Eddie Munson - A Collection o...

By strangerthingsgalxox

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A collection of short (but lengthy) one shots, of our beloved Eddie Munson. A selection of stories for any av... More

001. There really is no place like Home.
002. Welcome Home, Nell.
003. The Cheerleader with no Cheer.
004. I wish that I had Gareth's Girl.
005. Vanessa.
006. Vanessa II
007. I'll Love You, From Right Here.
008. Lyra's Legacy.
009. Thy Best Friend, Thy Enemy.
010. As Long as We're Together.
011. A Letter to Elise.
012. The Gate will always be Open, Lucy.
013. We do have Forever. (Sequel to Lucy)
014. Princess of His Underworld.
015. High on You
016. The Best Worst Date.
017. NINE
019. I Didn't Run This Time.
020. The Not So Bad Guy.
021. Where Do We Go, From Here?
022. Why D'ya Only Call Me When You're High?
023. The Girl in the Rain.
024. Fox
025. I've Got You, Laine.
026. White Flag.
027. Rockstar.
028. The Watcher & His Witch.
029. Ghost Face.
030. Peach 🍑
031. Life in Grey/Technicolour. 🩶💛
032. Complicated Best Friends.
033. The Winner Takes It All.
034. The Grinch.
035. Dreams
036. You're a Ghost.
037. The Princess & The Pauper.
038. Betty
039. Lencois (Somebody Love Me Right)
040. Wynn

018. His Sparkling Diamond.

178 4 254
By strangerthingsgalxox

"Man, you've gotta see this!" Jeff cried, excitedly.

"See what?" I asked, as we lounged in the dressing room.

"There's a band on, and the singer.... You just gotta see!" Jeff said.

"Come on then, we'll head to the wings." I said, as Jeff shook his head with a wide grin.

"Nah, you'll wanna see this from the crowd." He said.

"I will?" I asked.

"Especially you." He said.

He led the way, rather excitedly and we exited the stage doors and into the main corridor.

Jeff practically dragged us down, and as he opened the doors, I felt a rush of body heat and I heard a sudden rush of sound; an angelic voice and synth.

Paying attention to where I was going, we weaved through the tightly packed crowd; a few recognised us as having not long been onstage as Corroded Coffin, and excitedly helped us through.

Once we were a row from the front, I focused on the stage in front of me and my breath caught in my chest.

The scenery onstage was of Neverwinter.
Dungeons and Dragons.

And the singer was dressed as a particular life like wolf.

"I'm hungry, like a wolf.....
I bleed, like a wolf.....

I'm lost and, I'm lonely,
I hunger for you only...

Don't leave me now, don't break this spell....
In heaven, lost my taste for Hell....

Taste for Hell..."

And the crowd started jumping up and down to the chorus.

I watched the singer, recognising that it was a female voice, fixated as she removed the hands of the costume, revealing delicate, dainty manicured hands.

Her hand curled around the microphone in the stand, as she continued to sing, swaying to the music.

"I'm hunted, like the wolf...."

She strategically stepped out of the feet of the costume, revealing red suede boots with a thick heel.

"I feed, I feed, like a wolf....

I'm lost and, I'm lonely, I hunger for you only...

Don't leave me now, don't break this spell...
In Heaven, lost my taste for Hell....

Taste for Hell...."

The crowd was jumping again, cheering as she unzipped the front of the costume.

She took a step back, and during the instrumental of the song, she shrugged out of the body of the costume, revealing a short green dress, with a bodice made of leaves, and green tights.

And as the instrumental slowly reached the much anticipated abrupt pause, and to see the face behind the mask, the head of the costume lifted off her face; she pulled the microphone out of the stand, the mask suddenly revealing long, vibrant pillar box red hair, a tiara of leaves on her head, accompanied with a breathtaking smile.

"Into the wild...." She sang, starting to jump up and down with the crowd, dancing with them to the very end of the song.

"Into the wild........."

"Into the wild........"

She was dressed as an Ivy Elf.
And I was transfixed.

I could see why Jeff thought this would appeal to me.

Why she would appeal to me.

My characters often had an Ivy Elf on their team when I wrote my campaigns for D&D.

Tonight was Hawkins Festival, and various bands had been asked to perform, ourselves included.

Our stages were themed at our choosing.
We'd gone for a thundering black and red sky, with bright white LED lightning, the screens depicting rain and a storm of bats circling; an ode to Ozzy.

"We've been Ivy Lane and we're gonna leave you with one final song before we let the next guys come on, what d'ya say?" She spoke into the microphone.

Her voice sounded sweet; I liked it.

Ivy Lane had gone for an impressive D&D battle scene. I decided it was my favourite of the night.

The crowd cheered and were shouting the title of a song that I couldn't quite make out.

"Ohhhh, that would be quite the set ending wouldn't it?" She asked, chuckling nervously down into the microphone.

"That's what you want?" She asked, as everyone roared around us, their voices ringing in my ears.

"Only if you promise to dance." She said, before turning to her bandmate on the decks.

I knew what it was, as soon as it kicked in.

Young Blood.

I realised I'd heard their EP recently, I just hadn't made the association until this song.

Ivy Lane.

Yes. I remembered them now.

The crowd was practically bouncing and she was jumping along with them, hyping them up.

"I knew you'd like them." Jeff shouted in my ear.

"Their backdrop is fucking awesome." I shouted back.

"Ivy Lane. Fans of D&D." I said, unable to believe it.

The song ended and she took a well deserved bow, the roar from the crowd, ear piercingly loud.

She'd earned it. They'd earned it.

Her voice was amazing.

She was beautiful too.

Eddie's POV.

We headed backstage, and spoke to one of the road team, asking if we could just pop in and speak to Ivy Lane.

When we had confirmation that the singer had now changed, and was decent, we were able to safely knock on their dressing room door.

"Come in." Someone called.

And as we opened the door, the singer, still with the vibrant red hair and tiara, was casually lounging on the sofa in an oversized black Dio T-shirt, black leggings and black boots, her bandmate slowly removing what I realised was a wig.

She sighed with relief, pulling the wig cap off, revealing a mass of deep orange, long, loose curls.

She adjusted her soft bangs at the front, tousling them with thin, slender fingers and she lay back, sighing again.

"Oh hey." She said, when her eyes fell on me.

"Corroded Coffin." She continued, as we all nodded.

"Yeah, we wanted to just drop in and say that it was an amazing set and backdrop." I said.

"Oh wow, thank you." She said, modestly.

"We watched from the crowd." Jeff said.

"You did?" She asked, surprised.

She was smiling though, and I couldn't help but smile back.

It had been an infectious smile; it was hard not to return it.

"Yeah. The backdrop was awesome." I said.

"The transition from the wolf to an Ivy Elf was pretty awesome too." I added.

"You know D&D?" She asked.

"Eddie always plays his campaigns with an Ivy Elf." Gareth interjected as I laughed nervously.

"It's not very often we find people who still play." She said, as her bandmate turned to us.

"That's seriously cool. We still play too." He said.

"And it's never a bad idea to have an Ivy Elf." She said, with a knowing smirk towards me.

"They're seriously underrated." She added.

"Yeah, aren't they?" I asked, in agreement.

"You wanna sit down?" She asked, as I realised we were all still pretty much hanging in their dressing room doorway.

"You sure? If you're busy or heading out we can just go. We wouldn't be offended." I said, as she chuckled softly.

"As you can see, I aren't going anywhere anytime soon." She said, referencing the relaxed position in which she was sitting.

She was still casually lounging on the sofa, one leg dangling idly over the arm, her other leg propped up so her knee was raised; she was half lying down, half sitting and absentmindedly playing with a lock of her orange hair.

"We don't mind." Her bandmate said, with a smile.

"This is Chris and Jackson." She said, introducing him and her other bandmate, who was arched over a laptop in the corner. He was mixing tracks from what I could see and seemed a little on the quiet side.

He waved though at the sound of his name and quietly returned back to his laptop screen.

"And I'm Evanna. Ivy for short." She said.

"Makes sense." I said, with a wide smile.

"Of course it would be." Jeff said, chuckling softly.

"I'm Eddie, this is Jeff, Grant and Gareth." I said, introducing us all.

We sat down with them, albeit a little nervously and she moved up to make room for me.

My body had moved before my brain; and my body was apparently itching to sit next to her.

And as she smiled at me, she was apparently happy it was.

"You're from Hawkins?" I asked, as she nodded.

"Yeah, I have a rich ass family and so I went to boarding school whilst all you guys went to mainstream, I'm guessing?" She asked.

"We did. And you didn't miss much." I said, as she laughed.

"No, I reckon I didn't." She said, in agreement.

"So you do this gig full time?" Jeff asked her as she shook her head.

"No, more part time. We all have jobs too." She said.

"We're the same." Jeff said.

"You're a fan of Dio?" I asked, as she nodded and pointed to the mural on the back of my jacket.

"So are you." She mused as I chuckled nervously and nodded.

"I am." I answered.

Chris passed her a water and she took it gratefully, reaching for a packet off her dresser.

She opened it and poured the contents into her rosebud mouth and swilled it down with water.

"Helps with the vocal chords." She said, when she noticed she'd had a keen audience.

"He normally just swills beer." Jeff said, motioning to me as I grimaced slightly, with mild embarrassment.

"I'm not wrong am I?" He asked, in his defence.

"No you're really not. Just don't give out all of my secrets, yeah?" I asked him, playfully.

"We liked your set and your covers." Evanna said, with a smile.

"Oh thank you." I said, just as modestly as she had done.

"I only take this because of my job. Have to be strict." She said, raising the empty packet in her hand.

"What's your job?" I asked, keenly interested.

"Theatre." She said, with a wide smile.

"Holy shit, Evanna Lane." Gareth said suddenly.

"That's me." She said, as I failed to make the same association.

"I don't follow." I said, confused.

"Dude. The Opera singer." Gareth said, like it was obvious.

"Les Mis, Love Never Dies, Evita, Cats." He reeled off, as I shrugged.

"I'm not offended." She said, as I stared at her apologetically.

"Theatre isn't everyone's thing." She added.

"He only knows because his mom drags him along. His mom is the avid theatre fan." Jeff said.

"Hey, I obviously paid attention." Gareth said, his hands raised in defence.

She found it all quite amusing, and I could only try and laugh along, teamed with the awkwardness that I had never set foot in a single theatre in my life.

"Aren't you doing Moulin Rouge at the moment?" Gareth asked her.

"I am. Two nights a week. Afternoon and evenings." She said, seemingly impressed that Gareth knew.

"Satine." She continued.

"I'm assuming that's the lead role?" I asked.

"It is." She answered with a smile.

And the rest of the night was just full of conversation, and at the end she approached as we were leaving and very forwardly, slipped a small square piece of paper in my hand.

"In case you wanted to come tomorrow." She whispered, pressing a finger to her lips to signal me to keep quiet.

I tightened my grip on the paper and nodded.

"I'll be there." I whispered back, with a smile.

I wasn't sure where she was inviting me.
But I was going all the same.

Eddie's POV.

I sat in my allocated seat the ticket dictated and settled there, taking a shaky deep breath.

The paper she'd passed me was a ticket for tonight's matinee of Moulin Rouge.

She'd also folded a small piece of paper with her number written on it and I'd text her to let her know I'd arrived.

I was sitting in the second row, and I adjusted my suit trousers and jacket, getting comfortable as an elderly lady sat down in the seat next to me.

She smiled warmly at me and I returned it, before focusing my eyes back into the stage.

The lights went out around 7:30pm and with a burst of colour and light, I was transfixed from the start. I was waiting for her to appear; I was waiting for her debut.

I'd been handed a show programme when I'd walked through and I'd found her in there, her photo, her small bio and it confirmed she was playing the lead role of Satine, the Sparkling Diamond.

The photo, was breathtaking, professionally done.

And when she finally did appear, I wasn't disappointed.

She entered the stage from above, on a swing, head to toe in sequins and her natural, glowing orange hair shone brightly before my eyes.

She entered in a haze of smoke and confetti, and she immediately began to sing.

I was hooked.

"The French.... Are glad to die, for love.
They delight, in fighting duels...

But I prefer a man who lives, and gives expensive......"

And she leaned down suddenly on the swing, before whispering a single word:


And as the orchestra struck up , she was suddenly swinging quite quickly above the stage in a full circle.

She threw off the top hat sitting snug on her head, and as the swing lowered to the stage floor, she swung upside down to land on both feet on the stage, and the song officially began.

"A kiss on the hand, might be quite continental, but diamonds are a girls best friend....

A kiss might be grand but it won't pay the rental on your humble flat....

Or help you feed your pussy cat...."

I was mesmerised as I watched her in the many scenes, watching her act, watching her sing.

I was happy, joyful, sad and bereft at random points throughout, and when one particular scene played out, there were tears in my eyes, which I hadn't expected.

"Goodbye Harold!" She announced, heading towards the wings.

"You're dying, Satine." Harold said, as my breath caught in my chest, with shock.

I was so invested in her character.

"No..." I found myself whispering, devastated.

She stopped dead in her tracks and she spun around; I saw that her blue eyes were crying.

"Another trick Harold?" She asked, unconvinced.

"The doctor told us." Harold said, bowing his head slightly.

She acknowledged the lady in the scene, sitting behind him.

It was so convincing.

"Marie?" She implored, devastated.

Marie nodded once and wiped her face delicately with a handkerchief.

And the scene cut and the lights went out.

Seconds later, a small spotlight formed, and Ivy was standing in front of a mirror, leaning on the sink.

"I was a fool to believe.....

A fool, to believe.

It all ends today... yes it all... ends....


I heard the familiar opening of Queen's the Show Must Go On, and I clapped loudly at the end of it, thoroughly impressed, as the curtain closed to signify the intermission.

The second half was just as elaborate and grand, and it began with the evening Satine was to spend the night with the Duke.

Her male lead, sang an impressive cover of Stings's Roxanne and there was a uniformed tango scene which I really liked.

The play continued with the opening night of the Moulin Rouge's first ever stage show, and the set and props were amazing.

What I hadn't been expecting, was the raw, deeply devastating ending.

And when Ivy's character Satine, passed away in his arms, I realised I was crying.

The elderly lady next to me handed me a tissue, which I took gratefully.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Oh it's been wonderful hasn't it." She gushed as I chuckled softly and nodded.

I wiped my eyes, just in time for the curtains to close.

I rose to my feet when everyone else did, clapping loudly with happiness and more tears, cheering the characters as they all came back onstage to take a well deserved bow.

Ivy's male counterpart entered the stage to thundering applause and he outstretched his hand to welcome the real star of the show.

Evanna Lane.

She entered, and was met with the same thundering applause accompanied by a loud series of screams and cheers from the audience as she delicately bowed, and waved to them.

I clapped until I saw her disappear backstage and the curtains drew closed for the final time of the evening.

I exited the theatre, lighting a cigarette, needing a moment to breathe through the euphoria and the amazement I was feeling.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and it was a text from Evanna, or Ivy as I had been mentally referring to her as.

'Security will let you through, they're expecting you. Third door on the right. Come say Hi?'

I beamed and text her back.

'I'll be there in five.'

There was a small knock on my door a few moments later and I found myself smiling broadly.

"Come in." I called softly, and the door opened slowly, revealing his adorably handsome face, with a wide smile spread across it.

