Harbinger Of Doom: The Attain...

By eeriesage

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Lores Taptallen was born in a chaotic time of war and domination. In a world where two species of humans poss... More

1. A Conflicted Heart
2. The Ceremony
3. An Explorer
4. The Wanderer
5. Initiated
6. Liz
7. The Hunt
8. A Hard Task
9. In Need
10. Departure
11. Experiment
12. The Capital
13. The Bounty Hunt
14. Exclusive Tavern (1) - The Riddle Contest
15. Exclusive Tavern (2)- The Prince's Agent
16. House Of Berath
17. The Conspiracy
18. Recruited
19. Snowfall Palace
20. Street Fight
21. The First Assignment
22. Summoned
23. The Conference
24. A Man In The Pool
25. Fense County (1)
26. Fense County (2)
27. Fense County (3)
28. Star Of Doom
29. Recovery
30. The Archery Contest (1)
31. The Archery Contest (2)- Commencement
32. The Archery Contest (3) - Bad Blood
33. The Archery Contest (4) - The Second Phase
35. Smokescreen
36. Azure Mystic Art
37. Ill Omen
38. Progress?
39. Bane
40. The Teahouse
41. Art Of Tea
42. Remarkable Outing
43. A New Ally
44. Red Moth Village
45. The Dragon Flintstone
46. The Sage
47. Medicine Chef
48. Seven, Where Are You?
49. Overhaul
50. Accepted
51. A New Stage
52. The Life of Shawlunge
53. The Queen Visits
54. Mystic Blade of Asura
55. Back To The Prince.
56. Enjoying The Moon

34. The Archery Contest (5) - The Final

35 14 36
By eeriesage

"I need to see the second prince." Laurene spoke out in front of Karick's tent. After the second phase was rounded up, a break was given before the commencement of the final phase. Laurene had decided to make things clear with Karick. She didn't want to feel like she was indebted to someone.

"Let her in." Karick's voice travelled from his tent. He anticipated her arrival and so he had dismissed the other girls beforehand.

"Care for tea?"

"No. Thanks. I'm good." She answered once inside Karick's tent. Karick adjusted his fringe and displayed a smile that circulated around his face, his eyes passing the message of his captivating smile.

Laurene cleared her throat a little, then looked away. She intended to cut to the chase but Karick had created a little distraction with that joviality of his. Before she could pull herself together to air her view, Karick spoke up.

"To what do I owe this sudden visit?" He knew the purpose of her coming but pretended to be ignorant.

"Your highness, you'd be lying to yourself if you say you don't know my purpose of coming here."

Karick chuckled.

"Have you come to thank me with regards to what happened earlier in the mid-phase? Do not bother Miss Russ. It was only an act of selflessness."

Laurene jeered before responding. "Thank you? You didn't have to do that. If words get out that you showed favouritism during the contest, it won't sit well with the people which is not good for neither of us."

"Are you blaming me?" Karick asked, pointing at himself. His voice was cool but his expression indignant. "I couldn't think clearly. It all happened in a moment. Don't you understand? I don't care what they say about me but I swear if anyone speaks ill of you, I'll bridle their tongue."

Laurene was silent, totally barren of words. She stared at Karick, her eyes conveying a subtle emotion. She had never seen that expression on Karick's face before. Before now, he was always smiling flirtatiously. But his apparent expression caught her off guard that she couldn't think of a word to say.

"I shall....see myself out." She bowed and left.

After she left the second prince, she met Lores en route to her tent. Lores sat on a stone cleaning his bow. During the time, Mo went to visit his mother. When Lores saw her, he lowered his head.

Lores' performance was astounding and above what people had in mind. It was the first time they witnessed an extraordinary nobody. Due to his noteworthy skills, the finalists became wary of him.

"Seven it is. Snowfall Palace representative. You have exceeded my expectations. Who could have thought that you'd become a threat to the first prince and I?" Lores' lips curled. He stopped cleaning to take a quick look at her. She was wearing a smile of wonder. Lores spoke as he went back to his work.

"I'm flattered. This one is just a servant of Snowfall Palace. I heard you've won the contest before. I am in no position to challenge you." Laurene laughed after learning of Lores' proficiency in flattering.

"You're too humble. All contestants are in a position to challenge. His highness must've put you in high regard to make you his representative. For the past two years His Highness have not participated. He is known as being aloof as nature's enthusiast. It has never been heard that a representative participated in a contestant's stead. So I think it's a big deal, and is rather intriguing that His Highness involved you in this big deal."


"Yes. I think I now know why he picked you." Lores Looked up in curiosity.

"Please do tell." Laurene folded her arms and began to explain.

"His highness may not have prioritize the golden bow but he wouldn't want to be the laughingstock of everyone. You seem to be outwardly humble but inwardly you have a heart of great determination. Nobody really saw it coming or else they wouldn't have commonized you. His highness is an astute planner."

