By aFrickenGod

65.3K 1.9K 240

Y/n was best friends with Aang before and after he was announced the Avatar. She was later made his personal... More

The Girl
The Southern Water Tribe
Not The First Time Being Banished
Prince Firecracker
Jerky-Flavoured Fire
And Then There Was Two
The People Of Kyoshi
Boy Vs Women
Starting Fires
King Of Omashu
Bon Voyage
Who Would Have Thought
Bunk Beds With The Enemy
Sort Of Going To Plan
Yin Yang
Eat The Rich
Drama Rama
Kidnapping The Blind Girl
The Tragic Backstory
The Elements And Aang
To The Library
Truly Desperate
The Fire Nation Really Thought
The War In Ba Sing Se
The Tale of Y/n
The Useless Man's Power
And The Flying Bison Returns
Crystal Cave
With a Heavy Heart
Wrap Around
Hello, Zuko Here
The Late Night Talking
Boiling Rock Tingz
Voluntary Jail Time

Party Hardy

992 34 9
By aFrickenGod

"Gone?! What do you mean she's gone!? Gone where?!" Aang yelled in disbelief as Katara told him where y/n was.

"We don't know." She couldn't look him in the eye, she just had her eye on the book she left behind. "She threw this at us before she left and...from reading it, she meant it."

Aang quickly took the book, and opened it. He constantly see y/n with this exact book in her hands, writing in it all the time. He was forever curious, but he didn't dare to look through her stuff.

...anyways, Appa took the four of us to the air temple today. Those two water tribe siblings were right, there is a war and it ended everything to do with Air-Nomad's. My culture and everything I know is gone. All that's left is me, Aang, Appa and a little lemur we found. (We named him Momo). 

I'd hate to say it, but, I'm almost relieved. The monks and nuns were on my ass for weeks, they wanted to banish me. I'd be the first banish nomad in history. They tell me I'm a 'waste of potential' and a 'threat to their peaceful home', but I only protected myself from harm. This world is cruel...

"I...I never knew the monks wanted to banish her. She never told me about any of this..." Aang says, looking up at Katara.

"She never told any of us." Sokka sighs, looking out across the waters edge. "We all read what she did to almost get a banishment...what that guy did to her was sickening, but that was only the start of it all."

Aang read on, following lines of y/n blaming herself for things she had no control over, blaming herself for every tiny flaw in life. Aang felt stupid when he read how every time, without fail, somehow he always forgets her.

"They read it aloud..." Toph says, in the corner of the room. "We didn't appreciate her enough, and now she's gone."

"No, we have to get her back, she'll come back-" Aang closed the book and looked determined, but Katara picked it up again and flipped through it.

"I really don't think she wants to come back." She turned the page around and gave it to Aang.

I did it again. And this time, I fucked up. Azula and all of the Dai Lee were trying to kill Aang and Katara, no matter what I did, more just kept coming. And Zuko, don't even get me started on that traitor, he's chosen his side, I don't care for him anymore.

And I won't. I can't.

Aang died tonight. His heart stopped, he wasn't moving nor breathing, he was gone. And I couldn't do anything. Katara saved his life, and for that I will forever be grateful. Even as I'm writing this I can see how much pain he's in, just sleeping. I watched him fall, I watched his get struck by a bolt of lightning and I stood on the ground, useless.

I can't do it anymore. He's just a 12 year old kid with the weight of the world and a huge war on his back, and I can't bring him down to my level. Which is why I'm leaving. I'm leaving and I'm not coming back.

I'll go far away, for enough where I won't bother anyone. I not even meant to be alive, by pure luck I went on that secret night-time flight with Aang and Appa and just happened to make it out alive. When I'm far away, I'll do what I was meant to do all those years ago.

I'm going to do everyone a favour, and just die already.

"What!?" Aang never stood up so fast in his life. "No! Wait, maybe we can stop her, no this is fake!"


"No! She's not just some random girl who got lucky enough to look after me, she my sister! Biological or not, she's been there for me for almost my whole life! She's done everything for me! I'm the Avatar and I'm meant to save people! I can save her!"

"Aang, she wrote this the day we left Ba Sing Se, that was weeks ago!"


All eyes were on the Avatar as he stood with his shoulders hunched together. "'s not true..."

"Oh Aang" Katara stood up and gave the boy a hug. Sokka and Toph soon joined, all of them with a knowing feeling that someone was missing from it.

Week 1:

I was supposed to be dead by now.

