The 'Dead' Hanagaki

By Lazy_Sloth120

30.6K 685 269

"She's my sister. She took take care from the moment I was born. She fed me, cleaned me and played with me. N... More

Introductions/Character profile
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
10K Special Chapter
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note, Please Read!
Black Ring Fighters
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 30

222 5 5
By Lazy_Sloth120

"Tonight, we're crashing the Toman Meeting"

"I've been waiting for this part" Cheered Akihito, pumping his fist into the air. I giggle at his childish antics, pushing myself off from the sofa. Grabbing the two dirty dishes from the coffee table and carrying them into the kitchen. Hito, also got up from his spot and trailed behind me. Turning on the sink I began to wash the dishes, the the raven head male beside me. A towel in hand and ready to dry off the clean dishes. "Do you think they'll ever catch on?" asks Hito. I turn to him confused, "What do you mean?" "Like do you think they'll realise the you that's coming tonight is the same you that they started the gang with?" he rephrases.

"I'm certain, though I will have to be slightly cautious in the beginning. But hopefully the 'letter' will do its job and prevent the boys from prying" I say. "Oh yeah, are you done with the letter?" he akas, diverting the topic of the conversation. "Yup, I was able to get a sample of Kana's handwriting yesterday. I sent it to someone, who'll be writing it for me in her style. Can't be too cautious now can you?" I lightly joke, whipping my hands with a tea towel. Walking past the living room and into my bedroom. Akihito trailing behind me again.

"We'll arrive there around 12. so we got a bit a of time to kill before then." says Akihito, jumping on to my bed. "Yeah, and so I guess I should start on planning out the menu" I sigh, grabbing my notebook before joining the male inside my bed. "Menu? For what?" he asks, peering over my shoulder. "My schools doing a festival, and instead of each homeroom class coming up with an idea to help raise funds for the school. This year they decided to do clubs, and each stand should reflect the club itself. And since I'm part of the Manga club, we need something with manga/anime." I explain. "Okay, but that still doesn't explain the menu" he points at the notebook in my hand, which contain various types of recipes.

"Yuuma-san decided that we'll be doing a manga themed cafe. With each of us cosplaying as a characters from different manga's. The boy's will be manual labour of creating the cafe, I've already gave them the designs. They just have to make it come to life. I've also agreed to come up with the menu for the cafe, seeing as I'm the only one that can cook." I reply, twirling the pen between my fingers. "Do you have a rough idea of what food items you want?" asks the raven haired boy, seemingly now interested. "I was thinking of doing like iconic food items from popular manga. Like the ramen in Naruto" I say. "That's an amazing idea, I might just have to pop by your cafe and eat try some of the food." he chuckles. "Are you coming to support your best friend or just eat the food and laugh at my cosplay?" I question, lifting a single eyebrow.

"Of course I'm coming for you N/N, but more your food." he answers, smiling cheerfully. I felt myself being irked by hi s words. So I pull onto the tip of his ear, whilst my other hand, pulls strands of his hair. "Ow, ow, ow. Y/N it hurts. Mercy. I beg for merc-Owwwww" whines the boy as I pull harsher.

It's currently 11:10 pm, me and Akihito are currently getting ready to leave for the shrine. With myself changing in my room and Akihito in the bathroom. I changed into my outfit, and sat myself at the vanity.

Tying my hair up in a low bun, before putting a wig cap over it. Whilst tucking in the loose strands of hair back in, I heard knock on the doo followed by a voice. "Yo, Y/N can I come in?" asks Akihito. "Yeah" I reply. The door of my bedroom is opened the next second and in comes Hito. Dressed and his hand shoved into his pockets. Seating himself on the edge of my bed. Watching me put on the rest of my disguise.

(Akihito outfit)

Grabbing a bottle of foundation, a pump some of the makeup onto the back of my hand. Placing down the bottle, I dap the foundation with a makeup sponge. Collecting some of it on the sponge, I move it to the back of my ear. Applying the foundation to cover up the tattoo on the back of my ear. "You're gonna cover up all your tattoos? Want me to help you?" suggests Akihito. "I'm not doing all only the two. I'll leave my shoulder one, it's apparently became the statement of 'Hana'. I'm just covering up my other two do I don't end up exposing myself." I reply.

