Remnant of Void & Flame (Honk...

By BraveArmament

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She had made a contract, one that binds her across time and space to a power beyond her comprehension. Now, s... More

Volume I - Prologue
Volume I - Chapter I
Volume I - Chapter II
Volume I - Chapter III
Volume I - Chapter IV
Volume I - Chapter V
Volume I - Chapter VI
Volume I - Chapter VII
Volume I - Chapter VIII
Volume I - Chapter IX
Volume I - Interlude (Weiss I)
Volume I - Chapter X
Volume I - Chapter XI
Volume I - Epilogue
??? - Elegy of The Withered Blossom (I)
Side Story - Echo (I)
Side Story - Echo (II)

Volume I - Chapter XII

454 20 4
By BraveArmament

"-ted converging near the city's southern border. All able-bodied combatants are to report to the city hall immediately for further instructions. I repeat, a horde of Grimm had been sighted converging near the city's southern border. All able-bodied combatants are to report to the city hall immediately for fur-"
"-ink it would be wise to engage them on your own. Again, I-I'm really sorry, b-but I'm afraid I must ask. A-are you certain that you don't require any assistance, ma'am?"
"Like I said, I believe I'll be able to handle the Ancient on my own." She spun on her heels and made her way towards the entrance of the academy, her gaze firmly fixed on the three Bullheads that are currently making their way towards the airport. "So yes... please tell your commanding officer that they are free to redirect their forces and focus their effort on the horde of Grimm approaching from the south whenever they want."
"... I, uh, d-did you mean Specialist Cordovin?"
"Is he the highest ranking military officer in Argus?" Kiana inquired, her eyes glancing at the soldier that had been following her for a while. "The one in charge of the entire defense operation?"
"Ah... a-actually, it's, uh, it's a 'she'. I-I mean, Specialist Cordovin is a woman, ma'am."
"Is that so? My apologies, then... I haven't been staying in the city for long." A faint smile appeared on her lips as she turned to face the young man, her hand reaching up to brush against the few strands of hair that had gone out of place. "Regardless, if this Specialist Cordovin is indeed the one in charge, then please... do tell her what I've just said."
"... Huh? O-oh, sorry, I mean... of course, I, ah, I'll tell her right away!" He stammered, his face turning beet red as he quickly took a step back. "And, ah, i-is there anything else I could help you with, ma'am?"
"... well, I suppose having a backup plan wouldn't hurt." Kiana's smile turned into one of amusement, her eyes scanning the soldier for a few moments before she finally nodded. "If I remember correctly, there should be a few turrets scattered across the shoreline. Would it be possible for you to have them activated? While I'm fairly certain that none of the Grimm would be able to make it past my position, I think it would be better to have a safety net in place just in case something does go wrong."
"Of course, ma'am! I think the specialist will be more than happy to oblige!" The soldier responded, his face lighting up at the prospect of being able to help in some way. "I, ah... I'll see to it right away!"
"I'll be counting on you, then..." She spoke softly, her voice laced with a hint of gratitude. "Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll head over to the port and take a look around."
"Yes, ma'am! I promise I won't disappoint you!"
With that, Kiana stepped out of the academy and onto the streets of Argus, her boots crunching against the debris that littered the ground even as she took in all the destruction that had befallen the entire city. After what can only be described as hours of brutal combat, the once-beautiful city was now reduced into nothing more than a ruin — the air was thick with the cloying scent of smoke and ash; the remains of buildings and homes continued to smolder in the aftermath of the battle. She could hear the distant sounds of gunfire and explosions; the chaos of war still raging in the far distance.
Despite the devastation that surrounded her, Kiana still walked at a calm and steady pace, her senses on high alert as she continued to scan the area for any signs of danger. Corpses of both Humans and Faunus alike lay strewn all across the street, their bodies lifeless and still as they lay in the pools of their own blood. She could feel the eyes of the few remaining citizens on her back; hear the whispers of both fear and hope as droplets of water began to fall from the sky, each one washing away more of the crimson liquid and debris that had stained the ground with their presence. It was almost as if the world itself were grieving over both the loss of innocent lives and the carnage that had been brought upon it.
Her feet came to a stop as she finally reached the harbor, the sight of the sea finally breaking through the fog in her mind. The water was calm and beautiful, the waves washing over the shorelines sounding like a whisper in the night. Kiana took a deep breath, the salty air filling her lungs as she gazed out at the horizon, noting the faint light of the moon that shone upon the few ships that remained out in the ocean. She allowed herself to relax for a brief moment; closing her eyes and feeling the droplets of rain that continued to fall upon her face like a gentle caress.
"Still have nothing to say?" She spoke softly, her voice carrying across the water as if it could reach even the most distant ship. "I honestly thought that out of everyone, you would be the first to berate me for my choice."
"Choice... you speak as if you had much of a choice to begin with." The voice that emerged amidst the darkness was empty and devoid of any emotion; it was a voice that echoed as if it were coming from several different people at once. "Regardless, the doll is correct... you should've left them to their fate."
"There is no reason for you to fight for these worms. They are unworthy; weak and pitiful. They don't deserve your mercy, nor do they deserve your understanding."
She slowly opened her eyes, her gaze drifting towards the surface of the water where her reflection could be seen. Kiana allowed a soft smile to grace her face as she looked into the quiet, yet deadly, golden orbs of the Herrscher of the Void; her eyes tracing the long, white hair that flowed down the woman's back like a river of snow even as the Herrscher regarded her with a sense of detachment.
"... you know I can't do that."
They simply stared at each other in silence, each one lost in their own thoughts as the rain continued to fall around them like tears of sorrow. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the Herrscher of the Void chose to break the silence, her voice as cold as it always was.
"... so that's how it is. To think that even after all this time, you still insist on keeping that oath." The Queen's voice was like a blade, slicing through the air like a sharp knife. "You are a fool. No matter how you see it, that oath is nothing more than a curse you impose upon yourself..."
"... a fool, is it?" She uttered softly, her voice still carrying a trace of both hope and sadness despite the Herrscher's words. "Bronya always did call me something similar." Kiana's smile faded as she shook her head, her voice taking on a more somber tone. "Even so, I'll continue to protect them. You may think of them as nothing more than a failure, but I'd like to believe that they are capable of much more than you give them credit for; that these people are worth fighting for." She paused for a moment, her blue orb never leaving its golden counterpart. "Besides, I'm a Kaslana; and a Kaslana always keeps their word..."
The Herrscher merely looked at her with a dispassionate gaze; her cold and heartless eyes seemed to convey the words that the Queen herself refused to say out loud.
"Hmph... suit yourself. In the end, it matters little how long you wait; mankind will never be able to mature on their own."
"Perhaps," she conceded the point with a small nod, her voice barely above a whisper. "But that is still not enough of a reason for me to give up on them..."
"... so be it."
The Herrscher of the Void turned away from Kiana, her form slowly fading away before disappearing completely. She watched in silence as the water rippled beneath the moon's gentle glow, its surface returning to a calm stillness as her own reflection came back into view.
"... some things just never change. No matter what, I will always fight for all that is beautiful in the world." She shook her head and turned her gaze toward the vast ocean, her eyes softening as she allowed another small smile to grace her face. "Still... you could've just admitted that you care."


The colossal beast marched towards the city with the rest of its horde, a maelstrom of hate, fear, and anger beckoning it forward, igniting a fire within its non-existent heart — a fire that could never be quenched. The acid tang of blood in the air, the smell of despair mixed with contempt, the screams of the innocents — all of it called out to the Ancient Grimm, a great creature of darkness, luring it in like a siren's song. Each and every single one of the emotions it sensed was undeniably beautiful, and it couldn't help but find it intoxicating, almost addicting, to be surrounded by such negativity; a symphony of suffering and destruction that only a creature like its fellow Grimm could appreciate.
For decades, it had slumbered beneath the waves, waiting for an opportunity to strike against those who had dared raise their hands against it in the past... and now, here they were, mere mortals hiding behind the walls of their pathetic little city, their resentment and desperation fueling the serpent's dark desires. At the end of the day, they're nothing more than fools who dared to think that they could stand a chance against the Ancient and its army; their city is a cesspool of filth and despair, a fitting tomb for their own pitiful, meaningless existence. The multi-headed serpent could feel the excitement building inside of its body as the coastal city finally came into view, hissing as it watched its horde slowly move past its position and march towards their new feeding ground like the pack of ravenous beasts they are — their eyes gleaming with a macabre lust for blood and carnage.
And unlike the rest of its horde, the Ancient simply chose to stand back and allow itself to savor the spectacle, watching as the first wave of Grimm began to descend upon the city like a swarm of locusts, the screams of the mortals ringing in his ear like a beautiful song.


