The Highlander's Sassenach

By pucklover

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Davina Knight's life changed the moment she witnessed her brother murder their own father. Left for dead in t... More

Chapter 1 Gavin
Chapter 2 Davina
Chapter 3 Davina
Chapter 4 Gavin
Chapter 5 Gavin
Chapter 6 Davina
Chapter 7 Davina
Chapter 8 Gavin
Chapter 9 Davina
Chapter 10 Gavin
Chapter 11 Davina
Chapter 12 Davina
Chapter 13 Gavin
Chapter 14 Davina
Chapter 15 Gavin
Chapter 17 Gavin
Chapter 18 Gavin
Chapter 19 Davina
Chapter 20 Gavin
Chapter 21 Davina
Chapter 22 Gavin
Chapter 23
Epilogue Gavin
Author's Note

Chapter 16 Davina

246 13 0
By pucklover

Summer gave way to fall, which meant harvest time for Wallace Castle and the nearby farms. Both Gavin and Laird Wallace helped the tenants in the fields. Something I had never seen a duke do in England. Both Gavin and his father loved those who resided on Clan land. As they did this, I became more settled in my role as mistress and ladt of Wallace Castle. And as the crisp October air filled the castle, my life at Wallace castle fell into a routine. In the morning Gavin and I would take our morning meals in our chambers, often in bed. We wanted to spend as much time together as possible. Then we both dress and go about our duties around the castle and outside the castle. I would oversee the servants and their daily chores, I would often help Mrs. Mactavish in the small garden by the kitchen. Though often I would get glares from her daughter Lizzie. Lizzie could never forgive me for stealing Gavin away. Even though Gavin said that there was never a promise of marriage to begin with. I often took my midday meal with Mrs. Mactavish in teh kitchen, and she told me stories about Gavin in his youth. Gavin was not always a cavalier, and Mrs. Mactavish often made me laugh. I loved learning about Gavin, and the kinda man he was.  

In the afternoon, I would help Laird Douglas with the castle accounts. Laird Douglas quickly became impressed with my method of balancing our accounts, and still had enough to give to those who were less fortunate in the village. Most of the servants live in the village, and many of them need help. Help with their children or parents were too sick to work. I wnated to help as many people as I could as the lady of Wallace Clan. These people deserved our charity, deserved our help. After all they were the ones who allowed us to keep our power. After that, I would often go down to the village with Arran, we often would speak about his interests in medicine. He wished to become a physician like Garratt. And help the Clan like his uncle did. I thought that was a great idea, and planned on speaking with Laird Douglas to send him to Edinborogh to study medicine. Reside with his Aunt Edith as he completed his studies. I am sure that Laird Wallace would want his youngest son to pursue something that would make Arran happy. After all Arran had the freedom to pursue what he wished. And he wished to pursue medicine.

In the evenings, we all would take our meal in the Great Hall. We all spoke about our day, and often would either listen to musicians or dance. Gavin would always find a way to touch me throughout the meal or during a dance. He could never truly keep his hands off of me. Which I found comforting. When we retired to our chambers, we often would spend our nights making love and planning our future. Sometimes we would sit by the fire and read the many books in our chambers. Even with this happiness around me. The fear of Theo finding me was always in the back of my mind. Often keeping me awake long after I should be asleep. Soon after my wedding, I missed my course. Thinking nothing of it, I said nothing. Not wishing to get anyone's hopes up. I was sure that I would get my courses soon enough. In the second week of October I began growing ill in the morning. And my stomach began growing. I began to wonder if I was with child. In the third week of October, as the air grew colder and the sea winds blew I woke up and ran to my chamber pot. Emptying my stomach into it. I shuddered in the cold air, as I was completely naked from our love making the night before. I felt Gavin wrap his plaid around my shoulders. 

“This is the fourth day Davina ye have become ill in the morning, are ye alright,” he asked. I nodded before dry heaving once again. Not having the ability to speak about how I felt in that moment. When nothing more came up, I collapsed in Gavin’s arms. He brought me back into bed, and pulled the blankets over my body. He sat beside me, his face full of concern. He took my hand and pressed a kiss on it.

“I am sending for Garatt, ye are unwell Davina. I wish to know for certain that ye will be alright,” he said. He got up from the bed and went over to the fireplace. He pulled his trousers on and went over to the door. 

“No please Gavin, I am alright. Please there is no reason to worry anyone. I am sure that it will pass,” I said. Not wanting to confirm what I already suspected. I just needed to wait a few more weeks until I felt the child kick.

“Please Davina, Mrs. Mactavish told me that ye often sleep in the afternoons, as ye grow weary. That is not like ye,” he said. I could see the concern in his eyes. As a man he did not quite understand the ways of a woman. Especially when she was with child.