Once I finished covering up my tattoos, I put on the red and blonde coloured wig. Leaving it down, I look myself in the mirror of the vanity. Thinking if there's anything I'm forgetting. Then I notice the Hanafuda earing dangling down my ear. I remove the pair of earrings, and pull out another pair to replace them. Keeping the rest of my piercings the same. "It''s good hing you took those earrings off, they would've definitely blown your cover. You already worse them with your other two disguises." Comments Akihito, munching on a bag of chips.

I don't respond to him and just roll my eyes at him. I put in the other earrings and stand up, scanning my outfit.

Me and Akihito, walk out of out the front door of my apartment. With me making sur to lock it before leaving. Walking down the stairs to the front of the apartment complex, and turning to the right, where I hide my bike. Now that Takashi is my neighbour, I'm having to be a lot more cautious at my own home. Which before wasn't much of a struggle, I use dot just leave after him and get back before him. But now, that I have this bike I'm having to hide it. As it's gonna be the bike I'll be using to transport myself around as 'Hana'., So for it to be parked in front of his hose, would rise a lot of suspicion.

Pulling out my bike from the corner, I mount it.Putting in the keys and starting up the engine. "Please don't try to kill us" pleads Akihito, placing his hands on my shoulder, about to swing his leg over my bike. "Ah, ah mister. Who said you're ridding with me?" I tut, shaking his hands off me. "Huh? Then how am I meant to get there" question the raven head male, confused. I say nothing, and just chuck him the extra key that was in my hand.

He catches it with minimal effort, inspecting it with suspicion. "What is th-" before he could continue I cut him off. "That's how your going" I say pointing my finger at the wall t the right of us. He looks at it with squinted eyes, unable to see what I'm pointing at due to the darkness of the night concealing it well. "I don't see shit" replies the male, turning to me. "Walk over there and You'll se" I smile, nodding my head int he direction. Akihito looks at me for a second, debating whether to trust me or not.

"Just to be clear, there isn't gonna be some sort of assassin waiting for me there " Seriously asks the male. "Who the fuck do think I am pulling shit like that? If I wanted to kill you I would've done it myself, not hire someone" I scoff. "That doesn't make me trust you anymore you know" groans Hito. "Just trust me, you'll like it" I say, pushing him forward.

I try my best to contain the laughter, as Akihito takes small cautious steps forward. His untie body tense, and mind expecting the absolute worse. Then he lets outa loud gasp. "You did not" he says, mouth gape and brown eyes wide open. I just nod, with a smile on my face. "I just happen to see it whilst out and grabbed it."I shrug. "Your the best" praises the male, running over to me. Crushing me in a hug, that almost caused me to tip over alongside my bike.

"I know I am" I chuckle patting his back. "Now come one, or else there all gonna be gone" I say, hurrying him. Akihito gives me one final goofy smile and thank you, before jogging over back in the direction of the while. A few seconds later a loud roar of a bike was heard. He drove his bike over to me, till we were side by side.

"You ready?" he asks, eyes trianed forward my his face held a cheeky grin. "Let's fucking do this" I smirk, and witht aht we both drove off. Heading towards Musashi shrine.

The drive was an absolute bliss. It's been so long since I've ridden bike during the late hours of the day, with good company. I've almost forgotten just how much fun it is. Racing one another down the roads whilst also trying to avoid the other vehicles. The sounds of laughter that would fill the bustling air of the late streets.

However such pleasures came to an unfortunate halt, when we parked our park at the bottom of a familiar concrete stair case. The set of stairs seemingly going up and on for miles. I remember the boys and I used to race here all the time, but now it seems that I'll no longer be able to experience such things.

I park my bike, kicking the stand before swinging my leg off the bike. Walking over till I stood a centimetre away from the first step. Hands shoved into my pockets in an attempt to keep them warm. I looked up at the stairs reminiscing all the memories I had, the good and the bad. But mainly the good, the good that I had experienced with them.