The arrival of the horde is punctuated by the sound of thundering footfalls and the splashing of water; hundreds of enormous beasts began to emerge from the depths of the sea, a churning mass of water and foam trailing in their wake as they surged towards the city with an unstoppable force. Leviathan, the Terror of the Sea; creatures of the deep that had dwelled beneath the waves for decades — if not centuries — their razor-sharp claws prepared to tear through anything that dared to stand in their path. And just as she had expected, the ginormous Grimm did not march alone; their presence was accompanied by thousands of dark silhouettes that spread across the horizon like a plague — wings unfurled in an eerie display of ill omen. Nevermore, the Harbinger of Ruin; heralds of both death and destruction, their shadows casting a dark veil over the sea as they soar through the night sky with a grace that belies their deadly nature. Mixed among those numbers are hundreds of sinuous bodies, each one writhing and slithering through the air in what can only be described as an unholy dance. Sea Feilong, the Abyssal Serpent; monstrous creatures that were believed to be the embodiment of the ocean's fury and wrath, their massive wings cutting through the air with a sound reminiscent of thunder — arcs of lightning can be seen trailing in their wake as they prepare to unleash their elemental fury upon the city.
Kiana knew that every single one of these creatures represented a threat to Argus and its people, yet even the level of destruction their combined might could inflict upon the city would pale in comparison to the carnage the one leading them would bring.
Hydra, the Immortal Scourge...
Spanning over hundreds of meters in length, the Ancient seemed content to remain behind the imposing ranks of its horde; a large part of its gargantuan form slumbered beneath the waves while its eyes bore into the city with pure and unmitigated malice. She watched as the multi-headed serpent began to coil and twist; the water around its body started to churn and boil as the Ancient opened its immense maws and let loose another deafening roar that could be heard throughout the entire city. The rain that had been nothing more than a drizzle just a few moments ago suddenly turned into a raging storm, the wind howling with such fury that it threatened to tear the entire city apart. Massive waves crashed against the concrete foundation; the sky turned a dark crimson color as thunderheads began to form, the lightning streaking across the atmosphere in brilliant displays of light.
Kiana stood her ground and watched as the nearby Atlas Military Base became a hive of activity; the Blade of Conviction slowly came into existence even as the city-wide alarm began to blare in earnest. Dozens of turrets that still remained operational began to turn and point their muzzles towards the approaching horde, their barrels glowing with a fierce red light as they prepared to fire their first volley. She walked towards the edge of the pier, her steps calm and measured despite the chaos surrounding her; her gaze was fixed on the Hydra's colossal form as it continued to bellow and hiss in anger.
'... ignition; ready.'
The air started to shimmer as she drew her weapon, the temperature increasing exponentially until the rain itself seemed to evaporate as soon as it touched her body; the heat was so intense that the concrete beneath her feet began to crack and melt. She channeled her power into the Blade of Conviction, watching as trails of flame appeared and danced along its edge. With a single flick of her hand, the weapon shattered into a hundred pieces, each fragment whirling around her body like a hurricane before coalescing back into a new blade, its form a perfect fusion between fire and steel, a weapon of pure destruction that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Streams of fire started to erupt from her back as she lowered her stance and ran her hand along the length of the blade; a faint smile slowly spread across her face as she felt the raw, searing heat that was now coursing through her veins.
"Burn and devour!" Kiana shouted as she launched herself towards the approaching horde; her voice reverberated throughout the very atmosphere itself, a roar of defiance that seemed to herald the beginning of the end. "Raging Flames, may you consume everything that stands in your path!"


"The result just came in," the pilot's voice crackled through the intercom as he guided their ship into position. "We're detecting one thousand eight hundred sixty-six Nevermores, four hundred twenty-two Sea Feilongs, and two hundred sixty-nine Leviathans. Roughly a third of their number stayed behind with the Ancient, while the rest are converging on the city."
Winter pressed her lips together; her fist clenched tightly around the hilt of her sword as she made her way into the cockpit of her personal transport ship. The heels of her boots echoed against the metal floor as she walked towards the terminal located near the emergency escape pod, her eyes scanning the various readouts that were streaming in front of her.
"The initial scan also revealed close to three thousand Sea Devils hiding beneath the waves." The co-pilot chimed in, his eyes fixed on the glowing screens in front of him.
"Roughly five thousand Grimm, then." Winter did some mental calculations before replying with a calm voice as she glanced at the glass panel on her side. "Is Argus prepared to fend off their attack?"
Over a hundred of Atlesian Gunships flew over the ocean, their bulk casting a shadow over the waves. She could see the horde marching towards the city in the distance, an army of darkness that threatened to swallow everything in its path. Hundreds of serpentine creatures with razor-sharp teeth scattered the clouds as they soared overhead along with the rest of the Nevermores; their giant wings continued to beat in the storm, a harbinger of death that would rain destruction upon all that stood in its path. Winter felt a chill running down her spine as she shifted her gaze towards the Ancient, a colossal multi-headed serpent that towered above the rest of its kind, its body covered with thick, black scales that seemed to glimmer ominously under the dim light of the moon.
"I'm afraid not, Specialist." The co-pilot frowned as he typed something out on the console. "The city's defenses are up and running, though the majority of their guns seem to no longer be operational for some unknown reason. Only a couple dozen long-range cannons remain active along the coastline, and those won't be enough to hold off a horde of this size."
"... I see," her mind raced as she thought about their options, a sense of dread washing over her as she asked. "And do we have any luck in contacting the base?"
"Negative," the communication officer shook her head as she glanced over her shoulder. "Sigma-2 also reported that they spotted a plume of smoke coming from Alnus Hill. Considering how we were unable to establish contact with the base or any of the officers stationed in the city, then it's possible that the city's CCTS may have been severely damaged."
"... a sabotage?" She spoke the words in a low voice, her eyes narrowing as she considered the possibility.
It was too much of a coincidence for the communication tower to malfunction at the same time as an attack of this magnitude. Someone must've done this on purpose, most likely in order to strip the city of its ability to call for reinforcement... and with both her father and her sister in the city, it really wasn't that hard for her to figure out who might be responsible for such a heinous act. Still, to think that they would go this far in their quest for power and dominance; she never expected their ruthlessness to reach such levels.
Any further thoughts, however, were interrupted by a sudden roar that came from the Ancient, a deafening sound that seemed to shake the entire ship to its very core. What had been a drizzle moments ago had now turned into a raging storm, the raindrops slamming into the ship with a fury that made it difficult to see or hear anything else; lightning strikes illuminated the sky, and the sound of thunder rumbled through the air. The ship continued to shudder and rock as the winds picked up, and Winter had to steady herself against the terminal to avoid being thrown off balance.
"Report!" She shouted over the din, her eyes drifting towards the glass panel where she saw one of their gunships being struck by a bolt of lightning, its wing sparking and smoking as it spiraled out of control towards the ocean below.
"The Ancient has engaged its weather manipulation ability!" The co-pilot shouted over the commotion, his voice barely audible above the noise of the storm. "Wind speed is currently 116 mph and increasing! We won't be able to maintain our altitude for much longer!"
"We lost contact with Volans-3, Castor-1, and Phoe-"
Winter gritted her teeth as she heard the news, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a plan. Despite knowing about this particular ability beforehand, the fact remains that none of their ships were actually equipped to handle such intense weather conditions. She could feel her own ship struggling against the buffeting winds, the engines working overtime to keep them afloat. The situation was dire, and they were running out of time; the fuel they had left in their tanks would only last them for another seventeen minutes at best.
"Comms!" She shouted, her head turning towards the woman who still remained seated at her station. "Get me in contact with the rest of the fleet!"
"Yes ma'am!" The woman nodded in a hurry, turning to the controls and initiating the transmission. "The transmission is now online!"
"This is Specter Lead to all units!" Winter shouted, reaching her hand up to grip the earpiece tightly as she spoke, her voice shaking slightly as she tried to keep her composure. "You are to form up with the rest of your squad and assume echelon formation! I repeat! You are to form up with the rest of your squad and assume echelon formation. Do not engage the lesser Grimm unless it is absolutely nece-"
"Burn and devour!"
A voice reverberated throughout the very atmosphere itself, the sound ringing in her ears despite the weather they were in. It was a familiar voice, the voice of a hero... or perhaps that of a legend, one that Winter had heard six months prior, in a battle not too different from the one they are currently embroiled in.
"Am I the only one tha-"
"Raging flames, may you consume everything that stands in your path!"
'Well, that... that doesn't sound so bad, actually.'
She could feel her eyebrows raising in confusion as she saw a bright, crimson light heading towards their position; the storm was so severe that it was almost impossible for even a veteran huntress like herself to see anything beyond a few dozen meters in any direction. That feeling of confusion quickly turned into one of shock and fear the moment she realized the light for what it truly was; a literal wall of flames that was quickly approaching their ships at a high speed, its heat so intense that it seemed to be drawing in the oxygen in the atmosphere — creating an inferno that was almost impossible to look away from.
'... oh shit.'
"All units! Evasive maneuvers!"


