Written Agreement (Kid x Read...

By MasclaraReign

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You're a Charlotte while he's a crackhead---I mean he's a Eustass. You were doing just fine and had a great c... More

C1: Married To A Redhead
Chapter 2: Annoying
Chapter 3: Plan
Chapter 4: VIP Room
C5: First Report
C 6: Written Agreement History
C7: What If's
C8: Scratchmen Apoo
C9: Punishment Day
C10: Lunch Date?
C11: Liar
C12: Dinner Disaster
C13: Betrayals
C15: CafΓ©
C16: Gift
C17: Heat
C18: Conscience
C19: It Ended So Fast
Author's BS
C20: Lost
C21: Brawl
C22: Meeting
C23: Shattered
C24: Papers
C25: Clarification
C26: Visit
C27: Last Race
Author's BS
Final Chapter
Your Comment

C14: Bonney

377 15 13
By MasclaraReign

It took some time before Kid made an appointment for you and Bonney.

At the Eustass building lobby, one of their employees assisted you to wait there. They keep asking you from time to time for anything that you might need or like while you wait.

"Boss Kid wanted to make sure you don't get irritated while you wait." the employee said which made no sense to you for all you know is that Kid loves irritating the shit out of you most of the time.

"It's okay. You can go back to what you're doing. I'll be alright, don't worry." You smiled as they smiled back and let you have your alone time at the lobby.

While waiting on a sunny morning, you decided to scroll on your phone to check your lists of things to do for the following days.

Being on the phone, you didn't notice Kid and Bonney has already arrived at the entrance.

"She looks hotter in person." Bonney whispered while they were walking towards you.

"Hey." Kid warned, not liking the way she said it.

"A lot of guys and maybe gays must be into her."


"Oh my gosh, I might ev--"

"Will you shut the fuck up, Bonney?!" Kid hissed lowly, not wanting to catch your attention while they approach you from a distance. "That's my wife you're talking about."

"By paper. Your wife on a piece of paper." Bonney corrected. "I never heard you saying you love her, Kid. Pffft."

She stopped on her tracks while Kid did too after few steps ahead of her. He turned to look at his companion, wondering why she stopped walking.

"Let me guess, Kid..." Bonney trailed with a growing smirk painted on her feature. "You never told her the words 'I love you, y/n' not even in your wedding day, am I right?"

Kid frowned, trying to recall but even if his memory is not that sharp, he cannot deny the fact that Bonney was right.

"This is an arranged marriage for business and all that matter is the written agreement and our loyalty to one another. That's all she have to know." Kid said.

"HAHAHA, loyalty? Then why you're always calling me? Where's the trust and loyalty to that? Oh right, how can it exist if you two cannot even get along with one another?"

Kid gritted his teeth as all the reasoning in his head became clouded. His mouth formed into a snarl while staring at Bonney. He knew Bonney is just messing with him but her statement is also true.

Bonney glanced over to your direction while you're oblivious to their presence near you. "Ahh, poor Y/N. But as long as our mouths are shut, you have everything under control." Bonney giggled a little then skipped joyfully towards you, leaving Kid behind.

"Hi." A lovely lady voice filled the silence that made you turn to its direction. Your eyes landed on the pink haired woman that you keep seeing on Morgans' report. She's tall with pearly skin, grin so wide with warm purple eyes looking back at you.

"You look prettier in person." Your mouth spelled the words that was in your head without a second thought.

"Hmm?" Bonney wondered what you meant by your statement.

"W-well I mean, you look prettier than the photos that Kid showed me." You said as an alibi.

Her mouth fell in 'o', accepting your words.

"I'm Bonney, Kid told me about your suspicions." Bonney said frankly but she's smiling.

Your body ran cold yet your cheeks turned red from embarrassment. You weren't aware that Kid told her about your suspicions. Now that you can confirm she's not a third party, it made you feel like the bad person for thinking such thing. What can you do, those were the reports given to you.

"I--" Your mouth fell ajar as you curse Kid in your head.

Bonney took your hand and grinned while shaking it.

"Hey, it's cool, Y/N. Sorry to cause misunderstanding between you and your husband. You see, he's like a brother to me."

The warmth radiating from her made you at ease but not completely.

"I'm sorry for thinking such thing of you, Bonney." You smiled with embarrassment.

"If I'm being honest, you're far more attractive than Kid. If I were to choose, I'd choose you HAHAHA." Bonney giggled and shocked you with a hug like a long lost friend.