They had accepted me without a single ounce of hesitation. Cared and looked after me as if I was their little sister. And they never pushed for details that I clearly seems uncomfortable talking about. They were with me and helped me when I needed it the most. They were the few that helped bring me back up to my feet, the ones that encouraged me to continue on with my head high and back straight. Even if they unaware of the things the did that helped. I still wanna pay them back for all they did for me.

And to fulfill Shinichiro-san's final wish. Though the two of us were never particularly close, it doesn't mean I'll deny him his final request. Especially one he asked me to do specifically. With the addition of Mikey's supposed curse, it would be best that help them now.

Though I am aware that I shouldn't have such a right after leavening them all of a sudden one day. They need me help, and I can tell. And they never stopped waiting for me. As sweet as it is there is only so long that they can wait for before having to move one. Willingly or unwilling. And I know they've now hit that brick wall. So I'll help them overcome it. Even if it isn't as the me they knew, I'll still help them but as another me. I just hope that one day when I'm finished with all of this. I'll be able to come clean to all of them, and that'll understand and forgive me for what I did.

"You ready?" Asks Akihito, walking up beside me and placing his hand down on my shoulder. "Always" I reply with a sad smile on my face. Together we took the first up the large stair case and continued up. Expecting a 'friendly' greeting at the top.

We had purposefully made loud noises with our bike to make the gang a bit wary of the our unannounced visit. It was just to build up the suspense of this whole things nothing by else. I know this sis lol Sirius things but I want to try have a bit of fun with everything. And is more then a surprise.

When we were only now a couple of steps away from the top, I pulled out a black surgical mask form my pocket. Putting it on my face, and pulling the mask over my nose. So now the only visible feature on my fav would be the faux grey eyes. Even if my dad is the head of the Black Ring, it doesn't excuse me from the rules.

We climbed up the final step, both of us standing there. Observing the area. A large majority of the gang still remined. All of them scattered around in there respective clicks. In the far back you could spot a group with noticeably colourful hair. The president, vice-president, captains and vice-captains of toman. I felt a strong wave of emotions wash over me upon seeing them. It's been so long. When looking into the meting place of the gang, I had also asked he a person to give me detailed profiles of every important member of the gang. And much too my surprise there have been a lot of new additions, which is good. They all seem strong and loyal.

I look at Hito beside me in the corner of my eye and he does the same to me. We both look at each like that for a few seconds,a s if telepathically speaking to one another before nodding in silent agreement. We advance forward, still remaining however that doesn't we haven't caught the attention of the gang. A small group of no bigger than 6 that were hanging about near the entrance of the shrine where the first to notice us. They didn't say anything, just started at us and whispered amongst themselves. Taking occasionally glances back at us.

Next we caught the attention of a group of 10, each of them being buff teenage boys. Looking a though they're no older than 2nd year high school students. They , unlike the other group, didn't remain quiet and decided to cause a scene. Exactly what I was looking for. "Oi! Who the fuck do you two thing you are Huh? " loudly exclaims one. The ten teenage boys, forming a circle around us. Each them trying there best to look intimidating but instead they look constipated. I could feel Akihito trying his best to hold in his laughter beside me.

I keep my on cool façade, and don't say a word. "This bitch mute or something" grumbles another. Ignoring their words I speak "Do you any of you gentlemen prepays know where I can  the 'Invincible Mikey'?" I ask, looking directly in the eyes of the first guy. He noticeably flinches upon hearing the harsh and authoritative tone in my tone, but stubbornly he refuse to back down. "Hah? The fuck does this bitch want with the President?" curses another. I notice Akihito, clenching and unclenching his fists, clearly itching to punch the boys in the face. So am I but we can't rash.

"What's with eh mask their girly? You that ugly or something?" taunts another, ignoring my question. "Why don't you give us a little peek what you look like, huh?" mocks another in a sickly sweet tone. Reaching out his had to pull down my mask. His fingers were centimetres away from my face. I show no emotion my face, acting unbothered by the whole situation. This seems to piss the dude of more and he try to make quick move and pull down the black surgically mask. However he isn't quick enough, ad I capture his wrist in my grip. "The fuck" curses the boy, trying his best to snatch his wrist back but I refuse to let go.