She could feel her hair whipping around her face as she soared through the sky, her blade coming alive in a flurry of motion as she descended and cleaved another Leviathan in half. A blinding flash of light illuminated the battlefield as she pivoted in the air; torrents of concentrated fire erupted from the tips of her fingers, a searing inferno that incinerated an entire flock of Nevermores with a single sweep of her arm. Dozens of Atlesian Gunships continue to fly all over the place like a swarm of bees, their random barrage of bullets and missiles proving to be nothing more than a mere annoyance to the horde of Grimm that seems to be growing by the second. It appears that her earlier attack had the unintended consequence of scaring her allies; the shock and fear it might've inflicted seemed to have turned into a sense of panic and disorganization, sending each and every one of their ships scattering in all directions in an attempt to avoid being caught up in the crossfire.
To be fair, she did not expect the reinforcements from Cygnus to show up for at least a few more hours, considering that the city's Cross Continental Transmit System had been put out of commission before they even had the chance to send out a call for help. Then again, even if she did suspect their arrival, the raging tempest that had swept over the area as well as the bulk of each Grimm made it almost impossible for her to notice their arrival; the intensity of the storm alone ended up masking the sound of their engines as they approached the battlefield. Fortunately, her senses were sharp enough to pick up on the subtle changes in the air that signaled their presence before it was too late, allowing her to act quickly and dispel her flames just in time to prevent any harm that might have come to her unsuspecting allies. Regardless, she realized that their close brush with death might've affected them more than she had initially thought; their chaotic movement a clear indication that they have yet to regain their composure.
At least whoever was in command of the fleet seemed to have enough of a mind to give the order to abandon the attack on the Ancient, opting to focus their efforts on taking down the lesser Grimm that were converging on the city instead.
And speaking of the Grimm...
The very first move she unleashed against the horde ended up wiping out close to a hundred of the creatures at the same time; the sheer heat of her attack had been enough to silence their cries and vaporize their bodies in an instant, turning their remains into nothing more than a pile of ashes before they even had the opportunity to approach the first ring of hard-light barriers. Nevertheless, although their number was not as numerous compared to the ones she had faced in Evergreen City, each individual Grimm in this horde was far larger and much more menacing in size, with a significant portion of their number towering over even the tallest buildings in the city — their roars and growls echoed for miles around, and the ground shook with every step they took. An attack that had previously been enough to obliterate a few hundred of their kind was now only effective against a fraction of those numbers — a paltry amount that only served to slow their advance rather than bring them to a halt.
Still, it would've been fine if everything had stayed that way, as she would eventually be able to get rid of the Grimm all the same... and she knew that she would have little to no problem killing the rest of the creatures, even if her current situation was far from ideal. True, the occasional blast of lightning that came from the Ancient had been... annoying to say the least, but in the end, it is what it is; an expected interference that she can easily ignore as long as she keeps her focus on the task at hand. The arrival of the Atlesian Gunships, on the other hand, proved to be more than a nuisance; the weight of their presence felt like an iron shackle around her power, limiting her ability to unleash the full force of her authority.
Kiana couldn't help but heave a sigh; the deafening crack of thunder continued to ring in her ears as she lifted her blade to deflect a volley of black pinions that came her way. Her eyes narrowed with fierce determination as she launched herself back into the fray, slicing through the throng of Grimm as easily as if they were straws; each of her movements was swift and fluid, her muscles working tirelessly as she fought against the ever-growing horde. The world around her seemed to slow down to a crawl as she glanced to the side, watching as a serpentine creature — an older variant of Sea Feilong — lunged towards her position with its jaws wide open. Kiana stopped in her tracks and dove in the direction of the beast without hesitation, spinning around in the air before plunging her blade deep into its scaly hide. Sticky, black ichor started to leak from the wound the moment she began to run her weapon along its sinuous body; a painful cry escaped its jaws as the beast writhed in pain, her sword carving through its flesh like a hot knife through butter.
With a final flourish, she withdrew her blade and leapt back, her feet landing onto the cold metal of an Atlesian Gunship. Several pitch-black portals started to appear at the snap of her finger, swallowing the dozen or so Nevermores that were about to slam into the aircraft. Kiana twirled her blade and turned her gaze towards the cockpit with a hint of mischief in her eyes, giving its occupants a playful wink before launching herself back into the air; her lithe figure slicing through the stormy skies like a dancer pirouetting on a stage. Baleful light swept across the atmosphere like a fiery whip as she moved, forcing her to lean slightly to the side in order to avoid another attack that came from the Ancient — a series of crimson bolts that continued to lash against her, as if seeking to punish her for her defiance.
She continued to soar through the sky, her eyes scouting over the battlefield even as her cloak whipped around her body like a flaming banner. The inky blackness of the ocean below was punctuated by flashes of white as the reinforcements from Cygnus fought to hold back the horde of creatures that threatened to overrun the city. A frown found its way onto her face as she observed the desperate struggle of her allies; the lightning-laced clouds above never ceased to roil and churn, unleashing torrents of rain that pelted her entire frame like icy needles. Kiana knew that they wouldn't be able to hold out forever — even with their advanced technology and skilled operators, the fact remained that they were still heavily outnumbered by the seemingly endless swarm of Grimm.
A few of the Grimm managed to get close enough to the city that they became a legitimate threat, their shadowy forms moving through the windy storm like black streaks of death. Several barrages of artillery bombardment erupted from the coastline in response to their approach, the deafening booms echoing through the air as the projectiles flew towards their target. Explosions erupted in the sky, sending a rain of fire and debris cascading downwards, illuminating the darkness with brief flashes of hellish light. Regardless, Kiana realized that the city will not be able to hold out for much longer; their turrets' offensive capability, as powerful as it is, still had a limitation of its own, and while her presence alone had been enough to slow down their advance, the horde of Grimm had nevertheless continued to push forward with relentless ferocity.
Time was of the essence, and she knew that she couldn't afford to waste another moment. Unfortunately, leaving the lesser Grimm for the Atlesian Military to handle was no longer an option either, at least not when they all seemed to be on the verge of being overwhelmed... and that — in turn — left her with little choice but to take matters into her own hands, even if it was something she'd rather not do at the moment.
'Well, since when did things ever go according to plan, anyway?'
Kiana took a deep breath, a faint smile forming on her lips before she dove back into the tempestuous battlefield, her eyes scanning the area as she soared through the sky with a single-minded purpose; the smell of ozone mixed with the salty scent of the ocean filled her nostrils as she dodged another bolt of lightning that crackled dangerously close to her face.
'If you can hear me,' she spoke into her mind, a sincere plea directed towards one of the beings of great power that resided within the illusory space of her stigmata. 'Then there is something I need your help with...'
'... speak.'


