Predacon Logic (TFP Shockwave...

InsomiaticFanatic által

27.6K 970 129

Y/D is the last of the original predacons, but no one knows it because he learned to transform. He's remained... Több

1: Arrival
2: Questioning
3: Stories of Old
4: Illness
6: Fossils
7: Bone Hunt
8: Legends
9: Cat's outta the Bag
10: Destruction
11: Reunited
12: The Medic
13: Fairwell

5: Lessons

1.8K 70 7
InsomiaticFanatic által

Over the following few weeks, I spent my time teaching Shockwave the Old Tongue, something he picked up quite quickly. We would often converse in the Old Tongue as a way for him to practice while he performed various tasks for Megatron.

"You are a quick learner." I said with a smile. "I believe you are the only one other than myself and potentially Predaking that have a grasp on it."

"Is it not inherently programed into the predacon to understand the Old Tongue?" Shockwave asked.

"It is, but I do not know if it works the same way with clones. It seems to be that as Predaking does understand whenever I speak to him in the Old Tongue." I said as I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. "Certain things come naturally to a Predacon, such as hunting, the Old Tongue, and battle. Other things must be taught, such as discipline and tradition."

"What are the courting rituals for Predacons?" Shockwave asked, catching me by surprise.

"Now that's an odd question. Why do you want to know?"

"Lord Megatron wanted to know if Predacon's could be bred or if they reproduced in a different way." Shockwave said, his audials flicking slightly.

"Well, it depends on the age of the Predacon, their ranking in a clan, and also the species. For example, Predaking is known as a Drakas, and their courting rituals are very specific due to their more noble nature." I said, careful with avoiding the word 'we'. "If a Drakas is interested in someone, they are often more subtle with their displays of affection. Usually, it's something simple that starts the process, such as physical contact, a small gift, or even just resting their helm on the other. Then, if the other is receptive, the physical contact becomes more and more frequent. Courting for Drakas is a longer process than other species, but once the bond is formed, they are mated for life, and if one dies, the other will never rebond. These Drakas are known as Solitars and are often treated with the same respect as an Eldarth or 'Wise Alpha' in modern Cybertronian."

"What exactly is an Eldarth?" Shocmwave asked, curiosity in his tone.

"An Eldarth is often the oldest of a clan and is respected for their wisdom. Drakas are prone to warfare and thus are not as long lived as some of the smaller and more peaceful species. To survive and become an Eldarth is an honor that few posses."

"Do they lead the clans?"

"No, they are more often advisors of sorts and teachers to the sparklings of the clan. Leadership for a Predacon clan is different than one would imagine. Drakas are dominating by nature, yet they are fair. The strongest is usually the one who is the 'leader' although some clans have 3 or 4. If I recall correctly, the largest of the clans had 13 'leaders'."

"Did species ever crossbreed?"

"Very rarely as it was considered taboo, but those who do practice it have a bond that is said to be unbreakable, even in death." I said, my optics gently gazing at the mech I had grown very attached to. "However genetically speaking, crossbreeding Predacon's does not work as they are genertically incompatable. Thus, if you want more Drakas, it has to be between two Drakas."

"A logical conclusion. I will be sure to add it to my notes." Shockwave said as he went to the console and began typing. I found my optics wandering his strong frame, admiring the unique structure and his adorable audials that adorned the sides of his helm. I felt my spark flutter when he looked over to me, instantly causing me to look away.

'You can't. You can't put him through this. You don't have much time left before you join the Eternal Hunting Grounds.' I scolded myself internally. Shockwave seemed to notice my internal conflict and, after finishing his notes, curiously looked me up and down.

"Y/D, are you well?" He asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

"I will be, I was lost in thought again." I said with a sad smile. I swore i saw his audials turn blue as I did, a tint of blue threatening to adorn my face in response. I regained my composure and was about to say something when the sound of combat emanated from outside the Nemesis lab.

Shockwave and I instantly went into defense, the thrill of a potential hunt taking over my senses as I followed him out of the Nemesis and into the citadel. Shockwave was then decked by the big green Wrecker known as Bulkhead, and in response, I pounced on him with a roar.

"You keep your servos off of him!" I growled, clawing at the Wrecker and wrestling with him as best as I could. Bulkhead then slammed his wrecking ball into my chassis and sent me back, my frame skidding to a halt. I shot him a glare and charged, duckling a blow and using the momentum of his swing against him. Bulkhead ended up falling over and crashing down with a grunt. He then forced himself back up and ran at me again. I aide-stepped and grabbed his arm, pushing him against a wall as I restrained him.

"Ow! Let me go!" Bulkhead snarled, struggling under my grip.

"I am far too old for this fragging nonsense prey! Stand down, and I may have mercy." I growled, my fangs bared. Bulkhead then managed to whip around and slam his wrecking ball into my chest, a pained yelp followed by a spray of energon left my intake. I stumbled back and struggled to vent, the Wrecker charging at me, and I barely managed to dodge his strike. I pounced again and landed a nasty slash across his arm with my razor-sharp claws. I then kicked the Wrecker as hard as I could and sent him back to the ground.

"Look out!' I heard a vehicon yell just in time for me to dodge a swing from a katana. I then came face to face with the Wrecker known as Wheeljack, his scarred face glaring at me.

"You're quick for s big guy." He said. "Shame, I'll have to put you down!"

"I'd like to see you try prey!" I growled angrily, a battle between me and the smaller mech ringing in the halls. I felt my energy levels drop rapidly as my spark raced, my frame siezing up and causing me to drop like a sack of hammers to the floor. I clutched at my chest and let out a pained roar. "No.... not like this!" I snarled, forcing myself up and stumbling as I tried to vent. The two Wreckers looked at each other, clearly confused.

I let out a low and vicious growl, and my audials pinned back to my helm. I went to attack again but felt a servo grab my arm. I turned to see Shockwave next to me. I quickly glared at the Wreckers and grabbed Shockwave, making a run for the Nemesis as blaster fire went after us. I managed to get him inside, my venting becoming more and more strained.

"Y/D, can you make it to my lab?" Shockwave asked, to which I nodded. Shockwave then led me to the lab, and as soon as my frame hit the medical table, I passed out from the pain.

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