Be My Valentine?

By authorbrowniee

146K 5.6K 850

‼️UPDATES EVERY SATURDAY ‼️ - Maya Hayes, a billionaire who couldn't care less about Love. Hell, she didn't... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
fifty one
fifty two

twenty nine

1.9K 77 40
By authorbrowniee

A/N: I know I'm late and that I was supposed to post this chapter on Saturday... I'm really sorry about that but I promise the chapter will be worth the wait...I think.

Don't forget to leave your thoughts throughout the chapter!!! Happy reading

Olivia Wilson's POV:

I hate that fucker. I really do but seeing him barge into my office with an apologetic face really made me want to reconsider my thoughts.

"Yes, Mr. Hayes" I try to keep my face neutral but he just walks inside, sitting in front of me on a chair opposite to mine.

"What can I help you with?" I ask, going back to going through socials on the computer in front of me, but he doesn't know that. This just makes him feel like I couldn't care less about his presence by working when I'm really just wasting time.

"Look, Olive, I'm sorry but-" I cut him off.

"Olivia, my name is Olivia" I grit out and he seems amused but carries on.

"Like I was saying, Olive, I got a call and had to leave in a hurry" he tries to explain himself and I shrug, not paying attention, or at-least pretending not to.


He sits up straight with a soft scoff. "Okay?"

"Mhm" I go back to focusing on the screen in front of me, leaving him with a bewildered look on his face.

"But-" I hold up my hand making him cut himself off before he can even begin as I look at my watch.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hayes, I'm sure whatever you have to say can wait until tomorrow, my working hours are over" I get up, seeing his jaw clench as he loosens his tie.

I leave the office with quick steps and heart racing. If I get fired tomorrow, I know why. Well, he can't really fire me over this, can he?

I walk out of the office to see it raining, just amazing.

Trying to catch a cab with this weather is just how to end this spectacular day.

I hurry back in and walk up to reception, asking them to call me a cab.

"That won't be necessary. We're going the same way" Hayes comes up from behind and I ignore him, asking her to call me one anyway.

"She doesn't need it, she's going with me" he says once again making the girl put down the phone and look between us.

"I'm capable of calling myself one" I mumble, walking the other way to the couch and just as I take out my phone, It's snatched from my hands making me annoyed.

"I said, we're going the same way. Come with me" he says and I click my tongue, trying to keep it together.

"I'm sure you have other businesses to take care of, Mr.Hayes"

"Can you-" he starts with slight anger but quiets down with a sigh. "Can you stop pretending like you don't know me, like you weren't getting comfortable in my bed with me until last year, like we didn't fucking-"

"I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Hayes" I cut him off mid way, walking away.

He doesn't want to give me my phone, fine. I'll walk home.

I lied. I do know what he's talking about, of course I do, I loved him and he loved me. Or at least I think he did.

He chose his work over me and so did I.

Oh, and did I mention he got engaged to another girl? That didn't work out so well, but the fact he even did that is just...humbling. I guess I just wasn't enough.

Besides, it's in the past and I don't hold grudges, I think.

And if you're wondering why I'm walking in the rain rather than using the car. The thing is, I let my ego get the best of me and left the keys on his desk. Now, I'm regretting it.

"Olive, will you just listen" he almost shouts from behind me, and I just look ahead. The droplets of water falling over me, making it harder with every step as my clothes get heavier by the minute.

"See, that's your fucking problem, Olive, you won't stop and try to listen if your life depended on it"

"For the last fucking time, my name is Olivia, you lost the right to call me anything but that the day you decided to get engaged to some godawful singer." The last bit is a lie. Not only was she an amazing singer but she was also gorgeous, and she came from one of the most influential families in the world. How could he not like her.

He reaches out, holding onto my hand before holding me down from the shoulders. Making it hard to look at him as the silent tears camouflaged with the rain.

"I don't care how much you hate me for that, I will do whatever the fuck it takes to get you back and I will get you back but for now stop being stubborn and get in the car, you'll catch a cold" He mumbles the last part to himself but I hear him. "Please"

"Fine" I say, folding my arms.

"Where's the car?" I ask. Looking around.

"I told someone to get it on the next stop" he says, placing a hand on my lower back and trying to lead the way but I shrug his hand off.

"Keep your distance" I glare at him and he raises his hands in defence before continuing to walk behind me with a small distance that seemed to be getting smaller and smaller by the second.

"Away from me" I remind him once he gets too close and he mumbles something to himself making me stop.

"What was that?"

"It's nothing. I just forgot how hot you looked being bossy" he says, walking in front this time, leaving me standing.

I'm not falling for that.

I hurry up to catch up with him and he looks at me with a chuckle. "Distance" is all he says with a small smile as we continue walking the same way together.

We reach the next stop to find the car waiting and upon out arrival a guy comes out of the car, greeting Hayes before hurrying into a car that stood behind, with someone waiting for him, before they speed off.

Hayes holds the door open for me and I roll my eyes before getting in and he shuts it and settles into the drivers seat.

He looks at me, staring to the point where I finally ask him.


"You're wet" he says all of a sudden and I choke on air.

He clears his throat, looking ahead with his gip around the steering getting tighter making his knuckles turn white, "I mean your clothes, they're wet" he says, glancing at me and I look down to see the top clung to my body and look at the mirror to see my hair and makeup a mess.

"Amazing" I whisper, leaning back.

"You do know these seats are pure leather and you're sitting on them with wet clothes... you could always take them off" He smirks slightly.

"You do know my pants are pure Vicuna Wool, but you don't see me complaining so shut it"

He speeds off after that and I don't bother starting a conversation until I remember something that makes me turn to him in question.

"The other day when I got locked out my apartment" I start and see him glance at me, asking me to continue.

"You said there was no one on the reception to get me a master key"


"Claire said she was there the whole night"

He taps his fingers for a moment before speaking up. "She must've been away when I came then"

"She said she clearly remembered you walking in so-"

"I wanted you near me, okay? I saw my chance, I took it" he says finally, making me stop with the questioning and focus outside, seeing the rain drops race each other on the window.


And that's it for the chapter, can't believe we've made it this far already, I'm so grateful for all the love and support I've received and can't wait to hear your thoughts on the book and characters so far. Like always, constructive criticism is always welcomed so hit me up.

Oh My God and before I forget, EVERYONE GO READ THE MONSTER TRILOGY BY RINA KENT it's so good, I can't recommend it enough, I'll rant more about it in the next chapter so forgive me in advance.

If you want to post anything on TikTok or wherever about be my valentine? please tag me:

Justabrownie.e on Instagram and TikTok
Justabrownie_e on Twitter

Follow my socials to get more sneak peaks of future projects and chapters!

Here are some questions for you to answer like always Xx



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And finally, question of the week: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TYPE OF ROMANCE ?<<<

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