"-ting a flock of Nevermores coming on our six!" The pilot yelled over the roar of the engines and the screeching of the winged creatures, his knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip over the cyclic. She could see from the corner of her eyes the sweat dripping down his face as he attempted to execute a series of complex maneuvers, the visor of his helmet fogging up with every sharp turn and sudden dive of the ship as she plunged her weapon deep into the metal floor. "Fuck! I can't shake them off! Deploying smoke!"
"Open the landing ramp! Let the men deal with it!"
"Roger that! Opening the landing ramp!"
"Ma'am! W-we lost contact with Rosmarus Squad! The storm keeps interfering with our communication systems! I-I can't get a clear signal through!"
"Well, try harder!" She barked her orders, her voice laced with a hint of frustration as she glared at the communication officer. "Adjust the frequency! Deploy a temporary relay if you have to! I don't even care if you have to shout into the damn thing! Just get me in contact with the rest of the fleet!
"Y-yes, ma'am!" The woman scrambled to comply with her orders, adjusting the frequencies and rerouting the signal through several different channels in a desperate attempt to establish contact. "Attention all units, t-this is-"
Winter tuned out the rest of the message and turned her attention back to the chaos outside, her hand tightening around the hilt of her blade as she struggled to maintain her balance amidst the violent turbulence. The battle — if it could even be called as one — couldn't be described as anything other than a moment of pure mayhem, a frenzy of combat where the stakes were high and the outcome uncertain. Flashes of light filled her vision; the metallic roar of artillery shells and the horrifying cries of Grimm could be heard through the howling storm, their combined screams echoed through the air like a bleak melody. Her mind raced with a sense of urgency, her eyes darting left and right as she searched for any signs of her allies.
The situation was dire, and every second counted. If they couldn't coordinate their efforts with the rest of the fleet, their chances of surviving and winning this battle would be slim to none. Unfortunately, the fury of the storm alone had been enough to wreak havoc upon their communication system, and without the presence of an Atlesian Warship nearby to boost their signal, it was no wonder that her attempts to contact her forces were met with only static and white noise.
"Unknown energy signature detected! Multiplexing all ▪️▪️▪️▪️lable sensors to iden▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ce!" The hazy announcement that came from the co-pilot broke through her thoughts, his voice fading in and out of existence as the ship began to shudder for some unknown reason; the air around her personal transport crackled with a faint hint of electricity. "▪️▪️it! Energy rea▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ are o▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️! It lo▪️▪️▪️ like ▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️, ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️!"
"What!? I can't hear you!" She shouted over the chaos, her ears straining to make out what the man was trying to say. "Repeat your last!"
"I ▪️▪️▪️▪️, the ▪️ne-"
His words were cut short as a sudden bolt of crimson lightning slammed into the ship, throwing her off balance and sending her crashing into the wall. A cry of pain threatened to escape her lips as she felt her shoulder collide with the cold, hard surface of the metal wall; the force of the impact had been enough to wrench her left arm out of its socket.
"We're hit! We're hit!"
She cursed as she struggled to regain her footing, the mind-numbing throb briefly forgotten as she tried to make sense of what was happening. The pure white ship was spinning out of control; the violent tremors that had been sweeping across the vessel had now become a constant, violent shake that threatened to throw her around the cockpit like a ragdoll.
"Hurry up and get the ship back under control!" The urgency in her voice was clear as she tried to assess the entire situation, her face twisting in a grimace as she felt the agony that bloomed every time her shoulder bumped against the wall.
"I'm trying!" The pilot shouted back, gritting his teeth as he struggled to get the aircraft back into position. "Just... a little bit more!"
She gripped onto the terminal to her side, desperately trying to steady herself as the vessel careened wildly through the storm; ship-wide alarms blared loudly in her ears, warning her of an impending collision, though Winter could barely hear them over the deafening sound of metal creaking and groaning all around her. Shards of glass began to fly off the windshields as the ship was rocked by another burst of lightning; the smell of smoke filled the enclosed space as several panels exploded in a shower of sparks, sending a rain of hot metal debris flying across the cockpit. She shielded her face with her good arm, coughing and gasping for breath as the acrid fumes burned at her lungs.
The situation only seemed to get worse the moment she heard the familiar high-pitched, grating sound of bone scraping against the hull of her ship; the rapid flapping of wings dispersing the smoke that had accumulated in the cockpit, revealing the silhouette of a giant Nevermore that had latched onto the vessel — its jet-black talon digging deep into the metal exterior as it tried to gain purchase.
"By the dust! Someone shoot the damn thing! Get it off the fu-"
The pilot couldn't even finish his sentence as the Nevermore ripped him out of his seat, its beak closing around his neck just as he was about to draw his sidearm. Shouts of terror and rage echoed throughout the cockpit as the man dangled in mid-air, his screams of pain lingered for but a moment before the Grimm tightened its grip and broke his neck with a sickening snap; his aura flickered and died, his body limp and lifeless as he was thrown into the abyss of the storm. She could only watch in horror as a serpentine creature — a Sea Feilong — suddenly emerged from behind the clouds, its sinuous body twisting and turning in the air as it all but devoured the body of her fallen comrade in one swift motion before darting away.
"J-Jaspeeerrr!" The co-pilot cried out in despair, his voice shaking with fear and rage as he drew his own sidearm. "Fucking piece of shit! I'll make you pay!"
He screamed as he emptied his clip into the Nevermore, each bullet ricocheting off its thick mask as it screeched in anger — its beady eyes locking onto its new target in anticipation of another kill. Her hand moved in response as adrenaline flooded her veins; a white glowing sigil materialized in the air in but an instant, releasing a powerful force that pushed the beast's head away from the co-pilot and sent it slamming into the wall moments before its beak could tear into his flesh... and while her action allowed the man the chance to leap back into safety, it also had the unintended effect of drawing the Grimm's attention away from the co-pilot and onto herself — its head snapping towards her general direction in preparation for another attack.
Time seemed to slow down as Winter scrambled to her feet and dove to the side, the agonizing throb in her left shoulder was all but ignored as the Nevermore lunged forward. She could feel the sweltering heat of its breath as it passed by; the smell of death and decay that polluted the very air as she rolled away, her hand reaching for the weapon — a single-edged, slightly curved blade — that was still embedded in the floor. The steel quivered ever-so-slightly against the palm of her hand as her fingers closed around the hilt of the sword, the familiar weight of the weapon serving as a reassurance as she rose and pulled the blade free from its resting place; the silvery metal glinted in the dim light of the room. She primed the vial of dust hidden inside the hilt without a moment of hesitation, her right arm extended as she quickly spun around and thrust her weapon forward with a cry of defiance.
A jolt of electricity surged through her body as the Grimm's eye connected with the tip of her blade; a sickening squelch ringing throughout the cockpit as the Nevermore screeched in both pain and rage. It did not take long for its talon to loosen, allowing Winter to take a step back and whirl her weapon around in a flurry of motion. White light shone like a beacon from the tip of her sword, forming an intricate glyph that briefly contained the Grimm before flinging it away with a powerful force that sent it tumbling down into the depths of the raging sea below.
Unfortunately, getting rid of the Grimm did not mean that the danger was over; the ship continued to spin as the wind howled around them, a sense of vertigo threatening to overwhelm her as Winter struggled to maintain her balance.
She staggered towards the front of the cockpit, her left arm dangling uselessly at her side as she gritted her teeth in determination. Her eyes locked onto the cyclic as it swayed violently with the ship's erratic movements; the light on the control panel flickered wildly, sparks flying from the wires that had been torn apart by the Grimm's attack. Despite the turbulence, she forced herself to move faster; a groan of pain found its way onto her lips as she braced herself against the wall and reached for the stick with her good arm. The metal frame was slick with rainwater, and Winter struggled to keep her grip on the cyclic as she fought to wrest control of the ship from the forces that were dragging it down towards the ocean. Lightning flashed across the sky; the ship's engines sputtered and groaned as they strained against the forces of nature, the sound of metal bending and creaking filling her ears as she fought to keep the vessel aloft.
Her muscles burned with effort as she pushed and pulled the cyclic stick, her eyes flying across the multiple screens as she searched for a way to stabilize the ship. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of struggle, Winter found what she was looking for; a manual override that could potentially allow her to divert whatever power remained towards the thrusters, giving her enough control to level out the vessel and bring it back to stable flight. She bit her lip and made a quick decision, releasing her grip on the cyclic and reaching for the panel, pressing the emergency override button with her good hand. The system screamed in protest as it worked to reroute every bit of power it could to the thrusters, the ship lurching forward as the engines roared with renewed vigor.
Waves crashed against the hull, sending sprays of saltwater flying into the cockpit; the wind howled around them with an intensity that made it hard to hear anything else. Every few seconds, the ship would dip dangerously low, the water seeming to reach out to grab at them like a hungry predator. Winter could feel the spray hitting her face, feel the cold droplets stinging her skin as she strained against the controls, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the ship finally started to stabilize — the violent shaking and spinning coming to a gradual halt. The pain in her shoulder started to intensify as the adrenaline began to wear off; her breathing felt ragged and labored as she watched the co-pilot limp towards the instrument panel — his hand grabbing onto the cyclic as he took control of the ship.
"Find some way to get us back into the fight!" Winter gritted out through clenched teeth, her feet planting themselves firmly on the ground as she braced herself and moved towards the other seat. "Stay alert and keep an eye out for any more Grimm! I'll take care of the systems!"
The man didn't need to be told twice; he nodded sharply and turned his attention back to the controls, his fingers dancing over the buttons and switches as he expertly maneuvered the ship back into the sky. Winter watched him work for a brief moment, her eyes scanning the screens as she turned and tried to repair the systems that had been damaged in the Grimm's attack.
"And you, Lieutenant!" She spared a sharp look at the communication officer, who had been cowering in fear throughout the entire ordeal. "Go to the cabin and make yourself useful! I want to know what in the Twin Gods' name the rest of my escort has been doing all this time!"
"Y-yes, ma'am! B-by your order, ma'am!" The woman stuttered out before scurrying out of the cockpit.
She leaned her head back into the seat and closed her eyes for a brief moment, taking a deep breath as she tried to steady her nerves. Despite the chaos that had just ensued, she couldn't help but wonder how the young woman even managed to climb her way up to her current position with such an apparent lack of experience. Winter had seen the communication officer freeze up at the slightest hint of danger, and it was honestly a miracle that the young woman had even managed to make it onto the ship in the first place. Perhaps it was due to nepotism, or maybe there was some other reason that she was not aware of...
'No, it's definitely nepotism...'
Winter could only shake her head in disbelief as she thought about it — there had to be some sort of nepotism or favoritism involved. It was the only explanation as to why someone so... unqualified, could be placed in such a critical position. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she forced herself to focus on the task at hand.
"Hull integrity at 47%, weapon system at 52% capacity, and the engines are still functioning at sub-optimal levels." She muttered to herself as she scanned through the diagnostic reports. "Communication system is offline. Electronic chart and tracking system is also offline. Guess there's no choice but to make do with we have... for now."
As she worked to repair the damaged systems, Winter couldn't help but notice the grunt of pain that came from the co-pilot. Her eyes flicked over to him, taking in the way his shoulder seemed to be sagging slightly as he continued to work the controls, one of his hands pressed tightly against his side; the fabric of his uniform darkened with blood. Without a word, she moved towards him, her good hand reaching out to push his away so she could assess the wound.
