The Huntress

By simply_ackling

191 18 6

Half a century ago, a cataclysmic event unfolded that forever altered the fate of a nation-the purge of Terra... More

Myths, creatures, and inhabitants
Materials and other things
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 3

14 1 1
By simply_ackling

The air was thick with the acrid scent of burning wood, and the world danced in eerie shades of crimson and black.

Amidst the smoky chaos, a forest ablaze with furious flames swayed and twisted, its tortured branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The trees seemed to moan and wail, their agony echoing through the night. The very earth beneath the inferno trembled as if in protest.

Amidst the inferno, a young girl materialised, her silhouette flickering like a ghostly apparition. Her face, bathed in an otherworldly glow, was a mask of fear and determination. Her eyes were pools of despair, reflecting the relentless blaze that devoured everything in its path.

She moved through the burning forest with frenzied steps, the ground shifting beneath her as if alive. The trees seemed to conspire against her, their fiery branches reaching out to ensnare her like vipers. As she stumbled and fell, the ground swallowed her, only to regurgitate her into another twisted realm of the nightmare.

The sound of screaming filled the air, mingling with the cries of the burning forest. The girl's own voice joined the chorus of torment, a piercing shriek that reverberated through the nightmarish landscape. It was a scream of despair, a plea for release from the unending torment.

Yet, the boundaries of reality and nightmare blurred, and time lost its meaning. The girl's frantic attempts to escape the fiery labyrinth seemed to loop in an endless cycle, a cruel game orchestrated by unseen forces.

Each time she fell, the forest closed in around her with relentless fury, and her screams became a haunting refrain in the cacophony of chaos. It was a nightmare of endless suffering, a labyrinthine dance of fire and despair from which there seemed to be no escape.

"Dawn, wake up!" a voice called out. Startled, she jerked awake, her body drenched in sweat, her breath shallow and rapid. Slowly, her senses returned, and she realised she was lying on a pillow that rose and fell with each breath. A black wolf with piercing blue eyes, Blu, gazed down at her, concern etched in its expression. The sunlight filtered through the ivy, casting gentle rays into the room, illuminating Dawn's nest. A nest crafted from a combination of sticks, branches, moss, feathers, furs, and adorned with periwinkles, star flowers, lavender, and stargazer lilies that peeked through the twigs, adding bursts of colour and light, slightly damp with morning due. Finally, her attention settled on the woman crouched beside her nest—Rebel. "Are you alright, Dawn?" Rebel inquired once more. Dawn's heart rate gradually steadied as she gained composure. She sat up, nodding hesitantly.

"Yeah. . . yeah, I'm okay. Just a nightmare," she confessed. "Is something wrong?"

"We have a problem," Rebel declared with a grave tone.

Dawn, still groggy from her dream, retorted, "Can shooting solve this problem? No? Then get out."

"Get your act together, Dawn. You're failing as an Empress."

"Wow, who pissed in your cereal? Fine, what's the situation?"

"Frost has returned." Dawn's attention was suddenly solely on Rebel, her eyes full of mystery, but the emotion left as quickly as it came.

"Ugh. . . " Dawn groaned. "Fine, fine. Give me a moment to get dressed." Only then did the two women notice that Dawn was completely unclothed.

Rebel reassured her, "Don't worry, I've seen you naked countless times. The problem we face is something you won't like—"

"Is it warm outside?" Dawn interrupted.

"No, it's quite chilly today. But that's not the only issue. It's about the threat that was discovered in the Forgotten Kingdom—"

"How do you know about that? I specifically instructed Alpha to keep this information confidential."

"Would you kindly refrain from interrupting me? I was already aware of the threat before Alpha informed you." Rebel stated with a nonchalant expression, Dawn's eyes flashed to Blu who was in the process of shifting into a human, his eyes slightly wide with shock. "Now, as I was saying, the Kingdoms are bound to start taking more action on their threats."

"More action? What do you mean more action?"

"You didn't hear?" Rebels face was full of confusion, surely the Empress of her home would know what was happening, no?

"Hear what? Spit it out woman before I find someone who will." Dawn exclaimed, her patience becoming thin as she stood before her friends. still stark naked.

"It appears that we failed to withdraw our warriors swiftly enough. They were attacked, thankfully with no casualties, but numerous injuries, some more serious than others. Messengers from the other Kingdoms have arrived on our land. What do you propose we do with them?"

