Slipknot short stories

By 0_mackie

17.1K 288 79

I got all of these off ao3 non of them are mine and if the creators of the fics want me to take them down I w... More

Iowa [all members x reader]
Movie Night [Sid x reader]
Paths cross [sid x reader]
🔞I miss you [smut]][chris x reader]
The Love Inside [sid x Reader]
🔞Wish [smut]][corey x reader]
Bite marks [corey x reader]
Clown Comfort [Shawn x reader]
Kitten shenanigans [chris x reader]
Hair [Joey x reader]
College [paul x reader]
A real clown [clown x reader]
Family [ Joey x reader ]
Stranger [corey x reader]
Sic [Corey x reader]
Beaten [clown x reader]
Prom [mick x reader]
Prom pt.2 [Jim x reader]
The Early Years [Chris x reader]
🔞pegging [sid x reader]][smut]
Massage [Jim x Reader]
Storms [ all ]
GoldiLocks [ Corey x Reader ]
Feral Catboy [joey x reader]
Massages [chris x reader]
🔞?Dream [ Joey x M!reader]
Wedding Date [ Sid x Reader ]
Random pt1.
Kids pt2.
Street Racing
---Author Notes--
1k Reads
CRAIG?! (Rant)
Another kinda rant

Bumblebees and flowers [ Jim x Reader]

277 9 2
By 0_mackie

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It wasn't unusual to find Jim playing his guitar at the flower field close to your home. He had at least once brought you there for a picnic date. And needless to say, you adored the peaceful meadow. It was his secret place, hidden behind a few acres of thick forest. In all honesty, the forest was scary, and it gave you the creeps - maybe that's why you had never seen anyone else at the field.

As you moved closer to Jim, you could hear more and more guitar notes ringing in the air. You weren't sure what he was playing, but it slightly sounded like that one song on the radio that gets stuck in your head for weeks at a time. But you knew that Jim didn't keep up with the latest hits so, it couldn't be it. You figured he was probably working on a new song for the upcoming album.

He stopped playing for a while and let out a sigh. At this point, you had almost reached him. Scaring him would be a fun idea, but you were sure that he had already heard you. He turned his head over his shoulder, and you could finally see his face. He looked tired. Not in the I slept like shit last night, but more in the I have slept a total of twenty-seven hours in the past week. It was due to the horribly hot weather that he bitched about constantly. Usually, this wasn't a problem, but magically two of his fans and the ceiling fan had broken down. He had tried to get them replaced, but it was almost impossible since new fans sold out in minutes. So, you two just had to suffer through the heat together.

He smiled at you before turning his head back around. "Hey," was all he said

"Hey." You sat down next to him and turned to look at him while he went back to messing with his guitar. You admired his face for a while, his long beard and his big pouty lower lip. How did you, out of all people, manage to get such a good-looking boyfriend?

The meadow wasn't quiet at all. It was filled with the wind blowing against the leaves on the oak trees littered across the field. The river was flowing, and the bumblebees were buzzing. It all complimented whatever Jim was playing on his acoustic guitar.

You sat there listening for a while until you got the itch to do something. You looked around before grabbing a few flowers from behind you. It had been a while since the last time you made a flower crown. Your mother had taught you how to make them when you were young. After that, you made at least one flower crown every summer. It was almost like a ritual and came straight from muscle memory. Placing two flowers in a cross, with the vertical one on top and bending the stem under the horizontal one. Bringing the stem back up and over the vertical one and twisting it to the right. You didn't notice that the playing had died down and kept repeating the same motion with new flowers.

"Are you making a flower crown?" You stopped and turned to look at Jim. A few strands of hair had fallen on his face, and you had to fight the urge to brush them behind his ear. He was looking at the flowers in your hands.

"Yea," you grabbed a few more flowers. "want to make one as well?"

"I don't know how to." he answered, gazing at the setting sun.

You offered him a few flowers. "Want me to teach you?"

