A Different Way

By Thiccie67

63.6K 2.1K 959

Everything was going perfect for Izuku he met his idol, gained a quirk to fulfilled his dream and was even tr... More

Ch.1 One Path Closes Another Opens
Ch.2 Hell
Ch.3 Stronger
Ch.4 Almost
Ch.5 Diving Deeper
Ch.6 Close Call
Ch.7 Completion
Ch.8 Secret Thrower
Ch.9 Stains of Society
Ch.10 To the very End
Ch.11 Recovery
Ch.12 Hasty Return
Ch.13 Strings of Destiny Tangle
Ch.14 Aftermath
Ch.15 Trial and Verdict
Ch.17 In the Darkest Skies Shine the Brightest Stars
Ch.18 Something New
Ch.19 Bond
Ch.20 Leashed
Ch.21 Kyoto
Ch.22 Freed Wings
Ch.23 Burden
Ch.24 Liberation
Ch.25 Stop
CH.26 Rescue
Ch.27 I got no strings attached
Ch.28 Visitation
Ch.29 Culture
Ch.30 Info
Ch.31 Hood
Ch.32 War
Ch.33 Consequences
Ch.34 Executioner
Ch.35 True Hero?
Ch.36 I'm fine
Ch.37 Stay Away
Ch.38 The World's Hero
The Cuts

Ch.16 Readjusting

1.9K 65 19
By Thiccie67

Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

Izuku huffed and panted as he squatted a literal car in UA's gym. It's been 4 days since his trial and freedom, he hadn't been doing much since then besides pushing himself to reach his old peak of 80%. It also didn't help that every time he got close to reaching it again he would get injured and would have to repeat the process all over again. Examples are his Muscular fight and then almost immediately after the All for One fight. He had regressed considerably due to this as he now held barely 35% of his full power. The past user's quirks helped him kind of bridge the gap in his power but he knew he could be way stronger.

Izuku tossed the car off his back with a thud as he took a drink of water from a canister before moving to a leg press machine that causally loaded itself up to the same weight as an 18-wheeler. Izuku pulled the zipper down of his UA tracksuit as he began a new set of reps while getting lost in his thoughts again.

Speaking of the past users they had been a great help since his imprisonment. Either giving him encouragement or advice/theories on their quirks. Mainly, Nana who always talked to him and gave him support, even though he could tell she was hurting due to Shigaraki. She didn't let it bother her and instead tried to act like a mentor for Izuku. He still worried for her though.

As Izuku reracked the weight the door to the gym opened making Izuku turn and his heart instantly dropped in fear. Nejire had walked in with her hair tied in a high ponytail with her in the UA jumpsuit. Their eyes met immediately with a slightly tense aura around them, those three seconds felt like forever for both of them. Until Nejire just smiled and walked over to him causing Izuku to stand up forcing her to look up with the smile still on her face.

Nejire: Hey, Izuku. How was your break?

This threw Izuku completely off as he was expecting Nejire to start just questioning him like a detective. Yet here she stood acting completely out of character. Acting like he hadn't been gone for almost half a year, that's when it hit Izuku fully on why she wasn't acting like this. She didn't want Izuku to feel pressured after all that happened to him, both the injuries and the trial, so she was treating it like Izuku had barely been gone for a week.

Izuku smiled as he responded.

Izuku: It could have been better, how have you been?

Nejire just sighed as she inspected the gym making sure no one was around.

Nejire: I could have been better if my gym buddy was around, but besides that it was alright.

Izuku just rubbed the back of his head at that comment.

Izuku: Yeah. Sorry about that.

Nejire: I know you are Izuku, you never mean to hurt someone on purpose. Now tell me all about your adventures while we work out!

Nejire beamed brightly as she got on the leg press, ready to push it. Izuku just smiled as he got ready to spot her. So, they talked while they worked out together the same way they had first bonded all those months ago, Izuku truly was grateful for his 3rd-year friend. He also couldn't help but think about the contract he had made every time he looked at Nejire's beautiful smile and joyful laughter, however, he quickly killed those thoughts since he presumed Nejire wouldn't want to be in that type of arrangement. Soon their workout ended and they both promised each other to meet up for lunch before school started again, which was in three days.


The next day, Izuku could be seen shirtless in the commons as he had just finished cleaning the dorms, as 'punishment' from Nezu. So, now he was sitting on the couch trying to catch up on the last remaining schoolwork he had missed out on due to prison. As he was writing a wrong answer for a math problem he heard chatter outside the dorm making him look outside.

He sighed as he saw Class 1-B his class standing outside with their luggage and Vlad King in front of them explaining the rules of the dorm and the layout. Izuku sighed as he definitely wasn't in the mood to deal with people he didn't get along with that much. He put on a white short sleeve shirt and then sat back down to do his work, he could only hear tidbits of the conversations outside as Vlad King answered questions. Until one question caught on Izuku's ear.