Lores smirked. No one had talked much about Prince Mo. Listening to the person in front of him made him wonder. To him, Prince Mo was a pain in the ass due to his unpredictability and habit of doing things the other way round. Obviously, she was among the very few people who could predict the prince. He saw her as a great discerner because she was also able to see through him. He didn't raise his head. He continued cleaning his bow as he replied.

"You seem to be able to read his royal highness pretty well. To be honest, I'm deeply impressed. Miss, given your talent, you should be cracking cases with the supervisory council." He jested. She chuckled softly.

"You flatter me. I still know a little about him. I attended the royal academy with his highness. What's more, I saw him off before he left to tour the world." Lores pressed his lips together and nodded.

"Time is ticking. The final phase will soon commence. Out of the three finalists, only one will emerge as the winner. We won't go easy on each other." Laurene added.

"That's true. Now that you've considered me as a threat, you better be wary of me."

"You see. That's what I'm talking about. You have great determination."

"I know."

The last phase finally began. The three contestants stood in front of their targets holding their bows. Their gazes were sharp, their faces showed no smile. In their front were three targets facing the southwest, south and southeast wings. Three rings were suspended in front of the targets.

For some reason best known to Berg, his face showed no signal of tension or nervousness. It was as if he was so sure about winning the contest.

Lores was quite nervous knowing that two people were wary of him.

Berg already knew that Lores wasn't just some ordinary guard for him to have gotten to the last phase. Ergo he must never underestimate a person like that. He must be on the look out.

Eunuch Neeman stepped forward to say the rules in detail.

"The rules remain the same. However, I will reiterate for a brief reminder. Each contestant will be given ten arrows each. As many of us know, an arrow is worth ten points. Ergo, there will be a total of a hundred points set to be delivered by the contestants. The contestant with the highest number of points wins the contest."

The contestants took turns to shoot their arrows.

Berg went first. He nocked his arrow, facing his direction of southwest. His arrow expertly flew along the rings and pinpointed the bullseye.

Laurene faced her southward direction and also claimed her ten points.

Lores adjusted his headband and took three arrows. Everyone including the contestants looked in puzzlement at what he was about to do. Meanwhile, Mo chuckled. "why is seven so mysterious?"

Lores nocked the arrows into place and flattened his bow. He squinted an eye and after a few seconds, he let go of the arrows. They drifted from the bow and penetrated the rings of the wings, pinning the bullseyes at once.

Years of strict training as a hunter and fighter had finally paid off.

Everyone was astounded. The crowd began to cheer gleefully. Laurene cast a mystified look of both confusion and amazement on Lores. She never saw anything like that before ever since she joined the contest. Lores was the precedent.

"What are you doing?"

"What are my doing?" Lores smiled, shaking his head. "As you can see, I'm trying to win the contest. Miss, if my memory isn't failing me, the rules didn't forbid us from shooting at the opponent's target. The most important thing is who gets the highest point at the end of the day, right?"

Laurene could only stare at him with her mouth slightly opened.

"I already have thirty points. You better buckle down if you still want to win the contest. It's the first prince's turn." Lores finished and walked away.

Lores' archery skills was becoming unrivalled. Berg knew that if things went on like that, Lores could become the best archer in Liz. Berg sighed in a hush manner. He tried to console himself. He figured that him not winning the contest might not be necessarily bad for him. Instead, it wouldn't negatively affect his relationship with the second prince. Moreover, the second prince would become suspicious of him if he ends up winning the contest and that would make the loss outweigh the gain. It was just a contest. There was no need to undertake such a risk.

He took another arrow and shot at the bullseye earning himself twenty points in the process. He displayed a nonchalant smile thereafter.

Laurene was left in astonishment. Given the attitude of Berg, it seemed that he had lost interest in the contest. So it was between her and Lores. She knew she couldn't launch three arrows at once into the target. it would require an exquisite top-notch skill to do that.

She nocked two arrows and launched them. One of them pinned its destination while the other got entangled with the rings.

She closed her eyes and let out a prolonged exhale of breath. She just threw away ten points.

It continued that way with berg firing one at a time till all their arrows were exhausted.

Lores came first with ninety points, Laurene came second with sixty point and Berg came third with fifty points.

Lores' splendid exploit was unprecedented. Everyone was completely astounded. They did not expect his skills to surpass the aces of noble birth.

Laurene was the first person to congratulate him. She had never witnessed such a genius so good at archery. She was one to appreciate one's value and skills especially those who were way better than her. She knew that she had to improve immensely if she wanted to be the best archer again.

Meanwhile, Lores was all smiles. He turned to face where Mo was seated. The prince smiled in return. He couldn't believe it but his faith in Lores was inexplicable.

Lores was made to stand before the king. The archmage who was dressed in a black robe carried the golden bow from its stand gently with both hands, and presented it to king Elead.

The bow was unique and eye-catching. From the riser spreading to both the upper limb and lower limb were made of gold. Each tip of the nocks were expertly shaped into the head of a dragon. Lores suddenly discovered that he had seen that figure before. It was exactly the same creature carved on the token Mo gave to him at exclusive tavern.