"I asked politely the first time, so this is all on you" is the only thing I say before tightening my grip hard. A small crack could be heard, then followed the boys cries of pain. I let go, and he falls to his knees. Holding his now broken wrist in his other hand. Tears streaming down his face. "I'll ask again. Where is your president?" I ask in a icy tone. Glaring at all the of the boys who rushed to their friends side. They all grit their teeth, before charging towards me at once. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!" screeches the first guy from before, charging up at me, fist in the air and ready to swing.

I only let outa small chuckle, before extending out my leg. Colliding the sole of my boot and the centre of his abdomen. The boy fold over my foot, and by putting all my strength in that one leg, I kick the boy over in the other direction. Flinging him over to the left as though he weighed nothing. 2 out of 10 were down. Only eight remined. 4 tired cornering Akihito whilst the other half were on me. By this point a the others began to form a crowd around us. Th ye were all shouting words of encouragement to their fellow gang members, whilst also shouting profanities at me and Akihito. Which only fuelled the adrenaline.

"God, this is tiring" I whine, rolling my neck in a circular motion, easing the tension. he four boys were agitated by my behaviour and recklessly charged at me all at once. "Are you guys seriously this weak?" I comment, before leaping up. Grabbing the back on the guys face. Forcing it down, and hitting his square in the face with my knee. Blood gushed out of his nose, as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. 3 out of ten.

Without wasting a second, I plants my other foot onto the duded chest and use him as a booster. Helping my jump over to the three. Winding my leg back, I aim my foot at the temple of the one closest. The tips of my foot hitting him on the side of the head. Once we had made contact, I released all the sorted energy in that leg, causing him to collide in to the other two. All three of them feeling the impact of the kick, and eyes now fully white and mouth gape. 6 out of ten down.

I stand in front of the four now passed out boys, slumping my shoulders tired. Shoving my hands deep in to the pockets of my shorts, I look over my shoulder and see Akihito standing in the middle of four unconscious boys. His fists bloody and a satisfied grin on his face. He looks up and we lock eyes. He walks up beside me, happiness till beaming off of him. I sweat drop at this, not surprised to see that he still held his sadistic tendencies.

"I was hoping it wouldn't have to turn to this, but oh well" I say to no one in particular, shrugging my shoulders. All of the others boys surrounding us could only gape in horror, surprise or shock. Neither making a move to come closer to us. "look ahead" whispers Akihito in my ear, and I do. There I see, Mikey standing in front. Hands in his pocket and his president mode on. On his right is Draken, who has gotten a lot taller, his hair now in a small braid at the back. Next to Draken is Baji, who's jaw is clenched, glaring at us. Beside Baji is the new vice-captain of the first division that I had read about, Matsuno Chifuyu, he looked as equally as pissed as his captain. Next to them is the second division, Vice-captain: Shiba Hakkai. The younger brother of Shiba Taiju, the 10th generation leader of the Black Dragons. And their captain, Mitsuya Takashi. My gaze lingered on his figure a couple of second longer than I could help. He was looking at me indifferently. I can't read what he's thinking.

Forcing my eyes away from him I look at the rest on the left of Mikey. The Third Division, Captain Pah-Chin and Vice-Captain Peh-yan. Both looking clueless about he whole ordeal but pissed nonetheless. It seems that these boys where members of the third division. Beside them is the four division lead by the former leaders of the gang Twin devils. Kawata Nahoya -a.k.a Smiley- as their captain. His younger twin brother, Kawata Souya -a.k.a Angry- as the Vice. Finally the fifth divisor lead by Mucho, a former member of the S-62 Generation, his vice being Sanzu Haruchiyo. It was quite the struggle to get information but not impossible. He's the younger brother of Akashi Takeomi, the former vice president of the black dragons. He seems to have run away a couple of years ago, reason could not be found.

