You're safe with us

By Cloey2017

10.2K 280 20

Carina and Maya take in a 14 year old girl, who has taken part in a studdy program funded by the Cathrine-Fox... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapters 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Not an update
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

523 15 0
By Cloey2017

Tw: injury, talk about rape and SA

Carina texted Maya to come meet her at Grey-Sloan if possible and that Kathy had opened up a little and needed their help. Maya hadn't texted back, so Carina assumed she was on a call. Maybe she would join them. Carina felt like she needed the support.

"Okay, Bella. I'll help you get up." Kathy nodded and leaned heavily onto Carina. "Ready?"Kathy nodded . "Okay. Just breathe."

While driving Carina rubbed Kathys hand softly and talked to her. Kathy felt slightly better, after the pain meds. "Carina, i am scared." "I know, bella. It will be okay." Kathy tried to believe her.

At the hospital Carina helped Kathy up to her department and pages Jo. "I paged Dr. Willson. She is my resident. She is an OB like me and a general surgeon. She can help." "Will you stay?" "Yes, bella. I am not leaving you." Kathy nodded. "Its so weird. I have been okay, alone for so long, but i already feel panik rise, if i think you would leave." "Its, because you haven't been comforted in very long. I assume your mom isn't very affectionete, too." "No. Not since my dad died." Kathy felt very uncomfortable. Carina sat down on the gurney next to her and put her arm around the little brunette. "Close you eyes." Kathy did. Carina pulled her close and rocked her slightly. Kathy smiled slightly. She felt save.

Jo did test on Kathy and diagnosed her with a light rupture in her liver, that got infected and a broken rib. She also had a UTI and swelling and bruising all over her vaginal area. The admitted her to monitor the infection, it was very close to having become septic, and put her on antibiotics. Carina stayed with Kathy even when the teen had fallen asleep. She looked through her phone. Kathy was 13 a minor. It was legal for another adult to take her in, if a doctor or social worker has serious worries about her savety at home. Well Kathy was supposed to stay with Maya and Carina for the next few months anyway so, she was safe for now. After a certain time, because she already is 13, she will be placed in a grouphome. 13 year olds rarely get places in fosterfamilys.

Someone knocked on the door. "Hey." Maya wispered. Carina saw her and just broke down crying. Maya wrapped her arms around her and held her tightly. "Its alright, my love." "Nothing is alright. He was supposed to take care of her. He was supposed to love her like a daughter. Its really terrible, Maya. The bruising and everything. He broke her rips and ruptured her liver. She is really sick." "I know." Maya looked at the monitor next to the sleeping little girl. She still had a themperature of 103,2. She was moving alot in her sleep, probably dreaming. Maya rubbed Carinas back. "It took me back to..." Carina broke. "I know. ." Carina nodded.

Maya sighed. "me too." Maya said silently." "I am so sorry, Bambina." "I am working through it with Diane. It hurts. But maybe it helps that at the time i was convinced i wanted it?" "Stop that Maya. Don't try to talk it down. You were violently pressured into it that is not concent. Absolutly not." "Yeah."

"I was 17. I was at a friends party, i was drunk and the brother of the birthday girls mother, who was supposed to supervise the party, took me to a spare room, because i wasn't okay anymore. I was frustrated, because of my dad and i drank too much. He pretended to be sweet and want to help me and when we were alone, he took my clothes of and just.." Maya nodded. "I couldn't do anything, i was not able to fend for myself or scream, because i was so out of it. I wonder why i remember this night so vividly, i was so drunk, but trauma is weird." "You don't have to prove you tryed to get out. I am sire you did everything, but even if you just layed there and did nothing its rape. And i am so sorry, my love." "I too, work through it in therapy. It helps. It will always hurt, but it gets better." "Yeah. Thats right. We just have to help her believe that."

Kathy stirred more and screamed. "No. Get off. Stopp it. Don't hurt me, you are hurting me." Carina rubbed over her arm and talked to her. "Hey, Bella Wake up. Wake up, its a nightmare. You are safe." Kathy opened her eyes and began gasping for air. Carina strapped an oxygenmask around her and rubbed her arm. "Its okay, bella. You're okay. You are save." Kathy calmed down and her heartrate went down aswell. "I'm sorry." "Its okay." Maya said and took Kathys other hand. "Wanna talk about it?" "Its the same as always. He comes to my room, he ties me to the bed.. When he is done, he just leaves." "I am so sorry, bella." "I just want to stop thinking about it. I don't want to think about it." She cryed. Carina stroked over her hair. "It will get better, trust me." "It hurts for a long time, but it gets better." Maya said. "You both been...raped, too?" They nodded. "Wow, trauma really finds eachother." Kathy joked. "I'm sorry. I use humor to cope." "its okay. Everyone is different."

"I am scared." Kathy said, after some silent resting next to eachother. "I will loose my place in the programm, woun't i? And i'll have to go back. It will be much worse." "You will never get back. Does your mom know, what your stepdad did?" "I told her when it started. But she just laughed and after that he was so rough and said i shouldn't tell anyone, he'd kill me. I was scared." "Okay. Bella, He is not going to get you. You are safe." Carina saw Kathy paniking again.

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