With a pensive expression, Dawn straightened her back, bearing the scars that adorned her wings and limbs. "They're here?" Rebel nodded in confirmation. "Summon Alpha, Bear, Owl, Lion, and Rhino. Instruct them to escort the messengers to the throne room, disarm them of all weapons, and keep them under close watch. They are to answer no questions and speak only in necessary situations. Take them through the back, away from prying eyes. We won't let them see the people, it should keep some panic on the low. Deploy the Dragons and Vorlex as guards."

"Yes, milady." Rebel bowed, acknowledging her Empress's orders, "what will you do?"

"I'm going to see the injured, I'll be at the throne room in time to see these trespassers." Rebel gave on last bow before leaving to carry out her orders.

Silence settled in the room for a brief moment as Dawn began changing attire with nature's assistance. "This is ridiculous. I didn't think they'd be brave enough to actually do something. It's only been three days. Yet they were attacked immediately upon their arrival. Not only does this make us appear vulnerable, but it also undermines our credibility."

"We can turn this to our advantage," Blu proposed. Dawn started to make her way out of her nest, The first hints of morning light kissed the horizon, and the world around her seemed to stir in response. Nature, like an invisible hand, began to dress her in the ethereal beauty of a new day.

With each step, she walked upon the water, her feet barely making a ripple as she moved gracefully across the mirror-like surface. It was as if the liquid earth recognized her presence and yielded to her every delicate touch

As she slowly made her way to the bank, she raised her arms slightly, beckoning the branches around to incase her. They rustled like silken robes, as if offering her garments of emerald and gold, woven by the hands of nature itself. Dew-kissed petals unfurled around her, adorning her with fragrant blossoms of every shade imaginable, leaves and ivy wrapped around her figure, encasing her breasts in a secure hold, they then began to intertwine down her body, the petals adding specs of colour.

Eventually she was encased in a beautiful dress, completely backless, leaving room for her wings, it was snug around her body, with a slit up her left leg up to her hip, showing her tattoos. A black fur wrap draped over her shoulders, shielding her from the chill of Terrasinian weather, while her crown rested delicately upon her head. The climate resembled that of England—deceptive. Despite the shining sun and melodious birdsong, temperatures dropped below freezing. Nevertheless, Dawn moved about barefoot, unfazed by the cold.

"How? How can we use this to our advantage?" Dawn questioned, seeking further clarification.

Blu paused for a moment, locking eyes with Dawn. "If they perceive us as weak, we can exploit that perception to our advantage. By revealing nothing during this unexpected meeting, we maintain the element of surprise. They won't be aware of our true capabilities—the moving forest, the creatures such as Dragons, Seekers, and Peacemakers. They are on our territory, and we hold the power. If they desire the Forgotten Kingdom so fervently, let them have it. However, it means nothing if they remain oblivious to its hidden secrets. Remember, Dawn, you are an Empress now. You achieved this position through your own efforts, with some assistance from me and others. You earned the trust of the people and liberated this country from slavery and abuse. Have confidence in your abilities. I will be there if anything goes wrong, but I assure you, it won't."

Blu's words resonated with pure confidence in Dawn and her capabilities.

The sky above painted itself in shades of pale pink and soft lavender, a canvas of pastel hues that seemed to mirror the gentle spirit of the morning.

The reeds whispered secrets to her, their slender forms swaying in rhythm with her steps.

Birdsong filled the air, a symphony of life that serenaded her every move. Feathers brushed against her cheeks, as if the avian choir sought to bestow upon her the softness of their plumage.

Dawn's presence invoked a sacred transformation, a harmonious collaboration between her and the world she inhabited. Nature, with its gentle touch and artistry, dressed her not in garments of silk and lace, but in the very essence of the morning itself. She became a living embodiment of the new day, a fleeting moment of beauty in the ever-unfolding tapestry of the natural world.

While she may not excel in the traditional duties of an Empress, she possessed a talent for manipulating perceptions and shaping minds. Now she had to convince multiple Kingdoms to reconsider their desire for war. What could possibly go wrong?

Dawn visited every single one of her warriors, even those with minor bruises and scratches. Two warriors trailed her constantly Champion and Cobra, now that there were foreigners in their Kingdom, they saw it their duty to protect their Empress.