???: Is Midoriya here?

Vlad King: Yes. Now let's head inside.

The door opened revealing all of Class 1-B being led by Vlad King. It was awkward as Izuku meet eyes with them while sitting on the couch and them just staring at him obviously uncomfortable. Izuku sighed as he remembered what Nezu told him to say to them as a part of his punishment. He stood up and went to the main hall and bowed down, making everyone confused about why he did that.

Izuku: I'm sorry for bringing unwanted negative attention to this class. Thanks to my foolish actions.

Class B looked shocked by this and before anyone could say anything, Izuku had already stood back up and was starting to walk away to his room. However, before he could make it even three steps Kendo rushed forward and quickly grabbed his wrist stopping him. He turned back with a confused look as Kendo had an embarrassed look before finally speaking.

Kendo: Thank you for saving me!

Kendo quickly let go of his arm and bowed making Izuku's eyes widen in shock as his mouth gapped as well. Soon the rest of the class followed their president's lead muttering thanks to Izuku as they bowed. Izuku immediately panicked and flushed in embarrassment as he waved his arms back and forth.

Izuku: What are you guys doing?! I don't deserve all that! I'm a criminal!

Kendo: A criminal wouldn't go out of their way to save people. Putting their own life at risk but literally and firefly is the complete opposite of what a criminal would do.

Setsuna: Exactly. How could we ever hate someone that would do all that? Who cares about some dumb laws?

Tetsu: Yeah you were so manly during your fights!

Kendo: Midoriya. We're sorry for casting you out all those months ago. We never meant to do it but still, we know it was wrong, and all just because of silly rivalry. However, we have always considered you as our classmate even now, and nothing will change that.

The rest of the class quickly voiced their agreement making Izuku almost cry until he held it back and just smiled thankfully at the class. Vlad King watched from the side with a smile as he left the dorm, he could explain the appliances of it later. Izuku offered his hand to Kendo.

Izuku: Well I'd be glad to forget about the past and start again. How about friends?

Kendo smiled and gladly accepted Izuku's hand in a shake.

Kendo: Friends.

Soon the whole class surrounded Izuku asking him a million questions, yet Izuku didn't feel overwhelmed instead he smiled and laughed as he guided them to the couches and started telling his stories from his vigilante times. Kendo stood in the pathway for a second just staring at Izuku's scar-ridden arms just feeling a little sad for some reason before joining the rest of her class in the common area.


The next day began with Izuku slowly adjusting back to school, with him trying his hardest to ignore the stares in the hallway. Luckily, he had finished all his past coursework meaning he was technically caught up to his work. However, in the actual lecture parts, he was completely lost making Monoma promise Izuku he'll help him study which the ex-vigilante was thankful for.

Soon, lunchtime arrived and as soon Izuku entered the cafeteria the room went dead silent as everyone stared at him making him slightly uncomfortable. He saw Ochaco at their old table waving him over making him smile as he walked over. He was also thankful to Kendo who told everyone to mind their own business quickly causing everyone to turn away from Izuku, Izuku gave her a thankful smile which she returned with a giant thumbs up.

However, not even a few seconds into the two eating lunch, Momo walked up to them making tension grow. Izuku stared at her with a hard look that held nothing behind it while Ochaco didn't even meet her gaze as she continued to eat.

Izuku: What do you need Yaoyorozu?

Momo: Izuku. Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends.

Izuku ignored the accusing tone as he replied with a cold remark.

Izuku: Why would I? It was a secret for a reason.

Momo seemed hurt by that answer before regaining her confidence and continued.

Momo: I thought we had something.

That pushed a button of Izuku's as he slammed his fork down with a bang making Momo flinch a little and causing some of the other patrons to turn toward the drama. Ochaco continued to look down at her food picking at it wanting to stay out of this.

Izuku: My own mother didn't learn the truth until I was on my deathbed. Ochaco only found out because of chance. I planned to not tell a single soul until the day I died, but that didn't happen. I didn't owe you anything Yaoyorozu, especially after I learned how you treated Ochaco while I was gone. Yet, you still have the audacity to act like you were someone that deserved to know?

Momo: I-I I only treated her like that because she wouldn't tell me the truth.

Izuku: She didn't tell you the truth because she respected my wishes enough to not tell a soul. You ignored that completely to catch up in your spoiled rich kid mind, where you just believe everyone owes you what you expect. Leave.

Momo stood there for a second wanting to argue against the accusation. Until she just turned around and left the cafeteria. Izuku sighed as he rubbed his forehead, he was sad losing Momo as a friend but she couldn't treat the person he loved like that and expect him to not be angry like that. Ochaco coughed getting Izuku's attention and showing his tired eyes.

Ochaco: You could have been a little nicer.

Izuku: Then she wouldn't have gotten the hint that I'm not in the mood. Also, I thought you be happy with that considering she attacked you.