"Stay still!" She said sharply, her eyes narrowing as she took in the damage. It was a deep gash, most likely caused by a piece of shrapnel. "We need to get this patched up! Why didn't you say that you ran out of aura!?"
"I'm fine!" The man smiled a sardonic smile as he shouted over the din. "Just a couple of wounds and a broken rib! Nothing a little rest and a bit of auratic healing won't fix!"
"Stop acting like you... wait, what do you mean 'a couple of wounds'!?" She couldn't help but yell at the man. There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice, and the faint lines of fatigue around his eyes were clear for all to see. "Go and get yourself patched up!"
"I'm fine!" He repeated stubbornly, a hint of irritation creeping into his voice. "I'm still alive, aren't I!?" Another grunt of pain escaped his lips as the ship hit a particularly rough patch of turbulence, but he gritted his teeth and kept his focus on the controls. "Not like it's going to matter in the end, anyway! You should worry more about yourself, Specialist. That arm of yours must've hurt like hell!"
"That doesn't-!" She hesitated for a moment, her hand clenching slightly as she mulled over her next words. "Zypres! If it's about Jasper, then I-"
"I know!" He cut her off quickly, his voice stern yet soft as he shook his head. "Don't worry about it, Boss! We both knew the risk! I'm not even angry! Just... numb, I guess! Not sure what to feel, really!" The man tried his best to lay her worries to rest, his expression shifting as he looked away; his shoulders slumped even further as he returned to his own thoughts. "Sorry for being so useless back then, by the way! It's just... I never thought..."
He trailed off, his voice breaking as he fought to keep his composure. There was a sadness lurking in his eyes — a sense of loss that she had often seen in the eyes of those who had lost someone dear to them. To be unable to do anything but watch as his friend was brutally killed right in front of him... Winter could only imagine how it must've felt like. She honestly didn't know what to say, the weight of the situation bearing down on her as she struggled to come up with something comforting. It was clear that the death of his comrade had hit him harder than she had expected, and she could only hope that he would be able to get over it in time.
"C'mon, Boss! We've got work to do!" His voice interrupted her thoughts, and she looked up to see the shift in his demeanor as he flashed her a weak smile. "Do me a favor and run another diagnostic, will ya!? I think we might be able to squeeze out a bit more juice if we reroute some of the power from the auxiliary circuits!"
It was a blatant attempt to change the topic, and she could easily recognize it for what it was. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she considered the man's request; a resigned sigh escaping her lips as she realized that there was little point in arguing with the man.
"Fine! But don't think that I'm going to let you off the hook that easily!" She turned back to the console and spoke after a moment of hesitation, her tone firm but not unkind. "You still need to get yourself patched up as soon as we get the chance! I don't want you passing out on me in the middle of a flight!"
"Heh," he gave a wry chuckle, a small hint of amusement in his voice despite the pain he was in. "Whatever you say, ma'am!"
"Careful, Sergeant!" She spared him a quick glance and responded with a faint scowl on her face. "I am still your Commanding Officer!"
"No promises, Boss!"
Just as she was about to retort with a sarcastic remark of her own, the communication officer came back and burst into the cockpit. The young woman looked flustered and out of breath, and Winter couldn't help but feel somewhat annoyed at the interruption.
"Report!" She turned to face the communication officer, her voice sharp and her expression stern.
"Ma'am!" The woman stuttered, eyes darting nervously around the cockpit. "I-I have some bad news! The attack earlier... i-it tore a hole through the cabin! Only two of your escorts survived! The rest... they, ah... t-they got thrown out of the ship!"
"... you're telling me that they got themselves thrown out of the ship?" Her voice was eerily quiet, a hint of anger lacing her words. "How the hell did they-" She cut herself off, shaking her head as she took a deep breath to calm herself down. "You know what!? Forget it! What about the two who survived!? What's their condition!?"
"A-ah! C-corporal Morgan's bone is broken, but she's conscious and stable, ma'am! A-and, uh... P-private Barcley only suffered a minor concussion! He volunteered to stay behind and help treat the Corporal's injury!"
"... at least they're still alive." She muttered under her breath, her eyes landing on the small bag that the communication officer was clutching tightly. "The Sergeant also requires medical attention!" Her fingers flew over the controls once more as Winter turned her head back to the console. "Bring over the kit and start treating his wounds!"
"Y-yes, ma'am!"
She focused on her work, her eyes scanning over the screens in front of her as she tried to make use of the information that was displayed. Still, she couldn't help but feel that something was off. Winter couldn't put her finger on it at first, her mind too preoccupied with both the recent events and task at hand... but as her fingers continued to fly across the console, a growing sense of unease started to gnaw at the back of her mind.
Too quiet…
Everything was simply too quiet...
Aside from the sound of the rain hitting the metal hull of the ship, the occasional rumble of thunder, and the howling wind outside, there were no other noises to be heard. She couldn't even hear the sound of explosions, nor could she hear the sound of gunfire, which — admittedly — was rather unusual, especially considering the fact that they had just been fighting in the middle of a large-scale battle.
'... and no traces of Grimm either.'
"Any idea where we are!?" The question spilled out of her lips before she could even fully process it, her voice sharp and urgent as she peered out through the shattered windshield.
"I'm not sure!" The voice that came out of the man's lips was tinged with a note of concern, his attention divided between the ministrations provided by the communication officer and the task of keeping an eye on their surroundings. "The navigation systems are fried! I say we're pretty much flying blind at this point!"
"At least tell me that we're still flying in the right direction!" Winter spoke in frustration, her worry evident in her tone. "We can't afford to get lost out here!"
"Like I said! I'm doing my best! Without the nav systems, we're have no choice but to rely on visual cues to fi-"
Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden, distinctive roar that shook the entire ship, causing the instrument panels to go haywire with the sound of alarm blaring in every direction.
"Eep!" The communication officer let out a small squeak, dropping the small bag as she fell on her back, her eyes wide with fear.
Red, flashing light illuminated the interior of the cockpit; a baleful glow that seemed to pulsate with the rhythm of fear that began to rise within her chest. She could feel the beat of her heart as she quickly scanned the screens for answers, her fingers moving rapidly across the panel in an attempt to pinpoint the source of the roar. The storm outside had grown more intense, and the visibility had worsened considerably, making it impossible to see beyond the thick curtain of rain and lightning. She cursed under her breath, her frustration mounting as she struggled to make sense of the readings that flashed across the screens.
"I've got nothing!" She announced loudly, her voice laced with a hint of apprehension. "Do you see anything on your scanners?"
"Nothing on my end either!" The co-pilot shook his head, his eyes focused on the panel in front of him. "The storm's still playing havoc with our sensors! I can't get a clear reading!"
"Damn it!" A jolt of pain shot through her broken arm as she slammed her good hand down on the console in frustration, the sound of her palm meeting the metal surface echoing throughout the cockpit. "Lieutenant!" She then turned towards the communication officer, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "Go back and retrieve Corporal Morgan and Private Barley! Take all the gear that you can carry and get back here as soon as possible!"
"H-huh!? I-I, I don't-"
"Now, Lieutenant!"
"O-okay! I-I mean, y-yes, ma'am!" She watched as the woman grabbed the small bag and stumbled out of the cockpit, her voice an echo that lingered as she disappeared into the darkness beyond. "I'll be right back!"
The roar came again as she shook her head in disbelief, louder this time, and she could feel the ship shaking beneath her feet.
'This is bad, this is really, really bad!'
Another curse made its way onto her lips; her mind continued to race as she grappled for a way out of the dire situation. The roar had been too loud, too close for comfort, and Winter had a sinking feeling that they were about to be in a lot of trouble. Arcs of lightning flashed outside, illuminating the dark skies in a blinding white light that revealed glimpses of the monster hidden within the storm — its hideous form emerging from the darkness like a nightmare made manifest. Her breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight, watching as the creature's heads snaked through the air like vipers; its massive body coiled in the tempestuous winds, its entire form poised to strike with the ferocity of a thousand hurricanes.
"Shit! It really is the Hydra!" Winter exclaimed, her voice strained as she struggled to keep the fear from showing. "We have to-"
Before she could even finish her sentence, the Ancient struck; one of its serpentine heads lashed out from the storm with speed that belied its size — its jaws snapping hungrily as it closed in on its prey. Her eyes widened in horror as she watched the beast's massive head collide with the ship's hull, sending the entire craft careening dangerously off course. Dozens of different alarms continued to blare throughout the cockpit as the ship shuddered violently, its metal frame protesting against the force of the impact. Panic began to set in as they realized the full extent of the damage; the controls were unresponsive, the engines failing; and they were hurtling towards the sea below, with no way to stop their descent.
A hundred different thoughts raced through her mind as she fought to regain control of the ship; her life flashing before her eyes in a surreal, almost dreamlike sequence. Unfortunately, another one of the Ancient's heads had darted forward before she could even react, snatching the vessel out of the air with its razor-sharp teeth. The wind howled around them as they were tossed and turned, like a rag doll in the jaws of a vicious predator. Winter could feel the sudden jolt as the creature threw the ship back into the sky, its serpentine neck coiling around the craft like a boa constrictor ensnaring its prey; the creature's powerful muscles slithered around the ship's exterior. She watched in horror as the monster dragged them through the air — the Hydra's grip unbreakable as it began to squeeze the metal hull in its deadly embrace.
Winter could literally feel the pressure building inside the vessel as the serpent tightened its muscles, its scaly skin digging into the metal hull with a sickening sound that made her cringe. The ship groaned in protest as it struggled against the Ancient's crushing force, but it was of no use... for there was no changing the fact that they were trapped. The creature's other heads began to emerge from the storm, their smoldering eyes a beacon of death and destruction as they circled around them like a pack of hungry wolves. There is no mistaking the desire in their gaze, the primal urge to devour and destroy. She could hear their hissing breaths, feel the heat of their breath upon her skin as they closed in for the kill. It was as if time had slowed down to a crawl, each moment stretching out into an eternity as she watched in horror, knowing that they were about to meet their end; and just as she thought that all hope was lost...
"Fierce winds, submit to my will..."
A sudden bolt of lightning pierced through the clouds, striking against the head that had been holding them captive with a force that shook the very foundations of the sky — its power tore through the creature's scaly hide and obliterated it in a brilliant burst of energy. The air crackled with electricity as it surged through the creature's body, its muscles spasming as it struggled to maintain its grip on the ship. She could do nothing but blink in surprise, her eyes landing upon the feminine figure that now stood atop the pulverized remains of what was once a serpentine head; her arms raised up towards the sky as she called forth the power of the storm.
The woman was clad in a flowing white armor that rippled in the wind, her hair whipping around her face like a wild tendril of fire. Her expression was serene, almost otherworldly in its calmness; and yet there was a fierce determination in her eyes as she surveyed the beast's remaining heads, her diamond-shaped pupils glinting in the light of the storm before the legend turned and looked towards her general direction. Winter couldn't help but be struck by the unusual coloration of her irises; one eye was a piercing blue, a color that she recognized all too well, while the other was a vivid purple that she had never seen before. The two of them locked eyes for a moment that seemed to stretch on forever, each taking the measure of the other, and she could see a hint of recognition in the woman's gaze.
"Go..." The Legend spoke, her voice echoed across the stormy sky with a commanding presence that brooked no argument; arcs of ochre lightning flickered around her form as she gestured towards the direction of safety before launching herself back into the air. "Get to safety… I will handle the rest."