"Hey." He said, a little shyly.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked, as he took a deep breath.

"I'm exhausted I'll be honest." he said, chuckling nervously.

"Sit down." I said, laughing softly.

"What an emotional rollercoaster that was. You were truly amazing." He said, as I blushed slightly.

I turned in my chair to face him and smiled appreciatively.

"Thank you. Did you enjoy it though?" I asked.

"Oh every bit of it. It was amazing." He said, blown away.

"Wow, your first ever theatre experience too." I remarked, as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah, it was." He said, as I smiled warmly.

"I was sitting next to the cutest old lady." He added.

"Oh that's sweet." I said, as he nodded.

"She handed me a tissue too, she was really nice." He said.

"You were crying?" I asked, in disbelief.

"I mean, it was a bit of a bomb drop when he said you were dying and I guess I should have been expecting it. But you died before you received your ovation. It was devastating." He said, as I laughed loudly.

"It's the atmosphere too, it always makes me a little emotional if I go to watch anything." I said, reassuringly.

"It is?" He asked, as I nodded.

"I mean it's okay either way, I'm in touch with my emotions." He said, waving me off playfully.

"Apparently so." I said, wholly amused.

"I'm glad you came." I added.

"Thank you for inviting me." He said, with a nervous smile.

"You wanna go get a drink?" I asked him, as he seemed surprised.

"Yeah... yeah I'd love to." He said, seemingly pleased.

"I'll just need to get dressed, you wanna meet me outside?" I asked, as he immediately rose to his feet in a gentleman like manner.

His eyes fell on the bouquets of flowers littering the dresser and he seemed regretful.

"I should have brought flowers." He said, as I smiled and shook my head.

"You didn't have to do that. They're from my cast mates. It's just something we do for each other. Don't even think on it." I said, sincerely.

"I wasn't sure if you'd think I was being too forward but I'm sure I remember now that it's a typical theatre gesture." He explained, fumbling with the button on his jacket.

"Eddie, it's fine." I said, with emphasis and a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah okay. I'll just wait outside then." He said, nervously.

"I'll be five minutes." I assured him, before he fumbled his way out of the door.

Eddie's POV.

My nerves had gotten the better of me and I knew she'd seen. I hadn't wanted to be the fumbling, bumbling idiot; I'd hoped to keep my nerves at bay, keep my cool but I'd failed miserably.

She was being painfully nice about it, behaving like it was already forgotten; the only one of us struggling to forget about it, was me.

"How did you get into acting then?" I asked her, as we sat in a bar across the street from the theatre. We were both sitting with a glass of red wine each, surrounded by the loud bustle of the bodies in the bar.

"School really, and just going to drama clubs and auditions. I was in acting classes all the way through school, and I just auditioned for every part on offer and finally got one." She explained.

She was sitting opposite me with her fire orange locks tied back into a dainty ponytail, and she was wearing a simple white dress with delicate blue flowers.

She sipped at her wine and met my eyes, smiling slightly at me.

"What was the first part you got?" I asked her.

"Ensemble, Phantom of the Opera." She said.

"Made your way up to bag the lead roles though." I said, as she smiled coyly.

"Fought my way I'd say." She corrected.

"Is it worth the fight?" I asked.

"Now? Yes. It's paying off." She answered, with a toothy smile.

"So what do you do then?" She asked me after we'd shared a mutual smile.

"Grease monkey by day, guitarist by night." I said, with a crooked grin.

"You know, based on your set last night, the outfit changes and D&D, it was pretty theatrical. I probably should have guessed you were a theatre performer." I added, as she smiled.

She went to speak, when a tall, slim guy suddenly approached our table and the smile dissolved from her face.

To my horror and surprise, fear replaced it.

"Evanna?" He inquired as she shook her head.

"You shouldn't be here." She said.

"You're not supposed to be within three feet of me." She added.

"It was a misunderstanding." He implored as she shook her head.

"It wasn't Jake. You were stalking me and you're supposed to stay away from me." She urged, recoiling as his hand outstretched towards her.

"Hey, hey, step back." I said, on my feet, leaning across the table.

"We were going to be together." He said, with some pleading.

"We weren't Jake." Evanna corrected, shaking her head, her eyes wide with fear and embarrassment.

"Step back, man." I warned.

"Stay out of this, this is between me and my girlfriend." He snapped, as he reached to grab her.

In a flash, I darted around the table, pulled her up onto her feet by her petite waist and swung her around until she was firmly behind me.

His hands instead clasped around a fistful of my jacket much to his surprise and dismay, as I planted myself firmly between them, creating a barrier.

Calmly, I peered down at his hand and then back up at him, with a raised eyebrow.

"Let me go." I instructed, calmly and quietly.

"I just want to talk to my girlfriend." He said, as I shook my head.

"She's told you quite clearly that she's not your girlfriend. There's a restraining order in place and you're in breach of that right now. I don't know what the terms are but if you don't leave quietly now, I'll call the cops." I said.

"Jake, just go home." Evanna urged from behind me.

"We were together, once." He insisted, before pushing his way through the crowd of drinkers, away from us.

I slowly turned around, not sure what I was potentially going to get myself into, but the fear and horror etched on her face dissolved any reservations or questions I had.

She was shaken, and she was scared.

"Hey... you okay?" I asked her, cautiously.

"We weren't together, I will never understand why he keeps saying it whenever he sees me." She said, insistent.

"You don't owe me an explanation. All I'll ask, is if you're okay?" I asked, as I guided her back to her seat.

She slowly sat down, and her eyes after scanning the room for any sign of him, returned to mine.

"I'll be alright in a minute. Thank you for that." She said, gratefully.

"It was no problem." I said, taking a generous swig of my wine.

"He's always been strange, reserved, a bit of a loner. He was cast in Hannibal with me last year; plays a serial killer scarily well. I played Clarice.... So we had a lot of scenes together. The rest of the cast, excluded him from a lot of things, didn't really have much to do with him. I felt sorry for him, so I tried to be friends with him, and that was my mistake." She said, sounding distant.

"I know you're not asking for an explanation, but I think you deserve context at least." She added, as I went to repeat my former statement.

I closed my mouth, and remained silent, easing back into my chair.

"It started small, always looking for a conversation topic. And then he got bolder over time, he'd be in every place I went, randomly showing up. He was listening into conversations I'd have with people. He'd listen out for plans I made, so he could be there. I entertained it before politely asking him to stop." She continued.

"And he didn't." I said, breaking my silence.

"He started following me home." She said, gravely.

"Jesus..." I said, in disbelief.

"He'd always tell me he was just passing.... But I'd already seen him following me. He'd try and make out like we'd randomly bumped into each other. I tried to calmly tell him that he was effectively stalking me and he became really agitated. Leaving me gifts at my door, waiting for me after every rehearsal, pushing threatening notes through my mailbox. It was intense." She said.

"Hence the restraining order. The guy is off his nut." I said, shaking my head in severe disapproval.

"He's not supposed to be anywhere near me. But occasionally he tries." She said.

"You should probably call the cops about this." I urged, as she didn't seem altogether keen.

"They don't really do anything." She said, sadly.

"I still say you should call them, or we can even go to the station." I said.

"This isn't how you'd actively choose to spend your night, Eddie." She said, unsure.

"Don't you even worry about that." I argued.

"I think I'd just like to go home." She said, as I relented and nodded.

It was her choice.

"Then let's do that." I said, as she nodded and we rose to our feet.

"Will you come with me? Have a drink with me?" She asked, as we walked to the door.

"I'd love to." I said, with a wide smile.

Eddie's POV.

"I wouldn't usually have the confidence to do this tonight. Go to the theatre for the first time on my own, stand up to a stalker and then come here for a drink." I said, laughing nervously.

We were joking about where my sudden confidence had come from; she'd noticed that I had it by bucket load onstage, but offstage and in real time, I was reserved at times.

"If only you'd seen me at school though." I added.

"Why?" She asked, passing me a glass of red wine with a wide smile.

"Oh I didn't really give a shit about anything. I think leaving school and going out into the big wide world, finding a job, paying the bills and my dues if you like, humbles you doesn't it. And I needed humbling." I said, as she chuckled.

"Really?" She asked.

"I had a lot to say, a lot of opinions. And yeah sure, they were right. But I'd just say whatever I thought. Didn't care, I'd just straight up come out with it." I said.

She sipped at her wine and weighed up my words.

"I appreciate that I am pretty forward, and I am quite confident. But I guess with what I do, I have to be. Sometimes it's a little forced, sometimes it's not. I know that we literally met last night, but I just feel like I know you're a nice guy. I can tell you are." She said.

"I'm glad you invited me, I was out of my comfort zone but it definitely paid off." I said, with a smile.

"And thank you. I promise I am." I added, sincerely.

"You'll be a regular theatre goer before you know it." She said, playfully.

"Do you feel like we've clicked?" She added, as I considered it.

I didn't really need to, but I did.

"Yeah, I do." I answered honestly.

"I'll be honest, you might have all walked in the room, and walked in at the same time, but I only saw you for a moment." She said.

"Zoned in on me did you?" I asked playfully, as she chuckled nervously.

"You have the face of an Angel, of course I did." She said, as my eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, I thought I had a face that only a mother could love." I said, making fun of myself.

"Absolutely not." She said, with emphasis.

"Well, thank you. You're absolutely stunning." I said, as she smiled coyly.

"Thank you." She said, as I brought my glass to my lips and took a small sip.

"Good?" She asked, motioning to the wine.

"Jesus, yeah that is." I said.

She turned the bottle to face me.
It was old, and she smiled broadly.

"It's been well fermented as you can see." She said, laughing.

"You're not kidding." I said.

"It's beautiful though. Really rich." I added.

"And we don't say aged like a fine wine for no reason either, as you'll see." She said, with a chuckle.

"Definitely. So when you're not busy being a star, what do you like to do?" I asked.

"Aside from D&D and performing at festivals, obviously." I added.

"I'm a typical woman really, I enjoy shopping of course. I love going to the movies, I love to read and stay in, as much as I enjoy going out." She said.

"What about you?" She added.

"All of the above really, minus the shopping." I said, with a grin.

"Of course." She said, a similar grin on her face.

"You want a game?" She asked suddenly.

"D&D?" I asked her, as she nodded.

"Yeah, I reckon I've still got my last campaign written down somewhere." She said.

"I'll have to try and jot one of mine down from memory but yeah, I'd be up for that." I said, eagerly.

"Follow me." She said, invitingly.

"You did not just introduce Vecna." She said, almost horrified.

"Oh I did. And listen, you don't have to be a hero, not today. There's no shame in running, 'Kay?" I asked her, perhaps a little too cockily.

She narrowed her eyes at me, and seemed determined almost.

We'd been playing quite the serious game for over an hour and we were both very invested.

It had been intense at time, me referring to my previous campaign from memory, Evanna referring to the scribbles in her journal.
She pored over hers for a moment before looking at me.

"If I'm doing this, I'm doing it to the death. I can either roll once at twenty, or opt for two rolls that equate to twenty. So I vote two rolls." She said.

I leaned back on my chair as we sat at her dining table, and smiled, impressed.

"Gimmie the dice." She said, determined.

"No problem, Lady Ginnifer of the Grey Vale." I said, handing her the twenty sided dice.

"I can do this." She said, psyching herself up.

She took a hefty swig of her wine with her free hand and closed her eyes as she rolled.

The dice landed near me and I peered over.

"Eleven. One more roll." I announced.

She groaned slightly, before leaning over to retrieve the dice.

"You're going down, Wizard." She said, as I chuckled softly.

This I had to see.

With another hearty swig of red wine, she tossed the dice across the table.

And with baited breath she waited and when the dice landed, I leaned over and peered down at it for the number.

"Perfect twenty." I declared with a grin.

"YES!" She cried, gleefully.

"Victory is yours." I announced, with a coy smirk.

"Vecna is officially vanquished. Well done." I continued as she smiled broadly.

"I shouldn't be so smug really, you make a mean campaign. And it was from memory too." She said, in awe.

"It took me weeks to make. If I didn't remember it, I'd have been surprised." I said.

"What shall we do now?" She asked, smiling.

"I think it calls for a cigarette break for me." I said, rising to my feet.

"Mind if I join?" She asked, as I smiled and shook my head.

"Not at all." I said.

She led me to the patio doors at the back of her nicely furnished house, and we stepped onto the outside veranda, settling in the two loungers, side by side.

"Couldn't steal one of those could I?" She asked, as I stared at her in shock.

"What happened to being strict?" I asked, still handing her one without hesitation.

"One isn't gonna do any harm, Eddie." She said, giggling.

I watched as she delicately propped the cigarette in between her lips, lit it and took an expert, long, toke on it.

And when she exhaled, she followed it with a sigh of satisfaction and settled back into the lounger.

"I've really enjoyed tonight." I said, as she smiled broadly.

Her eyes moved from the view in front of her, to look at me and she nodded, in agreement.

"Me too, it's been lovely." She said.

"I'm sorry that the drinks got cut short at the bar." She added, sheepishly.

"We wouldn't have gotten to play D&D, if he hadn't turned up." I reasoned as she chuckled softly.

"No you're right." She said.

"I should probably be heading out though, it's late." I said, as she nodded.

We finished our cigarettes and she walked me back through to her front door, where we embraced and said our goodnights.

"Be seeing you, Lady Ginnifer." I said, smiling broadly.

"Be seeing you." She said, leaning against her door, as she watched me leave.

And as I walked down her drive, to the cab waiting for me, I heard her calling my name.


"Yeah?" I asked, pausing to turn around.

She trotted over to me on delicate bare feet, and she hesitantly wound her arms around me again, which I welcomed immediately.

We embraced for a second time, and this time it was real hard to let go.

There was something she wanted to say, and seemed to be internally mulling it over.

And in a last minute split decision, she leaned up on her tip toes, her lips pressing gently on my cheek.

She sank back onto her heels, her eyes searching mine for a response or reaction.

I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, in return.

And when I stood upright, her expression was unchanged.

I could see the internal turmoil and as much as the cab was waiting for me, I needed to know what was causing the sudden unrest.

"Just say it." I said, reassuringly.

"Do you need to go?" She blurted.

"Not really, I'm just trying to be a gentleman and not make any assumptions or anything." I explained.

"You should just say whatever it is you want to say." I added.

"Stay." She whispered.

"You want me to stay?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah." She answered, clearly but nervously.

Wordlessly, I walked down to the cab driver and I could practically hear the disappointment.

And when I walked back up the driveway, and she saw the cab pull away from the curb, her eyes widened with hope and relief.

"You're absolutely sure?" I asked, smiling.

"I am. I don't want you to go." She said.

"Good, because I don't think he'll come back to take me home and it's a long walk." I said, playfully.

One week later.

He'd stayed that night, after we'd sat talking well into the early hours and he had been the most respectful and gentlemanlike that my heart was still aching from it, a week on.

Nothing in regards to intimacy had happened, and he'd insisted on sleeping on the sofa.

The following morning, he'd greeted me from the kitchen, after I'd failed to see him on the sofa, and he'd cooked breakfast for the two of us.

After a lovely morning of equally feverish and pleasant conversation, he'd actually left for home and we'd arranged to meet up again.

I was attracted to him; painfully so.

He was bright, he was refreshing and he was kind.