Dawn sat and spoke with one particular warrior. A young Orc who sustained quite a number of substantial injuries.

"Please tell me what happened?"

"They came from nowhere Mrs Majesty, we were doing a recon like you said, then all of a sudden loud bangs and explosions sounded throughout the land, we didn't have time to react. Most of it is blurry. I don't remember much. But I do remember seeing a black eagle. Well not exactly, more like the picture of one. Then Frost and his team came, I blacked out after that."

"Thank you, that was more than enough information. Get some rest and don't worry about anything else other than your recovery. Just leave everything to me."

Dawn strode gracefully across the moss-covered bridges at the heart of the Kingdom. Her snow-white hair and regal green dress blended perfectly into the lush greenery of the treetops. Her bare feet moved silently, betraying no sound. She exuded unwavering confidence and purpose, a stark contrast to the inner turmoil she felt. Blu stood right by her side, transformed into his dragon form, his head aligning with her shoulders.

Together, they walked in sync, emanating a commanding presence that demanded respect—respect they had both earned. Unbeknownst to onlookers, inside Dawn's heart, rage threatened to consume her. Blu did everything in his power to keep her calm. She had never faced a challenge of this magnitude before—negotiating with different Kingdoms and countries. It was a significant leap from discussing harvests with her own people.

Upon reaching the throne room, Dawn took a calming breath, stealing a glance at the Weeping Willow behind her throne. The morning dew on its leaves shimmered like jewels. Just before she sat down, Alpha grasped her right hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it. Dawn settled onto the throne, crossing one leg over the other, leaning one arm against a sturdy root. Her wings extended slightly behind her, adding to her imposing presence. Blu, now perched on her shoulders in the form of an anaconda, showcased his glossy black scales and remained vigilant for any potential threats. The sun positioned itself directly behind Dawn, casting its radiant light into the eyes of anyone standing before her, obscuring their view. This positioning only heightened her aura of power and authority.

Dawn observed as Rebel, accompanied by the warriors and the foreign messengers, entered the throne room. The messengers were adorned in luxurious attire, exuding an air of overconfidence. However, their demeanour faltered upon laying eyes on the Empress. Although their view was obstructed by the sun, their confidence wavered in the presence of a seemingly relaxed Empress without visible guards. Little did they know, just because they couldn't see her protectors didn't mean they weren't there.

The three men couldn't pinpoint what was so unsettling about the woman before them. It felt as if an unseen presence loomed behind her, casting a malevolent gaze upon them—an otherworldly guardian. But that couldn't be right, for no one stood there, right?

"To what do I owe the pleasure this fine morning?" Dawn inquired, breaking the fear that gripped the men. Her voice resonated with calmness, collectedness, and a tangible power. It sliced through the silence like a red-hot knife, both smooth and comforting.

"You speak our language? And here I thought we would require a translator," one of the men teased, feeling cocky, and momentarily forgetting the unease he had just experienced.

"No need for a translator. I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself. Now, why are you here?" Dawn urged, already harbouring a dislike for the man's demeanour.

"I am quite certain you are aware of why I—I can't speak for the others—am here," the same man responded, growing increasingly cocky with each word.

Dawn's voice dripped with boredom as she asked, "What is your name?"

"I am Paul Burke, the right hand of the King of Teva."

"You seem proud of that title, yet I have never heard of you, Mr. Burke. I can assure you that I know not why any of you are here. So I will ask one last time: What reason do you trespass into my Kingdom? If you have no reason, then leave. Now," Dawn commanded, locking eyes with each and every one of them. It seemed impossible to defy her request.

"Your Majesty, I am Prince Consort Lance Lanzo of Thyentalos," one man stepped forward, quickly dropping to one knee with his head bowed and his right hand over his heart. "I assure you we have a good reason to be here. Please accept my apologies for our trespassing, but we had no means of contacting you. I only ask that you listen to what we have to say on behalf of our Kingdoms." Lance Lanzo's voice remained calm and resolute, his gaze fixed on the bare feet of the woman seated on the throne. His words diffused the tension that had arisen after Paul Burke's display.