Hydra, an ancient beast of legend famed for its regenerative abilities, had always been said to be a formidable opponent, capable of recovering from the most grievous wounds with an alarming speed… and judging by the sight before her, she knew that those tales were not mere exaggerations. Already, she could see the remains of the head beginning to twitch, small nubs sprouting from the stump of its neck as the creature began the process of regenerating what had been lost.
'And it has only been... what, sixteen seconds?'
Drawing upon her own powers, she focused her mind and willed the elements to obey her commands. Flames burst forth from her fingertips, lashing out towards the Hydra's other heads like a whip, searing the scales and singeing the flesh. The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and the sound of sizzling skin, and yet the beast continued to fight, its multiple heads snapping viciously in her direction. Her eyes narrowed as she concentrated; time itself seemed to decelerate as she reached out with her power over space and matter, manipulating the very fabric of reality itself. Kiana felt the Hydra's movements slowing down as she twisted the very air around them, causing the creature to move at a crawl for a brief moment as she darted around its serpentine heads, each movement smooth and precise. The authority of thunder surged through her veins, the crackle of electricity dancing across her skin as she harnessed the power of lightning; the very element that the Hydra had once believed to be its own.
Her weapon began to glow with an intense, fiery light as she swung it in a wide arc, the air itself parting before her as she called forth the full force of her abilities. The crimson bolt of lightning that had once been aimed at her direction crackled and pulsed with a wild energy, swirling and shifting as she used her blade to redirect it towards one of the remaining heads that had come dangerously close to snapping her in half. Unfortunately for the beast, its movements were simply too sluggish to react in time, and Kiana watched with a mild satisfaction as the bolt struck true, blasting through its skull and leaving nothing but a smoldering ruin in its wake. She could feel the Ancient's rage as it bellowed out in agony, its remaining heads thrashing about as they tried to retaliate; her lithe form continued to dart around them with an agility that belied her strength.
Still, it was odd...
She had honestly been expecting the beast to at least possess a certain amount of... resistance, if not outright immunity, against such attack, especially given its affinity. Not like it would have mattered, of course; the plethora of abilities she has at her disposal would have made a short work of the Ancient regardless. Nevertheless, it was certainly unusual for a creature of its caliber to be so vulnerable against an attack that was so clearly within its element.
Shaking off the thought for the moment, Kiana focused her attention back onto the battle at hand, her eyes flitting between the remaining heads as she planned her next move. Gathering her power, she closed in on the beast with a speed that left even the wind trailing behind her, her movements a blur of motion; her senses were heightened, her awareness of the Ancient's movements sharpened to an almost supernatural level. She lashed out with her blade every time the creature attempted to snap at her, leaving a trail of fire and lightning in her wake — her strikes precise and calculated as she aimed for the gaps in its defenses. Each hit was met with a screeching cry of pain, and she could see the creature's movements beginning to falter as it struggled to keep up with her attacks.
She spun in the air without missing a beat, her left arm coiling back in a fluid motion as she unleashed a powerful backhand strike towards the nearest head that had tried to sneak up on her. The attack was almost casual in its execution, yet it carried with it a tremendous force that caused the air to vibrate and distort around her... and as her hand connected with the creature's skull, the impact caused a shockwave to ripple outwards, shattering the mask that had been covering its face and sending the head flying backwards with a sickening crunch. Dozens of sub-space lances materialized all around her, each one pulsing with an energy that seemed to bend and warp the very fabric of reality itself. Kiana's eyes glinted with a fierce determination as she infused each lance with her authority of the flame, a process that was almost second nature to her now; their entire forms cracked and began to glow with a fierce crimson light, their tips bursting into flames as they absorbed her power.
Her movements were almost dance-like in their grace and fluidity, her face remained serene even as she watched them cut through the air like meteors, leaving a trail of fire and smoke as they blazed towards their target and slammed into their mark with an unerring accuracy, burying themselves deep within the now unprotected flesh; each one carried with it a searing heat that left nothing but destruction in its wake. With a snap of her finger, the lances exploded in a symphony of sound and light that filled the air with a deafening roar, their fiery energy bursting outwards in a wave of heat and flame that engulfed the head in its entirety — the very ocean itself seemed to tremble under the force of the blast, waves rising up and crashing against each other in a fury of spray and foam.
'Three down... another ten to go.'
She continued to weave through the chaos with the ease of a masterful artist, all the while aware of the gradual change in the atmosphere; the once tempestuous thunderstorm that had raged around them seemed to have lost some of its intensity — the lightning strikes were fewer and further between, the booming thunder less deafening than before. It was as if the Hydra's control over the weather had been directly tied to the number of its heads, and with each one that fell, the storm that had been raging above them began to dissipate. A quick glance towards the Atlesian Warship also revealed the Schnee's eldest daughter in the process of escaping the aircraft with a group of four other people, riding out on the back of a summoned Grimm — a Manticore, if her eyes did not deceive her — just as the ship was about to hit the water; their forms barely visible against the dark backdrop of the ocean.
A faint smile made its way onto her lips as she turned her attention back to the Ancient Grimm, her confidence growing with each passing moment as she no longer felt the need to hold back as much. Honkai energy coursed through her veins, fueling her movements with an otherworldly power as she attacked the Hydra with a renewed vigor, her weapon moving in a blur of motion as she struck with a grace that was both deadly and beautiful. The beast may have been ancient and powerful, but Kiana had faced countless foes in the past, each one stronger and more dangerous than the last. That she had emerged victorious every time…
No matter… in the end, compared to those individuals, this beast might as well have been nothing more than a mere insect.
Her blade became an extension of herself; moving with a fluidity that was both mesmerizing and deadly as she spun and twirled, cutting through the air with a nimbleness that seemed almost impossible for someone wielding such a heavy weapon. Her strikes were powerful, cutting through the scales and flesh of the creature with a precision that left no room for error, each hit sending sparks flying as her blade collided with the creature's hide. The remaining heads of the Hydra did not remain idle either, its numerous eyes glowing with a malevolent fury as it lunged forward in an attempt to take her down. Unfortunately for the multi-headed serpent, she saw each attack coming before it even happened, her mind analyzing the Ancient's movements with a speed that left her opponent reeling. Kiana couldn't help but watch with a sense of detached amusement as the beast became more erratic, more... desperate, as it finally realized its end was near; her eyes continued to scan its movements for any sign of weakness.
It was then that she saw it, a split second of hesitation as the creature prepared to strike, and in that moment, she struck. Her blade sliced through the air with a speed that was almost impossible to see, cutting one of the heads in half with a single, masterful stroke. Not to be outdone, she immediately pivoted and launched herself towards another head that left itself wide open, her sword plunged deep into the beast's eye — the tip of her blade pierced through both scales and flesh with ease. Kiana stood there for a moment, her sword embedded deep within the Ancient's skull, her eyes locked with its remaining heads as if begun to thrash about in a desperate attempt to dislodge her weapon.
But it was already too late...
Her authority of the flame began to flare up inside the creature, the power spreading like wildfire through its veins as it struggled to free itself from her grasp. But try as it might, it was powerless to stop the flames from consuming it from the inside out. The Hydra's movements became more frenzied as its body began to writhe and contort in agony, its multiple heads lashing out in a last-ditch effort to strike her down. When that proved futile, the creature resorted to a more desperate and gruesome tactic; it began to bite at its own neck, its jaws closing in around its own flesh with a sickening crunch. She knew what was happening; the beast was simply trying to sever its own head in order to prevent the flames from spreading throughout its body. It was a grisly and horrifying sight to behold, the beast's own black ichor spraying out in an arc as its heads tore through flesh and bone with an unnerving ease.
Seeing no other reason to remain, she pulled her blade free with a swift, practiced motion; the acrid smell of burnt scales and seared flesh filled her nostrils as she leapt back into the air, the wind rushing past her face as she dodged the newly severed head that the Ancient threw at her in a desperate attempt to defend itself. Her heart remained steady, her breathing calm and measured as she watched the creature's body begin to convulse and writhe on the ocean below... and as she descended towards the beast's fallen form, she saw something that made her pause in surprise — several pairs of wings began to grow from the Hydra's body, each one unfurling with an ominous creaking sound. They were dark and leathery, like those of a bat, but at the same time, they looked twisted and malformed, with several pieces of feathers dotting the surfaces of their wings. It was almost as if they had been torn from the body of another creature and grafted onto the multi-headed serpent's ancient form.
Kiana couldn't help but watch in mild fascination as the wings continued to grow, each one stretching out from the creature's sides and taking on a life of its own. The air around her grew heavy with an oppressive weight as the wings began to flap, the sound of their beating almost deafening in her ears. She could feel the rush of air as the creature lifted itself up, its wings spreading out to their full span as it took to the air; its many heads lolling about as it soared through the stormy skies, leaving a trail of black smoke in its wake.
'Man... you really should've stopped holding back,' a voice echoed through her mind, the words seemingly whispered into her consciousness. 'Pretty sure you could've ended that fight much sooner if you had just... let go, or something.'
She turned her head slightly to the side, glancing back towards the summoned Manticore that was still visible in the far distance, even as it rapidly grew smaller against the vast expanse of the sky; several bright flash of light — flares, she noted with a detached interest — were fired into the sky, their colors standing out like stars against the dark clouds.
'Winter and her soldiers...' Kiana replied, her tone calm and measured despite the intensity of the battle that had just taken place. 'They're still within range.'
'And I say that it's their own fault for getting caught up in all of this.' She replied with what felt like a shrug, the words carrying a sense of nonchalance. 'Besides, it's not like they can't take care of themselves.'
'Tsk tsk... always so stubborn. This is why both you and the old timer are-' The Herrscher of Sentience stopped herself, her voice trailing off as if lost in thought for a moment. 'Eh, whatever...' She gave a small huff of amusement before continuing. 'Guess it won't matter much in the end; those weaklings will be out of range before long.'
'Mhmm,' she murmured in agreement, her left hand reaching out to deflect another bolt of lightning that the Hydra had just launched at her. 'I suppose you're right... it's about time we wrap this up.'
'Of course I'm right! The Great Herrscher of Sentience will never be wrong!'
'Whatever you say, Senti-chan,' Kiana couldn't help but allow a chuckle to escape her lips as she turned her attention back to the multi-headed serpent, her lithe form dodging and weaving through the storm of bolts that continued to rain down upon her. 'Whatever you say...'
'I told you it's the Gre-'
The space around her body crackled with electricity as she tuned out the rest of the Herrscher's rambling — the very air itself seemed to scream in protest as she propelled herself towards the Ancient once more. Blue motes of light began to gather on the palm of her hand, the authority of reason flaring to life as she focused her power on constructing dozens of missiles; each one was long and sleek, its surface gleaming with a metallic sheen as it cut through the air with deadly precision. Like a celestial barrage of vengeance, it streaked across the darkened sky, leaving trails of incandescent fire in their wake; their symphony of destruction grew louder with each passing moment, a cacophony of whistling winds and explosive detonation. Searing flames consumed the Ancient's leathery appendage, devouring the flesh with voracious hunger and corroding the sinewy structures within.
The beast roared in agony, its many heads snapping and snarling as it struggled to remain aloft; but try as it might, the Hydra's wings faltered under the relentless onslaught, their once formidable strength crumbling beneath the weight of her unyielding assault. Feathers and scales alike were torn asunder, scattered like a rain of ashes in the tempestuous wind. The creature's flight became a futile struggle against the inevitable, a grotesque dance of agony and defiance.
As she drew closer to the beast, Kiana's body began to glow with an ethereal light, the flames that surrounded her flickering and dancing with a newfound intensity. They no longer burned with the traditional golden hue that many had associated with her power; instead, they had taken on a deep, almost otherworldly shade of purple that pulsed with a strange energy. It was as if the very essence of her being had been imbued with the power of the universe itself, the purple flames reflecting the boundless depths of space with a flicker of starlight. Her dress began to shift and morph in response to this change, the inner part of the garment darkened, deepening into a rich shade of black and purple that seemed to absorb the surrounding light, giving it an almost ethereal quality.
An intoxicating scent filled the air as flowers began to blossom along the edges of her dress, emitting a heady perfume that carried with it hints of power and mystery; their petals unfurled with exquisite grace — each bloom held a mesmerizing allure, their velvety blackness contrasting sharply against the bright fabric. A simple, yet elegant black crown materialized upon her head, adorned with intricate designs that mirrored the delicate motifs of her gown. It perched with regal poise, a symbol of her newfound sovereignty over the power she now held within the palm of her hands. The beauty and majesty of her visage painted a tableau of celestial elegance amidst the chaos, and in that singular moment, her figure appeared as if she embodied the harmonious balance between grace and ferocity — a divine force to be reckoned with — as she stared into the eyes of the Ancient.
Time seemed to slow as she raised her new blade, an intricate weapon forged from the very essence of her being, the light of a thousand stars shining along its edge. One head, still in the process of regenerating, rose defiantly, the partially bloodied flesh of its jaws pulsating with the promise of renewal... and then, without missing a beat, she moved with the speed of lightning, her lithe form a literal blur — a tempest in human form — as she closed the distance between herself and the cornered beast. Her blade sliced through the air with the fury of lightning, descending upon the vulnerable neck with unerring precision. The resulting impact felt like the clash of celestial bodies, a cataclysmic collision of steel and ancient flesh; the sound reverberated through the air, a thunderous explosion that echoed in the hearts of all who witnessed the scene. Its cries turned into a choked gurgle, its severed neck spurting forth a fountain of black ichor — a dark fountain that painted the night sky with the corrupted essence of life.
Space itself seemed to warp and bend around her as she tapped into her authority of the void, several giant cubes of dark energy materializing in the air before her with a barely audible hum. They began to multiply as she launched them towards the multi-headed serpent, their edges interlocking and branching out like the twisting limbs of a giant tree; their size and density growing with each passing moment until they had formed a cage that ensnared the Hydra in a prison of impenetrable darkness. The jagged edges of the cubes bit into the beast's flesh as it writhed and thrashed around; its agonized cries echoed across the battlefield like a mournful dirge.
"Embrace your final destiny," she launched herself high above the sky, her voice resonating with a power that transcended the physical realm. "And let us celebrate the arrival of the end!"
Each syllable carried the weight of a thousand souls, a resounding declaration of both triumph and defiance that reverberated through the very fabric of existence as her Wings of Destiny began to unfurl — an incandescent light that bloomed from her back, its ethereal aura spreading wide like a celestial tapestry.
"Lightwing, unleashed!"


