Loved by Fate ? - Adventures...

By Neferly

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This is a prequel to the main story Fate is cruel - Magi [Sinbad x OC], that I'll start after finishing this... More

1 - A nameless girl
2 - Stories and name
3 - Welcome home
5 - The wandering traveler
6 - Military Service
7 - The King's Power
8 - Farewell
9 - Departure
10 - Encounter on the Ocean
11 - The Rampaging Unicorn
12 - Mahrajan
13 - Assassin
14 - A Place to Risk One's Life
15 - Dungeon Bares Its Fangs
16 - Sham Lash
17 - The Djinn from the 6th Dungeon
18 - Dark Beast
19 - First Harpoon
20 - Last night in Imuchakk
21 - First Time Trading
22 - Trial
23 - Theatre & Household
24 - The Pure Land
25 - Artemyra
26 - Mariadel Trading Company

4 - A new life

475 18 4
By Neferly

One year had passed since Reana had entered Sinbad and Esra's lives. What began as a chance encounter on a fateful day had transformed into a bond that surpassed mere friendship. Having chosen to stay with them in Tison village, Reana had found solace and purpose alongside the two of them. She had become an integral part of their small family.

With her past still shrouded in mystery, Reana had embraced the opportunity to create a new life for herself. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as she dedicated herself to helping Sinbad and his ailing mother.

From the moment Sinbad introduced her to the tavern in Constantia Harbor, Reana had discovered a newfound passion for work. The establishment, run by a benevolent owner who owed Sinbad a favor, had become her second home. Within its bustling walls, Reana found herself donning an apron and diving headfirst into the realm of hospitality.

Her days were filled with a delightful whirlwind of activity. From sunrise to sunset, Reana's nimble fingers danced across tables, meticulously arranging cutlery and ensuring the tavern was immaculate. Her dedication and gentle nature quickly won over the patrons, who couldn't help but appreciate her genuine warmth and kindness.

After her shifts at the tavern, Sinbad would always be there to pick her up. It had become their daily routine—a time of shared moments, laughter, and gentle conversations. As they walked home together, Reana would recount her day at work, the interesting characters she had encountered, and the new stories of adventures she heard while working. Sinbad would listen attentively, hanging onto her every word, his eyes sparkling with genuine admiration and pride.

The connection Reana formed with Sinbad and Esra that held great significance to her. They had become her family, embracing her as if she had always belonged. Their unwavering support and unconditional love nurtured her, helping her discover her own strength and resilience.

Sinbad, too, flourished in the bustling harbor town. The adventurous spark in his eyes had grown brighter with every passing day, fueled by the tales he absorbed from sailors and travelers he treated with. Their stories painted vivid pictures of far-off lands, unexplored territories, and treacherous waters. Sinbad's dreams of venturing beyond the boundaries of Tison village had become bolder and more resolute.

Esra watched this transformation with a glint of maternal pride. Her son had matured, taking on more responsibilities and displaying a newfound sense of purpose. She marveled at the profound impact Reana had on him, providing a stabilizing force and a shoulder to lean on. The girl had become a source of strength for them both.


One day, as dusk settled over Constantia Harbor, the bustling tavern began to wind down after a long day of serving patrons. Reana, her shift nearing its end, worked diligently, clearing tables and bidding farewell to the remaining customers.

However, on this particular evening, a group of rowdy customers had lingered at the corner of the tavern, their voices growing louder with each drink they consumed. Their boisterous laughter filled the air, creating a dissonance in the otherwise peaceful atmosphere. Reana, ever the beacon of composure, continued with her duties, trying to ignore their disruptive behavior.

As the night grew darker, the inebriated group's attention shifted to Reana. Their eyes, clouded by alcohol-fueled arrogance, fixated on her, fueling a sense of entitlement and misplaced confidence. Their comments became more brazen, laced with an intention to provoke and intimidate.

With a tray of empty glasses in her hands, Reana carefully maneuvered between the tables of the tavern, making her way towards the bar to return the glasses to the bartender. However, as she passed by the group, their bravado took an unsettling turn.

"Hey, sweetheart," one of the inebriated men slurred, his words dripping with a mix of arrogance and intoxication. "Why don't you stay a while? We'll make it worth your time."

Reana maintained her composure, but her eyes betrayed a flicker of unease. 