He was intelligent, funny, witty and liked to have a laugh.

And as I sat in my dressing room, I was a little more nervous than usual.

He'd insisted on seeing tonight's show, and had guests in tow with him.

Gareth, Jeff and Grant.

We were going for drinks afterwards and hoping that nothing would interrupt the evening this time.

And so, as a knock came on my door to announce that curtain was opening in five minutes, I took a deep breath and made my way to the wings.

"Twice in the stretch of a week. The newbie is almost a seasoned theatre goer." Gareth said, a little mockingly as I rolled my eyes.

"You have to see this. It was amazing." I argued.

"Does that have anything to do with the star, I wonder?" Jeff asked, joining in.

"Don't encourage him." I said, scoffing slightly.

"She is quite beautiful. And you did stay over at her house last week." He argued.

"Nothing happened." I insisted.

"So what if it had?" Grant asked.

"Both consenting adults." Gareth said, with a casual shrug.

"Well it didn't." I answered.

"She clearly likes you man. And you like her too." Jeff said.

"She's wonderful." I answered, honestly.

"Then just go for it. You have nothing to lose." Jeff said.

The lights went out and I found myself mulling over what Jeff had said; why was I holding back?

I had felt that there was something there, and she hadn't wanted me to leave that night.

She'd asked me to stay.
And I think I'd confirmed I was interested by agreeing to.

Despite nothing happening, there was definitely chemistry between us.

It had radiated off of her, and I knew it had radiated from me too, in intense waves.

For the duration of the first half I was considering how to approach letting her know how I felt, how much that I liked her already.

And by the intermission, I had excused myself from the guys under the guise that I was going to the toilet and to the bar, making a mental note not to return empty handed so that the guise was successful and found myself outside of her dressing room door.

I knocked on softly, and as though she had anticipated it, instead of asking me to come in, she answered personally, her ocean blue eyes wide with anticipation.

I gently pushed her inside, weaving in around the slightly open door and closed it behind me.

We were close in proximity, as one of my hands weaved around her back, holding her to me and I kissed her.

I wasted no time in covering her mouth with mine and she gasped in both surprise and relief, into my mouth as it rocked over hers.

We stumbled into her dresser and she slid onto it, as I leaned on it to steady myself, pushing her against her mirror.

There was a slew of deep, much wanted and long anticipated kisses, with short bursts of heavy breathing in between.

And when the knock came on her door, accompanied with a voice that said she had ten minutes before she was due back onstage, I broke from her to see that she was trembling with arousal and desire.

Her legs were splayed open, as they had fallen around me to invite me in, and in a split second decision, I found myself hurriedly removing her tights, opening her silk robe that she'd changed into.

She was naked underneath for all but her tights and a pair of black modesty shorts.

She allowed me to make light work of them and I sank to my knees, my hands reaching around to her hips as I pulled her forward, towards me.

"We only have ten minutes." She whispered hurriedly.

She'd confirmed her consent however; the only key detail left.

"Princess, I'll only need five." I whispered back, gruffly.

She whimpered in mild surprise as my lips found her centre and I tucked into the most delicious dessert I think I'd ever had.

True to my word, five minutes later she was undone, hushed, high pitched moans signifying that she'd came.

"You weren't wrong." She said, breathing heavily.

I wiped her arousal from the stubble around my mouth, chuckling softly.

"I have five minutes to get back to the boys with beers." I said, reluctant to leave her.

"I can help with that." She said, before opening a small fridge under the opposite dresser.

She pulled out four beers and handed them to me; I took them gratefully, and with my free hand I pulled her to me, nuzzling my nose against her softly.

"Saves you waiting in line." She said, with a breathy laugh.

I kissed her softly, coming to rest my forehead on hers.

"To potentially be continued?" She asked, biting her bottom lip.

"I'm counting on it, sweetheart." I replied, with a grin.

Eddie's POV.

The night did continue, and when my friends had called it a night, we did too, shortly after.

We hailed a cab and began the apprehensive cab ride to my house, the two of us in a tense silence as we sat inches apart.

I'd been quite forward tonight; I'd felt more like teenage Eddie, simply going for it, and thinking about it later.

And having thought about it, I had zero regrets and Evanna had none too.

I didn't want the obvious, much anticipated next stage to be a five minute thing; I wanted it to be romantic and passionate, filled with desire and free of rational thought.

I wanted us to just be in the moment.

And as I led her into the dark of my room, and as we fell onto my bed as a mass of eager, trembling limbs, the most amazing night of my life ensued.

Once we were free of clothes, I kissed her bare legs down to her thighs, settling myself in between them for a second time, wanting another taste desperately.

And then I decided that I wanted to watch her reaction and her response, I ran my hands up her thighs to her hips, moving my head to look at her.

I pulled her to me by her hips and rolled onto my back, coaxing her into perching pretty little self onto my face; she obliged, and when she was satisfied with her position, I made it my life's work to do the best job I could.

She was expressive; I had to give her that.
Her eyes closed sporadically, she bit down on her bottom lip, moans escaping through the small gap of her mouth, as her hands gripped her thighs.

And in a delicious, forbidden twist, I felt her grind against my face.

I felt myself harden even more at the sudden response and I groaned with satisfaction.

I watched her body move, her generous breasts hovering above me; I was aching to touch them, as I had been since I'd first seen them.

"Oh god..." She whispered, as an all over body tremble started and her head tilted back as she climaxed before my eyes.

But I was far from done.

She rolled off me and I wasted no time rolling onto her, kissing her skin, from her neck, to her toes.

She caught my lips eventually, having sought them out for a while, my hands exploring her exquisitely soft skin.

Her hand slid down in between our urgent bodies, her fingers curling deftly around me and she started to work me.

I moaned deeply against her parted lips, and her back arched in immediate response.

She manoeuvred me in her hand, bucking her hips upwards and I felt myself slip slowly inside of her. We gasped in unison, in the dark of my room, the sounds of our sudden, heavy, hushed breathing ricocheting off the walls.

My body answered her, as I began a series of slow but deep thrusts.

"Baby girl...." I whispered, arching over her, kissing her deeply.

"Eddie....." She whispered back, writhing underneath me.

And it set the tone for the remainder of the night.
And after the third time, I tugged her beautiful, naked, tired body to me, curling around her, snaking an arm around her, burying my face in her fire orange hair.

It was the best night of my life.

Until I stirred as the sun crept in through a gap in my curtains and fell on a mark on her back, as she lay on her side, facing away from me.

When I peered closer, I realised it wasn't just a mark.

It was a brand.
And it was of a cross.

Trying to push it to the back of my mind, I pressed up against her, craving her warmth and her feel. I'd think about the brand a little later.

Mainly because I wasn't sure I'd be able to forget it.

One week later.

I'd been occupying myself at work, finding anything I could to not focus on the brand I'd seen on her back.

I couldn't think of a possible explanation for it.
I knew that centuries ago, women were branded for various things, free thinking, intelligence, suspected witchcraft, but in this day and age? Surely not?

I wiped my sweating brow with a rag, and sighed deeply. Why did she have it?

More importantly, who'd done it to her?
Who'd branded her?

I wasn't sure if she was aware I'd seen it; she hadn't mentioned it, either way.

But neither had I.

For how I already felt about her, it was something I'd forget about when I was around her, and then when I was alone, at night or at work, I'd be doing all I could to not focus on it.

"Have you noticed anything strange yet about the theatre star then?"

I spun around to the source of the voice to find Jake behind me.

Evanna's stalker.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, caught off guard.

"Have you noticed anything strange about her yet?" He repeated.

"No, why?" I asked, lying.

"You don't lie very well." He said.

"You need to go." I said, annoyed.

He slat a brown file down on the car I was working on and shook his head.

"Not until I've given you this. You'll find it a rather interesting read." He said, persistent.

"I'll make my own judgement." I answered, stubbornly.

I moved around the car and went to walk away from him when he shouted a detail to me that I knew he couldn't possibly have been lying about.

"She has a brand on her back. I know you've seen it." He called.

It stopped me dead in my tracks.

I turned around wordlessly, and he gave me a knowing look.

"I was going out on a limb, but that reaction alone just tells me that you have seen it." He said, convinced.

"How do you know about it?" I asked, feeling a little disturbed and horrified.

"Might have done a little research." He said, with a shrug.

"What do you know?" I asked, heatedly.

"She was branded in 1901. She was staying with a cut wife. A cut wife was a woman who'd perform abortions on women, but was also a healer, a cleric. No one liked her, everyone was scared of, superstitious, but when they had a problem they'd always go to her. Evanna was staying with this woman." Jake said.

"Which would make her over a hundred years old. Are you on crack?" I asked, in disbelief.

"If I'm lying, how do I know she has it? It's a cross." He said, with a casual shrug.

"She's old. But her face is ageless. She doesn't age. Don't you get it?" He added.

"Okay, why did she wind up branded?" I asked, humouring him.

"The townsfolk were superstitious, the Lord of the town was a horrible man, and he'd wanted the cut wife's land for years. It was perfect for raising animals. But she wouldn't part with it. So they all decided that she was guilty of witchcraft and necromancy, sentenced her to death. Evanna witnessed the cut wife, who's name was Joan Clayton.... be brutally murdered. She was set on fire. And because Evanna had been staying there, they also had an important lesson for her. And they branded her with the sign of the cross, telling her to repent for her sins." Jake explained.

"And what happened then?" I asked, not at all convinced.

"She left. She went back to London." He said.

"That's it?" I asked.

"No that's not it. The Lord couldn't take the land, because Joan had changed the deeds. She signed the house and the land over to Evanna. She went back the following year, and slaughtered every single towns member in their sleep. Except for the Lord. She reserved something far more dark for him. She read some kind of passage from a book only known as the Verbis Diablo. And when he was on the grounds of his home, his own dogs turned on him and tore him to pieces." Jake said.

"You're actually on crack." I said, in disbelief.

"Read that. Dig deep, find whatever you can. And when you do and when you realise it's all true, no matter how crazy it sounds, come back to me and tell me I'm on crack." Jake said, angrily.

"She took revenge on the entire town, and the house still stands. You could even go there now. You'll find the deeds and the book, they're both still there. It's a tourist attraction now." He continued.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked.

"You've fallen for her. And you've fallen for a lie, just like I did. If she's promised you anything, she won't follow through on any of it." He warned.

It sounded insane.
But the way he was talking, it was almost too sincere and too passionate to be a lie.

At the very least it was a lie, and he believed it so much that he was convinced it was all true, because of the unhealthy obsession he had with her.

"You can look. At the very least you can look into this. You don't believe it or me? No harm done. But I know you're curious. You've seen the brand and you know that kind of thing doesn't happen much anymore, if at all. You know, just like I do, that was some kind of punishment delivered to free thinking women, or women suspected of witchcraft. The church would brand them with the sign of the cross in the hopes it would absolve them. It's an archaic procedure, and we've moved on quite a lot since those times. So why does she have one?" He asked.

And he pointed to the file wordlessly once more, before leaving.

Instead of throwing it away like I probably ought to have done, once he was out of sight, I picked it up and stored it away in my van.

He wholeheartedly believed that she was there, and he believed that she was over a century old.

It was obvious he believed she was immortal.
It was what he was strongly implying.

And later on that night, as we lay together on my bed, the sun slowly setting in the evening sky, I lay over her, looking down at her, realising there was one thing that was true, for sure.

She stared up at me, returning the same fond gaze as mine, and I knew I was hooked.
I was hooked, line and sinker.

But I knew deep down, that I needed to look into this.

I needed to know; no matter how enthralled or enchanted I was by her, I needed to know.

Was Jake telling a bizarre and wild truth, or was it all an elaborate fabrication to deter me?

I deduced that I'd find out one way or another.

Eddie's POV.

I'd spent the last two lunch breaks at the library, and had even contacted Hawkin's resident conspiracy theorist, Murray, asking him to look into the file I'd been given.

And what he came back with, both horrified and disturbed me.

"I'm not gonna ask questions, I don't wanna know. But what I can tell you, is that everything in that file is legitimate. It's crazy, but it's true." He'd said.

"So this girl, she's over a century old?" I'd asked.

"I don't know how, and it should be impossible, but I had a historian friend of mine look over this and he's heard of this case, on and off over the years. Even personally spent some considerable time on it himself. Never quite found any answers, except that all of this in this file is, inexplicably, true." Murray had said.

"She was reported missing. Her family all died never knowing what happened. She literally wasn't seen again." He'd added.

And so, later that evening, I'd met her at her house and had wordlessly placed the file on her coffee table, adamant I was getting the answers to the riddle that apparently was, Evanna Lane.

"I want you to explain this." I urged, sternly.

"If that's me, I'm rather old." She said, as I chuckled slightly, at the audacity.

"Yes, you are." I said.

"Who gave you this?" She asked.

"Your stalker." I answered.

"And you believe him? You believe this?" She asked.

"I've had it certified, Evanna." I warned.

"It's obviously quite clearly, an ancestor of mine." She said, airily.

"Yeah, see that was my first thought. A good photoshop here and there, make it look like you. And I didn't believe him, trust me I thought he was insane. But something told me to just keep digging. And I've dug deep down. This is you.
Evanna O'Connell, born in 1873, Scotland. No death certificate, just mysteriously disappeared in 1897, at the age of 24. Here is your missing poster, and here is the article describing your disappearance in great detail. And look! You were even a theatre star, in your former life. Some things don't change do they." I said, slightly sarcastic on the tail end.

"They reported to have never located you. Your family didn't have the heart to have you declared dead and refused to file a death certificate. Your parents died never knowing what happened to you. And here you are now, in the twenty first century, alive and well." I continued.

"And that's excluding your stay with the cut wife, witnessing her brutal execution and being branded by members of the church. That's also excluding the fact that you own the deeds to the house she left to you, to this day. That you went back to 12 months later, slaughtered all town members in their sleep, except one. The Lord who'd sanctioned the execution of Joan Clayton. You read a passage from a book that I can only describe as being evil, called the Verbis Diablo. And inexplicably, on the grounds of his residence, his dogs turned on him and tore him to pieces, killing him." I continued.

"Did I really?" She asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"I've seen the brand on your back. It's of a cross. Commonly used by the church to try and absolve free thinking women accused of witchcraft, or for dealing with anyone associated with it." I argued.

"So how is it that you were born in 1873, and still here today? You're gonna tell me you're immortal or something?" I asked.

I couldn't have left her any place to hide now.
Surely I'd backed her into a corner and the only thing left to do, was to tell me if this was crazy or true?

Her expression changed from amused disbelief, to stony seriousness then and she eyed me intensely.

"Okay. You caught me." She said, suddenly calm.

"That is me. But I didn't disappear through any choice of my own. I did go missing on the moors. Someone abducted me. And he gave me the same affliction he had. He wanted to keep me, wanted me to love and serve him. He forced me into captivity for over twenty five years. I was his and everyone's concubine, I was his wife, I was his lover, I was the girl he stole from the moors on a sunny April afternoon and I lived there with him through his seduction and through Stockholm syndrome. I wasn't quite the Sparkling Diamond, but I wasn't far off. And I wasn't always treated well. And one day, the rage just erupted inside of me and I killed all of them. I killed them all and I ran. So you'll forgive me if I'm disturbed and threatened when a man becomes obsessed with me for whatever reason..... it's only because I would never be anyone's in that way again. I want someone to love me, for me. Love me, like I've never been loved." She said.

