaimed as Felix and Jeongin returned back into the room, the sweet smelling aroma clearly enticing Jeongin to grab a pancake too.

I on the other hand was way to distracted to eat, I had to be focused and in the right frame of mind for what I was about to do.

All of a sudden i felt the buzz once more coming from my phone. Looking around slightly I noticed all 4 of them were busy munching and chatting in the kitchen, so I decided to quickly reach for my phone and ope the text discretely.

Jj - here

"Who's JJ and why are they here San?" To my surprise Liss was hovering above me, out of them all she was the one who had spotted the text.

All eyes were now on me, Felix and Jeongin left dumbfounded yet concerned while Jisung's face turned to pure anger.

"I fucking knew it" He stated.

"Wait what's going on?" Jeongin asked.

I didn't have time to answer, explain or even give them a reaction. I had to do what I was supposed to do.

Within seconds I made a dash for the door, Jisung hot on my tail as I quickly inputted the code to unlock it.

"I won't let you get away with this San, not today" Jisung shouted, quickly shoving me aside as I turned round to try and swing a punch at him, missing where I was aiming but luckily the impact of getting his shoulder was enough to knock him back.

Grabbing the handle once more I noticed Jeongin and Felix also running down the hall towards me, Liss in the background, her face disappointed once more.

"San please don't" she cried, knowing what was about to happen as I shook my head, finally unlocking the door.

"Liss, run!" Jeongin shouted to her from the ground as she quickly obeyed.

With one last look I opened up the door, Ricardo's men began flooding into the place as Felix and Jeongin grabbed their weapons.

Finally, I was out of here.

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