"I apologize for the commotion boys, it truly wasn't my attention to cause such a scene. I am simply here to deliver a message." I say my tone still emotionless. Holing my hands up in a fake surrender. "Bullshit!" curses Pah, taking a step forward. But before he could another, Mikey hold his arm out stopping him. The president says nothing and jut continues to stare at me. His gaze intense but I've dealt with much worse. "You've injured members of our own, state your reason now before you're forced to leave" threatens Draken glaring at me. I knew it was nothing more than an empty threat, I know those boys would never hit a girl. I taught them as such.

"Sure. I'm here the deliver a message to your president. Which one of you are him?" I say, acting oblivious. "You beat up 10 of our men just cause of your mask, and now your making demands. Just the who the hell do you think you are?!" Angrily barks Baji. "I apologise, but I can assure you my actions were justified. They were harassing me and my mask is something I must keep on. It's a rule that I must follow." I answer, keeping my face neutral. No one of them say anything not understanding my words, I expected as much. As I was about to open my mouth to speak again I was cut off.

"What message do you have to deliver to me?" coldly asks Mikey, now standing in front of me. I hide my shock and simply look down. Though inside I almost had a heart attack from his sudden appearance. I could hear Akihito muttering something along the lines of 'Holy shit'. "Greetings, you must the Mikey she told me about. I've come to deliver you this letter" I say, pulling out a single envelope from my back pocket. Holding it out for the short blonde in front of me,. His hands make no movement in taking it. Instead his black eyes just look at the paper before looking back up at my faux grey one.

"Who sent it and who are you?" simple asks Mikey, voice stern it sends shivers down my spine. "The one who sent it is a friend of mine and an old one of yours from what I was told. I'm assuming you remember the name 'Hana' " I say. I smirk internally when I notice, Mikey's shoulder tense, glare becoming more intense. Behind him Pah, Darken, Baji and Mitsuya all became alert. The four storming over to the two of us. Their vices along with everyone else looking at the founding members in confusion.

"What do mean by Hana has a message? She left us!" exclaimed Pah, irritated. His words stung but I held it in. I knew I deserved this. I abandoned them after all. "Where is she?!" demands Baji, a slight hint of hope in is hazel eyes. One that causes my hear to churn. "Unfortunately that is information I cannot dispose of. I've been given order to deliver this letter and not reveal anything regarding her current status." I answer. "Bullshit! Tell us where the fuck Hana is or I swear to God" yells Takashi, coming up close. I'm taken aback by the look of hurt coming over his face. I fall silent, not knowing how to respond by his confrontation.

"What is her need in sending a letter after so long?" asks Mikey. Everyone's body falls stiff at his tone. It's dark, cold, threating. "All is explained inside of this letter. Read it and give me your answer." I say, keeping my composer. This time he takes the letter from my hand. "I give you 4 days to come to a decision. And once you have you answer, meet me at Yokohama beach. 11pm sharp. I'll be waiting" I say, with that I turn on my heel. Already making my exist. The toman members split to the two sides making way for me. Akihito following not so far behind me.

We both descended down the stairs, not a single words spoke. We mount out bikes and drive back to my apartment, parking out bikes in their hiding places. We enter and immediately crash. Me in my room and him in my guest room. No single word spoken between us, cause none where needed. At least not yet.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. Putting in the purple contacts, and putting back in the hanafuda earrings Izana gifted me. I did my usual routine and covered up all my tattoos. Getting dressed in my school uniform and leaving my hair out. Not really bothered to do anything with it. I made breakfast as per usual and Akihito called over his driver. I was dropped off at school, and bid Akihito farewell. Already making plans to meet soon.

I walk in to my classroom, and take my usual seat. Taking note of how Takashi wasn't in his seat, but his bag and books where at his desk. Part of me wanted to find where he was and another part felt like it be best to leave him alone. Images of his face from last night flashing in my mind. I decided go with the latter. Mainly due to the fact that I don't think I'll be bale to handle seeing him so soon. I'm still processing everything that happened last night. But wherever he is I'm sure he's doing fine, probably just need a little bit of space.

Mitsuya POV*

I don't know if I can take this anymore.

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