Kid grabbed Bonney's shirt from behind then peeled her off away from you. The lady didn't mind and just laughed it off.

"Jeeeeez, Kid's so je--"

"Y/n, this is Bonney. Bonney, that's Y/N, my wife." Kid cut her off immediately

When she leaned back, she invited you to accompany her on a new pizza house in town, ignoring Kid's disapproval look. Feeling the need to know her more, you didn't hesitate to go with her, leaving the red head behind with just a small bye.

Reaching the said pizza house, she ordered a lot. That explains the numbers of plates you've seen in the pictures before. Bonney insisted to order the same numbers for you but you told her that you might not be able to take everything in.

" I was informed about the tension in the Eustass mansion. You really suggested divorcing Kid just because of false accusation?" Bonney said. You felt a little uncomfortable to discuss the matter with her because the issue involved her.

"Yes but umm, it wasn't just because of that. There are other matters too." You said. She hummed as she finishes here third plate before speaking again.

" You do know you'll be punished by the Written Agreement if you were the first to file a divorce even without violating anything, right? That's what your mom wrote on the end of the agreement if I wasn't mistaking."

"You know about our Written Agreement?"

She only nodded as an answer.

"Of course, you are their close friend." You said.

"So why did you want to file and sacrifice half of your property? You said there are other matters aside from mistaking me as Kid's other woman." She insisted on hearing more of your story.

"I...hmm, because I thought he's tired of being with me. Of course, I am tired too but I was putting his sake first. I thought he'd be happy if I give up our marriage and half of my property as part of business." You explained. Bonney stared at you for a while as if waiting for more information.

"Is that all? No other reasonnnnnn?" She motioned her spoon circular, encouraging you to speak more.

"If you think it's because of another man, then no. I don't have another man, Kid is enough headache to me." You said softly. You heard her muffled giggle so you lifted your gaze on her. You asked why she found your statement funny but she said it's nothing. She diverted the topic into some other things, telling you a little history of what she knows about your husband.

Having the time with her, she informed you about her arrival at the city because Kid needed her service for something. It wasn't clear what it was but you didn't give much attention to its detail, thinking it's just one of Kid's work. That also explains how the Eustass brothers knew her but the following personal story made you want to listen more about them, about him.

"Your husband is surely short-tempered since we were young. Guess he never changed at all huh."

"Mmmaybe, but to be honest, he's less annoying these past weeks."

"Oh, that's a good sign."


"Of him showing more of his good side, Kid is only nice and caring to his brothers. He's not used to showing his good side and maybe it has etched to his life even when they have reached a stable life."

You learned that Kid had a rough time during their childhood compared to yours. They didn't grow from a wealthy family and Kid's parents died from an accident before Killer could graduate from college.

Killer ended up having to stand for them and Kid has to be by his side too while studying because Heat and Wire were always catching illnesses due to the location of their home. A location where even the government would not want to visit or fix it.

Their surroundings was not always kind to them. No one supported them, not even their neighbors or their relatives. They only have the four of them.

Kid's way of earning money involved illegal races at his age of 15. Killer didn't like what he was doing and said he can earn just enough for them but Kid always sneaks out whenever there's a race. He knew his brother also needs money because college is extremely expensive despite having a college loan.

"Oh, check this out." Bonney quickly pulled her phone from her pocket then scrolled a little before showing the screen to you.

By the looks of it, it's an old photo album that was taken another shot from her phone. In the picture, it was Killer, Wire, Heat and Kid in their younger days. Killer, Wire, and Heat are carrying Kid horizontally while he's carrying a trophy. You can tell Killer is exhausted, Wire and Heat looks a little unhealthy with those dark eyebags but the joy in their faces is just bright as the shiny trophy that their youngest brother achieved.

"That is Kid's first legal trophy. By the word legal, that was his first starting point to race in a legal field."

"They...they really look so happy and inseparable." You smiled while returning the phone to her.

"Really inseparable brothers. I was really amazed to know he agreed to live with you instead of you moving into their mansion." Bonney said.

"Do you think...he would've been happy if I let him go back to his brothers or if I move in with him? Would it at least make our situation better?" You really wanted to know how you and Kid could get along. He might not have feelings for you but if you could make things lighter, maybe it could make the situation a little easier. Well, that's what you believe.

"That's not for me to answer, sweetheart." Bonney said.


It's already around 10 pm when you got home. Passing by the living room to go upstairs, you noticed the television was on but no one is there. Walking closer to turn it off, the red head came into view. Kid is currently asleep on the couch with the remote on one hand.

