Mr. Tycoon's Woman||PJ&RP ✔️

By Peachyxpjmjjk

131K 8.4K 398

"Stay with me and I will give you everything your heart desires. For you, my darling, I would part the mounta... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Utterly Humiliated
Chapter 3: In A Rush
Chapter 4: Han Wuting
Chapter 5: Strong Backings
Chapter 6: Pushed to Her Lowest
Chapter 7: Saved His Life
Chapter 8: Vengeful Woman
Chapter 9: Once Upon a Time
Chapter 10: What Would I Do Without You
Chapter 11: Nothing To Be Afraid Of
Chapter 12: Perfect Plan
Chapter 13: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 14: Old Money
Chapter 15: World of Black and White
Chapter 16: Suddenly Vanished
Chapter 17: Foolish Woman
Chapter 18: Saving Grace
Chapter 19: Beat Her To The Ground
Chapter 20: Absolute Monarch
Chapter 21: Please Have Mercy
Chapter 22: Whats The Worst He Could Do?
Chapter 23: Hes Crazy
Chapter 24: Suspicious Parcel
Chapter 25: Priceless Expression
Chapter 26: Gift War
Chapter 27: Like A Coward
Chapter 28: Former Queen
Chapter 29: Someone You Cant Afford to Offend
Chapter 30: It Was a Mistake
Chapter 31: Its Ruined
Chapter 32: What Did You Do
Chapter 33: Nuisance In His Side
Chapter 34: Expecting Someone
Chapter 35: Send Painters Into Madness
Chapter 36: A Gift War To Win
Chapter 37: How Many Days Until The Wedding?
Chapter 38: Called The Wrong Number
Chapter 39: Special Treatment
Chapter 40: Greedy
Chapter 41: A Pawn
Chapter 42: Im Deleting Your Number
Chapter 43: This Is Stupid
Chapter 44: A Hidden Weapon
Chapter 45: Eagerly Waiting
Chapter 46: Sent To The Main Mansion
Chapter 47: You Owe Me
Chapter 48: Like A Fool
Chapter 49: 25/8 Adonis
Chapter 50: Protective Instincts
Chapter 51: A Tsundere?
Chapter 52: Broken Heirloom
Chapter 53: You Dont Know Who Youre Messing With
Chapter 54: The Master of Schemes
Chapter 55: Burn It To Ash
Chapter 56: Toss A Pig In The Air
Chapter 57: Were Family
Chapter 58: Seek Out the Consultant
Chapter 59: All Alone
Chapter 60: Im Fine
Chapter 61: The Past And The Future
Chapter 62: Are You Human?
Chapter 63: No Other Man Can Ever Replace Me
Chapter 64: There Was A Man On Her Bed!
Chapter 65: Are You Threatening Me?
Chapter 66: Someone Would Get Hurt
Chapter 67: A Sense of Familiarity
Chapter 68: Force Her to Remember
Chapter 69: Take A Picture, Itll Last Longer
Chapter 70: Coal From Diamond
Chapter 71: And If I Say No?
Chapter 72: Grieving For Her Loss
Chapter 73: Honorable Guest
Chapter 74: Dont Jump To Conclusions
Chapter 75: Make A Mess
Chapter 76: Get Ready
Chapter 77: What If He Doesnt Care About You Anymore
Chapter 78: The Storm Becomes A Calamity
Chapter 79: Get Out
Chapter 80: An Enemy Of His Woman
Chapter 81: A Friend
Chapter 82: Who Told Him?
Chapter 83: Gracious Offer
Chapter 84: I Wouldve Taken You Home
Chapter 85: It Would Be Weird
Chapter 86: Dragons Treasured Pearl
Chapter 87: The Boss Favors You
Chapter 88: 8 Billion Instead of 800 Million
Chapter 89: Do You Really Want To Find Out?
Chapter 90: There Is A Limit To My Patience
Chapter 91: Ill Let Your Imagination Figure It Out
Chapter 92: He Didnt Let Her Go
Chapter 93: Run For The Hills
Chapter 94: Why Did You Forget?
Chapter 95: I Tried to Seduce You
Chapter 96: We Already Have A Good Relationship
Chapter 97: Troublemaker
Chapter 98: Spending Only A Million A Day
Chapter 99: How Cliché
Chapter 100: A Puddle of Blood
Chapter 101: An Exchange
Chapter 102: Youre Awake
Chapter 103: A Frenzied Monster
Chapter 104: Send The Entire Army After Him
Chapter 105: Never Forget
Chapter 106: Her Body Was Pushed To The Limit
Chapter 107: I Would Fight To The Death
Chapter 108: Your Woman
Chapter 109: Freaky In Bed
Chapter 110: When Am I Expecting?
Chapter 111: Its The Truth
Chapter 112: For The Rest of Your Life
Chapter 113: Does That Feel Better?
Chapter 114: What Have You Done To Me?
Chapter 115: In The Future
Chapter 116: All Night Long
Chapter 117: I Didnt!
Chapter 118: Touch Me In Your Sleep
Chapter 119: Do You Like It?
Chapter 120: I'll Be Good
Chapter 122: You're Not The Boss Of Me
Chapter 123: Rot In Hell
Chapter 124: Mangled Appearance
Chapter 125: Because They Hate Me
Chapter 126: The Irrational Lover
Chapter 127: A Hypocrite
Chapter 128: Youll Dirty Your Hands
Chapter 129: Take A Guess
Chapter 130: Wrong Woman
Chapter 131: Devil And Angel
Chapter 132: Happiest Around Each Other
Chapter 133: Unreasonable
Chapter 134: Thunder
Chapter 135: You Dont Know Her
Chapter 136: Source of Happiness
Chapter 137: It Hurts
Chapter 138: Pathetic
Chapter 139: Not Ready
Chapter 140: A Dead End
Chapter 141: Gifts
Chapter 142: I'll Take I
Chapter 143: Easily Provoked
Chapter 144: Keep Your Promise
Chapter 145: Plump Backside
Chapter 146: Precious Babies
Chapter 147: Pushed Over The Rooftop
Chapter 148: Our Intimate Moments
Chapter 149 She Shouldve Said So Sooner
Chapter 150: Dream On
Chapter 151: Empress
Chapter 152: Ghosts and Monsters
Chapter 153: I Want To Ride I
Chapter 154: A House Divided
Chapter 155: Granse
Chapter 156: Carelessness
Chapter 157: Unnecessary Eyes Following
Chapter 158: Not A Simple Person
Chapter 159: Your Future
Chapter 160: Ready For War
Chapter 161: Sea of Gold
Chapter 162: Blame Herself
Chapter 163: Did I Stutter
Chapter 164: Tyrannical King
Chapter 165: Its Not A Gun
Chapter 166: Try To Be Better Next Time
Chapter 167: Slander My Name
Chapter 168:Too Paranoid
Chapter 169: Its Rude
Chapter 170: Generic Complimen
Chapter 171: Suffer A Hundredfold
Chapter 172: Empty and Lonely
Chapter 173: Dont Run
Chapter 174: Dont Reject Them
Chapter 175: The Rumor
Chapter 176: Future Madam Park
Chapter 177: Youre Crazy
Chapter 178: Family Meant Nothing
Chapter 179: Slip Of The Tongue
Chapter 180: Scars Ran Deep
Chapter 181: Its Good
Chapter 182: Warning
Chapter 183: A Little Birdy
Chapter 184: Not Faithful
Chapter 185: You Owe Me
Chapter 186: Other Side of the City
Chapter 187: A Mistress
Chapter 188: Suit Jacke
Chapter 189: A Flask On The Table
Chapter 190: Dont Wait
Chapter 191: In The Room Alone
Chapter 192: She Is On Her Way
Chapter 193: She Can Handle Herself
Chapter 194: Prejudice
Chapter 195: Violent
Chapter 196: Folded Ears
Chapter 197: Something New⚠️
Chapter 198: Important Matters
Chapter 199: Hubby
Chapter 200: Stop Nagging