That was the only thing you could think as you snuck around the fire nation ship. For the last few days you have been destroying fire nation ships from the inside by killing each of the soldiers or throwing them over board. So far, you've taken down 13.

It started when one of the ships caught you the day you ran away. They were going to take you to Ozai, but you had other plans.

All these ships were heading out to Ba Sing Se to fully capture it. You could only hope the people inside were as safe as they could be. As you snapped the neck of a soldier without alerting the other one a few feet away, you wondered how Iroh was doing.

Soon, you finished with the captain, and the ship was finished. You could now move on to the next one. As you jumped off the boat with your glider, your hair went everywhere. It's grown a lot since the last time you cut it. You no long had curtain bangs, so nothing was hiding your arrow. You like the length, so you would keep that but just cut some bangs to hide your arrow.

So when you reached the next island, you walked into a shop, stole some scissors and hacked away at your hair until something came from it. It truely didn't look bad, it hid your arrow and bangs always suited your face.

As you threw your hair away, you heard your stomach roar for something to eat.

"Alright, alright, no need to practice a whale call." You scoffed to yourself as you walked out the bathroom, finding some place with food. You had money with you, but only enough for two more meals, so you would save it for that.

The only placed on the whole island with an open food place, was a mediocre sized building with loud, poly kind of music. When you walked in, everything screamed in your face for you to leave, the fire nation helmet that were just laying around were a big yell as well, but food was food.

You ordered and sat down as you waited, watching the woman who was singing. The people on the dance floor were moving in a very child unfriendly way. Some were leaving without the ability to keep their hand off the other person's body. You knew exactly what they were leaving upstairs to do. The nuns and monks told everyone a year before they would become of marriage age what happens on a wedding night, however, you assume in the last 100 years, people don't usually wait for wedding nights anymore.

Your food came, and you ate like a pig, finishing it quickly and chugging your drink to wash it down. A group of men looked displeased with you, so you burped loudly in their direction. As you patted your face down with a napkin, you couldn't help but notice the singer walking in your direction.

She had a little dress on that was riding up her leg and incredibly tight on her, you were surprised she could move. She was still singing as she danced in front of you, the people around the place cheering her on. With your jaw on the floor, she checked you out as she drew her fingers along the sleeves of your clothes. As she was finishing her song, she suddenly whipped her head down on you and started to violently make out with you. You were in utter shock.

She pulled back with a smile on her face and smudged lipstick that you could only assume as smudged all over you. The crowd around cheered, and went back to their food, drinks or partners as you just tried to process what just happened.

The monks and nuns made sure everyone was okay to be themselves, so homosexuality wasn't ever an issue with you. But the fact she just pranced on you and made out with you, without knowing your name, or anything about you shocked you. She always made out with you, so that was shocking enough.

"Don't worry, the singers do it every night. Her names Wionn, she only picks out the people she finds attractive." An old man next to you says. "Consider yourself lucky."

What kind of place is this?

You stayed to figure out that answer. When everyone else had left and the waitress and waiters were cleaning everything up, you were still sitting on the stupid couch. The band and the singer were packing everything up and moving them out to the back.

"Uh, excuse me." You spoke up to the woman named Wionn, she turned and looked at you.

"Sorry, darling, I don't know if you know, but policy says I only go as far as kissing, nothing special after." She laughs and waves you off.

"Oh no, that's not, I'm not here for that." You shake your head, "I...just -what kind of place is this?"

She looked you up and down. "This is a club. A bar. A night off from the cunt of a wife, disappointing husband and ungrateful kids...just a moment, how old are you?"

"I'm...16." You don't bother adding the extra 100 years, but her jaw still drops.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't think you were that young. I mean, it ain't illegal, but still." She apologised and bows. "Your quite mature for your age, in the least creepiest way I can say that."

"It's fine, not like it's my first." And just like that, you opened yourself up to a long night.

Without ever mentioning you being an air-bending or the Avatar's protector, you told the whole story of why you were running away and ended up venting about Zuko as well. Wionn took your side completely and seemed like a really nice woman.

"We'll shit, if your that desperate for money, you can work here for a while, we're looking for a few new faces." Wionn suggests and your not sure how to take it. "It's not that bad, you just sing and you just have to kiss one pretty person a night and everyone's happy. Earns the most on the island."