"I stayed with Joan, for six months. She was a hard, miserable woman, and she was a nightcomer, a witch. She was part of a coven but when they'd submitted to the Devil, she wanted no part of it. Her sister forced her into obedience to the Devil and when she managed to break from them, she settled in the home I stayed in with her. She knew that the townsfolk were coming for her, that's why she signed the deeds over to me. I didn't know she had, until after I'd witnessed her murder. They made me watch it. I did go back, and I killed them all in the same cowardly fashion they'd killed her. I avenged her. Because despite being insufferably miserable and harsh, she was the first person to show me care. She had a real funny way of showing it, but she cared and looked after me. She understood what I was, and how feared I'd be if anyone knew; she understood that better than anyone. And when the time came, she asked to meet them on her feet, and I went out there with her, I walked with her as the last act of kindness and love that I could possibly give her. She knew that." She continued.

"And I did read from that infernal book, and I paid the price. I still hear the whispers from time to time. You read from the Verbis Diablo, and you open a door that never truly closes. But if you ask me if I regret it, I don't. And I never will. He got what he deserved, they all did." She added.

"So you are immortal then?" I stammered, my voice hushed.

Even though I knew deep down that the photos and the records in my hand were hers, the girl in the pictures and the news articles were her, she was a century and a half old with the unchanging face of a 24 year old girl and I supposed that I just needed to hear her say it to me, out loud.

"I am." She answered.

"You've read the horror stories, you watched enough horror movies I'm sure..... and I know that deep down, everything in you is telling you what I am. So say it. What am I Eddie?" She asked me.

"Well you didn't go to boarding school, that was a lie. You haven't always lived in Hawkins... that too was a lie. You're back to using your first name, but your surname is just something ordinary, unsuspecting, plain.... You have to change your story and circumstances every so many decades, and in the time that you've been alive, you've been treated as an object of lust, treated appallingly, witnessed the brutal murder of a misunderstood woman who took you in, and I suspect that you've had to defend yourself quite a bit." I said.

"All correct." She answered.

"I don't like lying. I don't like knowing that every friend I make will only be in my life for a fleetingly short time. I didn't ask for this, Eddie. I never asked for this...." She added, her voice growing hushed and pained.

"When Jake came to the bar that night.... Were you scared of him, or of him showing me all of this?" I asked.

"I wasn't scared of him, I was scared of the obsession, the unpredictability that always seems to shine in his eyes when he sees me. He knows what I am, and he's only obsessed with obtaining it for himself. He's not obsessed with me. He wants to be like me." She said.

"And everything you said he'd been doing, that was true?" I asked.

"All true. Once he knew what I was, it just got worse." She said.

"We were never together, though he wanted us to be. But he is just another man who wants me for his own gain. He wants immortality." She added.

She was forlorn, solemn, and her usually bright blue eyes, were suddenly without that sparkle I seemed to always see, and she looked tired.

She was wearing a loose white shirt as she sat on sofa, opposite me. Her file was open and laid out on her coffee table, which I'd used to deliver my pitch on what I knew or thought I knew about her.

"You have any more that you wanna say?" She asked.

"This man, who took you.... Who was he?" I asked.

"His name was Leonard Seward." She said.

"What was he?" I asked.

"Are you really ready for the answer?" She asked.

I answered by neatly tidying the records, photo's and documents into her file, closing it shut before sliding it across to her.

"This belongs to you. Store it somewhere safe." I said, as her eyes widened slightly.

I eyed her carefully, and she swallowed hard.

"Don't let anyone see it. Just keep it safe." I continued.

"He was a Vampire, Eddie." She said.

"I know. And I know that you are too." I said, unflinching as I rose to my feet, pulling my coat on.

"He might have created you to please him and all men around him. And you might just be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my short life..... But you don't deserve to be desired as an object, as a piece of meat. You didn't deserve to witness what you did, nor did you deserve to be branded for their sheer ignorance. You deserve better than that." I said, as she remained seated, staring at me with intense eyes.

"Men will desire you. Men are designed to desire a woman, it's how we pro create, continue the species. But as much as it is design, it's flawed by the decisions some men make. Just know, that I have never once looked at you that way. I saw who you were, who you are, from the moment I met you, right up to that night we first slept together." I said, as she rose to her feet.

"It was the best night of my life. Every day and night with you after that, has been too." I added.

"But you're going." She said, believing she was understanding.

"I am." I answered.

"You don't want to stay?" She asked, walking up behind me as I clasped the handle of her front door.

I turned to her then and sighed softly.

"I want to stay, yeah. But I have to just clear a few things up with the boys." I said.

"You told them?" She asked.

"I haven't told them anything. They just haven't been able to reach me for a couple of days and they're a little worried." I said, as she shifted nervously.

"Why do I feel like I'm never gonna see you again, after you leave here?" She asked.

"I've found out a few things over the last couple of days that I never ever thought were possible except in stories and comic books.... I just need a minute." I said.

"And also for the fact that I've lied to you." She said.

She'd gone from confident, stony with a steel tight poker face, cleverly bluffing, telling me everything, to nervous and unsure.

Considering she could kill me if she wanted, and she could do it in a matter of seconds with minimal effort, she seemed small almost, fretful.

"Like you've lied to everyone you've ever known. But it's still your secret to tell. It's not mine." I said.

"I just need a minute to digest all of this. I was actually seeing us heading somewhere.... Somewhere good. And I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not sure if that's possible now. So I need to think about whether I can handle just temporary with you." I said, honestly.

She backed away then, and nodded, graciously understanding.

"I understand." She whispered.

One thing was certain, as I stared at her intensely, watching her comprehend everything we'd said to each other.

She hadn't wanted this, and she doubtfully would want to offer this life to someone else.

If she liked me in any way, shape or form, she likely wouldn't offer me the same fate she had.

She hadn't had a choice, to say yes or say no.
And if she had, she likely wouldn't have chosen this life. Her right of choice was stolen from her.

And I knew right there and then that she'd never offer it to me.

I'd have to ask for it, and even then she'd likely be reluctant enough to refuse. And if she accepted my choice, my asking, it would be whether she could live with giving that to me.

And as I reached for her to potentially say a final goodbye to her, my heart clenched painfully in my chest.

She didn't refuse me; she let me tug her close to me and she let me kiss her softly. She let my hands slip their way underneath her shirt, to feel her soft, ageless skin as I pressed her up against her front door.

Reality brought me swiftly back, and wordlessly I broke from her lips; I moved her gently from the door, before opening it and walking through it.

Potentially walking away from her, for good.

One month later.

I'd seen him around, in various places, in various levels of thought and he seemed to look increasingly pensive lately.

I'd seen him in the library, pouring over a hardback, completely lost in its pages.

I'd seen him in the coffee shop, jotting notes down in a journal, engrossed as the bustle of people including myself, moved around him.

I'd seen him sitting a little ways away from me in a bar, and with the influence I knew I could have, I made it so that I was sitting almost opposite him and his friends as they chatted, and none of them noticed me. I didn't pay any mind to what they were talking about, choosing to let them have the privacy they deserved. Instead, I focused on the noise of the bar around me, sinking into it.

I hadn't approached him for any of the times I had seen him, respecting his wish to take a minute. He hadn't seen me when I'd been there, I'd maintained a safe, respectful distance.

Except on this occasion where I had just wanted to sit near him, watch him, admire him, be close to him, and so I had, but with the added extra of influence so when they did look over, it was as if I wasn't there. They'd be staring at an empty chair, and an empty table.

I found myself staring at him out of fondness and care, and I noticed that my heart, as cold as it was, was aching for him to decide.

To choose.
And to choose me.

Apparently, I would have to wait much longer.
There was only one way for him to notice me, where the influence I was asserting would shatter and he'd see me.

"I'm in love with her."

And as he glanced over in my general direction, his eyes seemed to meet mine and he stared a little too long for me to be unable to mistake it.

I had just caught his statement, in the midst of my surprise; it was only as loud as a whisper to me but it had rang loudly in my head and in my ears.

And he could see me.

He didn't make a murmur, or alert his friends, he just stared at me, stared into me; he didn't seem alarmed, and he didn't seem scared.

I knew why.
He'd only be able to see me, if he was devoted to me.

Just like true love would break a spell in the fairytales, his devotion to me would be the only thing that would break the illusion I'd created.

And it had.

With his beautiful, deep, chocolate brown eyes still trained solely on me, he smiled slightly and subtly nodded his head towards me, before turning back to his friends.

Would he come back to me, though?

Eddie's POV.

I was certain I was going crazy.
When I wasn't looking for her, it would feel as though she was with me. It would feel like I could sense her, feel her there.

And when I would look for her, I wouldn't see her. I'd no longer feel she was there.

It wasn't hard for anyone to see that I was missing her. I was; I really was.

Absence truly did make the heart grow fonder.
And my heart was calling for her.

"I don't know why you don't just go and sort it out, you're clearly head over heels for the girl." Gareth said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Listen man, it's complicated." I said, shaking my head.

"Suddenly it's complicated, and you won't tell us why." Gareth said.

"Because it's not my story to tell. It's her life. And there's things in her life that have made this complicated. She wasn't entirely honest, I found out in a round about way, and I just need a minute to digest it." I explained, albeit a little firmly.

"Can you honestly not get past it? It's that serious?" Jeff asked.

"I didn't say serious, I said complicated." I argued.

"Don't be a dick. We just want you to be happy. We could see you were, and then it's suddenly abruptly ended." Jeff argued, eyeing me with a stern, fatherly gaze.

"Not ended, more of a hiatus. I just haven't been sure if it's an indefinite one. Besides, she understands. So even if you don't, she very graciously did and does." I said.

"I don't get it." Jeff said, raising his hands in defeat.

"You don't have to." I answered.

"How do you feel about her, honestly?" Gareth asked, as I swallowed hard.

"Tell us." Grant pressed, sincerely.

I toyed with the idea of disclosing my true feelings, rubbing my chin roughly, as I groaned with reluctance.

"I'm in love with her." I answered, finally.

Apparently, they weren't expecting a love bomb.

And just as I said it, upon my declaration, a familiar scent filled my nose.

Evanna's perfume.

I tensed, feeling that familiar feeling that she was near me and I glanced to the right of me, to suddenly find her sitting at the next table, her sparkling blue eyes fixed on me.

Watching me intently, with a fond expression on her face.

A fond expression directed towards me.

Finding that I wasn't surprised or startled, finding that I was expecting her to be sitting there in the depths of myself, my eyes trained on her and I found it almost impossible to look away. I didn't want to look away.

She was beautiful; she lit up the universe for me.

With a subtle smile and a nod, she shifted slightly in the chair, her eyes wide with surprise, her lips falling open with shock.

"What are you looking at?" Jeff asked, confused.

Sensing suddenly that he couldn't see her, teamed with the confused faces of my other two loyal friends, I shook my head.

"Thought I saw someone I knew." I said.

"At an empty table?" Jeff asked, with a raised eyebrow.

I waved him off dismissively, mumbling to him to just ignore me, before sighing deeply.

"I didn't realise you were in love with her man." Gareth said, sadly.

"I wasn't expecting to be, if it's any consolation." I said.

"Whatever happened, how you feel, is serious. And you have a chance to be as honest with her, as you have been with us. You're in love with her and you have a chance to be happy, if you can overlook the dishonesty. She probably has a more than valid reason for not telling whatever truth you've uncovered. You deserve to be happy, so if you can move past it, you should absolutely try to." Jeff said, sincerely.

I nodded, all the while being acutely aware of her presence on the next table, imploring me with her bright, ocean blue eyes.

It was obvious she wanted to be loved.
That was all she'd ever wanted.

Instead she'd seen hurt, she'd been hurt, she'd seen murder and pain.

And in her heart and in her mind, the person she wanted to love her, was me.

But there was still the rather large elephant in the room.

Could I say goodbye to my friends, for love?
What I felt should have been a difficult question to ask myself, suddenly wasn't.

It was suddenly, the easiest question.

Could I say goodbye to my friends and my family for love? For her?

The answer? Irrevocably yes.

And even though she hadn't asked, I glanced over at her again, and whilst my friends were wrapped up in another light conversation, I mouthed to her.

I mouthed one sentence that I knew she'd understand. She'd understand exactly what I was saying.

'I'd choose you.'

Her eyes sparkled in a way I had never seen, and I realised that they were welling with tears.

It was clear that to her, my statement was bittersweet, but it was my choice.

I had a choice, a choice she was never afforded and I'd made it.

She seemed to finally accept it, looking at me longingly, before nodding once.

"I already chose you." She whispered, only to me.

I sighed with satisfaction and relief and I rose to my feet, watching her do the same.

Whatever illusion she'd created shattered suddenly all around us, and one by one my friends turned to acknowledge her with surprise and disbelief.

"Where did she come from?" Jeff asked, as we migrated towards each other.

She found her way into my arms as they opened for her and I embraced her tightly, wordlessly holding her to me, as I kissed the top of her head softly.

"The table across from us. It was empty one minute, the next I looked over and she was sitting there. I saw her get up." Gareth said, in shock.

"What just happened?" Grant asked, unable to comprehend any of it.

Neither of us spoke, we just held each other tighter, wrapped up in our mutual, comfortable silence. Simply relishing the feel of the others touch, both having evidently missed each other.

"Oh, they're having a moment." Grant said, clearing his throat.

She moved slightly to peer up at me and I looked down at her, smiling widely at her.

"I know it was technically eavesdropping." She said, as I chuckled softly.

"It was, and I know you've been keeping an eye on me recently." I said, giving her a pointed look.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay." She said, with slight dismay.

"Sweetheart, I know." I explained.

"And I've missed you." She said.

"I've missed you too." I answered.

"I know you needed time, and I think I've given you that. I'd just check in every so often, to see if you were okay. Even though I have been thinking that I'd never see you properly again, I still just wanted to see." She said.

"It's quite the talent. And I think if it was me, I'd have done the same for you." I said.

"It's probably stalking these days." She noted, as I grinned.

"You're not insane too are you?" I asked, pretending to be nervous.

"It's subject to opinion." She answered, but she was smiling coyly.

"One thing is certain though." She added, as I smiled broadly.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm in love with you too. God I am." She whispered as I chuckled softly.

I leaned down, closing the small gap between us and my friends looked on as I kissed her with everything I had; she kissed me back in the same way.

"Way to go man." Jeff said.

"Atta boy." Gareth chimed in.

We parted and I led her over to the table, sitting her down next to me, as she blushed and laughed nervously.

"To the happy couple." Grant said, raising his beer.

We all followed suit, the two of us also toasting to the secret decision I'd made, that only Evanna and I knew of.

To friends, to us, and to pending immortality.

"How will this work?" He whispered to me, in the dark.

We were sitting in the middle of my living room floor, in darkness; the only glimmer of light was from the moon creeping through the curtains from the window.

We were sitting opposite each other, cross legged and toying with each others hands.

"I think if I'd had the choice, and I'd wanted this, I'd have wanted to say goodbye to my loved ones. Or, maybe tell them so much of what was going to happen, so they knew enough, and so that seeing me unchanged after ten years wouldn't have been a shock to them, but not have told them too much, and I'd have loved to have seen them every so many years. But I didn't get that chance. I don't want to take that chance from you, so I think it has to be on your terms and especially when you're ready." I whispered back.