“I am just tired, nothing to be worried about. Please come back to bed,” I replied. He only shook his head and opened the door. He called for one of the servants and told them to send for Garratt, that Lady Wallace was ill. He returned to my side, and helped me with my chemise. Pulling it over my head and through my arms. He then pulled the blankets back over me.

“Please my love, just let Garratt look at ye. Make sure ye are alright and well,” he pleaded. I sighed and nodded. Just then a knock came at the door and Gavin walked over to open it. Garratt walked in and gave me a small bow. 

“What is it Gavin, has something happened to the lady Davina,” he asked. Gavin stood up and walked over to him. The embraced one another. Garratt did love his nephew. I admired Garratt, and the work he put in for the clan.

“Davina is unwell, and I worried for her. Could ye please look over her. Make sure she is well,” Gavin replied. Garratt nodded and walked over and took my hand. Feeling the pulse on my wrist.

“What seems to ail ye my lady,” he asked. I picked at the blanket. Not wanting to say anything. It was rather soon, what if something happened to the child? I did not want Gavin to mourn a child he never knew. I wanted to try to protect the child as much as possible.

“I have been sick for several days now, I cannot keep anything down. And I often find myself rather tired in the afternoons. But it is nothing Garratt, I just must be weary from running the castle. That is all,” I said. He pulled away the blanket, and began feeling my stomach. He looked at Gavin, and looked at me. Giving us both a smile.

“I do not mean to pry mistress, but when was the last time ye had your courses. Your monthly bleeding,” he asked. I knew the answer, it took a few moments for me to answer. Knowing that once I did, then everyone would know about my condition.

“Just a week before my wedding Garratt,” I said. Calculating my monthly courses. Gavin’s mouth fell open. When he realized what Garratt was getting at. Men could be obtuse sometimes. Never really know what was staring right in front of them.

“Well, then I am happy to announce that ye are with child, and ye seem to be three months along,” he said. I sighed pulling the plaid blanket up over my growing stomach. I was indeed pregnant, carrying Gavin’s child. I looked over at Gavin, who was grinning ear to ear. Garratt stood up. Wiping his hands on the rag he had brought with him. He walked over and gave Gavin a smile.

“I will give ye both some privacy. But congratulations are in order. To the both of ye,” he said. He clasped Gavin on the shoulder before leaving the room. Gavin crawled into bed beside me, and took my hand. Planting a kiss on my palm. He was so very excited about this annoucement.

“Davina, this is wonderful news. We are going to have a child,” he said. I looked up at him. I knew I would fall pregnant rather quickly since we made love every night, well into the night in fact. But the fear I had been holding at bay rose to the surface. It had been rising for quite some time. The notion that Theo had more to take from me.

“What are we to do Gavin,” I whispered. If Theo does find me now, he would kill us both. And if our baby is born, he will kill our baby. As if reading my thoughts, Gavin pulled me into his arms. And kissed my hair. I buried my face into his chest. Feeling a heaviness fall on my chest.

“I know what ye are thinking, love, that Theo will try to kill our unborn child. But he will not lay a finger on ye. Or the child growing inside of ye,” he said. I looked up at him and met his gaze. Though my gaze was blurry with unshed tears.

“You do not know what my brother is capable of, how spiteful he truly can be. Knowing that it is your child who grows inside my belly,” I whispered. He reached out and cupped my cheek. Brushing the stray tear that fell from my eye.  

“And he does not know the love I have for ye, the love I have for our family. I will do anything to protect ye,” he said. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I clung to him. Wanting nothing more then to forget about my brother. Forget about what he has done to me. What he could to do to me.

“Please Gavin, just hold me,” I whispered pulling away. And he did. He held me and whispered words of love. He talked about the child we were going to have, how we were going to raise our child. If it would be a son or a daughter. We spent the rest of the day in bed, Gavin wanted me to rest. To gain my strength. Though I highly doubted that one day of rest was going to cure my pregnancy. I am sure that I would be tired for most of the pregnancy.

We told his father the next day. Laird Douglas was elated that we were expecting a child. An heir for Clan Wallace. He insisted that we throw a feast in celebration. Even though I told him that it was still a little early, we did not even feel the child kick yet. But Laid Douglas insisted, along with Mrs. Mactacish. Who was rather excited that there would be a child running around here soon enough. And two days later that is exactly what we did. We sat in the Great Hall as Laird Douglas made the announcement. That his son and heir would be having a bairn of his own. The whole Clan cheered and applauded the announcment. Laird Douglas was loudly announcing that I would bear a son to anyone would listen, but Gavin was convinced that I was to have a daughter and then a son I just hoped that my child would be healthy, and we both survived the birth. Knowing that childbirth was dangerous endeavor when it came to it. I had been to many funerals where the mother and child did not survive. Toward the end of the evening, as everyone was eating and drinking, the doors of the Great Hall opened and I felt my glass slip from my hands shattering all over the table. Causing the crowd to go silent and follow my gaze toward the two men walking toward us. It was him, it was Theo. He had found me. 

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