They spoke of a shattered moon, torn and broken, its fragments scattered and floating across the abyss, a symbol of sorrow and despair... and yet, in that fateful moment, the celestial body defied its mournful tale; its pieces fused together in harmony, shining with a brilliance almost akin to a luminous glee.
Stars, once dimmed by the moon's fragmented state, now blazed with renewed vigor, twinkling with jubilation as they adorned the night sky. They seemed to join in the grand chorus — like loyal subjects, like servants — a symphony of celestial bodies celebrating the return of its queen.
She had appeared and descended in that hallowed, sacred place... a goddess clad in an illustrious gown, each fold shimmering with resplendent radiance.
It was a spectacle to behold, a sight of bliss that occurred if only for a moment.
A crown sat upon her head, regal and bold, a mark of sovereignty, a symbol of grace, of authority and power. Flames of a deep, otherworldly purple danced around her, flickering and pulsing with an energy that made it appear as if the very essence of the universe had been woven into her entire being; her mere presence illuminated the vast depths of space itself.
The world held its breath as her wings unfurled, majestic and awe-inspiring. They spanned wide, stretching across the sky like ethereal tapestries woven with strands of stardust. The scene was etched into the minds and hearts of all who bore witness, a testament to the indomitable spirit that transcended the boundaries of shattered dreams and fragmented realities.
For even if it was but a fleeting respite, a mere moment of unity amidst the ebb and flow of cosmic fate, both the goddess and the moon shone with a brilliance unmatched. It bathed the world in a celestial embrace, bestowing a glimmer of light upon those who dared to believe... a pure, yet transient radiance that ignited a hope in the hearts of all who beheld it.
- Excerpt from "The Celestial Resurgence: A Testament of Divine Glory" by Seraphina Dawnbringer, Fervent Disciple of the Radiant Church.