I wasn't going to ask if he was sure this was what he wanted; he'd already made it clear.

And because of how sure he'd seemed, I'd accepted that I didn't need to feel guilty.

What I wanted to know though, was if I'd potentially forced his hand into making the choice, by occasionally checking in on him.

"I didn't force you into making a decision by checking on you?" I asked, hearing him chuckle in the dark.

"No one has ever looked out for me quite the way you have. No, you've not forced this decision. It was an easy one to make." He said.

"I feel calmer now I've made it, too." He added, his voice soft.

"When you're ready." I insisted.

He reached for me then, in the dark and he pulled me to him. I climbed deftly into his lap, and it seemed there was a burning question in his mind.

"Are you like the vampires in the comics?" He asked, as I suppressed both a smile and a laugh.

"Not really. You've seen me walking around in daylight. You can't repel me with cloves of garlic, I have a reflection, and you've seen me eat normal foods, drink normal drinks. You can kill me. Quite easily actually; it doesn't need to be a stake through my heart. The only things I'd say are the same, are the fact that I don't age, and I don't die..... unless someone tries." I said.

"Have you ever bit anyone?" He asked, sounding childlike.

"Why do I get the feeling that Vampires were your favourite kind of characters as a kid?" I asked, as he giggled slightly, his breath on my neck.

"Because they were." He said, with a mischievous tone.

"No, I've not bit anyone, not for that reason anyway. I don't feed that way." I said.

"I've killed people that way though." I added.

"The townspeople." He said, understanding.

"I wanted them to know what her suffering would have felt like. What my suffering had felt like." I said.

"I understand, Evanna. So how do you feed then?" He asked, curiously.

"Raw meat, blood banks." I said.

"Do you have teeth though?" He asked, as I laughed loudly, unable to stop myself.

"I know you have teeth.... But like vampire teeth." He said, as I practically heard his eyes roll.

I took his hand into mine and nipped him softly.

"Okay, they're sharp. That answers my question." He said, surprised.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked.

"No, just a little shocked. They're sharp though, I'll give you that." He said, in a way that told me he needed no further convincing.

"Want to see them?" I asked.

"Can I?" He asked, sounding childlike again.

I leaned forward so that the moonlight illuminated my face and smiled with my teeth clenched together. And when he saw the elongated fangs on both the top and bottom set, his eyes widened slightly.

I unclenched them, slackening my jaw so my lips parted ever so slightly, letting him see them apart.

He went to touch them out of curiosity and I shook my head.

"When I nipped you, I barely bit down. I don't want you to nick a finger and I don't want to hurt you." I said, retreating.

"Sorry, curiosity got the better of me." He whispered, regretfully.

I clenched my teeth again, and smiled, turning my head from side to side, showing him that they'd gone and he gasped slightly.

His eyes in the light were wide with curiosity and wonder and his hand cupped my face gently, his thumb stroking my cheek.

"You may not have wanted this, but it does suit you. You make a beautiful vampire." He whispered, as I took it for exactly what it was.

A compliment.

"That's the irony of it, I suppose." I said, with a small sigh.

"Are you a witch too?" He asked me.

"No, I'm not. I just think because of what I am, was how I was able to read from the book. I was able to wield the curse." I said.

"I'm not human, I'm something dark." I added.

"To me, you're Evanna." He said.

"That's because you're scarily accepting." I argued.

"I wasn't at first." He reasoned.

"No but you reached that point, didn't you." I said.

"After a lot of thinking, yeah." He replied.

"Which is understandable." I said, as I felt his hand curl around a lock of my hair.

"I choose you, Evanna." He whispered, as I coded my eyes, relieved and touched at his statement.

"I've never seen myself falling into a traditional kind of love, a storybook love. I've never seen myself having the typical American Dream; I've never really been able to picture myself in any of those scenarios. I've always seen myself as most comfortable in the dark, and abit like there's always been something different out there for me. Something that's not traditional. I've looked for that, never found it, and I think that's why." He said.

It was a deep statement.

"I didn't want to push you away with the truth. It's not a truth that you know someone would just believe and take as gospel. It's a truth that scares people, terrified them, makes people think I'm crazy." I said.

"Have you told other people before?" He asked.

"One or two, over the years. Jake found out through stalking me and spying on me." I said.

"I wanted to tell you." I added.

"Would you have told me?" He asked.

"I knew I would have to. Once I'd realised I'd fallen for you, I wasn't sure I'd be able to continue this.... Without telling you. You'd have been involved in a lie. Jake beat me to it." I said.

"Regardless of how I found out, or how I was told, and after a lot of thinking.... You know where I stand on this now." He said.

"I do." I answered.

"When I'm ready, what do I need to do?" He asked.

"That's where I'm not sure. I was abducted, I disappeared off the face of the earth and I left everything behind. No one ever really knew what happened to me. I would say to only tell the closest to you, who you can trust. But only tell them enough that they almost understand and don't ask any further questions." I said.

"Well, my biological father is incarcerated indefinitely, my mother dumped me on my Uncle and has a whole other life in another state, so those I don't have to worry about. They don't know where I am, and I don't think they've ever really cared either. My Uncle..... he died in a trucking accident last year.... So really, the only people I have in my life are the boys. And you." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said, watching his eyes glaze over at the mention of his Uncle.

"He died instantly on impact, he wouldn't have suffered. Which I'm grateful for, as I was able to make my peace with that. If he had, I'd have struggled a hell of a lot more. I still struggle, and I miss him a lot.... I'll always consider him as my dad." He said.

"I always try to see it that I was blessed for the time I had with my parents. I had 24 years, and somewhere in the universe it was decided that I'd get no more than that. It's taken me a long time to get to that mindset..... That there were just other plans for me." I said.

"Plans you had no say in." He reminded me.

"I know. But there's no changing that. What's done is done." I said.

"Eddie, will you stay tonight?" I asked, almost fearful of his answer.

I was hoping he wouldn't say no.

"I'd love to." He said, with a smile.

Eddie's POV.

We were sitting on her bed, and she was wearing a pinstripe oversized shirt, facing away from me.

Wordlessly, I encouraged her to roll it off her shoulders so I could see the marking on her back.

She allowed me to inspect it, look at it, and both wordlessly and patiently sat still, waiting for me to ask the questions she knew were burning in my mind.

"How did you come to stay with Joan?" I asked.

"After I'd escaped Seward..... I couldn't seem to fit in with anyone, anywhere. And so I just remember walking for miles, and I overheard someone in a tavern, talking about the witch on the moors. They were terrified of her, but one had been suffering with boils on his groin and so, despite his reservations he'd been to see her. She'd given him an ointment and his problem had gone. I went to find where she lived, and when I got there, I couldn't cross over onto her land. She had two runes outside, and I couldn't pass." She said, before taking a deep breath.

"She left me standing there for two days. She watched me from the window. I refused to leave. Eventually she came outside and asked me what I wanted. I told her I had nowhere else to go, and I'd heard that she'd likely understand what I was and not turn me away. She asked me to reach into her mind, and tell her how she got the markings on her back." She continued.

My fingers ran over the mark on her back and her head bowed slightly, as she continued with her story.

"And did you?" I asked.

"I did. We spoke a little differently, back then. So what I said to her was that she had been marked by someone she'd kissed once. What I meant was that she'd been betrayed and hurt by someone close to her. Her sister." She said.

"Were you right?" I asked, as my hand gripped her shoulder gently.

"I passed the test. She let me in. She also checked if I was pure, and found out quite quickly that I wasn't. Which just intrigued her more. She let me stay, and she knew what I was. She asked if there was another reason why I was here and I told her that I hadn't had the chance to understand what I was. I had been someone's sex slave for twenty five years. I'd been abused and shared and I'd wondered for so long how I'd endured it all. Why hadn't I died? I ought to have done.... The abuse was sometimes horrific...." She said.

"When you say she checked if you were pure?" I asked, as she gave me a pointed look.

"She hitched up my skirts and checked for herself. And she wasn't gentle about it." She said, raising two fingers as an indication.

I cleared my throat, a little surprised and nodded.

"Understood." I said.

"What did Joan say about what you were?" I asked.

"It was simple enough. That I was a creature of the night, and that I wore my suffering like a dress. People didn't like to see that, was one thing she told me. People didn't like to see someone's suffering, they had no time or patience for it. Only their own. So she told me to stop parading it and use it for something more." She said.

"Use it for what?" I asked.

"Use it in her kind of trade, instead. And whilst I'm not a witch and I wasn't then.... I was still gifted. I'm close to the Devil, but I'm not at the same time. I'm more of an acquaintance, not a friend. She was closer, but didn't want to be. And she was old, sick and slowly dying." She said.

"What did she teach you?" I asked.

"Well if you and me were ever stuck in nature, we'd eat like kings. She taught me a lot about nature, and how to make a damn good rabbit snare. She also taught me how to conduct tarot readings. She was always adamant about one thing. The book." She said.

"Never read from the book." I said, understanding.

"Never read from the book." She repeated, with a small nod.

"She knew I didn't want to be like her sister, or her for that matter. She taught me things, but I think that there was another lesson. How to read people, how to defend myself against people. Because as much as there are good people in the world, there's also bad people. And she said that bad people would always be drawn to me." She said.

"I was drawn to you." I whispered, as she half turned and smiled.

"And you're the nicest person I've ever met." She whispered back.

"You still own the house." I said, remembering suddenly.

"I do. It's quite the tourist attraction now. But no one can do anything with it, because the deeds are still in my name and there's no ancestor to pass onto. So it remains as mine. And will do forever. It's protected now, it's a part of history for a niche audience of people who still believe in witchcraft and paganism." She said.

"Her legacy lives on, and no one would ever be able to take her land." I said, as she chuckled softly.

"Cunning old broad, she really was. Clever really. She knew what she was doing." She said, as I chuckled too.

"I'm sure she did. But I think she also wanted to give you a place you could go to. A safe haven." I said.

"Perhaps. She called me a selfish bitch once because I said I'd be going back to London. She wanted me to stay there, after she'd gone. They hadn't even walked across the moors at that point, but she knew they were coming. And I don't think anything could have prepared me for when they did." She said, sighing softly.

"What they did, was evil." I said.

"They were greedy and superstitious. Sanctimonious and bent the ways of the church to suit them. The Lord, he paid everyone off in some way or another, which meant there wasn't a thing he couldn't get away with. But he was influenced too, he just never realised it." She said.

"Joan's sister. Evelyn. Evelyn wanted something her sister had." She continued, as I felt myself tense.

I think I knew the answer to that.

"You." I said, as she nodded.

"Evelyn knew what I was too. She had youth on her side, she bathed in virginal blood once a month, sold her soul to the Devil for power and youth, in exchange for all kinds of evil things. The devil will always covet souls, nothing more, but when she realised that she could gain immortality from me and not have to do his bidding to get it, she embarked on an idea to betray the Devil himself. She wanted me to turn her." She said.

"And when Joan died, Evelyn and her sisters couldn't get past the runes. They stood outside of the house for a week. And then one day, they'd gone. I found them though. I think once I'd read the Verbis Diablo, I had the chance to perhaps..... make things right. She was living in a secluded mansion, at the edge of the forest in outer London. After I'd read from the book, the door was open and he was whispering. He wanted her. And I led him straight to her. And when he took her youth and her power because she'd betrayed him, she turned on me. Her daughter Hecate, unleashed the hounds that they'd taken from the Lords grounds, let them into the room and they attacked her. Hecate for entirely selfish reasons, saved my life through freeing herself from her evil, power hungry mother. Effectively I had served him, but he considered the deal fulfilled and the whispers have gotten less over the years." She said, as I took a shaky, deep breath.

"You've always just wanted to be free...." I said.

"And I've just always wanted to live..." She said.

"We will live. That time will come." I said.

"What happened when you went back to London?" I asked.

"I was taken on for a job, with a very interesting man. His daughter was missing. He believed in Vampires, and other things like that. He took me in for a while. There was a doctor, an American, and a woman who was gifted too, like me. Touched by the Devil, and his brother. We bonded and I took it very hard when she passed away." She said.

"She was tormented. Very tormented, but kind and she was always open to the unusual, never judged. She was a wonderful woman, so beautifully gothic, in the best possible way. But the Devil's brother took hold of her and the American..... he paid her the ultimate kindness... I mean it was the only thing left to do, or we'd be in eternal darkness even now....she died in his arms. Ethan, he killed her. And the darkness and pestilence stopped." She continued.

"The Devil's brother?" I asked.

"He had a brother, yes. Two angels, fallen from grace. One was sent to Earth, to walk amongst us all, living on the blood of others. One sent to the fire. The Devil, and Dracula. The serpent, and the bat." She said.

"Clearly, I ought to have paid more attention in school." I said, in awe.

"You'd never have found out about it. Their story was told amongst the ravings of a man gone mad.... A monk. The church believed he was possessed in the end and burned him at the stake. They believed he'd let the devil in. He recounted the Devil's and Dracula's autobiography, as told to him by the Devil himself, scrawled it down on anything he could find. And they were archived away for centuries. It was only when I recognised that Vanessa had been speaking the Verbis Diablo that we realised that language had been spoken before, not just by me." She said.

"By the monk." I said, understanding.

"As well as Aramaic, Latin, Romanian, yeah." She said.

"Can I ask why he wasn't necessarily interested in you?" I asked, as she sighed softly.

"I wouldn't bring on the dark and the pestilence. So there was no interest, it was more he was curious as to why I perhaps didn't want to side with him. He found my behaviours and my loyalty to Malcolm and the others.... Peculiar shall we say." She said.

"And Vanessa? She brought on the dark?" I asked.

"Vanessa wasn't just Vanessa. Vanessa was the most powerful day walker there's ever been. She was a witch. And also the reincarnation of Amunet." She said.

"Doomed from the start then." I said.

"Sadly, yes. They'd wanted her equally. And they'd have hunted her to the end of days. She'd never have known peace. Peace came in the form of her death." Evanna said, wiping a tear from her cheek.

"You've seen and lost a lot, haven't you? I'm so sorry." I said, saddened for her.

"Just know, she was a wonderful, beautiful woman. And she accepted everyone around her. Saw the beauty in everything, no matter how obscure." She said.

"I've spent time with people, as equally as I've spent time alone. I have the choice to be around people, and even though they're with me for a short time, I'd never choose to be alone again. I'd sooner have friendships and relationships with people than to keep them at arms length. Sure, I've said goodbye to a lot, buried a lot.... But I have memories and I can keep those for a lot longer." She said.

"You're not alone. You have me." I said.

"I know, Eddie." She replied, as I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"Thank you, for telling me more of your story." I whispered.

"I'd love to hear more about you." She said.

"Well, you'd need to get tucked in bed for that." I said, playfully.

"It can't be worse than mine surely?" She asked, as I chuckled softly.

"There's monsters, just not like yours." I said.

And without further hesitation, she climbed deftly under the bed covers with me, facing me as she lay on her side, and I told her about my childhood, what I was like in school, my Uncle, and what I'd done after.

And when she'd fallen asleep, I turned the light off and pulled the covers up to her shoulders, tucking her in.

