Little Talks - A Draco Malfoy...

By PaisleyH_Writes

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!!!INCOMPLETE AND UNDER HEAVY EDITING!!! "My heart beats differently when you walk in." Faris Marchande comes... More



38 1 2
By PaisleyH_Writes

There was sobbing from Professor Snape's office and it was no surprise when a girl came running out with tears streaming down her red face.

"Good God," Snape mumbled when he came out of his office with a scroll of parchment, violently scratching off a name. "Lilianne Alcott?" He called. A red-haired Slytherin stood and strutted past him into his office.

"That man does not get paid enough," Draco puffed with a small shake of his head.

"Why don't you tell your father that?" Faris joked, resting her head on his shoulder. "He may be able to change that."

"Ouch," he pouted.

"What job are you going to tell Snape about?"

Draco was quiet for a minute but his fingers lazily moved up and down her arm in a caress. He didn't really care. " . . . Maybe an Auror?" He suggested with a dull face.

Faris almost snorted but held herself back, "Really? That's very time-consuming."

He made a grim look, "Maybe not then. An alchemist? Maybe I'll go out for a big Quidditch team?"

She nodded along, "That seems more suitable for you. I think you would hate being an Auror you'd always be away from home, and you'd never have a break."

Draco smirked, "I think you don't want me to be an Auror."

She gaped at him and lifted her head from his shoulder. "That- that is not true! Your future is completely up to you."

"You don't want me to be away from you so much," he chuckled, tapping the tip of her nose.


"It's true. You don't need to waste your breath." She released a frustrated sigh and lightly swiped at his arm. "Now, it's not nice to hit the one you love, I would like an apology," he pouted, putting a finger under her chin, guiding her face to his.

"Va te faire foutre."

He tossed his head back and laughed loudly, some of the surrounding Slytherins glared at him, but he only snorted. Faris couldn't help but smile.

Draco cleared his throat, a small smile still stuck on his face, "Are you sure about going to school tomorrow?"

She furrowed her brows for a moment, that was a sudden change in demeanor. "Uh yeah, I'm sure. Mum wouldn't want me holed up in my dorm over her, probably."

"Alright, if you say so."

"I'll be fine."

Draco opened his mouth to protest, to have her skip another day of school just one more time, but Professor Snape flung his office door open and Lilianne Alcott came flooding out, her hands fisted at her sides.

"Faris Marchande."

"Won't have the energy to go to classes after this degrading meeting," he mumbled, releasing her hand.

She rolled her eyes with a small smile and walked into his office. He slammed the door behind him, making her jump.

He sat down behind his desk and shuffled through a few of his papers. Faris mindlessly looked around his office, the bottled creatures, and dusty books covering his shelves.

"Well, sit down. I have many . . . many other students to speak with," he muttered, looking at her as if she had two heads. Swiftly, she sat down. "This meeting is to talk over any career ideas you might have and to help you decide which subjects you need to take should you continue into sixth and seventh years."

Clearly, he had been saying the same thing over and over again to each student.

"Have you given any thought toward what you would like to do after you leave Hogwarts?" He drawled.

Faris knew very well that Snape would not like her idea of a job after Hogwarts, it had nothing to do with magic and therefore, according to him, would be a waste of her magical abilities.

"Well," she started, clearing her throat. "People are depending on me to take over the bridal company my mum owns, so I'm going to go into fashion."

"That's deplorable. More than half of those brides won't last in marriage . . . You should consider something that isn't so time-sensitive," He spat.

"I've never had much of a desire to work in the wizarding world. Working with my mom is something I've always wanted to do, and now it has become an obligation." Snape rolled his eyes and began to scribble furiously on his paper. She sat up straight in her chair and slightly leaned forward to try and get a peek at what he was writing but his arm shielded the paper.

"You might want to consider an Astronomer . . . You are taking Astronomy and Divination?"

"I am, it's just not something that I would consider as a career."

Snape's lip curled in disgust, "What classes do you see yourself taking next year if they are just deemed useless in the scheme of things."