Proofread and Edited by FargoneMyth/sadron.


Author's Note: Ugh, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! How could I be so foolish as to watch the ending of Vol. 9 of RWBY!? God, I feel so stupid... Ugh, whatever. Anyway, here you go, the 4th out of the four chapters. The fighting scene sucks, and the ending is even worse... yeah, I know. I don't really have the motivation to continue. I mean, three weeks just for an additional 5k words? Bah... maybe I'll go and continue either my P3/Trails of Cold Steel fanfic or my PSO2/DanMachi fanfic. Perhaps I'll go for my Code Vein/Arknights fanfic instead... hmm, I think I forgot to post the Code Vein story. Anyway, what do you think about the ending? I'm thinking of exploring a bit about religion in Remnant, the Hunter and Huntress System, their education, as well as the laws regarding their occupation. Not sure if it's a good idea, though. What do you think? Oh, and as always, thank you for taking the time to read the story... hopefully, it won't be a complete waste of your time.
Disclaimer: Honkai Impact 3rd belongs to miHoYo; RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth.


What the hell am I doing with my life? Eh, whatever… here you go~


"-king military officer in Argus?" Kiana inquired, her eyes glancing at the soldier that had been following her for a while. "The one in charge of the entire defense operation?"
"Ah... a-actually, it's, uh, it's a 'she'. I-I mean, Specialist Cordovin is a woman, ma'am."
"Is that so? My apologies, then... I haven't been staying in the city for long." A faint smile appeared on Kiana's lips as she turned to face the young man, her hand reaching up to brush against the few strands of hair that had gone out of place. "Regardless, if this Specialist Cordovin is indeed the one in charge, then please... do tell her what I've just said."
"A goddess... a goddess has descended upon us..." The soldier whispered in awe, his eyes never leaving her face.
"... I'm sorry?" She raised an eyebrow, unsure if she heard the young man correctly.
"Huh? O-oh, sorry, I mean... of course, I, ah, I'll tell her right away!" He stammered, his face turning beet red as he quickly took a step back. "And, ah, i-is there anything else I could help you with, ma'am?"
'He's whipped...'
'... no, he's not.'
'Denial can only get you so far...' A new voice chimed in, spoken with a haunting and eerie tone that Kiana knew all too well. 'Sentience spoke the truth; this one is most definitely whipped.'
"... well, I suppose having a backup plan wouldn't hurt." She could feel her smile straining under the accusation, doubt creeping its way onto her mind as she finally allowed the strings of words to escape her lips. "... if I remember correctly, there should be a few turrets scattered across the shoreline, no? Would it be possible for you to have them activated? While I'm fairly certain that none of the Grimm would be able to make it past my position, I think it would be nice to have a safety net in place just in case something does go wrong."
"Of course, ma'am! I think the specialist will be more than happy to oblige!" The soldier responded, his face lighting up at the prospect of being able to help in some way. "There's no way she would be able to deny your request! Yes! I will make sure of it!"
"I... see?" She spoke after a moment of hesitation, her voice laced with a hint of confusion. "I suppose I'll be counting on you, then. In the meantime, I think I'll head over to the port and take a look around."
"Yes, ma'am! Your will shall be done! I promise I won't disappoint you!"
"... oookay? Uh, good luck, I guess?"
"Yes, ma'am! Thank you, ma'am!"
With that, Kiana stepped out of the academy and onto the streets of Argus, her boots crunching on the debris that littered the ground.
"Ehehehehe~ My waifu~!"
A shudder ran down her back as she heard the young man's voice, the words spoken with such adoration that it honestly made her feel a bit creeped out.
'And my predictions were proven correct once more! Ohohohoho~ Behold... the Great Herrscher of Sentience! The most powerful, beautiful, and intelli-'
'I believe Sentience had just gone into her own la-la land… again.'
'… oh, be quiet, you.'

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