So, for that week you earn your money by singing some random songs and kissing people. There was 4 singers all together. Wionn was the manger of the place, then there was Yuni who was Wionn's right hand girl, she's been working with her for years and by far she is the most insane and wild person you've met, with most people she kisses, she goes upstairs with them to earn more money, but only she does that. Bevo is the other girl, she's actually really smart and studying for a job in the military, but to earn a spot she gotta earn some money. Klynn is the last girl, and she has a small habit of picket pocketing customers of raw money. 

Together, they were the four horsemen of the business. Owner, Sexy, Smart and Thief. In the short time you worked their, you learnt something from all of them. But alas, the fire- action solider numbers kept growing and you had to move on.

Week 2:

You had spent the last night in a cave. You were getting closer and closer to the fire nation centre. You would take out as many soldiers as you could along the way. And with the money you got from working, you had to survive for a while. Your air bending clothes were a little too noticeable so you had to steal from one of the houses on the out skirts.

It was just the simple red top with long flimsy sleeves compared to the tight cropped top it was. It ran down to the pants in an 'X' formation. The pants were parachuted with something that looks like a skirt on top, but it really wasn't a skirt. It felt like a big step away from air nomad stuff, but this was fire nation, and this was the usual thing for them.

On the island you were staying at, had a school and a prison. You did the first of two things, get yourself into that school and destroy it from the inside out. You changed grades, drew on the walls and managed to change the rest of the curriculum in just one night. The next you did more, on the third day you actually enrolled yourself into the school and tried to get the realisation of that the war the fire nation was promoting really wasn't as great as it was.

On the fourth day, you pushed yourself a little further and set half the prisoners loose. Only the ones who were fighting against the war or in the prison for wrong reasons. Everything went down in chaos and you felt rather pleased with yourself when you left.

Over the course of the next few weeks, you followed this routine and did it daily. Aang could use the help of some fire nation villages at flaw. And the more soliders you took out, the less he'd have to deal with. Eventually, you found yourself on another island. It was called Ember Island or something, and it was quite popular for tourists at any time of the year. You've heard a lot about it, so you went to check it out, but as you walked along the black sanded beaches and admired the violently aggressive game of volleyball from afar, you figured out that there wasn't much of any kind of prison or school to shut down. There weren't many solider either, just a bunch of citizens.

One building did catch your eye. Off by a secluded beach,, there was a museum you wanted to check out. So, you waited until the cover of night to intrude in on it. You broke in as you jumped over the wall and you found yourself in a courtyard. It was a strange place as it didn't look much like a museum. There was photos and paintings of the current royal family. 

Zuko never actually spoke about his mother to you, but she was a beautiful woman. When you look down on Zuko's small little face, you saw how he didn't have his scar. 

Stop, no, don't feel pity for him. You turned quickly and moved on. As you looked at more and more photos, you soon realised that this place wasn't a museum, but some kind of royal family beach house. You explored a little more, but got bored so you headed back to the courtyard to leave.

Zuko was walking towards a photo. You froze and quickly hid behind a plant, so he wasn't to see you. You watched as he stared at a photo for quick some kind, holding some sort of clay thing in his hand. He burnt the photo and dropped the clay thing after putting his hand to it before he dramatically walked off.

Still dramatic I see....

You waited for him to fully leave the area before slowly coming out of your hiding place and moving towards the door, picking up the clay thing he dropped on the ground. It was a baby's hand imprinted on it. By your best guess, it was Zuko's hand when he just recently born. You placed it on a little mantle nearby and turned your head over to the burning picture.

You did nothing to it when you left back the way you came.

Week 3:

You were on another island now. This one had a kids school, a miniature prison and a lot of scams going on in the central part of the town. It was also closer to the main island, so a lot more soldiers.

You were making your way towards some dingy foo bar when you had to double take on one of the wanted posters just outside it. It was of a nasty looking girl and labelled her as 'The Runaway'. The hair, the description of the girl all lead you to believe it was Toph doing her tomfoolery. And if Toph was on a fire-nation island, then that meant Aang was here as well.

You ripped the poster off the wall and hid behind a dumpster in an alleyway and you stared at it. You couldn't believe your eyes. It had barely been a month, and yet you some how walked right into Aang and everyone else again. However, you couldn't help but feel relieved that Aang was okay. 

"God, I have to get off this island." You groaned as you slapped your face in your hands.

"Whose there?" You froze at the sound of Sokka's voice. "...I swear I heard someone."

You really hand to get off this island. Sokka didn't dare himself to walk into the alleyway, so he turned and left back to base where everyone was hiding so he could tell Toph about the posters. Once you were sure he was gone, you shot out of the alleyway and ran back to your cave so you could get out of here.

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