Do you really love me Alpha K...

By Theycallme7

100K 3.3K 286

Irisa Charing. Nothing interesting, nothing exciting, nothing familiar about the name. A good girl. Apart fro... More

The family
Henderson's Next Top Model
Tears, tears, and more tears.
Pack up
An uninvited guest
2 Months Later
Back so soon
Trust Issues
The big reveal
Merry Christmas
Meet and Greet
Welcome to your new home
Welcome back
The great escape
Love is like a battlefield
Bang, bang
Keep it real

First date drama

3K 101 20
By Theycallme7

Hello everyone. How is it going? Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just got the newest Selection book. It's called The Heir and I finished it in about a day. I would also like to point out that if you like this book then you should read my other book The Assassin and the Alpha. Any questions/ queries personal message me, comment or email me on




Jordy xx


Irisa's POV

I looked through my closet. I couldn't find anything. I had quite a lot of clothes but I needed something that would look at least a little bit nice. I finally decided that I would have to just wear a floor length dress I had, hopefully it was formal enough.

I quickly slipped into the outfit and began doing some makeup. I don't think Tristan has ever seen me without makeup. And I planned to keep it that way. Victoria was still away somewhere so I had the whole room to myself. It also meant that she wasn't being really creepy all the time. It was currently 3 o'clock and Tristan wasn't picking me up until 5. I guess that I had gotten ready a bit to early.

I sat down on my bed and went on my phone. I sat on Instagram and looked through Tristan's profile. He had 70 thousand followers and I'm guessing most of them were from the female population. I flicked through his photos and I was right. Some of the comments were appalling.

OMG you're so hot!! <3

Wish guys like this lived where I'm from. *sad face*

Will you marry me? *ring emoji*

I want to be the bun to that man's sandwich.

I gagged at the last one, like really. Is that how low people think of themselves that they are that willing to just give themselves away to someone who they don't even know.

I decided to comment something of my own on one of my favorite photos of him.

Looking good!!!!

I thought, why not. I was bored and I do weird things when I'm bored. I went back to scrolling through my feed when I got a notification. I pressed it and it was of Tristan answering to my comment. I let out a loud laugh as I noticed the winking emoji that he had placed. Very soon after someone knocked on my door. I stood up and limped over to the door.

I opened it to see Hale, the guy from across the hall.

"Hi Hale." I greeted as I opened the door.

"Hello to you too. Someone seems to be going out somewhere nice."He said looking down at my dress.

"Yeah, Tristan is taking me out somewhere." I said nodding.

"So, you're probably wondering what I'm doing here. I was going to ask if you wanted to get some drinks with me and the guys but it seems you are a bit tied up." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm not legal anyway." I said and he seemed rather shocked.

"Oh, right. Forgot about that. Um, see you soon." He said smiling before turning around and going into his room. I let out a sigh and closed the door. I knew that he wanted to say something else but he didn't.


There was a knock on the door and I knew this time that it would be Tristan. I hobbled towards the door and opened it to see who I was expecting this time. I looked up at him and gave him a smile before letting him in.

"You look ravishing." He said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You don't look to bad yourself." I said turning around in his arms. He was wearing a dress shirt and pants, and he looked good. I slipped out of his arms to grab my bag and chair. I turned around towards him and began wheeling away until I was in the hallway.

"Ready?" I asked as he kindly shut the door for me.

"Ready when you are." He stated and came behind me, pushing my chair into the awaiting elevator.

"So where are we going tonight?" I asked. He gave me a smug smile before chuckling.

"You'll have to be patient." He said and I let out a groan.

"It is very mean to leave a girl waiting, Tristan Henderson." I said looking at him and he just smiled.

"Well then I'll be a cruel man." He said and began pushing me towards the car park. We made our way towards the car and soon enough we were making our way towards the surprise date.


"Table for two please under Henderson." Tristan said as we came up to the restaurant. I don't think I'd ever been to a restaurant this nice in all my life. I think it was Italian and its name was La bellezza del piatto. According to Tristan it meant The Beauty of the dish.

I don't know about the name but the rest of the restaurant looked absolutely amazing. The waiter escorted us towards a table that sat in the corner of the restaurant. I looked out the window and you could see the entire city, it was absolutely amazing.

"It's so beautiful." I said quietly looking out the window at the dazzling lights of the city.

"I knew you would like it. You have to book a week early to get seats here." When he said that I turned and gaped at him.

"You booked the seats when I first met you?" I asked.

"Yep, as soon as I saw you I knew that I wanted to ask you out so I went and booked this place and the corner seat especially." He said and gave me an award winning smile. I couldn't help but blush. That was such a sweet thing to say. It definitely wasn't what I was expecting.

"Would you like to order?" I was interrupted from my thoughts by the waiter coming over. I looked over at Tristan who was already looking down at his menu. I looked down at mine and scanned the list. It all looked very good and very expensive. One of the pizzas was a hundred dollars. Tristan must have seen my wide eyes because he put his hand on mine and whispered very softly,

"Don't worry, get what you want I'm paying." I gave him a smile and continued to look through the menu.

"I'll have the buffalo mozzarella, tomato and basil pizza and a peroni beer please." Tristan said calmly to the waiter who scribbled it down.

"And you ma'am?" He asked and I had a quick look over to make sure I got what I wanted.

"Can I please have the Spinach and feta fettuccine and a coke please?" I asked him and he scribbled that down as well. We both handed him our menus and he took them carefully.

"Your drinks will be out soon." He said and we gave him a nod before he sped away to give our orders to the chef. I continued looking out the window as we sat in a comfortable silence. It was so peaceful just having a rest from the chaos of life. I felt Tristan stroke my hand as he held it across the table. I turned back to him just as our drinks arrived. I took a sip of my coke before saying what I had to say.

"Um, so next weekend my parents funeral is going to happen and I was wondering if you wanted to come, but I understand if you don't want to come because you don't know them." I said and waited for an answer.

"If you can tell me what day and time I'll be able to come. I need to be there for you, because I know it is going to be a tough day for you." He said and I nodded. He was so kind and caring, he always said the right words that just made me feel so special. This one was a keeper.


Unknown's POV

They think that they are so happy. Living the life of a Disney movie, the prince sweeping the girl that no one notices off her feet. I think it is rather pathetic. What is it with those dogs? They think they are so superior, especially the Henderson family, man do I have some words for them.

They are stupid, the are unworthy and soon enough... dead. It makes me happy every time I hear it. Soon enough I won't have to worry about them. We know their weak spot, and soon enough that one person will be away from it and we can target the others. It will be an easy job. They were always so trusting.

They would trust someone as long as they said they were so. Little did they know they could be staring the devil in the face.

Jessamine learnt about that the hard way. I had no reason to call her her formal name, she didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve a lot of things actually. She's lucky that she only came away with a couple of scars. She deserved much worse.

Then there were her children. Six, nearly seven, of them. With that amount they are much more easy to target and pick off... one, by one. Such a foolish mistake on their part. But I guess I should be thanking them. I have thanked the Henderson family for a lot while I've been on this torturous planet. But I've also had a lot of reasons to kill them all and their stupid packs.

I would not leave where I am until my mother's life is avenged and me and my father get our revenge. I have forever to do it, and I would make sure I did.They think they know everything about pain but they know nothing. I have trained my whole life to make sure that I'm the best of the best and that none of them would be able to defeat me. So they better watch out.

Hold onto your little mates dogs,

Because I'm coming.

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