He quickly looked back at you and then the flowers. He seemed a bit hesitant at first but then accepted the offer. He hoisted his guitar out of his lap and grabbed the flowers you held towards him.

You moved closer to him so it would be easier to help him. You were so close that you could feel his body heat radiating off of him. The first steps were the hardest for him. It was challenging to get the flowers to bend in the right direction with his giant hands. They were either twisting too much or too little, and you could tell he was getting frustrated. So you ushered his hands out of the way and did the beginning for him. He gave you a small smile and then started with the same thing you were doing. Down. Behind. Up. Over. Right. Repeat.

You laid your head against Jim's arm and continued with the crown. Oh, how you wished you could share more of these small moments together. You turned to look at how his crown was coming along. It was a bit wonky, with some of the flowers squeezed against each other tightly and some of them having huge gaps in between them. But it was great for a first attempt.

You noticed movement in the corner of your eye. There was a bee crawling on Jim's leg. It seemed like he hadn't noticed it yet. "There's a bee on your leg."

He immediately stopped with the crown and looked at his leg. "Oh, that's not a bee, that's a bumblebee y'know."

You rolled your eyes at him. "What's the difference?"

"Well, bumblebee's don't produce honey, and they live in smaller colonies."

"Okay, mister I know the difference between a bee and a bumblebee, how are you going to get it off of your leg without it stinging you?"

He chuckled. "Bumblebees rarely sting, and if they do, they usually warn you first." He let the unfinished crown fall out of his hands onto his lap. "Look." He placed his fingers slowly in front of the bumblebee. The bumblebee stopped moving before slowly turning its antennas towards Jim's fingers. Then it walked right onto them. Jim lifted his hand with the bumblebee on it.

"How do you even know all of this?"

"I've spent a lot of time here, y'know, had a lot of time to study these little creatures." He brought the bumblebee closer to you. "Want to pet it?"

The bumblebee was laying on Jim's hand, just staring at you with its eyes. You had to admit that it did look pretty soft. "Will it sting me?" You met Jim's gaze.

"No. It'll warn you if you're too close by lifting its middle legs behind its back." Jim raised his index finger on his other hand and gave the bumblebee a pet. "See? It won't sting."

You nodded and lifted your hand up and carefully touched the back of the bumblebee, making sure not to touch its wings. It was soft and delicate. You were scared that you were pressing too much, but you had to press enough to feel the fur it had. It was like walking on eggshells. You have to put some pressure, but not too much.

"That wasn't bad now was it?" Jim looked at you expectantly. You shook your head.

Jim placed his hand near a flower, and the bumblebee immediately moved its antennas towards it and happily walked onto it. You could see Jim smile at it before turning his attention back to the crown.

You had to add a few more flowers to the crown so it would fit Jim's head. You tried the crown on yourself, and it fell over your head onto your neck. You carefully took it off and placed it on Jim's head. You looked at him, dumbfounded. It was a perfect size. How did this guy have such a big head? Well, you already knew everything about him was big, so it shouldn't have been a surprise.

"So uhh, how do I end this?" Jim was holding out his flower crown.

"Let me do it for you." You grabbed the flower crown and an extra flower and made the ending with it. "Here." You handed the crown back to Jim

He hummed and placed it on top of your head. "It's not perfect but y'know..." He trailed off while rubbing the back of his neck.

You placed your hands on his cheeks, and he immediately turned to look at you. "It's perfect. Thank you." You kissed him and let go of his face. "Wait, no. I have an idea."

You picked a few flowers from around you and started putting them in his beard. Due to the texture of it, they stayed neatly in and you didn't have to either fight the flowers or Jim's beard. You stuck the last one in and took a look at Jim. The sight made you smile. Your big, scary biker boyfriend had a flower crown on top of his head and flowers in his beard. You should totally ask him if you could braid it some time, alongside his hair.

"You look like a fairy." You grabbed his hand and just held it.

He just snorted and looked away. It was clear that he was trying his best not to smile at your antics. "You're lucky that I love you."

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