Chapter 121: A Face To Their Brand

593 37 1
By Peachyxpjmjjk

Park Enterprise.

It felt as if time was put on hold, despite the loud ticking of the clock. The presenters held their breath in anticipation. No one dared to make a single sound, except for the occasional nervous gulps.

Park Jimin scanned the paper in front of him that proposed the very unique idea of opening a community suitable for the elderly that didn't treat them as if they were in a nursing home.

The plan was to build multiple apartment complexes that catered to the elderly and have 24/7 staff care. Each elder would be able to live in their own independent apartments with functioning kitchens and have the freedom to do things they please without feeling restricted by the rules of a nursing home. Staff will always be on call for emergencies.

It was a good idea and an experimental trend in other cities. It was currently on the rise, but only a few big companies were looking into it since the results were still unstable.

The only issue was it required a significantly higher cost and had a huge risk of failing. The project needed to be properly executed with the right funding to ensure everything went as planned. The presenters were hoping for hundreds of millions to start-up the project.

Park Jimin scowled. For the cost, the failure rate was too high. In order to make this project happen, he would need to partner with an investment firm.

Park Enterprise had collaborated with a handful of them, and he was rarely satisfied with any of them.

This proposal would need more consulting and time to think over.

Everyone watched his every move from the moment he flipped the last page to the second he lifted his head. He picked up the packet and wordlessly stood up. "Meeting adjourned."

No one dared to ask a single question about whether or not he was going to accept the proposal. Everyone stood up and bowed as low as their body would allow it.

"Thank you for your time, President Park," They simultaneously said, remaining in their bow even after he left the room, with Kim Namjoon following shortly after him.

Once he was gone, the people blew out a sigh of relief. But it was short lasting. Everyone had a pressing question in mind and it was their Boss' response. He had a displeased expression on his face as he was looking over the papers, which meant he didn't like it. But he personally took the paper, so didn't that mean he liked it? They were confused about the status of the proposal. The presenters nervously stood at their positions as they debated whether or not the infamous CEO would accept their idea.

