
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 59

312 24 2
By Haddassa

Chapter 59

If it were solely up to me, I would have moped around for the next couple of days. Emily had other plans in store though. Emily made me continue to call. I never got an answer. She made me get out of bed and be active. The worst though is that she was always babbling on about pregnancy and babies. I swear she was more excited than I was.

Seeing Jace for even that short minute had done miracles to my body. I could walk around again without starting to shake, and my appetite was back up. I also looked slightly more normal, but still not the best. I was still in bad shape though.

"Mia!" I called up the stairs.

She came bounding down the stairs with a grace I noticed more now that I knew the truth.
With a crooked grin on her face, she wrapped her small arms around me.

"Ready?" I asked.

Mia nodded, and shortly after we were prancing through the forest. Mia leaped over logs and between trees with an energy that now seemed foreign to me.

Turns out Mia's parents were rogues. Their packs turned against them when her father was on guard duty, and accidentally let a group of vicious rogues past. Mia and her parents left the pack not long after. The harassment and abuse they received from their pack was insane. So her family got fake names, and hid away from their old pack that was still trying to track them down. She thinks they had been the ones to kill her parents.

I tried to talk to Mia about being adopted by werewolves. I taught her all about the packs in the area, but she wasn't convinced. She was terrified her old pack would find her, and try to kill her. It was a lot for a child to have to worry about.

"Can I go climbing?" She asked eagerly, already pulling herself up onto a low hanging branch of a pine tree.

"Don't go up too high though," I warned.
Mia nodded, and scurried up into the tree.

"Mia?" I called up.

I got a tossed pinecone as a response.

"I can't teach you what you need to know. I can't teach you control, or anything else someone like you needs. You need to let me call somebody to get a proper home for you."
Mia crawled back down onto a lower branch, until we were face to face with each other.

"Why can't I go to humans?" She asked.

"What will happen when you turn sixteen and need to turn? You can't go through the change with nobody to help you," I said. "If you get adopted by a new pack, they will protect you. I can promise you my family will protect you."

Mia chewed on her lip, pondering what I was saying.

"You could help me change," She said.

"I can't. I'll get hurt, and it's very far away in the future. Who know where we will be when the time comes."

Mia stretched out her arms to me. I reached out, and let her leap into my arms. I caught her, and fell off balance momentarily. I managed to regain it, and sat on the forest floor with her curled into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my waist, and rested her head on my chest.

"Are you sure they will protect me?" She asked.

"I can't promise, but I do know they will try their best."

Mia buried her face into my chest. Warmth spread through my chest, and I recognized it as the stupid maternal instinct that I had subconsciously felt ever since I became pregnant. It did explain why I suddenly didn't hate children as much as I usually do over the past few months.

"Ok," Mia whispered.

I smiled down at the top of her dark head.

"I can call them after I get back from meeting my friend."

I was going to meet with Cole in half an hour, but decided to take Mia out into the woods first.

Mia hopped out of my arms after a few minutes of just breathing in the rich forest smell, and listening to the insects and birds around us. She started to climb back up into the tree, and I watched her from my comfortable seat on the earth floor. If I wasn't so weary about hurting myself, then I would have joined her up in the tree. But I had been taking extra precautions to make sure I didn't hurt my baby.

"Time to go," I called out twenty minutes later.

Mia was running in the shadow of a bird flying around above the trees. She reluctantly turned away from the bird, and followed me back home. Once home she ran to the other girls who were playing on the playground set in the backyard. I left her alone, and headed out front to see if Cole was here.

Sure enough his black car was sitting in the parking lot. I entered the car with a huge smile on my face. It had been so long since I had seen Cole.

"Hey," I said with the smile on my face dripping into my voice.

I leaned over and gave Cole a hug. We pulled apart, and he started to drive off as I fastened my seatbelt.

I wonder what we would be like if we would have grown up together. Probably get on each other's nerves all the time, and act more like my brothers and I did. Pulling pranks, tormenting, and just being pure evil to each other. But when something serious came up we were able to put all the fighting aside, and be there for each other. It made me miss them so much.

"So whats the big news you have to tell me?" He asked.

"Can we go somewhere first?" I asked.

"Sure, but first I need to drop something off at this garage."

Fifteen minutes later we were pulling up into a car repair garage. People were scattered around the place. Lots of them sitting on wheels or paint cans talking to each other in the back. There were some customers in a waiting room off to the side, but most of the people here looked like they were just here to hang out. They all looked up from what they were doing when Cole came revving into the garage. I rolled my eyes at his need to show off.

Cole parked the car in a back corner.

"Stay here, ok?" He ordered.

I huffed in frustration at him ordering me around, but didn't fight him on it. These people looked intimidating.