You noticed he's still wearing his clothes from earlier. There was no smell of alcohol so the guy must've been so tired to sleep here with the tv on. You walked around and kneeled close to him as you try to pat him lightly.

"Kid..." You said softly, not wanting to startle him. He groaned and rubbed his face with his palm. He blinked few times to adjust his vision on his surroundings and when his eyes landed on you, his frown vanished.

"Go sleep in your room, it's uncomfortable here." You said.

"What took you so long?"

"Huh? It's not past midnight yet." You said confusingly.

"Yeah but you were with Bonney, I wasn't expecting you'll be spending too much time with her." He began to get up from the couch.

"We..." You trailed, unconsciously helping him to stand up. "...just had a lot of fun and it's refreshing to meet someone new."

Kid looked at you with a bit of disbelief written on his face. First, it was you waking him to sleep upstairs. Usually, you wouldn't dare to wake him up because of his grumpy old attitude but it wasn't the case today. Second was your soft tone. If it was weird for you when he's kind, well it's weird for him when you're speaking softly.

"I hope you're satisfied and will shut your mouth about divorce after meeting Bonney " Kid said.

"I'll be honest, Eustass--"

"You're a Eustass too."

"Whatever, I'll be honest with you, Kid. I'm still skeptical about everything but thank you for letting me meet Bonney."

"Hmm, I know you'd say that. It doesn't matter as long as I did my part and don't mention divorce without any concrete evidence against me." He said as he opens his door.

Before he could enter, you called for his attention. There is just something that you wanted to be clarified at once.

"Hey Kid, question."

"Go on."

"Have you ever thought of going back to your mansion?"

He turned to look at you, tilting his head to the side, as if he heard something unpleasant.

"What kind of question is that? It's like another way of saying you want me out of your house." He furrowed his thin brows.

"Bonney said you and your brothers are inseparable. So, I was thinking maybe one of the reason why we can't get along is because...you hated it here."

One thing you've learned after knowing about Kid is humbling yourself and bringing your pride a little lower instead of snapping too easily like before. By doing so, he's more likely to follow. You were just hoping you two can find a way to lessen some triggers of arguments.

"Even if I said I want to go back, we cannot live in a separate roof because we're married." He said.

"I'm willing to go with you if it would make you happy." You said the words as quickly as possible with the hopes that it would somehow tame his anger issues. Kid raised a thin brow, giving you that unreadable look while he assess you.

In a brief moment, Kid recalled what Bonney told him earlier.

"HAHAHA, loyalty? Then why you're always calling me? Where's the trust and loyalty to that? Oh right, how can it exist if you two cannot even get along with one another?"

"You know what? You're creeping me out." Kid said.

"What? Why?"

"You're so soft spoken today, I'm not used to that." He said while barely holding his grin. You were about to speak but he hummed.

"Come here closer." Kid crossed his arms on his chest and sighed roughly as he waits for you.

"Why?" You asked.

"Just...just come here." He said patiently. He doesn't look dangerous so you approached him. But on your last step near him, he yanked you inside his room causing you to squeal. You already shouted when he pushed you on top of his bed like a ragdoll.

"What the fuck, Kid!" Your soft tone turned into a roaring lion immediately.

All he did was laugh at your red face with your slightly disheveled hair after landing on the soft cushion.

"You did that for what?!" You shouted.

"Ahh, there it is. The normal Y/N Hahahahah."

You clicked your tongue and stood immediately to head for the door but he blocked it.

"You're not taking me seriously so let me out." You demanded.

"If I take you seriously, would you stay here." He seriously asked.

"Okay, just answer me already!"

"Alright. I will be happy if I go back to the mansion but..." He trailed and held your hand as he guided you to sit on the end of the bed with him"...that means I cannot fight you anymore. Killer, Heat, Wire will probably side with you anytime."

Kid lazily plopped his upper body on the soft cushion while his feet are still on the floor. Because of a long tiring day, you did the same but laying sideways to get a good look on him.

" Seriously? That's all you're thinking about?" You said, rolling your eyes but you find it funny at the same time.

"I made my decision long ago to stay where you want to. If you're comfortable in this house, then I'll be staying here with you." He tilted his head and stares back at you for a good moment. The way he stares at you felt like a magnet that is dragging you closer to him. What he said made your heart flutter in awe and felt joyous.

The eye contact was only broken when your phone on your pocket rang loudly. Taking it out, the screen showed Cavendish's name calling which Kid saw too.