Ochaco: She was confused and worried at the time Izuku. I can't blame her for wanting to know what happened to probably her first true friend. You should try to at least explain yourself a little better, and get to understand her side.

Izuku: I'm not hearing anything from her until she apologizes to you Ochaco. Once she does then I'll think about giving her the time of day.

Ochaco: Ok. You really are too good for me.

Said Ochaco as she chuckled while staring lovingly at Izuku, who returned the look.

Izuku: I say the same thing about you all the time.


Later, Izuku arrived at the Support Lab to visit his favorite mechanic. For the past two weeks, yes even during his trial, Mei had been hounding his phone with messages about the ideas she was blossoming with now due to her knowing the truth. This morning she had basically begged him, 50 messages and 20 phone calls, to come to visit her in the Support Lab to receive a gift.

He walked into the Support Lab seeing the many students casually working on God knows what. However, he spotted the pink dreadlocks from a mile away casually welding something onto what looked to be a mech suit. He tapped her shoulder with a black tendril to get her attention, he didn't want to get to close since she had a blowtorch. She stopped and turned around pulling up her blast mask, showing an annoyed face due to the interruption. Until she realized it was Izuku and tossed the mask and blowtorch to the side, running full speed towards Izuku.

Mei: Izuku!

Mei snagged Izuku into hug making Izuku oof as she tightly squeezed. Putting her face into his chest and even snuggling into him. Izuku gre red in the face as he felt two tanks press into him. He quickly regained himself as he lightly tapped her shoulder.

Izuku: um, Mei.

Mei quickly returned to reality and jumped back putting 5 feet between them with her face red like a tomato. Izuku was kind enough to pretend this didn't happen for Mei's 

Izuku: So, um. You said you had something to want to give me.

Mei: *cough* Um, yeah follow me. 'God I'm such a spaz!'

Mei lead him to the back where her personal workbench, which Izuku noticed instantly before she even arrived. Because it had a small fire in the corner of it and that it looked like a complete disaster. She ignored the mess and just slapped the fire with a towel and started scavenging through the cabinets of her workbench. Carelessly tossing things to the side making Izuku sweatdrop, yet also look away in respect as Mei seemed to have none for her own body as she casually swayed back and forth in front of Izuku.

She let out a small cheer muffled since she was inside the cupboards and pulled out a briefcase with the title of Alpha. She slammed the briefcase on her bench causing another fire to break out somehow, which she just shooed away.

Mei: Now feast your eyes on this baby!

Mei clicked the case opening revealing Izuku's vigilante costume repaired, Izuku's mouth gapped in shock as he walked closer and slowly inspected the costume. The long sleeve shirt he wore before was now a dark forest green with a more elastic type of material similar to a real hero costume, yet it still held its formal type of look. His vest was now black with the same sturdy material along with the gloves which he recognized as the ones Mei had used to impress him all that time ago. The straps he used to have wrapped around him were now a bright red, and his shoes as well in a matching red. His hood was now attached to his shirt and seemed to be able to fold into the costume in case he didn't want it. 

Mei: Now Izuku the Hero and The Good Samaritan can be one and the same. I added some tweaks and my inventions to it but it's still your suit, a suit that takes the best of both worlds, you.

Izuku was quiet for a second as he just stared at the costume before turning and wrapping Mei into a hug. She grew red and shocked for a second before smiling and returning it wrapping her arms around his waist. They stood there for a second until they slowly separated, they looked into each other's eyes with their arms still wrapped around each other. It felt like nothing was around them, just the two of them.

Their faces slowly leaned towards each other while their eyes seemed to slowly close, as they were centimeters apart. Mei's workbench imposed into flames shocking Izuku and Mei as he instinctively pulled her back due to Danger Sense. He also grabbed his suitcase from it, to save his new suit.

Mei: No! My babies!

Izuku: I can-

Mei: Nope get out!

Mei kicked Izuku out of the lab as she hurriedly tried to save her workbench with a very evident blush on her face.

Mei: 'Goddammit Mei. He has a girlfriend.'

Izuku stood outside of the lab frozen in place as he stared at the door holding his briefcase. He had a small blush on his face that he desperately tried to kill, he couldn't help but imagine her accepting the contract but he slapped his face as he started walking towards his dorm. After all, it's not like she would ever join that agreement. Izuku was knocked out of his self-depraving thoughts by his phone ringing.

He cursed as he tried to adjust the giant briefcase so he could reach for his phone in his back pocket. He finally fished it out and saw it was Toshinori. Which he quickly answered and put it to his ear.

Izuku: What's up Master? Is the government still bothering you?

Toshi: Not this time Izuku. I'm seeing 'him' tomorrow, do you want to come?

Izuku froze midstep and stood there for a second processing the question then he answered.

Izuku: Where do I meet you?

*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.17 From the Darkest Skies Shine the Brightest Stars

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