"I'll be with you, forever and always. And if there's any monsters, we can fight them together." I whispered.

And she whispered back to me in the dark.

"Forever, Eddie..."

Eddie's POV.

"What are you saying exactly?" Jeff asked me.

"Listen, I love you guys a lot. You're my only family, and the decision that I'm eventually gonna make, means that I won't see you guys as much." I said.

"Where will you be going?" Gareth asked, concerned.

"I'm gonna be moving away." I said, unsure how else to say it.

"Where to?" Jeff asked.

"Not sure yet. It's in the future though, it's not gonna be in the next few months. Years more than likely." I said.

"So you're planning ahead, I understand. But why so cloak and dagger?" Jeff asked, suspiciously.

"I'm not being cloak and dagger. I'm just pre warning you that I have plans in motion, where I'll be moving away in the next few years." I said.

"I mean that's quite the heads up. If it's years away, why not tell us nearer to?" Grant interjected.

"Jesus H Christ. I'm telling you, because you're gonna notice things." I said.

"Like what?" Gareth asked.

"I'll be different. That's all I'm gonna say." I said.

"Man you're weird. Why can't you just tell us?" Jeff asked.

"It's complicated." I answered.

"Oh that word again." Grant said, offended.

"It is." I argued.

"When you say different, what do you mean?" Jeff asked.

"Different in a number of ways. It'll probably raise questions. I'm just not sure I'd be able to give you the answers, answers you'd accept anyway." I said.

"I'm over this conversation, you're a loon. Either you come right out with it or I'm changing the subject immediately." Grant threatened.

"I can't say anymore." I said.

"Okay, change of subject it is then. Gareth's campaign next week, when are we all free?" Jeff asked, clearly narked.

How could I say goodbye to them in a suitable way by not telling them exactly why?

I understood their irritation and their annoyance, I truly did.

But I overlooked it, and advised the days I'd be free, and it was as if I hadn't said anything previous.

It had already been forgotten about.

"So next Thursday then?" Grant asked.

"Thursday it is. Can we add a player?" I asked.

"We already expected Evanna to come along, of course we can add her." Gareth said, slightly more forgiving.

And when we said our goodbyes, he hung behind, with concerned eyes.

"You're not in any trouble are you, man?" He asked me.

"No, I'm not in any kind of trouble, or crisis. I'm just trying to ease you all into the fact that at some point, and I don't know exactly when that will be, I will be leaving. I'm hoping that at certain times, say every year, we could meet up together, catch up. But you'll notice things, along the way. Obvious things. Things that I just can't tell you right now." I said.

"So we wouldn't be saying goodbye to you for good? You'd be moving away and we'd have the chance to meet up yearly?" He asked.

"I'm hoping so. I'd love to." I said.

"Then that's enough for me. And it will be for them too. The cloak and dagger, you're not good at it." He said.

"I'm not?" I asked.

"You're saying goodbye to us, and it's for a little more than what you've told me, told us. But it's obvious that we're not meant to press you for the details. They're clearly important details, but for whatever reason, you have to be vague for now. I can accept vague, as long as you're not in trouble." He said.

"I'm not." I insisted.

"Then I accept what you've said." He said, before rising to his feet.

"She's worth it?" He asked me, finally.

"Absolutely." I answered, without faltering.

"You have to do what makes you happy. She clearly does and you want to make this big change with her. For whatever reason, if it's the right one to you, then I'm behind you." He said.

"Thanks man." I said, pulling him into a hug.
He clapped me on the back and I returned the gesture, before leaving and heading out to my van, on the neighbouring parking lot.

I wasn't alone.

"So, you read the file and you weren't put off. Wow, you surprised me."

"Oh for fucks sake...." I muttered, before turning around and rolling my eyes.

"What do you want? I did what you said, it's all true, the end." I said, already exasperated.

"She actually told you everything too. I had to work for the information." Jake said, almost smug.

"She didn't want you to know, that's why. She didn't get to volunteer the information. You stalked it out of her." I argued.

"I did what I had to." He said, with a shrug.

"It hasn't put you off though." He added.

"No, it hasn't. You happy?" I asked, heatedly.

"This isn't fair. She shouldn't have chose you." He spat.

And for the first time, I took a good long look at him.

Pointed nose, dark eyes, pasty, oily skin.
Black hair, greased flat to his head, long hands and fingers.

He was strange looking; he had harsh features and it was easy to see why he'd unnerve people.

"Well, she did Jake. That's really all there is to it." I said.

"I'm coming for you. And I'm coming for her. It's nearly time." He threatened, with a long finger pointed in my face.

"Move it or lose it." I snarled, through gritted teeth.

My patience was running thin.

"I'm going." He said, raising his hands in surrender.

"But I'm coming for you both. Won't be long now." He said, before retreating out of the parking lot.

He could come, if he wanted.

We weren't gonna be divided now; we were too far in. We were together.

Eddie arrived at mine, and I had some exciting news for him.

"Someone's had some good news." He mused, with a happy smile when he saw me.

I squealed excitedly and threw my arms around him.

"Definitely had some good news." He said, as he embraced me tightly.

"Hey princess." He whispered, as we greeted each other with a firm embrace.

"Hey..." I whispered back, as he released me.

"Go on, what is it?" He asked, as I beamed.

"I've been asked to sing an aria, at the Palace Theatre." I said.

"An aria?" He asked.

"One song. One big song." I said.

"And what will you be singing?" He asked.

"I have two choices." I said, as he sank onto the sofa.

"Hit me with them." He said, beckoning me.

"First one, love never dies. Second one, Once Upon Another Time." I said.

"You've chosen already haven't you?" He asked.

I nodded excitedly, and he chuckled softly.

"Can I hear them both?" He asked, as I faltered slightly.

"I've never quite heard you sing opera." He added.

"Okay...." I said, suddenly nervous.

"It's me baby girl, you don't need to be nervous." He said, with a smile.

He was right.

'Once upon that other time, our story had only begun.... You chose to turn the page and I made choices too....

Once upon that other time, we did what we thought must be done, and now we have no choice, we do what we must do....

We love, we live, we give what we can give....
And take what little, we deserve....'

He was open mouthed, and I fought back a chuckle.

"That one would need a male lead too. But then there's the other option." I said.

I took a breath and he seemed to settle into the sofa, still slightly bewildered.

'Who knows when love begins, who knows what makes it start, one day it's simply there, alive inside your heart....

It slips into your thoughts, it infiltrates your soul, then takes you by surprise and seizes full control....

Try to deny it and try to protest, but love won't let you go, once you've been possessed...

Love, never dies....
Love never falters....
Once it has spoken, love is yours.

Love never fails,
Love never alters.....
Hearts may get broken, love endures....
Hearts may get broken, love endures.'

"That one, absolutely that one. Fuck the male lead." He announced, apparently blown away.

"You're sure?" I asked, as he scoffed in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?! Absolutely the second one. I've never heard anything like that. Your voice..... it's wonderful." He said, his voice hushed with surprise.

"Thank you." I said, laughing nervously.

"You're so confident up there, when you're on the stage. I think it's like home for you." He said.

"You're my home." I answered, as he blinked rapidly.

"Oh princess, you're my home too." He said, as I climbed into his lap.

He welcomed me, and held me to him, resting his head on-top of mine as I settled my head on his shoulder. I wrapped an arm around him, and for a while we sat together.

"I get to wear a real pretty dress too." I said.

"You do?" He asked.

"I only made one request." I said.

"What was that?" He asked.

"That I choose it myself." I said.

"And I have." I added.

"You have it already?" He asked.

"Want to see?" I asked, as he nodded with curious eyes.

"I'd love to." He said.

I led him upstairs, and into the spare room, which up to yet he hadn't seen.

Mainly because up to now, it has always been locked. There were memories in here, memories I wanted to cherish and I didn't want to lose any of them.

I led him inside and I heard the air leave his chest in surprise.

"I feel like I've just stepped into another time." He gasped, looking all around him in awe.

"As you'll soon realise and learn over time, I'm quite sentimental." I said, with an embarrassed chuckle.

"There's so much in here." He said, as his fingers brushed over a music box, and then a silver soft bristled brush.

"Those belonged to Vanessa." I said, as he turned to face me.

"I know you cared about her a lot." He said.

"I did." I answered, with a small smile.

"Malcolm, he packed me a box of her things, some that he'd thought I'd wish to keep. I'd always admired a certain dress, that she wore. She wore it to a ball, we were both invited. A fine gentleman that he was, extravagant and mysterious and he was quite naughty." I said, grinning.

"Naughty?" Eddie asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"In every sense of the word, yes." I said.

"The ball was a coming out for his companion. A young gentleman who identified as a woman. He or she, was an escort and for a time she lived with him. And then mysteriously disappeared a few months later." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"She found out too much, I suspect. He was highly secretive, had a disposable income, through means that were never legitimate. He always did daring things, and as much as he was sociable, he was always more of a lone wolf. With Dorian, you had a shelf life. One never dictated by you, but by him. Though at one time, he was in love with Vanessa. But it wasn't meant to be and when she eventually rejected him, he experienced his first heartbreak." I said.

"Did you ever have any involvement with him?" Eddie asked, curiously.

"He was fascinated with me, I'd go as far as to say. Back then I kept people at arms length." I said.

"So even if he'd wanted to?" Eddie asked.

"He was rejected by me too, yes." I said.

"I think it was sensible." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I might have had a naive dream of love, but I wasn't stupid." I said, chuckling softly.

I led him towards the closet, and pulled the curtain back, holding it back for him to see.

And there, on a dress makers mannequin, was a red and black dress.

"God did I admire this dress." I said, still taken aback by it as I had been back then. I touched the lace of the neck fondly, and sighed.

"She truly was wonderful." I added, sniffing back tears.

"I wish I'd met her." Eddie said.

"Oh she'd have loved you." I said.

"Would she?" He asked, hopeful.

"I'm sure of it. One of her finest qualities was that even though she was never destined for a family, for that typical home life with a husband of her own, as her path would never allow it or be prepared to make room for a semblance of it.... She always very much wished it for all of us." I said.

"She would have deserved it though." Eddie said.

"She wanted it with Ethan, mostly. And I think he wanted it too. But you see, he had an affliction of his own, and he also had his own path. His destiny was to protect her yes, as Lupus Dei.... But ultimately we misinterpreted that. Because in the end, he had to be the one to kill her. He was to protect the world too. And protect her from the brothers." I said.

"Lupus Dei?" Eddie repeated.

"Wolf of God." I translated.

"You never cease to fascinate me." He said.

"You're one of very few who even believe what I'm saying is true." I said, chuckling.

"Nothing is impossible, I've always believed it I think." He said, as he picked up a journal.

"Vanessa's letters to Mina." I said, peering over his shoulders.

"Mina, was Malcom's daughter." I added.

"There's a lot of letters. And they say very much the same thing from a glance." He said.

"One letter for every day she was missing." I said, confirming.

"You found her?" Eddie asked, as I pressed my lips together and nodded.

"She lived a little ways outside of London, married to a man called Johnathan Harker. He informed her father that she had gone missing. Missing with a man he'd never met. Johnathan didn't know who this man was, none of us did." I said.

"Who was he?" Eddie asked.

"Mina was a pawn in a much larger game. The man was Prince Vlad III. Dracula." I confirmed.

"Holy shit." He said, shocked.

"By the time we reached Mina, he'd turned her. And she was there to collect the one thing Dracula wanted most. Vanessa." I said.

"What happened?" Eddie asked.

"She threatened Vanessa's life and so Malcom.... Malcolm shot her. It wasn't Mina anymore." I said.

"Vanessa wrote to her every day, until we found her that night. And then she stored the journal away, and didn't write any more letters after that. I stayed a while after Vanessa died, and I had earned enough from my adventures that I was able to travel and find somewhere to live. We all kept in touch, until one by one, they died." I said.

His eyes fell on a photo of us all, and I smiled widely, happily gazing at the faces of my much loved, old friends.

He picked it up and I pointed them all out to him.

Ethan Chandler, Sembene, Malcom Murray, Victor Frankenstein, Vanessa Ives, Mr Lyle, and lastly, myself.

"That was us. The Company." I said.

"This is amazing. Are you wearing a suit?" He asked, peering closer.

"Yes I am, I went through a phase of dressing rather androgynously." I said, laughing at myself.

"It was a feminine suit, but I think I'd actually been to fencing class that day. And the men never did take me seriously there. So just to further their disdain, I'm sure I purposely went dressed in that suit." I added, as he snorted with laughter.

"You little revolutionary, you." He said, as I nodded.

"Vanessa loved it." I said, with a smile.

"I'd say within the month I was back to wearing pretty dresses though." I added.

"Is there any of you, just you?" He asked, as I rummaged through papers and files, journals and books before pulling a single photo out.

It was in front of Malcolm's fireplace at Grandage Place.

I was leaning against the mantle casually, a book in the hand of the arm leaning on the mantle, the other casually draped at my side.

The dress was black, pooled around the floor at my feet. It was long sleeved, and my hair was half pinned back, the remainder falling down my back in loose curls.

In my other hand, was a glass of wine, loose in my fingers.

"You're gonna tell me that's the same wine we drank, aren't you?" He asked, his eyes staring down at me fondly.

"The last remaining bottle, yes." I said, with a grin.

"Who took the photo?" He asked.

"Dorian." I answered, after a quick thought.

"He was good at photography. He was aware of our Company though he was never involved. He just wanted to take photos of us." I added.

"He took all kinds. Nothing was refused with him. I saw some of his more risqué, dark work and yeah, it wasn't for me." I continued, with a laugh.

I rummaged again, looking for the second lone shot Dorian had taken of me, and handed it to Eddie.

He put the first photo down, taking the second in his hands. He sighed softly, and smiled.

"White suits you." He said, tracing my face with his finger.

"I love this. You look wonderful. Beautiful." He said, as I pressed it to his chest.

I reached for the photo he'd placed down and pressed that to his chest too.

"Keep them. They're yours." I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." I answered.

"And if anyone asks, you can just say they're from a scene from one of the plays." I added.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Which play?" He asked, playing along.

"Hmmm.... I'm not exactly My Fair Lady in either of them, so perhaps something like Dracula." I mused.

"I'll go with that." He said.

"Or Phantom of the Opera." He added.

"Yeah, that's feasible too." I said, considering it.

"You're the most interesting woman I've ever met, with a ton of stories I never thought I'd hear." He said.

"I've lived a long time." I said, in agreement.

"Seen a lot, been through a lot too." He said.

"I have no regrets, not really. If I did, I can't change any of it." I said.

"Best not to have them then." He said, with a smile.

"Definitely for the best." I said, with certainty.

The night of the Aria.

Eddie's POV.

I adjusted the tie around my neck, and secured the collar of my crisp white shirt over the top of it.

Tonight was a rather extravagant, formal affair and so black tie formal wear was mandatory.

I hadn't ever worn a suit like this, but I'd make the exception tonight, to sit in the front row and watch her sing. Hell, if the dress code had been to go naked, I would have if it meant I got to see her sing.

She had been rehearsing all day, and we were all getting ready to go, the boys having been cordially invited too.

"That's quite the photo." Jeff said, motioning to one of the photo's of Evanna, the photo's she'd gifted me with.

"Phantom of the Opera." I said, as Jeff picked it up, staring down at her effortless stance in the black dress, next to the infamous Murray fireplace.