Cole got out of the car, with a thick envelope in hand. I watched as everyone glanced wearily at him. A few seemed almost afraid, and I remembered what Nate had told me. To them he was only a scary threat, not a funny caring person that I knew him to be. I was sure he mirrored the expression he had on his face when we had first met in that alley.

Cole made his way towards a back office leaving me alone in the car. I was slightly tempted to lock the doors, but knew that would make me seem like prey to these strangers.

After five minutes, a few people dared to get closer to the car. They peered around at me, and I tried my best to look above it all. One man, seemed to be in his early 20's, tapped on Cole's window, and motioned for me to roll it down. I leaned over, and rolled it down a bit. Just enough so he could talk to me.

"Hi. What's your name sweet lips?" He asked, sounding too full of himself.

I looked at him with utmost disgust at being called sweet lips. My blood soared through my veins, fueling the anger in my chest.

"None of your business," I snapped.

"Come on, don't be like that. What's it take for a poor guy like me to get a girl like you?"

"How about some respect?" I couldn't help the snarl that slipped into the word 'respect'. "No girl wants a guy who won't show even the smallest fraction of respect towards her, except for sluts. So let me know when you stop being an appalling asshole whose so full of himself that he's obviously only ever gotten desperate lays."

A few of his buddies from behind him sniggered. A disgruntled look crossed his face, before he covered it up with that obnoxious smile.

"Your feisty, aren't you?" He asked.

"It's what I'm known best for," I said with a tempered smile.

"What do you think you are doing?" Cole asked from behind the man. His voice was threateningly calm, but was laced with an underlying anger.

The man tensed, and for an instant he looked fearful. He slowly turned around, and faced my stony faced twin, whose piercing blue eyes looked murderous. He gave a weary smile, glancing at his friends who had abandoned him as soon as Cole came nearby.

"Ju- just speaking to the nice girl," he said.

I was shocked at the fear in his voice that he was failing to cover up. There was no way a man like him could be so scared of a sixteen year old.

"Don't ever speak to her again. Got it?" Cole threatened in a menacing voice.

The man nodded, and took off after his friends. Cole gave a warning glare at everyone around him, and then got into the car. We quickly drove off, and pulled into the first parking lot we came across. He parked in the corner, facing the side of an old building. It was tense in the car, and I could feel the anger rolling off of him. He rolled up the window before turning to face me.

"What the hell was that?" Cole asked.

"Don't worry about it. I did what you told me. I didn't leave the car."

"Damn it! Just because your pissed at me doesn't mean you should go against what I tell you to do," Cole yelled.

"I wasn't pissed at you! I-"

"Bullshit," he cut me off. "I saw the look you gave me when I left."

"How was I supposed to know you didn't want me to roll down the window? Besides what was I supposed to do? Not roll down the window, and seem afraid? That would have turned out worse for me. You're not a girl so you don't understand it. If we show we have even the slightest bit of fear, then men will pounce on it. Besides, I showed him I wasn't afraid."

Cole glared at his steering wheel.

"It's pointless to continue to fight over something that already happened. Fighting won't change the past, but it will change the future. So can we just stop?" I asked.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down before turning to face me.

"Truce?" I asked, holding out my hand.

It was a silly thing we did whenever we got into a fight. It kinda stuck ever since we had that fight down in the basement in Cole's other house.

"Truce." Cole said grasping my cold hand in his warm one. We shook on it, and then pulled our hands apart.

"I'll give you points for thinking about that fear thing," he said.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" Cole asked.

My eyes darted from his face to the mainly deserted parking lot. I started to pick at the hem of my over sized t-shirt. Always stealing my brothers shirts was a good thing, because they covered my small baby bump.

I debated how to break it to him. Do I just come out with it, or do I start off with telling him I wound up in the hospital? I decided on the later. That way I would slowly warm him up to it.

"Ok same rules apply as last time. You have to let me finish, and please don't be too freaked out," I begged.

"Yeah," Cole said wearily.

"Ok. So about a week ago I kind of feinted and ended up in the hospital for a couple of days."

"What?! What happen?" He asked. "I swear if it's because of Jace, I'm going to kill him!"

His eyes wandered all over my body looking for any visible injuries. I sheepishly grinned at him, because thats the exact reason why I wound up in the hospital.

"Um... kind of," I whispered.

"I'm going to kill that asshole!" Cole yelled, clutching hard onto the door handle.

"You can't!" I yelled, trying to get his attention away from murderous thoughts.

"Look I understand he's your mate and everything, but somebody needs to teach him a lesson."

Cole reached out for he keys, but I was already expecting it, and snatched them out of the ignition.

"This isn't funny. Give them back!"

"Not until you let me finish. You promised you would," I said sternly.

He turned to look at me, and I gave him my best pleading eyes I could. He let out a deep breath, ruffled up his hair in frustration, and slammed his hands on the steering wheel.