"So was that a yes or no?" Someone popped up, equally as confused as everyone in the room.

"Well, he didn't deny it."

"But he didn't accept it either."

"He didn't look too pleased with us."

"Yes, but he took the paper. Isn't that a good sign?"

Different voices spoke up at once and soon the meeting room was filled with bustling conversations. None of them could settle on a definite answer, but the presenters were at least very hopeful. If the CEO personally took the packet, it meant he would be taking more time to think it over before accepting it.

- - - -

Park Jimin sat down at his office desk and placed the paper in front of him. Indeed, if it was successful, it would rake in a lot of money. But the idea was too costly and uncertain of success. He placed his hands on his desk and leaned his face on it, debating the idea.

Kim Namjoon patiently stood by the sidelines, awaiting his next order. After a few minutes, Park Jimin spoke up. "Look into our collaborator investment firms."

"Is there anything else, Sir?" Kim Namjoon asked, typing the request into his tablet.

"What are the reports on RY ?" Park Jimin remembered the company as it was also an investment firm.

Kim Namjoon read off the notes on his tablet. "We've been monitoring them for two weeks now and their performance has been quite steady. But for two weeks, they haven't made a move." He thought it was strange that a company rising so fast would suddenly stop in its tracks. What happened?

"What are the past projects they've invested in?"

Kim Namjoon wasn't the one who looked into it, for he passed the task onto Kang Seulgi. So, when he read off the reports, he was slightly surprised at how many relations it had with Yang Corporation. "They've invested into Seoul Star Mall, Zhao Tropical Resort in Huxian, the collaboration between Kim Conglomerate and Yanv Corporation, Cerebus Technology which is a sub-branch developed by Yang Corporation in response to VP Ling Suho's desire of having the company diverse into different fields."

Park Jimin felt his eyes narrow. So many projects were aligned with Yang Corporation. Was RY a secret firm of theirs?

"Any news on who the founder is?"

"None. The company is very tight-lipped about it, however, there are rumors that he or she will be making a debut soon."

"Making a debut soon? Why?"

Kim Namjoon scrolled down on the table. "The company didn't mention the reason in their public announcement. But my guess is that there has been a lot of pressure from the media and collaborating companies. None of them have personally seen the face of the CEO and they probably need a face for their brand."

"Do they have any shady businesses? Any malpractices or under-the-table deals?" Park Jimin was beginning to grow more intrigued about the company's background. It was pretty new and came out of nowhere, yet it is able to continually climb higher and at an accelerated rate.

"I've checked with both the business and Underworld sources. As of right now, the company is squeaky clean," Kim Namjoon reported.

Park Jimin thought about his next plan and after a few seconds, he finally spoke up. "Contact them. I want a meeting with the CEO personally."

Kim Namjoon hesitated. Feili had a specific policy where their CEO wouldn't meet with anyone, regardless of which company was targeting them. They didn't flinch at the idea of dropping deals worth hundreds of millions just to keep the identity of the higher-ups hidden.

But then again, no one has ever rejected the personal request of Park Jimin . Whoever dared to would see their company drop within the month until their stock was practically worth nothing.

Even so, Kim Namjoon was nervous at failing his Boss. "Sir, they have a strict policy—"

"Find a way to bypass it." Park Jimin wanted to meet the CEO in person.

He wanted to test and see if they were a valuable asset to collaborate with. Personally seeing the CEO would allow him to judge the character of him or her, as people usually had a very hard time lying to him face-to-face.

Park Jimin excelled in reading through people if they were foolish enough to lie to him. Besides, it wouldn't be bad for RY to collaborate with Yang Enterprise since it was the dream of many companies, regardless of their rank.

Kim Namjoon slightly frowned at his boss's stubbornness. It seems he would need to exert a lot of his time and power into this request...

"Yes, Sir." He glumly replied, reluctantly typing the order into his tablet.

Park Jimin looked at his overworked secretary and thought back to a couple of weeks ago when Kim Namjoon was smart enough to lock the little kitty in the office. "For your competence a couple of weeks ago, I'll raise your bonus for this month and the next one." He coolly said.

"Really?" Kim Namjoon asked, delighted at the news. His eyes twinkled with excitement at the things he could do and buy with the bonus.

"Did I stutter?" Park Jimin queried, opening his laptop and shifting his attention to the screen.

Kim Namjoon cleared his throat, quickly fixing his composure. He decided to show his excitement and happiness later on. "Thank you very much." He bowed.

Yang Feng didn't respond and instead began to type away on his computer, entering his workaholic stage.

Kim Namjoon secretly grinned and excused himself to tell his wife the good news. Maybe she would finally stop sleeping so early! She always went to bed right when he came home because she was tired of staying up for him, but now that he had a good reason, he thought about using it to make another baby. An adorable little girl that resembled his feisty wife would be a lovely idea...

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