Gareth eyed me carefully, speaking with his eyes.
It went unnoticed by everyone in the room, except for me.

"Victorian suits her." Jeff mused, setting it back down onto the side table next to my sofa.

"It does." I said, in agreement.

And when he and Grant were out of earshot, Gareth too picked it up and peered down at it.

"Only it wasn't Phantom of the Opera was it?" He asked me in a low voice.

"No." I said, choosing to provide some truth to him.

"This is her, isn't it. And I'm not talking recently." He said.

"It is, but it's a story for another time." I said, subtly.

Gareth often saw a lot without saying anything.
And he'd obviously gone over my previous words at the bar that day, and had gone over my unconventional goodbye, a number of times.

Enough to draw a conclusion that whilst he altogether didn't believe, a part of him believed there was a small possibility.

"What year?" He asked.

"1902, 1903 roughly." I whispered.

"Another story for another time." He said, with a subtle nod.

"We ready?" Jeff asked, as I cleared my throat.

"I am. Let's do this." I said, with a confident smile.

"Your starlet, awaits." Grant said, with a grin.

I had just finished pinning half of my hair back away from my eyes, the rest in tight curls down my back, when my dressing room door creaked open and a slim body slithered in.

"What do you want?" I asked, bored.

"I have something of a proposal for you." He said.

"Interesting." I said, feigning surprise.

When I turned to face him, he looked slightly manic. And there was blood on his face.

"What did you do?" I asked, smelling the metallic.

"He's alive, for now." Jake hissed.

"If he isn't, I'll kill you." I threatened.

"Ah-Ah, no. That's not how this is going to work." He said.

"Enlighten me then." I urged.

"You sing the aria, he stays alive." He said.

"If you leave, I kill him." He added, with a casual shrug.

"You must stay until the end, and he'll live." He said.

"And what do you want in return?" I asked.

"You know. Don't be foolish." He said, before dipping back out of the room.

Vibrating with rage and worry, I turned to the mirror and took a deep breath in, leaning over onto the table, bowing my head slightly.

And then the hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention, and I felt a wave of despair wash over me. Something I knew you only felt at a certain time, and presence.

"You're in a little bit of a pickle, beloved."

The voice shook me to the core, even though I knew it couldn't possibly be. But then he was the serpent of lies and deceit. And he did like to tease and torment.

I slowly braced myself and turned to see Vanessa sitting in the chair behind me, and I shook my head.

"You're not her. You're not Vanessa." I said.

"No, I'm not that's true. I just thought you'd prefer to see a familiar face." She said, her eyes as black and hollow as the night.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Like I said, you're in a pickle, my love." She said.

"And you're just a vision in red. My favourite colour." She added, as I clenched my jaw.

"I did what you wanted. I have no debts with you." I said.

"No you don't. But I've always somewhat felt I have a debt with you." She remarked.

"You don't work that way." I said.

"Not usually. But you did do something quite monumental for me back then didn't you? My prized night comer, turning against me, betraying me. You led me straight to her, and her daughter did the rest. I thought it only fair to pay you a little visit to give you the heads up on what you can expect to happen. Settle up, if you will." She said.

"And why would you do that?" I asked.

"I've always found you fascinating. Always been curious as to why when you are what you are, you never became in league with my idiotic, brooding brother. It piqued my interest. Evelyn was a very big fish to catch and you did it, beloved. So, why am I here? Why would I do this?" She asked, with a pompous, smug smile.

"Yes." I confirmed.

"Your little friend... Jake. He's served you with an ultimatum, it seems. Sing, and the handsome man in your life, lives. Don't sing, and he dies." She said.

I watched as she morphed into Malcolm and smiled.

"You know we'd tell you to think outside of the box. Think bigger. Don't take the threat, outmanoeuvre it." He said, his accent equally as English as Vanessa's.

"Eddie isn't in the front row. Jake is. Eddie hasn't made it to your magical debut. He's in an abandoned warehouse, three streets away from here. You can leave." He said.

"He'll kill him." I said.

"You're not scared of him, so don't act like you are. Show me your real face. You're angry beloved. You can sing, and then leave. You won't take your bow, that much is true. But it would give you a head start. You can reach your love, before he does." He said.

"He hasn't got the gall to kill him. Empty words, beloved. Whereas we know you do. You slaughtered an entire town, you read from the book. You led me to Evelyn. You and I both know what you can truly do. We've seen it." He said.

He morphed again into Ethan.

"Come on darlin', you know that you can stop this. Think outside the box, like we always taught ya." He said, in his American drawl.

"Show him those pearls. Those beautiful, dangerous pearls. And go get your man." He added, with a sickly smug grin.

"And you don't want anything in return for the tip?" I asked, unconvinced.

And he morphed once more, into Joan.
That took my breath away, and I faltered slightly.

I had to remind myself that this wasn't her.
This was the Devil.

"What was it I always said to you? Be true, my little scorpion." She said.

"You never said that to me." I argued, offended.

"Of course I didn't, clever girl. But it seems you need some words of encouragement. Do the aria, beloved. Leave after curtain fall, and head to the abandoned warehouse on Fleet Street. He's there and he is alive. There is nothing to repay for this gesture. But I would, if I may, consider my debt, paid in full, my precious darkling." She said.

She rose to her feet then, morphing back into Vanessa, and her hand curled around my cheek.

"I know she's in heaven. Myself and God might have a broken relationship, a relationship at odds, but then again I always was the competitive type. It was and is my favourite sport.... But I know she's there. And whilst I do not deal in sentiment, nor do I care for love, friendship or any matters of the heart, I know that will bring you some comfort." She said.

"And you deal in deceit, deception, illusion and fire. I don't need you to tell me she's there, I already know. She saw God, at the end. And she walked into his arms. You know as well as I do who will greet me in the event of my death should that ever happen. I won't see light, I won't be welcomed with kind open arms. I'll be greeted by fire, by arms that will not bear or offer any comfort. But just know this, beloved.... I'll be your worst house guest." I hissed.

"And whilst he wants too, I'll be resigning Eddie to the exact same fate." I added.

"Oh my love, all you'll have to do is ask for forgiveness; such a small thing really and you'll soon meet the pearly white gates. That's all it takes. One teensy tiny please forgive me father and boom! You're in. No fire, no spoiling the house of Lucifer. Though I'd be very happy to welcome you. I'd even come down here to collect you myself." She said, chuckling.

"You can leave now." I said.

She smiled, and in a split second, she was gone.

And as I stepped out onto the stage, greeted by a thunderous applause, I didn't feel fear.

I felt anger.

I peered down at the seat that Eddie should have taken tonight, to see Jake sitting in his place, the same flecks of blood across his face.

He grinned manically and waved at me; everyone around him was oblivious.

Except for me.
Lucifer had been telling me the truth.

I had sung, and I had left the moment the curtains closed.

I wasted no time heading to Fleet Street and I was calling for him as I ran through the warehouse building, searching for him.

And when I finally found him, he was sitting up against a pillar, holding his head with bound hands. His feet too were tied.

He was relieved to see me, but he was angry.

"Fucker attacked me in the parking lot. Attacked all four of us, dragged me away. Hit me real hard on the back of the head with a wrench. I hadn't even hit the deck, when he hit me in the fucking face with it too." He said, positively pissed off as I sank to my knees before him.

I untied his hands and feet, and helped him onto them.

His eye was swollen shut and he was unsteady on his feet.

"Kicked me a few times whilst I was out cold too apparently. God he's a slimy little prick." Eddie spat, as he clutched his side, wincing.

And then it was as if he realised suddenly it was me. His one open eye widened and he sighed with relief.

"Sweetheart... how did you even find me?" He asked, very relieved to see me, as much as he was incensed. He embraced me tightly, his face pressed into my hair.

"Finally realised it was me?" I asked him, smiling despite the circumstances.

"And you wouldn't believe me if I told you." I added, before reconsidering.

"Actually, you probably would." I said, as he stared down at my attire.

"I bet you were absolutely magical tonight. You look beautiful." He said, sadly.

"I had no time to get changed. I had to come here. I had to get here before him." I said, as he gripped my shoulder to support himself momentarily.

"Who told you I was here?" He asked, as I pressed my lips together.

"Lucifer himself." I said, with disdain.

"You didn't sell your soul did you?" Eddie asked, horrified.

"You're worried about that, right now?" I asked, pulling his arm across my shoulder. I held him at his waist and started to walk him towards the exit.

And as we walked, Jake was suddenly walking towards us and I stopped us in our tracks, a sudden wave of anger swirling in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh no you don't. That wasn't the choice I gave you." Jake spat.

"I don't give a fuck about your choices or your empty fucking threats. I'm so tired of you." I hissed.

"Princess, I don't know why you're being like this. We were good together." Jake whined, his face creased with sadness.

Which quickly vanished and his face turned stony as he withdrew a gun from behind him and pointed it directly at us both.

"You're a lying, deceitful little quim." He spat at me.

"And you're a greasy, pasty faced little weirdo, who stalks women who clearly don't want them." I hissed back.

It was pathetic really.
But then again, he had called me the endearing, Victorian slang word, for Vagina.

"You said you'd give me what I wanted." He shouted, brandishing the gun.

"I never promised you that. I wouldn't have done." I argued.

"You make out like I'm so crazy. But we were together." He said.

"We weren't." I argued.

"You're only denying it because your new toy is here. If we were alone, you'd admit it." He argued back.

"No, I wouldn't admit it. You think we were together, but we weren't. We never were anything." I said, with emphasis.

"You know what I want, what I've wanted for a long time." Jake said.

I'd heard enough.

I slowly slid Eddie's arm from across my shoulders and he'd noticed that I was vibrating with a kind of rage he hadn't yet seen.

And when I looked up in Jake's wild eyes, my newly dark red eyes met them, and as I let out a loud warning growl, my lips curled upwards, revealing elongated, primal teeth.

The teeth Eddie had seen.
He'd never ever seen me quite like this though.

Eddie took a step to the side, a little unnerved as well as in awe.

My hands either side of me, fresh claws at the ready.

"I would never give you this. This is the part of it, that you'd never be able to keep a handle on. You'd be merciless, you'd be greedy, and you'd be unstable. You know how I know?" I asked.

"Oh do enlighten me." He asked, airily.

"Because every time I was around you, I could smell it on you. I can smell it on you now. I can smell the greed, the instability, the unhinged mind you have. You reek of it." I spat.

"You're not better than me." He said.
But he swallowed hard.

"You wouldn't keep it a secret. And that would ultimately put me and any other Vampire at risk. I won't be the cause of that." I said.

"You won't have the choice. You are going to turn me." He said.

"I have a choice. Do you know how quickly I could just come over there, and snap that pasty little neck? Oh it would be too easy." I said, laughing slightly.

"As much as it is a curse, it's also a gift." I said.

Jake took a step forward and I growled loudly, before issuing a threat, of which I only knew the weight and meaning.

"Etsi wesrat khedekareb emi. Emi nebratronak nüllaan. Maa'. Etsi an nat ashgagna non dünasse. Itsi maa' ebdee nüllaan! Emi nebratronak!"

I have the power to kill. I am your master now. Die. You cannot fight. You must die now! I am your master!

And I didn't stop there.

"Itsi sist. Eksleebire. Ye non hun wesrat horri. Emi non khur uu reshtoeth muirepmi terprai Yesun Khriiston!"

Stop. Go away. You have no power over me. I serve no god, nor you.

I'd spoken the Verbis Diablo.

"What are you doing?! What are you saying?!" Jake called, looking all around him.

The ground tumbled under our feet, and Eddie stumbled slightly before holding onto a nearby pillar.

"You hear his whispers, don't you?" I asked, menacingly, fixed on my feet.

The rumbling ground wouldn't unsteady me.
I wouldn't allow it. Not now.

And as I glanced at Eddie, he swallowed hard as his eyes fixed on the gentleman in the white suit, who'd suddenly appeared at my side.

He was calm, but I could see Eddie was unnerved.

"Beloved." The man said, greeting me as he adjusted his tie.

"So, give me the run down. What exactly do we have here?" He asked me, in a low voice as he rubbed his hands together with satisfaction.

"Kidnap, assault, coercion, stalking, intimidation,  threats of gun violence." I reeled off.

"You can't do this." Eddie whispered, to me.

"I haven't done anything." I said.

"You called him." Eddie said, in disbelief.

"Dear boy, she did not." Lucifer said, with a smile.

"You spoke the Verbis Diablo." Eddie argued.

"She did, but both were mere counter curses, towards him. Not enough to call me here, and she didn't read from the book like she did all those years ago. I didn't come here for that, and she didn't summon me. No, when he raised the gun and spoke his inner most desires, that's what's piqued my interest. Crime calls to me." Lucifer explained.

"Coercion interests me a lot. He wants to be a creature of the dark, his heart is as such. That's what brought me here. I do prefer a pure soul that I can desecrate and torment, but that doesn't happen much, not with the Vatican being so resourceful as to open several exorcism schools and spoil my fun." He continued, with a pout.

"Here's not here because of me." I said.

And then I turned to Jake, giving him an ultimatum of his own.

"So in lamens terms, what Lucifer is saying, is that if you pull that trigger, Jake..... You're his." I said, with a sly smile.

"It might not be today, or tomorrow. But you will be. If you walk away, you have a chance to make that choice in the event of your death." I added.

"You don't get to blackmail me." Jake said, horrified, the gun moving unsteadily in his shaking hands.

"But you can blackmail me?" I asked, with a raised eye brow.

The claws had gone, the red eyes were now blue and the primal teeth had gone.

"This is so exciting." Lucifer said, with a satisfied clap of his hands.

"He's not really Lucifer. It's a trick." Jake said, as Lucifer smiled and chuckled softly.

"Oh terrible boy, I am. How else would I know that if and once she turned you, you planned to keep her, much like Leonard did. You planned to force her to serve you, love you, be with you. You don't just want immortality, you want Evanna too. You've never spoken this part of your plan out loud, you've never written it down, just merely stored it in the very crevices of your mind." Lucifer said, tapping a finger to his temple.

"Not a single living soul knows that part. Except for me." He added, as Jake took an unsteady step back.

"Someone made that mistake once, and they paid the price. She's not one to be caged or kept. Evanna likes to spread her wings freely and fly. You're not someone who'd allow that." Lucifer said.

"You're out of your goddamn mind." Eddie said, enraged.

It seemed he understood now.

"That's why he's here. He knows what you truly want." Eddie continued, livid and offended.

And then Jake pointed the gun directly at me, panicked and angry.

"You've always belonged to me!!" He cried, as I shook my head calmly.

"No she hasn't!!" Eddie cried, unable to make sense of Jake's words.

"You hold no influence or power over me." I said,

"If I can't have you, if I can't have immortality, then no one can have you." He threatened.

Lucifer adjusted the cuffs of his suit jacket idly, shaking his head in disappointment.

"It would seem that he's made his choice." He said.

And I watched as Jake brandished the gun wildly, and his finger squoze the trigger.

A body jumped in front of me and the horror turned my skin ice cold and everything inside me almost froze.

I heard a loud bang and the realisation hit me, where the bullet from the gun, didn't.

"That's unfortunate." Lucifer said, shaking his head sadly.

"Eddie?" I whispered, as he slowly turned to me, clutching his abdomen.