"Damn it, this isn't a game anymore! You were in the hospital! He needs to start taking responsibility for his actions, and realize this isn't just some fucking game."

"And what? You think killing him is the best way to help me?" I snapped.

He glared at me.

"Hand them over," Cole snapped in a threatening tone.

I felt the need to shrink into my seat at the tone that sent many cowering, but refused the urge.

"No! You need to calm down before you can have them back."

"Fine!" Cole hissed between gritted teeth.

He moved to open the door, and the only thing I could think of saying at that moment that would stop him from doing anything stupid slipped out.

"I'm pregnant."

Just as expected, Cole froze. His hand on the door handle, and his face twisted toward the door.

Tension grew in the air, as Cole stayed frozen for a few minutes.

Crap! Crap! Crap! He was going to go on a rampage and kill Jace. That would just kill me and my baby, and Cole wouldn't even realize it.

Cole turned to face me, with the most frightened expression I've ever seen on his face. I swallowed the hard lump that had grown in my throat.

"What?" He asked barely above a whisper.

"I'm pregnant Cole."

His eyes widened, and once again we lapped into silence. I watched as different expressions crossed his face. Anger, fear, frustration, concern. They all flickered across his face over and over again.

This silence lasted longer than the first one. I was so afraid of his reaction. It felt like an impending doom was looming just ahead.

What if he abandoned me because my life was such a wreck? I had already learned I should never trust somebody, but I thought it would be different with Cole. We shared the same blood, but maybe this was too much. Besides all I ever did was make things worse. I created a weakness for the other gangs to get at him. I brought him into this messed up world he never even knew existed before.

I was just one big problem. It's why my family didn't want me. Why they never even tried to contact me. It's why Jace didn't want me at first. It's probably why Jace doesn't answer my calls now.

I felt my face burn, and my eyes swim with tears. I couldn't control them, and next thing I knew they were sliding down my cheeks.

The tears on my face seemed to bring Cole out of his shocked state.

"Come here," he whispered, stretching out his arms for me.

I shook my head, still afraid of what he would say. Cole rolled his eyes at my stubbornness. He pushed the armrest up, and pulled me into his arms. I didn't resist. As soon as I curled into him I just broke down. I cried into his chest, clutching his t-shirt in my balled up fists.

Cole soothed me, as my crazy hormones took control of me. After what felt like forever I managed to calm down.

"It's Jace's right?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered in a shaky voice.

He chewed over that for a bit.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to cry. The doctor said my emotions will be all over the place."

Cole shook it off.

"So... how did you find out?"

"When I woke up in the hospital the doctor told me. He told me I had feinted because of this entire mate thing weakening my body. So my body tried to preserve both me and the baby. That's why I feinted."

Cole stared out the window.

"Cole?" I asked.

"Sorry, just a lot to take in."

"Trust me I know."

He chucked weakly, and fell silent again.

"So that's why you can't do anything to Jace. A. I'm pregnant with his baby, and a kid needs it's dad around, B. if you kill him I'll have a miscarriage, and C. I'll follow not long after without my mate. You can't even hurt him, because I'll feel it, and I don't know how much of a risk that would do to the baby," I whispered. I laid a hand gently on my stomach, and smiled weakly down at it.

Cole still didn't speak, so I just decided to continue on explaining.

"I've tried to call and text him, but... well he just isn't answering me. I also went to his house, and his pack members wouldn't let me near."

I decided not to add the bit where Jace saw me, and refused to help me. I don't think that would go too well with Cole right now.

Again we lapsed into a tense silence. This time I decided not to break it. I let it stretch on, as I dwelled on my thoughts.

"How far along are you?" He asked after 20 minutes.

"Nearly 14 weeks."

I watched a man out my side window walk his dog, while I was deep in thought again.

"Will..." I heaved a deep sigh, still watching the man. "Will you leave me?" I managed to get out in a quiet whisper.

"Why would I ever do that?" Cole asked, confused.

"Because my life is such a wreck," I said exasperated.

"Look at me," Cole demanded.

I turned to face him.

"It doesn't matter what happens. No matter how screwed up our lives are, we don't give up on each other. We are the only blood family we have. I won't abandon you just because another member is joining our messed up little family," Cole reassured.

"Really?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! I'm going to be an uncle," he cheered with a goofy grin.

I started to laugh. "I completely forgot this makes you an uncle."

A huge smile lit up both our faces as we looked at each other.

"Can I see...?" Cole trailed off, eyeing my stomach.

I nodded my head, and lifted up my t-shirt to revealed my small baby bump. Cole reached out gently, and rested his hand on it. When Cole looked up at me, I swore I saw his eyes water a little. He pulled his hand away, and I covered up my stomach again. A ridiculous grin was on his face.