"Arise, gentlemen. Let us convene in a comfortable setting where we can engage in a lengthy discussion. Follow me, for this may take some time," Dawn commanded, gracefully standing up. Before she could take a step, Lion, one of Alpha's loyal warriors, extended his hand. Though unnecessary, Dawn accepted it, partaking in a mere display of power. Lion, accompanied by the rest of the warriors and Dawn, led the way. The three unfamiliar men trailed behind as they traversed massive branches adorned with moss and delicate wildflowers. Overhead, the treetops buzzed with the chatter of animals. The sunlight pierced through the leaves, casting an ethereal ambiance. The authenticity of their surroundings became evident as distant music and conversations reached their ears. Various birds and insects filled the air, while pixies fluttered around, occasionally alighting on Dawn's horns.

"You have a magnificent home, Your Majesty," Lance Lanzo exclaimed, awestruck by his surroundings.

"Thank you. It took great effort to bring it to such magnificence," Dawn replied, chuckling softly. Switching to Terrasinian, she added, "Owl, please fetch Lavender and Rebel for me. I believe they should hear what these men have to say." Only then did the men behind her take notice of the other warriors trailing along. Unseen and unheard, they could have attempted an attack on the woman before them, only to meet their demise before even drawing their weapons. It was truly daunting how ill-prepared they were in such an environment.

Eventually, they arrived at what appeared to be a meeting hall. A large round table with a hollowed-out centre allowed for addressing the entire room. Similar to the throne room, climbers and moss adorned the walls, and wildflowers covered the floor. The chairs and table were intricately crafted from wood and twisted twigs, with moss serving as cushions. Seated on either side of a larger chair, evidently meant for an Empress, were three women—an Elf, a dragon hybrid and the Orc who had led the gentlemen to the throne room.

"Gentlemen, these are my advisor and witness for today. They share my curiosity in your presence. I believe introductions are in order before we proceed, wouldn't you agree?" Dawn declared, leaving no room for debate.

"Very well, Your Majesty. I am Prince Consort Lance Lanzo of Thyentalos, representing King Jeremiah."

"As you know, I am Paul Burke, here on behalf of King Gabriel III of Teva."

"Toretruki Jademane, standing in for Emperor Rhys of Segoza."

"Allow me to pose the question that intrigues us all: What brings you to my Kingdom?" Dawn inquired.

"Well, Your Majesty, I'm certain you are aware of the warnings issued by our respective Kingdoms. It seems you disregarded our concerns, and thus we acted accordingly. I trust you comprehend our motives," informed Paul Burke of Teva.

Inhaling deeply, our Empress spoke, "What I am well aware of is being threatened by your Kingdoms, demanding compliance with your wishes. Three days ago, you sent a threat stating that if we didn't retreat, you would launch an unprovoked attack. And now you come to my Kingdom to what? Inform me of what I already know?"

"Ma'am, we believe we gave you ample time to withdraw-" one of the men began.

"I must interrupt you right there," Dawn interjected. "Did it occur to you or your King that the majority of my people don't understand your language? So not only did my warriors have to find and decipher your message, then transmit it back here for translation, but my general also had to inform me of the threat, which, by the way, was entirely unnecessary. Then I had to make a decision, convey that decision to my warriors, and have them act accordingly. Do you realise how unjustified three days is in such a scenario? Did any of this cross your King's mind? Or is he simply seeking a war? And this goes for all of you. Look for a conflict elsewhere, for we have no interest in fighting you, but I must say, after seeing most of my warriors come back with many injuries, some life threatening, I'm beginning to reconsider that option. We seek peace, and I would prefer it remains this way. Anything else to add?"

Everyone in the room was left speechless at that moment. Rebel, Rogue and Lavender had never witnessed Dawn behaving in such a responsible manner. Until now, she had always been known for making jokes, empty threats, and behaving unprofessionally, even with the people. This new side of her, using cold, hard facts to put the consorts of neighbouring Kingdoms in their place, left them in awe. Where did this woman come from?

Paul himself was practically fuming. Never before had anyone spoken to him in such a manner, especially not some nature-loving woman playing at royalty. Yet, the others couldn't help but gain a newfound respect for the young woman.

"You have no idea who you're addressing. Do you understand the consequences of speaking to me like that? I could have you beheaded," Paul seethed, allowing his anger to cloud his judgement. In that moment, he seemed to forget that he was no longer in Teva, where he held power. Here, he was powerless, and he also seemed to forget about the warriors present in the room. If he made one wrong move, they would swiftly take him down. But anger consumed him, and that became his downfall.