Wordlessly, he stumbled into my arms, his eyes wide with fear and I caught him, sinking to the floor with him.

"No, no.... I wasn't meant to shoot him!" Jake cried.

I heard a chorus of panicked voices loudly in my head, as Jeff, Grant and Gareth rushed into the warehouse, calling mine and Eddie's names.

"Oh god..." Jeff said, in horror.

"No no.... No!" Gareth cried out.

"That wasn't how this was supposed to go!" Jake cried, as Lucifer took a step toward him.

"Yet you made your choice, all the same." He said as Jake shook his head.

I peered down at Eddie, as he lay in my arms, blood seeping onto the floor.

And that's when I made the only decision I knew I could.

I looked up at the three terrified faces of his most loyal friends and swallowed hard.

"He attacked us.... Dragged him away from us." Jeff said, unable to comprehend.

"Listen to me....If I don't do what I'm about to, he'll die." I said, the warning clear in my voice.

"Do what?" Jeff asked.

"Who's the guy in the suit?" Grant asked, horrified and confused.

"I can't die." I said, deciding the truth was best.

We didn't have time for secrets.

"What do you mean you can't die?" He asked.

"You're immortal. I know." Gareth said, sniffing back tears.

"I am. I'm 150 years old. I can't die and I'm permanently twenty four years old. I was born in 1873, and I was turned in 1897. He'd decided he wanted this.... Just not like this. Not this way. I didn't want to do it like this, but if I don't, we could all lose him." I said.

"You're a vampire?" Grant asked, in horror.

"She is." Gareth said.

"Yes. I can save him. I wouldn't be doing anything that he wouldn't want me to do." I said, keeping pressure on the wound.

"Beloved, you're running out of time." Lucifer called over, softly.

We all acknowledged his statement, and then turned back to Eddie.

"He wants this?" Jeff asked, sinking to his knees by my side.

"He does. It's selfish, but I can't live without him. I don't want to live without him." I said, imploringly.

Gareth and Grant did the same as Jeff, all of them leaning down, looking down into Eddie's face.

"This was what you were telling us wasn't it?"
Jeff asked, tears in his eyes.

"I've... I've made my choice..." Eddie said, as I heard the sounds of his blood gurgling in his throat.

"And we will see you after this, you promise me?" Gareth asked, fretful.

"Yeah man..." Eddie said, with a pained smile.

"I need to do this now." I said, hearing his pulse slow.

"Do what you have to. We don't wanna lose him." Jeff said, wiping his face free of tears.

"Do it." Gareth said.

Grant nodded, a little afraid as I leaned over Eddie and our eyes met.

"We'll be here when you wake up." I whispered, as his bloodied hand reached up to touch my face.

"I love.... I love you..." He whispered.

And so that I didn't distress any of them any further and the fact that he was already bleeding out, I bit down on my bottom lip, bringing them down to his, kissing him softly.

"I love you, sweet boy." I whispered, against his trembling mouth.

His breathing grew shallow, his mildly frightened eyes locked with mine, and I heard his heartbeat suddenly halt to a deafening stop.

He'd gone.

As much as they believed me, watching him die before them was still anguishing and painful.

It was anguishing and painful for me too.

"Someone please tell me who that guy is." Grant pleaded.

"I'm the guy from downstairs." Lucifer interjected on his own behalf.

Grant was speechless.

"Best not to focus on it too much or question it." I whispered, with a weak smile.

"Does it take long?" Jeff asked, surprisingly accepting but equally devastated.

"No, it doesn't." I said, as he smiled weakly.

"You've saved his life." Gareth said, apparently grateful.

"I had this idea.... If I'd had the choice I'd have wanted to tell my family so much, that they knew and wouldn't have been shocked when I didn't change and they grew old. I'd have met them somewhere secret, somewhere safe for say a weekend or something like that, and just spend time with them every so many years. Like a school reunion. He liked that idea." I said, staring down at him fondly as I stroked the curls on his head, smiling through the tears falling down my face.

It was bittersweet.

Jeff smiled, chuckling through his tears.

"I think we could do that, right guys?" He asked them.

"Yeah, definitely." Grant said.

"Hole up in a cabin somewhere, play D&D, even when we're in our sixties." Gareth said, as we all smiled.

"Well, only us three." Grant corrected.

"We'd have plenty of time, wouldn't we?" Gareth asked.

"To me, it's fleeting. But I am a century and a half old and I suppose I see it differently. But for you, it'll feel like longer. It won't seem fleeting to you at all." I said.

"We'd never miss one." I added.

There was movement underneath my hand, and when I glanced down, Eddie's eyes were open and they were an even deeper shade of brown.

His clear, flawless skin was slightly paler, and he had generous stubble along his chin and around his mouth; it was darker, and so was his hair.

"This would have seemed crazy to me, if you weren't awake again right now." Jeff said, as I helped Eddie into a sitting position.

He immediately patted around his abdomen, panicking and I took his shaking hands into mine.

"It's healed, it's not there." I assured him as he sighed with relief.

He looked at each of his friends, who were staring back at him and I knew he was seeing them with new eyes.

"I'm really back?" Eddie asked, turning to me.

"If this is the afterlife, someone's cut you an unfair deal." I said, looking down at the blood and mess around us.

"You're really back." I confirmed.

"Everything looks different... sounds different." He said.

"It does. But you'll get used to it." I said.

"You think you can stand?" Jeff asked.

Between us, we helped him into his feet and he reached for me immediately.

His arms snaked around my shoulders and I leaned into his embrace, relieved.

"No.... You promised me...."

I'd forgotten about him.

"You said.... You were supposed to do that to me! For me!" Jake cried.

I turned to face him, angered and that familiar rage consumed me as I moved from Eddie and approached him.

"Ivy, Ivy don't be mad at me...." He begged.

"Oh we're past that, sweetheart." I replied, vibrating with anger.

And just as I reached him, I heard police sirens all around us, and a hand gripped my shoulder, pulling me back.

"As much as he would deserve your wrath, and as much as I would love to see you unleash it, there's perhaps a less messy justice waiting for him. One that means you're not implicated or charged. Let them serve it. Walk away."


"I can be quick, and I wouldn't spill a drop." I argued, still game.

"No, I can wait for this one. The anticipation alone will keep me going." Lucifer said, eyeing Jake like a three course meal.

"Ivy please...." Jake begged.

"Just know that the moment you talk about it, the moment you tell them what happened here, they'll throw you in Pennhurst and you'll never walk free ground again." I said, stepping towards him.

Lucifer stepped aside with a coy smile, and invited Eddie to approach me. Eddie's hand replaced his on my shoulder, and he was apparently in agreement.

Something I'd never thought I'd see.

"Sweetheart, let them do what they need to do." Eddie urged.

I looked at Jake and a low growl rumbled in my chest.

"Today was the day you almost got yours." I hissed.

"Beloved, he will." Lucifer said, before turning to face me, as he sighed softly.

"You are quite the force to be reckoned with. I can see why she was fond of you." He said.

"You don't deal in matters of the heart." I reminded him.

"No, I don't. And I won't pretend that I do. But you're quite the ally." He said.

"I'd be touched, if I wasn't talking to the Devil himself." I said.

"Always so sharp tongued." He said, pretending to be offended.

"I should probably thank you, though." I said, as he smirked.

"But I'm not going to, not for this part of it anyway. You were here for your own reasons; they just happened to serve me well too." I added.

He chuckled softly, and fastened the buttons on his suit jacket.

"Now, I'd say I've definitely paid my debt." Lucifer said.

"Get out of here." I said, calmly.

"As always, it's a pleasure. Ciao." He said, with a grin, a wave and in a flash, he was gone.

"Oh god he gave me the creeps." Grant said, shuddering.

"He's a teddy bear, really." I said, playfully.

"He is?" Grant asked.

"No, he's not." I said suddenly, with all seriousness.

"From this day, I am gonna be pure, wholesome and good. His face is not the one I want to see at the end." Grant said, visibly disturbed.

I let Eddie lead me away, in the midst of suppressing a laugh, just as an officer approached.

"Are any of you hurt?" An officer asked, two more grabbing hold of Jake, cuffing him.

"Just superficial." Eddie said, as the officer looked all around him.

"You sure? There's a lot of blood around here." He argued, suspiciously.

"Are you hurt ma'am?" He asked me, as I dug a nail hard into the skin of my arm.

I raised it in front of me, feigning injury and nodded sadly.

"Just my arm." I said, as blood poured down to the tips of my fingers.

"We need medical attention over here." He called, as Eddie stared at me with slight chagrin.

"Always with the theatrics." He said, playfully rolling his eyes.

"Got him off the scent didn't it? Now I'm gonna have to let them stitch me up when there's no need." I said, feeling I'd gotten the short end of the stick.

Eddie chuckled and kissed my head softly, as a paramedic approached.

"You're still my hero." He whispered, with a wide grin as the paramedic sat me down on the back of the ambulance.

"That's a pretty nasty wound you've got there." She said, as I sighed softly.

"Must have cut myself, it's all a blur really." I lied, as she smiled sympathetically.

"Either way, we'll soon get you sorted." She said, going to put a pulse reader on me.

"Oh that wont be necessary, honestly. It's really just my arm." I said.

"I kind of have to." She said, regretfully.

I peered into her face, looking into her eyes and very quietly urged her to change her mind.

"We just won't say anything." She said, mischievously.

I quite liked a good old mind trick now and again.

"It's actually not deep enough to need stitches either. But best keep the pressure on it, okay?" She said, with a warm smile.

I smiled broadly, already healing and satisfied with the mind games, as I hopped off the back of the ambulance.

"Man, I'm glad you're back with us." Jeff said, as they all shook hands.

"We meeting for D&D tomorrow?" Grant asked, eagerly.

"Is water wet?" Eddie asked, with a grin.

"We should go home, rest and we'll see you guys tomorrow." Gareth asked.

"It's been one hell of a day." Jeff said.

And with one final look all around us, Eddie's arm snaked it's way across my shoulders and he pulled me to him.

"My place or yours?" He asked, as I wound my arms around his waist.

"Yours." I said, as he chuckled softly.

"Home is wherever I am, with you." He said.

There was a lot of conversation over D&D the following evening, mostly not about D&D.

Gareth's campaign remained unread, as they bombarded mostly me, with questions.

Eddie helped me explained and much like he'd been, they were fascinated as much as they were horrified at the events that were effectively, parts of my unusually long life.

"That's quite a history to have." Jeff noted.

"Good thing not all of it was ever documented. I'm still somewhat of a ghost." I said.

"You have the memories though, sweetheart." Eddie reasoned.

"Oh I do. I'll cherish them forever." I said, with a sweet smile.

"And now you've finally got what you were looking for." Gareth said, with a smile.

"Someone who wants to be with you, not keep you." Grant said, in agreement.

"They were fools to even try." Eddie remarked with a grin.

"But seriously, the only thing I'll ever want from you, is just you. And all that you are." He added.

"Have you always been this romantic?" Jeff asked, slightly taken aback.

"I think I can answer this one. And perhaps a little more honestly than he will." I interjected as I gazed at him fondly.

He grinned broadly, and I smiled in return, our eyes locked briefly.

"When he's not busy being a rockstar, and a god on the guitar, he's actually quite chivalrous, and he is a gentleman. He's sweet, and he's kind. But I did get that vibe when we first met." I said.

"The vibe I got, and still get now, is that the moment you walked into that dressing room, after the festival, you took one look at her and you just knew didn't you?" Gareth asked, with a smile towards Eddie.

"Knew she was the one for me?" Eddie asked, smiling coyly.

"I did." He continued, as I chuckled softly.

"I wouldn't have sneaked the concert ticket and my number into your hand that night if I didn't have the same or at least a similar idea that you were the one for me too." I said.

"I saw the way you looked at each other." Gareth said, with a shrug.

"Do you feel different?" Grant asked, as Eddie considered his question.

"I do, and I don't. Sounds are heightened, and my sight definitely is too. At first it was pretty overwhelming but I've had a day or so to get used to it. It's not like the comic books. There's no uncontrollable thirst or rage that they always write in them. If anything, I feel calm. My mind is quieter, I guess there's a lot I don't need to worry about." Eddie answered, honestly.

"Perspective." I confirmed.

"Yeah, I can imagine something like this would put a LOT into perspective. Thinking about death for example, that's a big one." Jeff said, as I sighed softly.

"I still think about it, just.... Differently." I said.

"We can still die, but if no one physically attempts to, we won't. We'll just live on." Eddie said.

"If it's gifted me with anything, it's taught me a lot about what I used to worry over, and just how trivial that all was and is. And even though you're all mortal, I'd still give you that same advice. Live your life, because it's short. Have no regrets, do what you want, be happy." I said.

"If you're constantly thinking about your mortality, you'll never truly live. You know it's inevitable, and it will come, with time. But you have time, to do everything you want, and you absolutely should." I continued.

After that sound advice, and over the next few months we all spent together, there was talk of the future, but in an upbeat way.

The conversation wasn't grave or solemn.

Even when they all promised to not have funerals, so that Eddie could still pay his respects and not be seen.

That was still a happy conversation.

"We want you there. We'd want you there to give us a good old send off. You're our best friend." Jeff had said.

There was no malice towards me for gifting Eddie with a continued life; quite the opposite.

They struggled to think of someone who deserved it more than him.

It was nice to hear, and as their game finally started, I sat back in my seat, watching them all fondly. I watched their animated faces, their laughter, their cries of enjoyment and disdain when one was losing, and as I was gazing at Eddie fondly, a figure moved behind him.

I stared over his shoulder and there was no mistaking her identity this time.

Dressed in white, with long cascading black hair, glassy eyes and a familiar smile, she waved slightly, as I blinked back tears.


"You're happy, at long last sister." She whispered, as I nodded.

And in the midst of a dice roll, Eddie stopped and turned to look behind him.

Her eyes fixed on him, and I watched him tense, not with fear, but with some kind of understanding.

I saw her speak to him, but I didn't hear her.
However he nodded, and turned back to his game, resuming his turn and her eyes glanced at me once more as a hand clasped over her heart.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you." I whispered back.

And as soon as she had appeared, she had gone.

"Are you alright, Evanna?" Jeff asked, eyeing me over his journal that was open in front of him, guarding him like a mini fortress.

"I am." I said.

And when he wasn't looking, I quickly wiped the tears away that had threatened to fall, before catching Eddie's intense gaze.

He knew.

And later on that night, I asked the question that was threatening to burst out of me.

"What did she say to you?" I asked, as we lay together in the dark of my room.

"She said that she was Miss Vanessa Ives, and that she wanted you to know that she was at peace knowing that her sister... that you had finally found happiness and love. She gave us her blessing." He said, as I smiled happily.

"I already knew it was her though. There was no mistaking it." He said.

"Such a beautiful lady." He added.

"Oh god, she was." I said, in agreement.

"I'm hoping she doesn't hear this, but your beauty is beyond compare." He said, sounding mischievous.

"I wasn't offended." I said.

"No I know that. But I meant it either way." He said, chuckling softly.

"I love you, sweetheart. I'll love you forever, you know." He said, as he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

He kissed me and pressed his face into my hair, sighing softly.

"I'll love you forever, sweet boy. You can be sure of that." I replied, with certainty.


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