"I have a checkup in a week. I'm going to find out the gender then. Do you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Hell yeah! Wait... can't you find out the gender when it's 3 months?" He asked.

"Yeah. I was just very overwhelmed at the time and decided to wait a bit."

I traced patterns on my stomach, just thinking about the small fetus right underneath my fingertips.

"You know, I've been so horrible to this poor baby. I conceived it while I was hopped up on painkillers. I was nearly killed when I was pregnant by those stupid men a month later. The same night I mixed alcohol and painkillers. Then I got completely wasted one night when Jace and I went to the club. Then to top it all off I was depressed, while my body was slowly turning on itself. I'm terrified I've done something to it. The doctor said not to worry though. It shouldn't affect my baby. But I just worry all the time of what type of permanent damage I could have done to my baby just because I was too stuck in my own world."

"Why did the doctor tell you not to worry about it?" He asked.

"It took after Jace."

"In what way? You mean it's a..." He seemed to be struggling with the word.

I nodded my head. "A werewolf," I finished for him.

He stared in shock again. Great. And here I thought he finally came to terms with the entire idea.

"You mean... Your baby will change into a giant wolf when it turns sixteen?" His tone was disbelieving.

I nodded my head.

He took in several deep breaths, obviously trying to calm himself down. This may have been the tipping point of it all. I waited patiently through it all.

"It's going to be a werewolf?!" He snapped furiously.

I nodded my head again.

Cole seemed to have snapped. With a tensed body he turned on the car. He pulled out of the parking lot, with fast sharp turns. I was a bit worried about what was going on through his brain.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You aren't going anywhere. I'm taking you back."

"Cole, where are you going?"

I never got an answer. I waited until he pulled up in front of the orphanage to confront him. I felt anger bubble up underneath the surface at the way he was acting.

"Out," he snapped as soon as he parked the car. I crossed my arms, and turned to face him.

"Was everything you said about not giving up on each other no matter what happens just a load of crap then?" I asked.

"Out!" Cole snapped.

"Damn it! Can't you just answer me?!"

Cole stared moodily at his white fists that clenched the steering wheel.

"Just because its a werewolf, it doesn't make it any less your niece or nephew. It's just a bit different than us. Our blood still runs through it's veins."

"A bit? It's not even human. There is no way I am related to something that isn't even the same species as me!"

It was my turn to stare in shock. Instantly regret covered his face, and he started to gape like a pathetic fish, trying to find the right words to make up for what he had just said. I opened the car door, and slammed it shut as hard as I possibly could. I felt the tears return, but this time they were angry tears, so I refused to let them spill over. I heard the window roll down as I stomped up to the front door.

"Eliana! I didn't mean it. Please come back. I can explain."

I spun around, seething at him.

"Why would you lie like that? Tell me you would always be there no matter what, just to turn around and say you want nothing to do with my baby? Was what you said only circumstantial?"

Cole got out of the car.

"You know what, you can keep on being a lying asshole without me in your life. Congratulations! Your no longer related to it!" I snapped.

I ran into the house, and slammed the door shut. I locked it before he could try to get in. Sure enough, moments later I heard the door nob twist.

"Come on! I didn't mean what I said. It just kind of slipped out. Of course I want to be in it's life. It's just a bit of a shock to take in."

I left Cole behind to plead with the door for forgiveness.

It sounded like dinner was going on. I tried to sneak past the dinning room doorway up to my room, but Emily had this freakish sense. She called out to me, and I was forced to join dinner. I had no appetite, but I knew Emily was watching to make sure I ate. So I forced myself to eat a few green beans and a bite of chicken.

Once dinner was over I dashed up into my room before anyone else could get up. I curled up into a ball, and checked my phone for any messages from Jace. I only had from Cole. All of them pleading for my forgiveness. I ignored them all, and called Jace instead. It had become a usual routine to call before I went to sleep.

Once again I got voicemail. I decided to call John. He picked up after a few rings.

"Hey. Wassup?" He asked.

"Why isn't he answering?" I blurted out.

"Hi to you too," he muttered sarcastically.

I groaned, and received a chuckle.

"Look, he's pissed off because you never answered him. His wolf is more in control nowadays, so his temper is a lot shorter."

"Well now I'm trying to call him. It's a real emergency! Did you tell him what you told me?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's kind of what brought out his wolf. He's worried about you, but also really pissed off. So the two parts of him are kind of battling."

"Ugh! Tell him if he doesn't answer the phone he may never hear my voice again, ok?"

"Is it really getting that bad?"

"Lets just some new complications have arised, which makes this entire situation affect more than just us two now."

"Like what?"

"Uh... I'd rather tell Jace first," I hesitated.

"Ok. So I'll pass on the message."


With that I hung up. I changed into my pjs, and curled back into bed, swearing out Cole as I fell asleep.

Hope you all enjoyed!

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