"Frankly, my dear, I couldn't care less about who you are, where you come from, or what power you think you hold. Here, you have none. Here, you are a trespasser in foreign land. I no longer have any interest in conversing with any of you gentlemen about what your kings, emperors, or lords think they know. The next time they wish to communicate, they can make the journey themselves instead of sending misguided messengers. Rhino, Owl, please escort this gentleman out the same way he came," Dawn commanded, rising from her seat, her back now turned to the two remaining men. Blu readjusted himself on her shoulders as she stood.

The man was led out of the room, while Toretruki Jademane, representing Emperor Rhys of Segoza, began to speak, "Your Majesty, as Paul stated earlier, I can't speak for the others, but I bring a message from Emperor Rhys, if you are still willing to listen."

"Speak," Dawn replied.

"My Emperor deeply apologies. He had intended to make the journey and meet you in person, but his wife fell ill when he was scheduled to depart. Hence, I have come in his stead." Taking a moment to inhale deeply, he spoke again, "I am well aware that my Emperor has no inclination towards war or any form of conflict. In fact, he desires to establish an alliance. We share the sentiment of disagreeing with the ways of Teva and the surrounding Kingdoms. We have heard of the threats they made towards you, and we are willing to discuss the possibility of an alliance. If you are open to meeting with my Emperor, as well as the kings and Emperors of other Kingdoms, we can explore the potential for an alliance. I will serve as the main point of contact."

"It appears that we both share the same objective. My king has expressed a similar interest. However, Your Majesty, please feel free to decline if you so choose. This decision rests entirely in your hands," added Lance Lanzo.

"Gentlemen, would it be alright for you to excuse yourselves for a while? My guards can accompany you to explore our town and enjoy its beauty," Dawn requested, still with her back turned to them. Blu, perched on her shoulders, remained vigilant, observing their every move.

"Of course, Your Majesty. It would be an honour to experience the wonders of this remarkable town you have created," responded Toretruki, while Lance nodded in agreement.

As the two men left the room under Bear's escort, Dawn slumped back into the chair she had occupied, her posture noticeably less graceful than before. She dropped her face into her hands, displaying a moment of vulnerability. Silence enveloped the room for approximately five minutes as everyone processed the weight of what had just transpired.

"Alpha, please ask the Sky team to keep a close watch on all three of those men. And then, all of you return here," Dawn requested, her face still concealed in her hands. Alpha nodded, though she couldn't see it, and left to gather his soldiers. Overwhelmed by the recent events, Dawn took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure.

After approximately 10 minutes, Alpha returned with Bear, Rhino, and Owl following behind him. Alpha kissed Dawn's hand once again before joining the others. The room remained enveloped in silence, with even Blu refraining from making a sound.

"Why, oh pray tell, was I not informed that my warriors were attacked?" Dawn asked, her voice seemingly calm yet her hands were shaking like crazy from rage.

No one dared answer, or rather no one had the answer.

"WHY?!" All patience now lost, "Sit down, Everyone sit down!" As Dawn stood, all seven others sat. "My warriors," Dawn chuckled in disbelief, "my poor warriors. That was supposed to be an easy, simple recon mission, some warriors on that mission were fresh 18 summers old. And do you know why I allowed them to go on that mission. . . Because it was supposed to be a simple recon. Simple! And they come back with life threatening injuries.

"AND I NEVER KNEW! Why is it that I wasn't informed immediately when it was discovered? Why is it that it took two almost three days to get back to me?" Still no one answered. "Lavender. What was the reason?" The Empress asked the elf.

"I do not know Dawn." She answered meekly.

"It's your job to tell me this sort of thing. And yet I never knew, warriors were lying in recovery beds thinking I didn't care that they were hurt." Dawn's voice was now soft, almost as if she was scolding a child. A long silence fell once again, one filled with tension. It lasted for at least two minutes before Dawn broke it again. "Lavender, Rebel, Rogue, you're excused."

"But-" Dawn interrupted Rebel before she could even start.

"That's an order." All three bowed before leaving. "Oh and Lavender, I won't stand for something like this next time. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After the three had left Dawn turned to the warriors sitting before her. Her wings fell in exhaustion, her face fell into her hands and she let out a sigh. "Bear, send a message to Olympia of Aunoba Empire, tell her the red cobra has eaten, She'll know what it means.

She was exhausted and it wasn't even 10 in the morning. 

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