You answered the phone with a beaming smile because you haven't had a catch up with him for a while now. Kid silently cursing inside him while you were oblivious to his snarling discomfort. Even though Cavendish has been a friend to him, he can feel a slight dislike of Cavendish being close to you.

"Goodnight, Cavendish." You bid your goodbye after a small chitchats and turned off your phone.

"Cavendish? Again?" Kid said mockingly.

"Oh, I forgot to put the phone on a speaker so he can greet you." You said in a thoughtful manner.

"No need, I'm sleepy."

"Okay, I'll leave you then."

"Leave? You said you'll stay for the night. I seriously answered your damn question. " He knitted his brows as he glares at you while you blinked few times.

"I... Uh...sure, I'll just do my thing and come back here." If it was you in your previous months with him, you wouldn't even want to stay the night with him but a lot has changed now. Not a major change but you can tell.

You don't want to say it verbally but you had already admitted it to yourself that you wanted him to stay in your marriage. Still, you're slightly skeptical about Bonney but it's worth a try to save this marriage. You found yourself like being drawn closer and closer to Kid as if he's a magnet that attracts you each time he shows his changes of behavior.

Your feelings for him has become clear but something is making you hold it back.

'A little change by and by is better than nothing.'

Kid is already shirtless with shorts and now asleep when you came back. You carefully dipped on his side to avoid waking him up but your soul almost left you when he spoke.

"Took you long enough."

"The hell, you're gonna give me a heart attack." You breathe in roughly as you lay down beside him. Kid chuckled lazily but his eyes are still closed when he scooted close to you.

You two barely had this occasion to sleep next to each other but you felt comfortable already with how close he is. There was no uneasiness nor discomfort feeling and same goes for him.

"Hey..." he called you attention.


"Can...can I hold you like a pillow."

Your eyes went wide on him but his eyes were close while his cheeks are red.

"A-as long as your hands won't crawl a-anywhere." You stuttered as your cheeks matches his.

"What am I? A pervert?" He chuckled again. He scooted then placed an arm around your waist. With a swift motion, he pulled you up until your head rested on top of his chest.

You hesitated to place a hand around him but still managed to do so.

With the silence enveloping the room, you took in a breath and had found yourself relaxing so fast like it's been normal to be this cozy with him.

All your hopes on a good marriage rose again high above the sky. You smiled to yourself and thought...

'Maybe , he really needed time to change and that time is right now. Maybe...it's safe to open myself to him without worrying too much of my fragile heart. Is it safe ?'


In a private area of the city, a green haired man has been arguing with his companion.

"Cabbage, if someone ever finds out you're making a move without consent, you're gonna be in big trouble."

"Oh shut up Bartolomeo. You and I are the only one who knows what I'm about to do. If someone finds out, that means you're a snitch!" Cavendish drank what's left of the wine bottle. Bartolomeo lunged at him to snatch the bottle but he was too late, it's already empty.

" I'm not a snitch! But you're gonna be in public, of course there are lots of possibilities that someone will see you with her."

"I don't care, I--"

"Know your place, Cavendish!"

The blond instantly glared Bartolomeo upon hearing those words. He grabbed his collar as he snarls.

"Who are you to tell me that." Cavendish hissed.

"A friend." Bartolomeo's serious stare didn't faze. Cavendish let go of him harshly then turned his back on the green head.

"Once you do something out of the original plan, it might expose us and we'll have the Eustass and the Charlotte catching our tail."

"I don't care, you can just leave the city if that shit happens." Cavendish answered.

"By the word 'expose' means Y/N will know who you really are." Bartolomeo shot back. Cavendish paused a moment then brushed his hair with his fingers out of frustration.

"I don't want to ruin her." Cavendish spoke lowly and almost desperate this time.

"There's nothing we can do if Y/N falls into the trap but you can do something. Shut up and stick to the plan without going against the client's request. If Y/N falls into the trap, you can catch her after this assignment is done, ONLY if you conceal yourself."

Cavendish remained silent as he stares at the window. Bartolomeo got tired of reprimanding his friend and decided to leave him. Before closing the door, he spoke one last time.

"But if you fail to conceal your hidden agenda, I doubt Y/N will ever forgive you even if she considers you as a friend."

I hope you enjoyed this long chapter with everyone having their own secrets around Y/N.

Another thing, thank you for adding, reading, commenting and voting this book. Have a great month!

Written date: May 04, 2023

Twitter: @Masclara17
Tiktok: @masclara17
Youtube: Masclara
Facebook: Mas Clara

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