"Thank you for the offer, but I must attend to my duties. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" she replied with a polite smile.

The man's companions erupted in drunken laughter, their eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. Reana exchanged a brief glance with the tavern's owner, who wore a furrowed brow, signaling his intent to intervene. However, before he could reach Reana's side, a familiar figure burst through the tavern's entrance.

Sinbad, with his long purple hair flowing behind him, stormed into the scene, his golden eyes ablaze with determination. He had come to pick up Reana as he did every evening, unaware of the impending turmoil that awaited them. The room fell momentarily silent as the patrons noticed his presence.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sinbad positioned himself between Reana and the unruly customers, his voice firm but controlled. "That's enough," he said, his words cutting through the tense air. "Leave her alone."

The group of drunks, initially taken aback by Sinbad's sudden appearance and unwavering demeanor, now turned their attention to him. One of them, the most audacious of the bunch, slurred his words as he taunted Sinbad. "Who's she to you, huh? Your woman?"

Sinbad's face reddened slightly, a mix of embarrassment and something else flickering in his eyes. He hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the question. "That's none of your business." he finally said. "Now step aside and let us leave in peace."

The drunk customer chortled, seemingly delighted by Sinbad's reaction. "Well, well, don't get all riled up, boy. I was just curious. Take her, if you can handle her!"

Sinbad had to summon all his self-control not to respond. He took Reana's hand firmly and gently pulled her away from the obnoxious customers. With a final, steely gaze directed at the men, he led Reana towards the exit, leaving behind the toxic atmosphere of the tavern.

Reana cast a grateful glance at Sinbad, her eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and admiration. She squeezed his hand, silently acknowledging his protective act. They stepped out into the cool night air, leaving behind the unpleasant encounter.

As they walked away, their pace steady and determined, Reana couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of gratitude for the bond they shared. Sinbad's unwavering support and intervention had not only rescued her from an uncomfortable situation but had also affirmed their connection.

Silent words hung in the air, unspoken yet deeply felt. They could not help but steal glances at each other as they walked through the dimly lit streets of Constantia Harbor

A sense of unease still lingered between them, both feeling slightly embarrassed by the teasing of the drunken customers. Sensing the need to break the tension, Sinbad looked up at the low rooftops lining the narrow path.

"Hey, Reana, want to do something fun?" Sinbad asked, a mischievous glint in his golden eyes.

Reana glanced at him, her own embarrassment fading as curiosity sparked in her blue gaze. "What do you have in mind, Sinbad?"

A wide smile spread across Sinbad's face as he gestured toward the rooftops. "Let's climb up there! It'll be like a secret adventure. We can take a different route home and have a new perspective on the village."

Reana hesitated for a moment, unsure of her own abilities, but the playful enthusiasm in Sinbad's eyes was contagious. With a nod, she agreed, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Carefully, Sinbad took the lead, effortlessly scaling the low rooftops with nimble movements. Reana followed, her steps a little less sure but filled with determination. With Sinbad's encouragement and guidance, she found her footing, gradually gaining confidence as they moved from roof to roof.

As they navigated the rooftops, their laughter mingled with the soft rustling of the evening breeze. The familiar scenery took on a whole new dimension from above, and their worries began to dissipate.

However, as they reached a point where the rooftops offered a clear view of the surrounding area, their playful mood was abruptly interrupted by a chorus of distressed voices. Faint cries for help reached their ears, growing louder and more urgent with each passing moment.

Sinbad and Reana exchanged a worried glance before cautiously edging closer to the source of the commotion. From their elevated vantage point, they peered down and saw a group of armed men surrounding a horse-drawn cart. The panicked voices belonged to a group of women, their pleas for assistance echoing through the night. The driver, an old man with weathered features, seemed powerless against the threatening figures that loomed around him.

Silently, they exchanged a nod. Reana knew that Sinbad could handle the situation. She wished she could help him, but she did not know how to defend herself, let alone fighting armed men.  

Gazing at Sinbad as he reached the rooftop's edge, Reana's eyes brimmed with a potent mix of admiration and unwavering resolve. Deep within her, a fierce determination took hold, igniting her desire to acquire the skills of combat and stand by Sinbad's side, no matter the challenges they might face.

A/N: Hey ! I did not expect this chapter to take this long, but it ended up much longer than what I was planning ! Enjoy !

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