"I was just going to take Astronomy and Divination again, possibly, advanced potions . . ." It was for the sake of her mum. He scribbled on his parchment once again and then looked up at her, folding his hands on top of the desk.

"This concludes your career meeting, you may leave." Soundlessly, they both left the room and Snape called another 5th year into his office. Draco couldn't help but chuckle when she sat down next to him.

"That was quick. What'd he say?"

"He said that my idea for a job was deplorable and that half of the brides that I would sell dresses to would get divorced."

Draco snorted, "Sorry he was so rough."

"I saw it coming," she shrugged, leaning into his arms.


"This week we will be focusing on learning the vanishing spell. By next Monday I expect half a roll of parchment on the spell, earliest usage, wand motion, and the objects you used the spell on."

Half a roll of parchment was next to nothing compared to the other assignments they'd been given. Some teachers had gotten a bit lazy with homework, others were unmerciful. The O.W.L.S were approaching quickly and teachers were stuck in their offices grading extra homework while students were stuck in the library studying. The bloody first years had it easier.

"I will sort you into partnerships of two. Remember to show respect to your partner," she reminded, eyeing a few specific people in the classroom. "Mister Potter you go with Miss Granger and . . . Mister Malfoy and Mister Thomas."

Draco left his seat after giving Faris's hand a small squeeze, she smiled.

"Miss Patil and Miss Johnson, Miss Marchande and Mister Longbottom . . ."

Neville left his table to sit at the back with Faris, she smiled and gave him a small wave. They had never really talked before, he seemed nice though, and shy. She remembered seeing him at the Yule Ball with a red-headed girl, he seemed confident in his dancing, unlike anything else.

Neville acknowledged her by giving her a tight-lipped smile, he wasn't thrilled with the match.

"Miss Parkinson and Mister Montague. Have I missed anyone?" The old woman smiled in satisfaction. "Good. Now, open your books to page eighty-three. Follow the instructions on the board, you may start."

"Alright, Neville, do you want to go first?" She asked, shifting in her chair to face him.

"Sure," he shrugged and he picked up his wand. He followed the wand motion on the board and a couple of tries before the apple perched on the front of the desk began to turn misty.

The board said to help your partner when you could, and that's exactly what Faris did. She made suggestions on how to perform the spell, to which he only muttered under his breath.

Faris's eyes moved to the front of the classroom where Draco was sitting with Dean Thomas, they seemed to be getting along just fine. Why was Neville being so rude to her? They'd never talked before. There wasn't anything he could hold over her head.

It was only for a week, she could push through that.

"So, you and Malfoy are a thing, huh?"

"Uh yeah," her lips quirked down at the sudden question.

Neville scoffed.

"What is your problem? I've been nothing but nice to you," Faris sputtered.

"You're stupid boyfriend is my problem."

"Well, you're not partnered with him, are you? No, you're not, you're stuck with me and you're acting childish!"

"And you're probably just as bad."

Her stomach dipped and words were clawing at the back of her throat, begging to be said and to be sprayed in his face like poison. But that wouldn't help her case. She never considered Draco to be a bad person, he was so far from it when he was around her. Sure, he was rude sometimes and a little hot-headed but everyone had their moments.

She chose not to say anything instead. She ignored him and started practicing the spell. Draco eyed her carefully from his spot at the front and his brows furrowed.

Draco tilted his head at her as if to ask what was wrong and she subtly nodded toward the long-faced boy beside her. His jaw clenched.

When it was Neville's turn again, he flicked his wand in confusion, she didn't want to help him.

"Have you tried saying the spell louder? A bit clearer?" She would be the bigger person.

That's called rising above it, my love. She could almost hear Draco say that.

Neville reluctantly spoke louder and the mist intensified, he rolled his eyes.

She didn't care if he hated her, as long as he had a good reason that is. But he didn't have one. He hated Draco and apparently all of Draco's close companions even if he hadn't spoken to some of them.

Less than an hour later the bell rang and Neville made a quick getaway from her. Faris took her time to pack up for the end of the day, being in Transfiguration was boring, being in Transfiguration with Neville was exhausting.