King Elead was so impressed and amazed but his demeanor was not undue. He stood and walked towards Lores. He studied Lores for a long while before speaking. He saw a talent he could utilize. Meanwhile, Lores boldly stared at him without flinching.

"Your performance was mage-like. Almost incomprehensible. Your skillfulness is unprecedented and highly commendable. Many have won the contest but none did it like you. Liz is a warring nation, hence, the best archers and swordsmen are very instrumental. Accept this bow as a reward and also a call of duty."

"Call of duty to do what?"

"I'm obliged, your...majesty." Lores answered sarcastically as he accepted the bow. He badly wished he could use it to launch an arrow into King Elead's heart but it was only a daydream. He felt repulsive while accepting the weapon from a man who put him in his current situation, but he gave no reaction. He only sported a smile that didn't get to his eyes while his grip tightened on the bow.

"Snowfall Palace, despite not participating for the past two years have indeed exceeded my expectations. The winner of the contest goes to the third prince, Prince Mobecke Freydor of Snowfall Palace." The king stated while the crowd cheered.

Lores scoffed in his heart. That was typical of the nobles. He was just a commoner and wasn't worthy of accepting the accolades as a representative. So all the praises would go to Prince Mo. Lores couldn't care less. The golden bow was just a trophy for Snowfall Palace.

"I can seal you with the title...eagle eye if you become a royal guard and come to work in Ripplesky palace. You should put this talent of yours into good news." Lores was amused by the king's words so he laughed as King Elead and his officials stared at him with absolute cluelessness.

"You want me to guard you and your Palace? For what? Killing my people?"

"I thank your majesty for your kindness. With due respect and dignity, I decline to work in your palace. I'm content in Snowfall Palace as the third prince's guard. You may keep the title for someone else. I hope you can understand me, Your Royal Majesty."

Turning down the king in public was a humiliation of the crown. King Elead was startled. Only high ranking guards were sealed with titles. Nobody would reject that offer. The officials were poised in shock.

Mo frozen in his seat. He never expected Lores to be so brazen as to talk to the king in such manner.

"How dare you?!" Governor Gradarin bellowed. Mo knew he had to intervene or Lores could be in danger. He slammed his cup on his table, wine splashing out of it.

"What an insubordination!" Mo yelled as he stood up, anger written on his face. "You should be grateful that a commoner like you had the privilege to talk with the king." Lores startled, his face crestfallen.

Karick fell into fits of laughter. It was an opportunity for him to taunt Mo.

"It seems like our contest winner has a swift tongue. In my opinion it should be bridled. After all, he fights with his hands not his mouth."

Mo faced where Karick was seated and spoke after a while.

"Karick, please stay out of this."

"Stay out of what? Father is apparently being disrespected in public and you're asking me to stay out of it? Your guard is suppose to have his head chopped off by now. We are already cutting him some slack by bridling his tongue."

Mo directed his gaze to his father.

"Seven is uncouth and lacks manners. I will punish him accordingly. I promise." When Lores realized that Mo was trying cleaning up his mess, he fell on his knees and brought his head to the floor.

"I'm unruly. Please punish me." But after saying that statement, he regretted. He suddenly had a flashback of King Elead's inhumane deeds. He balled his fist. But he would do anything to save his father.

King Elead stared down at Lores for a long while. Right from the moment he set his eyes on Lores, he knew there was something peculiar about him.

"A moment ago you were so brave but now you seem docile. Such peculiarity is mindboggling. Humans can either be tamed by physical force or psychology. It doesn't really matter." He walked three steps back to his mobile throne then spoke over his shoulder. "Punish you? Are you implying that I clean up the mess left by the third prince? You were brought by the third prince. He should be the one to punish you for your unruly act. You may dismiss yourself."

Lores got up and left.

The contest finally came to an end. Lores stood lonely as the sun was beginning to set, thinking about what happened during the contest.

"A warrior donned in a braided hat. His sword glowed like a fiery meteor. His black steed garbed in a silver saddle. As quick as lightning it galloped."

Lores turned to see Marquis Hancho fanning himself.

"That poem is dedicated to your victory." Hancho added. Lores lips curled a little.

"Thank you."

Hancho became calm for a moment, then opened his mind to speak. His words were gentle and well pronounced.

"Here's a little advise. I get that you're fearless and daring. It's a positive quality. But when dealing with the king it's a different case. In the face of the king, your audacity will only lead you to a cul-de-sac. In the capital the only four things that can make people value you are wealth, connection, aristocratic blood and reputation. If you have all four then you're like a god. You built a reputation today through your splendid performance but almost ruined it with your audacity. Thankfully you were back to your senses. Even if you detest the bigwigs, audacity will not make you win against them. It will only cause you trouble. Only those four things are key to commanding respect in the society."

Lores mused for half a beat. He had no wealth, no connection, the validity of his aristocratic blood was yet to be proven. So, he was left with making a reputation for himself.

"Thanks for telling me this." Lores said. He must tread lightly if he was bent on saving his dad.

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