Draco noticed how slow she was packing up and he helped her. He carefully eyed her while rolling up her parchment, there was no emotion on her face.

She slung her bag over her shoulder and trudged out of the classroom. Draco was right behind her and put an arm around her shoulders.

"What did he do?"

"He's a jackass," she grumbled. "I thought he would be really nice, he's always seemed that way. He would roll his eyes every time I opened my mouth to speak."

Draco's face contorted into one of disgust and he rolled his tongue along the inside of his cheek.

"I don't even know what I did," she sighed frustratedly. "This is the first time we've talked and he asked me if you and I were an item. I told him we were and he seemed utterly disgusted-"

"Damn, I just thought he was annoying-"

"Oh, there's more," Faris said exasperatedly. "I asked him what his deal was and he said it was you! I told him he was being childish and he said that I was just as bad as you! I didn't know what to say to that!"

He stopped her in the middle of the corridor and pulled her outside to the courtyard where he sat her down on a bench.

"Because you aren't a bad person and I hate that people think that!" She breathed heavily and she seemed close to screaming. "It's so far from the truth and things always get twisted."

"I don't care if people talk shit about me," he chuckled, taking her bag from her shoulder. "But if they get you involved that's different, I don't want anyone to ever speak an ill word about you, and if they do I never want you to hear it."

Faris froze under his burning gaze, and when she met his silver eyes she knew immediately he sincerely meant every word he said.

"Do you want me to say anything to him?"

It took Faris a minute to register what he said, "Um . . . No, thank you- you don't need to do that. It's just for a week anyways."

Draco nodded and kissed the back of her hand.


Draco was patrolling the hallways that evening; he wasn't supposed to be looking for students yet, there was still a good twenty minutes until students had to be in their dorms. He was to give warnings in the meantime.

He'd reluctantly left Faris in her dorm, he would pick staying in with her over his prefect duties in a heartbeat. But, she had forced him into going. She still seemed upset over what Neville had said, and it bothered Draco, she already had enough to deal with. The stupid bloke didn't need to make her feel worse.

For a while, before Draco left for his duty, they talked about career and advice and how Snape almost bit Faris's head off over her career choice.

Draco had played it safe and told the greasy-haired professor that he wanted to be a quidditch player or an alchemist. He seemed pleased with the latter.

A door closed and suddenly Neville was turning the corner, a book in hand. The brunette appeared to be clueless that he wasn't alone.

His blood boiled at the sight of Neville, he shoved aside what Faris had told him earlier about confronting him; He didn't give a damn, no one talked to her that way.

"HEY!" Draco yelled, his blood was thrumming in his veins, and his fists were clenching and unclenching at his sides.

Neville stopped in his tracks and seemed to cower away when he saw who it was in the darkness of the corridor.

"Where are you coming from?" Draco asked, cornering him, casually sticking his fists in his pockets.

"The library. It's not past curfew yet, I've still got a few minutes."

"Yeah, well, that's not what I'm talking to you about."

Neville's brows furrowed.

Draco leaned against the wall and asked in an odd friendly manner, "I want to know what you said to Faris earlier."

Neville seemed to tense and an unsteady breath tore from his mouth, "You already know though, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. And I'll be honest with you, I wasn't too happy with what I heard." Draco pushed off the wall with a small pout and started walking toward Neville. "Now you're too scared to even own up to what you said to her."

He didn't say anything to that, it was useless now because Draco was mad.

"Here's what's gonna happen," Draco began, stalking closer to Neville, "You are going to apologize to her, and you are going to be kind to her, okay?"

Neville nodded.

His reply wasn't good enough for Draco though. Draco grabbed Neville's collar and shoved him into the wall, "What are you going to do?"

Neville gulped, and choked on his breath, "I'll apologize and-" He coughed from the impact of the wall, "be nicer."

"Good. You can say whatever shit you want about me, I don't give a damn. But if you ever speak an ill word of her I will fucking rip your throat out. If you ever degrade her or belittle her I will kill you, got it?"

Neville urgently nodded and Draco dropped his collar, adjusting his own.

"You have five minutes to get to your common room." 

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